PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (SRIL) membukukan rugi bersih sebesar USD174,84 juta atau Rp2,81 triliun (kurs Rp16.071 per USD) pada 2023.
Angka itu susut dibandingkan 2022 yang sebesar USD395.56 juta. Sejalan dengan itu, penjualan bersih perseroan mengalami penurunan sebesar 38,02% menjadi USD325,08 juta atau Rp5,22 triliun pada 2023. Capaian itu turun 38,02% dari tahun 2022 lalu yang sebesar USD524,56 juta.
Angka itu susut dibandingkan 2022 yang sebesar USD395.56 juta. Sejalan dengan itu, penjualan bersih perseroan mengalami penurunan sebesar 38,02% menjadi USD325,08 juta atau Rp5,22 triliun pada 2023. Capaian itu turun 38,02% dari tahun 2022 lalu yang sebesar USD524,56 juta.
00:00The owner of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk will increase the domestic sales portion this year.
00:05This is done in the face of the decline of the global textile market due to the pressure of the economy.
00:15PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk or Sritex this year changed its business strategy
00:20by increasing the domestic sales portion in the face of the decline of the global textile market.
00:26Nevertheless, the management of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk admitted that this strategy
00:29has challenges from the brand of illegal import activities at a cheaper price.
00:34PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk estimated that this year,
00:37global inflation has not yet returned to the pre-COVID period
00:40and the global economy is expected to still experience pressure due to the geopolitical situation that has not improved.
00:47Therefore, PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk will conduct a review and evaluation of the business strategy carried out
00:53to ensure an effective adaptation to changes in macro and microeconomic conditions as well as geopolitics.
00:59Even though throughout 2023, Sritex managed to boost its consolidation sales to US$325 million
01:07or down 38% compared to 2022.
01:11Meanwhile, on the bottom line, Sritex recorded a net loss of US$174.8 million
01:17or down 44% compared to 2022.
01:21Sritex management assessed that macroeconomic factors such as high flow rates and inflation
01:26as well as geopolitical conditions related to the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Israeli-Palestinian war
01:30caused a decline in the demand for imported products
01:33because the global community prioritizes food and energy needs more.
01:38In addition, the disruption of shipping routes caused an increase in shipping costs
01:42due to further routes to avoid the Suez Strait.
01:51Thank you for watching