Home and Away 8287 26th June 2024-n

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hey, Marley, why do you need to find your brother so urgently?
00:11Should you be talking to the police?
00:12I'm not going to do that.
00:13Why not?
00:14It's complicated, Bree.
00:15Did you recognize any of the attackers?
00:17Do you know who stabbed Levi?
00:20No, I don't, sorry.
00:22I'm getting nowhere fast with this investigation.
00:24I know something's going on, but why won't anyone talk to me?
00:29Do you remember the names of any of these people?
00:31I was a bit busy getting stabbed.
00:33They did seem to know a looker in the eye pretty well.
00:36I just need you to downplay the connection between the Allens and my brother.
00:39Not going to happen.
00:40If the Allens find out that the cops are after him, who knows what they'll do to him?
00:44What if it was your brother?
00:45I cannot believe he's putting me in this position right now.
00:48Everything okay?
00:49Someone, help!
00:50Grab the resource trolley, let's get some oxygen.
00:56We should talk about what happened.
00:59We thought I was going to prison, and the last time I kissed you, you made your feelings
01:02very clear.
01:03Can we just forget that night ever happened and just be friends?
01:07Friends, right.
01:08Uppercuts, let's go!
01:09You're going in hard, I like it.
01:10Go down, switch the crosses.
01:11Good energy.
01:12What's motivating you today?
01:13Burning some stress.
01:14Anything in particular?
01:15Doesn't matter.
01:16All right, let's go.
01:17I'm going to get you.
01:18I'm going to get you.
01:19I'm going to get you.
01:20I'm going to get you.
01:21I'm going to get you.
01:22I'm going to get you.
01:23I'm going to get you.
01:24I'm going to get you.
01:25I'm going to get you.
01:26I'm going to get you.
01:27I'm going to get you.
01:28All right, in time.
01:29Take a break.
01:30Have you sent John your proposal for the youth program yet?
01:33Oh, I still need to beef it up a bit before submitting.
01:35Any chance you could take another look at it?
01:37Oh, when?
01:39I want to get things started ASAP.
01:41OK, I've got some time.
01:55Hey, eyes on me.
01:56Break's over.
01:58Give me ten jump squats.
01:59Let's go.
02:02I need that x-ray now.
02:03Let's give him ten litres via the re-breathing.
02:05Can you check that the drain hasn't occluded?
02:08What's the x-ray for?
02:09What's going on?
02:10There's air in his peritoneal cavity.
02:11OK, what does that mean, though?
02:12It means there could be a perforation.
02:13We need to get him to theatre now.
02:15Is he going to be all right?
02:16Mac, Mac, I'm sorry.
02:17We need to move.
02:24Oh, I like this.
02:26The site talks about goal setting and self-esteem.
02:28You think that'll be good to add?
02:30Sure, you can quote that in the proposal.
02:33Though I think you should talk specifically about who you see in the programme.
02:38Well, any kid who needs it.
02:40OK, but what does that look like?
02:42Foster kids?
02:43Homeless kids?
02:44Anyone who falls in the too hard basket.
02:47Like they've messed up, wound up on probation.
02:50Right, so they might require juvenile diversion programmes.
02:56Those can be difficult kids to take on.
02:59They're really tough.
03:00I'm tough, too.
03:02I've had a few cases where it's been a struggle to find a way to connect.
03:06Well, what's the point of something like this?
03:08To break down those walls.
03:10Yeah, I guess so.
03:11Besides, I can tell them I've been there, too.
03:13I've been in trouble, I've been lost.
03:16All right, well, that's your focus, then.
03:22Am I kidding myself?
03:26Do you think I can pull this off?
03:28Tell me, honestly.
03:29If anyone can, it's you.
03:34Well, I'm lucky to have you on board.
03:43You're a legend for helping me.
03:44Oh, I'm happy to.
03:45It's great to see how invested you are in this.
03:47Now's your chance.
03:48I'll leave you to it.
03:49Come with me.
03:50No, this is your thing.
03:52It's practically yours now, too.
03:57Hey, John.
03:58Hey, hey, hang on a minute.
04:00Please don't tell me you've got a problem with the plumbing in the gym.
04:02No, no, we wanted to talk to you about the youth program.
04:05Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:06I'm keen to see your proposal.
04:07All right, good.
04:08Well, I'm just fixing it up now.
04:09Yeah, well, you pop it on my desk when you're done,
04:11and I'll have a look at it when I can.
04:12I've got a million things on today.
04:14I kind of want to get the ball rolling.
04:15Maybe I can just talk you through it.
04:16Not now, mate.
04:17I've got a tradie waiting outside to deal with some blocked drains,
04:20and he's charging like a wounded bull.
04:23I can talk to you after that, then.
04:24No, there's a way these things are done.
04:27First, you hand in your written submission,
04:29and then I put it on the agenda for the next committee meeting.
04:32OK, OK, I've got it.
04:35All right, we need to tidy up the document before printing,
04:37put it in a folder, make it look more professional.
04:39What do you think?
04:40It might take a bit more time, but it'll be worth it.
04:43You go ahead.
04:44I've actually got some other work to do.
04:46Oh, I thought you were free today.
04:48Yeah, sorry.
04:49Oh, it's cool.
04:50If you're busy, you're busy.
04:53We'll figure it out.
04:56Honey, wait.
04:58I can help.
05:06Um, Mac.
05:10I have Levi's statement here ready to sign.
05:11I'm hoping you're ready to give yours.
05:13What's happened?
05:14It's Levi.
05:15He was fine, and then he crashed, and I just...
05:18Oh, I'm so sorry.
05:20I cannot believe Marley has brought all this trouble to us.
05:22Is that what he wanted to talk to you about before,
05:24when I was interviewing Levi?
05:27How is he?
05:30They've just taken him into surgery.
05:31You said something about, um, air.
05:33What did that mean?
05:34So the knife must have made a small tear in his stomach space,
05:36and that's what I've had the air in.
05:38How long will he be in surgery?
05:40That'll depend on what they find.
05:42Brie, is this my fault?
05:44No, not at all.
05:46He wouldn't even be here without you.
05:49Hey, um, I know things between Levi and his sister aren't great,
05:53but has anyone like Eden know what's going on?
05:55I've been so cool.
05:58That's OK.
05:59I can be very cool.
06:00No, you know what?
06:01I could do it.
06:02I should do it.
06:03It should be me.
06:04I'll do it.
06:06What is wrong with you?
06:08Can't you just relax?
06:10Just lying down in the middle of the day,
06:12doing absolutely nothing.
06:13Feels wrong.
06:15You're wrong.
06:16We could go home if you like.
06:17What am I going to do then?
06:18Hey, I'm going to go for a walk.
06:20Have fun.
06:36I mean, what am I going to do with my life?
06:38That's what this restlessness is about.
06:40Pretty much.
06:41Don't get me wrong, baby.
06:42I love being here with you, but I need a job.
06:46And at the risk of getting my head bitten off,
06:48I'm not the only one, am I?
06:50It's not like I haven't been looking.
06:52I'm not having a go at you.
06:54Reality sucks.
06:56Reality sucks.
07:01I don't blame you for not taking the salt gig with Flick.
07:05I just think that we need to start thinking about what comes next.
07:11I don't see one.
07:14Whatever it is, I don't want to know about it.
07:17My ruin, a gorgeous day.
07:19We could go and have an early lunch.
07:21Ooh, at Salt?
07:22Takeaway only.
07:23That could be working.
07:25I don't want to talk to her on the phone.
07:27I do not want to risk seeing her in person.
07:29It's your call.
07:31My call stands.
07:35Thank you.
07:39Yes, Alf, I will distribute the minutes of the AGM
07:42right after I've done the rosters for the lifeguards.
07:45Hey, hey, hey, will you relax?
07:47Just chill out and enjoy the fishing at Miranda's, OK?
07:50I can take it from here.
07:52All right.
07:53See you, mate.
07:55Cranky old...
08:24No, no, no, no, no.
08:35Do you think John's ready yet?
08:37I don't know, he seemed pretty busy.
08:39In fact, I should get going myself.
08:41Maybe I should get you to do the pitches for the committee.
08:43Probably a better option than me.
08:45What makes you think that?
08:47Well, you're a good communicator.
08:49Oh, I don't know about that.
08:51I bet you're in the school debating scene.
08:53Shut up.
08:54Ha, I knew it.
08:56So at least throw me some tips or something.
08:59Well, start with why this is important to you.
09:02Just talk to the committee no different to the way you talk to me.
09:06OK, Tane, where did you get the idea for the programme?
09:10From counselling.
09:12And what was your takeaway from counselling?
09:15Everyone there had a story.
09:17They were from foster care, juvie, bad homes.
09:24And it got me thinking about how lucky I was growing up.
09:27It's not like you had it easy.
09:29Yeah, but I grew up with my brothers, my whānau.
09:32We had each other.
09:34And if we lost our way, even with the support of family,
09:39what chance do these kids have?
09:47OK, great, let's go.
09:53Could you not sneak up on people?
09:55Have you read the proposal yet?
09:57I told you, I barely had time to scratch myself.
10:00Could you do it now? It's not a big read.
10:02I'll get to it when I can.
10:12Oh, I am starving.
10:14Oh, well, we could have got our food a lot sooner
10:16if you let us eat at Salt instead of the diner.
10:18Not worth the risk.
10:19You know, you could always get a job at Salt if you wanted to.
10:22Oh, yeah, cos it's not enough that I live with Felicity,
10:24I've got to work with her as well.
10:25Yeah, true.
10:27OK, so, what are you going to do?
10:30Any chance of you going back to the security company?
10:34No, I don't think I'll ever get a job as a personal bodyguard again.
10:37OK, so you've got to think right outside the box.
10:41Make a whole new career.
10:47She's calling you now.
10:48Just believe her.
10:49She's not calling for no reason.
10:51Hey, Mac.
10:53Yep, Eden's with me.
10:57I'll let her know.
11:01What does she want?
11:03Our Levi's at the hospital.
11:04Oh, great.
11:05He's started his new job.
11:06Why do I care?
11:07As a patient.
11:13Thanks for shouting lunch.
11:14You didn't have to do that.
11:15It's the least I could do.
11:16I derailed your day.
11:18I'm invested now.
11:19You've completely sold me.
11:21Couldn't sell John, though.
11:23Couldn't sell John, though.
11:25Did you get the feeling he was dodging us?
11:28He seems pretty under the pump.
11:30With Roo and Alf away, he's holding down the fort all on his own.
11:34I guess.
11:36Hey, we've written a solid proposal.
11:38You've got the pitch all ready to go.
11:40Yeah, but he's not willing to hear it.
11:42Well, that's the next step.
11:43Make him hear it.
11:47You're right.
11:48I know.
11:51Thanks for having my back.
12:00You alright?
12:02Yeah, fine.
12:05I'm gonna go find John, see if I can nail him down for a check.
12:18Should I even be here?
12:20Why would you say that?
12:22I can't leave Lebo out of my life.
12:24Hey, he's your brother.
12:25He's been attacked.
12:26You're allowed to care.
12:37You see Lebo?
12:38I know where he is.
12:39He's up on the second floor.
12:40Thank you.
12:41Um, maybe give me a few minutes' time with him?
12:47See ya.
12:50She okay?
12:53You know what happened to Levi?
12:54Some thugs broke into the house and he and Mackenzie walked in on them.
12:57What, you reckon it was a break-in in a gone wrong?
12:59Kind of.
13:00I'm pretty sure they were there for Marley's brother.
13:02What's Marley got to say about that?
13:04I haven't interviewed him yet.
13:06What do we know about the thugs then?
13:07Have they got form?
13:08No, I can't talk about the details of an active investigation.
13:10Oh, yeah.
13:11Yeah, sorry.
13:13I got carried away.
13:14Trust me, I wish I could run it by you.
13:17Miss not having you to bounce off.
13:19I like the problem-solving part of the job.
13:21Be careful what you wish for.
13:23Right now, leads are thin and I keep hitting human brick walls.
13:26Give me a night and have my witnesses shut down.
13:29I'm gonna go check on Eden and Levi.
13:31Good luck.
13:36Tell me you miss me
13:39I'll probably believe it
13:42In time
13:49Tell me you're leaving
13:51And you're gonna mess around
13:54To get me off your mind
14:00Tell me if you loved me
14:03Why'd you let me go?
14:06I clearly was replaceable
14:09Your heart is made of stone
14:12Are you going in?
14:15I'm sure it's fine.
14:21Max got it covered.
14:23That doesn't mean that you can't be here too.
14:27He's alive.
14:30Being taken care of, that's...
14:32That's all I need to know.
14:51You keep popping up out of nowhere.
14:53Have you looked at that proposal yet?
14:55Like I said, I'm kind of busy.
14:57Yeah, I figured that.
14:58So why don't I just talk you through it, eh?
14:59Look, I can't right now.
15:01Conditions have changed,
15:02and these flags aren't gonna move themselves.
15:04Alright, no worries.
15:06We can talk along the way.
15:09Always wanted to ride in this thing.
15:11Yeah, well, hang on,
15:12because it could get bumpy.
15:18It must have been really hard to see him like that.
15:20Yeah, but he's gonna be okay.
15:23And we don't have to worry about running into Mac.
15:27I can't believe I'm about to say this, but...
15:30Say what?
15:31I think she really loves him.
15:36Seeing her with him, it just...
15:39It changed things for you.
15:42If she really loves him, I...
15:44I can't blame her for that.
15:47Does this mean you'll be forgiving Levi too?
15:49I wouldn't go that far.
15:50That's a bit different.
15:51He's hurt.
15:52Yeah, but he's got his girlfriend there,
15:53he doesn't need me.
15:54Anyway, I have got you.
15:57Yeah, you do.
15:58Okay, you wanna head home and do job stuff?
16:00We don't have to do that right now if you don't want to.
16:02It's not gonna sort itself out.
16:12Something's not right.
16:13Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
16:14Do you wanna go check on her?
16:15I'll walk home.
16:18Yeah, yeah.
16:19It'll clear my mind.
16:31Not like you to be polishing a bar stool
16:33in the middle of the day and on your own.
16:35I don't even recognise myself at the moment.
16:40What's going on?
16:42Let's not go there.
16:44How about I buy you a drink
16:45and we can talk about anything else?
16:52How's Levi?
16:53Good, good.
16:54The surgery was a success.
16:56He's awake now.
16:58Listen, I need him to sign his statement
16:59if you think he's up to it.
17:01Yeah, I guess.
17:02But he'll be tired, so make it quick.
17:15Brie says you're doing great.
17:17I like to keep the doctors on their toes.
17:20Well, you've definitely done that.
17:23How are you feeling?
17:25Yeah, a bit sore, but I'm lucky I'm here.
17:29Levi, if you're up to it,
17:30I need to get a signature on this statement.
17:33Yeah, sure.
17:36Mac, I need to get your statement too.
17:40Mac, what is going on?
17:44Whoever's responsible for this
17:45needs to be brought to justice
17:46regardless of how Marley and his brother are involved
17:48because I know they are.
17:55Okay, um...
17:59Marley called them the Allens.
18:01There was a woman, her name was Nat,
18:04and two brothers, Gordy and Campbell.
18:09I took our local.
18:13Thanks for hanging out.
18:15Sorry I wasn't great company.
18:17That's all good.
18:18Although, you know, you could always be
18:19a little bit less cryptic
18:20and just tell me what's going on.
18:23I don't think you really want to know,
18:25which is a shame because you're a great listener.
18:27Oh, you reckon?
18:28Yeah, how many times did I call you
18:29when you were still a cop needing help on a case?
18:31A couple of times.
18:33Well, I'm still just a phone call away.
18:35Thanks, Cash.
18:36See ya.
18:38You know, it can really make a big difference.
18:40Right, all right, I have heard you.
18:43Maybe give John a break.
18:45Yeah, that'd be nice.
18:46Okay, but you are going to read the proposal now.
18:49I've read it, okay?
18:51So, because it's never going to happen,
18:53I'm not going to take that proposal to the committee,
18:56so you need to drop it.
19:10Harper didn't say much,
19:12but I can tell that she wasn't happy.
19:15Thank you.
19:20She said that Levi is fully awake now
19:24and recovering well.
19:25That's good.
19:26Hey, that's great.
19:28It's really good of Mac to keep you in the loop.
19:30I actually texted her for the update.
19:34That's a sentence I didn't think I'd hear.
19:36I wanted to know that Levi was okay,
19:37and like I said, she's not the enemy now, so...
19:41I think that that's good for everybody.
19:43Almost like being back to normal.
19:45Well, speaking of back to normal,
19:48I might have made a decision on my career.
19:51Yeah? What is it?
19:53I want to go back to the police force.
19:56Okay. Where's this coming from?
19:59I miss it.
20:01I get that.
20:03It's where you've always belonged.
20:04I think I've just been being stubborn.
20:06You? No.
20:10I think it's a really great idea.
20:13How do we make it happen?
20:14Well, that's what I'm about to find out.
20:16What made him go cold on me?
20:18Did I push him too hard?
20:20But he was starting to dodge you before that.
20:23I wonder what got into him.
20:25So he's just not into it?
20:26Tana, it's a great idea.
20:27It's worth fighting for.
20:30We've just got to see this as a challenge to overcome.
20:34Think about what you'll be telling the kids that you're mentoring.
20:36Never give up.
20:39Okay, then we need a different strategy.
20:41How about after I finish at the gym,
20:42I can show you dinner and we can put our heads together,
20:45find a way to get John over the line
20:46and really push through until we nail this.
20:49Look, I know I'm asking a lot, but I'm so glad that I've got you.
20:52Tana, stop.
20:55I can't do this anymore.
20:56I'm sorry, but I'm done.
21:10Harper, would you slow down?
21:11Why don't you want to be involved anymore?
21:13You really can't guess.
21:14What, did I do something?
21:15You slept with me and then you acted like it meant nothing.
21:17It's just too hard.
21:21Stupid me thought that it might be something,
21:23but he doesn't feel the same way.
21:25His friendship is so important to me and now it's a train wreck.
21:28It's still really important to me.
21:30So is there any way you could push through this?
21:33I don't even think we can be friends anymore.