Laba Bersih SMGR Menyusut 42,1% di Semester I-2024

  • last month
PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SMGR) mencatatkan laba periode berjalan sebesar Rp503,49 miliar pada semester I-2024. Jumlah ini turun 42,1 persen dibanding capaian periode yang sama 2023 sebesar Rp891,35 miliar.

Penurunan laba tersebut sejalan dengan susutnya pendapatan perseroan di enam bulan pertama ini menjadi sebesar Rp16,41 triliun dari sebelumnya Rp17,03 triliun. Itu artinya, tergerus 3,64 persen.


00:00Indonesia Persero TBK, or SMGR, recorded a 42.1% decline in the 1st semester of 2024.
00:17The decline was accompanied by a 3.64% decrease in income.
00:23EMTN BUMN Producing Cement PT Semen Indonesia Persero TBK recorded a clean slate that can be attributed to the owner of the Indian entity worth Rp 501.47 billion throughout the first semester of 2024.
00:39The number dropped 42.1% annually compared to the 1st semester of 2023, which is worth Rp 866.23 billion.
00:49According to a financial report released on Thursday, the decline was accompanied by a 3.64% decline in annual income, which is worth Rp 16.41 trillion.
01:03The highest income was contributed by the third party, which is worth Rp 15.39 trillion, or a decline of Rp 16.07 trillion in the first semester of 2023.
01:16The income of the cement business segment in the first semester of 2024 also dropped to Rp 12.21 trillion, compared to Rp 13.02 trillion in the same year.
01:27Therefore, Semen Indonesia Group recorded an increase in the income of non-cement construction materials, to Rp 418.52 billion per month in 2024, from Rp 311.4 billion.
01:39After being reduced by various other factors, the cement production segment of this country recorded an increase before the annual income tax of Rp 713.54 billion.
01:48The number dropped compared to the first semester of 2023, which resulted in an increase before the income tax of Rp 1.3 trillion.
01:56This is a source for AIDA Action.