• 4 months ago
The Tomorrow People The Slaves Of Jedikiah 4 of 8


00:10All right, Tim. Jot me in.
00:13Jot me in, Tim.
00:17The power's been switched off.
00:18You see? I wasn't imagining it.
00:21No. Let's try Stephen.
00:23Stephen? Stephen? Stephen?
00:26Can you hear us, Stephen?
00:29Come in if you can hear us, Stephen.
00:40Have you got your crystal?
00:42Yeah. Um, in here, I think.
00:51Report, Tim.
00:54Somebody must have switched him off.
00:57Let's get back to the lab.
00:58What about Kenny?
00:59Well, there's no sense in waking him up until we've found out what's wrong with Tim.
01:06Did you follow my instructions?
01:08Gave him a quick burst of the old snake amulet.
01:10Watson, the minute you open the door, boss.
01:20Now, I want him kept under constant surveillance.
01:25I want him watched at all times.
01:27Did you bring the equipment?
01:28Ah, sorry, boss.
01:29Good. Come with me.
01:30Lefty, I want you to keep Sleeping Beauty here under constant surveillance.
01:35Watch him, stupid.
01:39This is the first time Tim's let us down.
01:42He hasn't let us down. He's not capable of going against us.
01:45Well, he could be if he was reprogrammed.
01:47He's programmed to be specifically part of us.
01:49What? It's like saying that Kenny or Stephen...
01:54What do we know about Stephen?
01:57John, you don't think he's one of those, do you?
02:00Well, he could have been a decoy to lead them to the lab.
02:03Well, they did let him escape rather easily.
02:05No, John, that's impossible. Stephen's an ordinary schoolboy.
02:08We know when and where he was born.
02:10We know where he lives.
02:11We know what schools he went to.
02:13But you even met his mother.
02:15Oh, no, John, he must be one of us. He must be.
02:17All we know is that there was a boy called Stephen Jameson.
02:20That doesn't mean that our Stephen's the same one.
02:23Or even a boy at all. Or even human.
02:26Oh, don't be ridiculous. What do you mean, not even human?
02:29Well, you've been to the planets of Austria. We all have.
02:32We know it's possible for an intelligence to exist without any physical form at all.
02:37You think that Stephen and those others are from another planet?
02:41Well, we jaunt to other worlds.
02:43We know that aliens visit our world occasionally.
02:45Yes, but this is a closed world. No aliens are supposed to come here.
02:49Well, my dad's not supposed to park on a double yellow line, but he does.
02:52John, perhaps you're right.
02:55Let's contact the Sophastians. Maybe they can help us.
02:58We can't. They don't believe in interfering in the affairs of a primitive planet.
03:02Besides, we need Tim to help us contact them.
03:04No, Carol, we're on our own.
03:07Then let's go.
03:09No, John, we can't do that.
03:11If we haven't got Tim, we'll have to jaunt it in short hops under our own power.
03:21What is this place?
03:24It's a derelict station, boss.
03:26Used to be one of the busiest places on the Underground, this did.
03:30Then they discovered this geological fault.
03:33Nothing they could do about it.
03:35So they had to close the old line and dig another one.
03:38I see.
03:40Where are them kids, though, to use this place as a front?
03:43You are quite sure there is only one entrance?
03:46Apart from the tunnels, boss.
03:48All the others have been ripped up.
03:51You have checked?
03:54First thing we did when we got here.
03:56Just like you told us.
04:00Be careful with those boxes, you fool.
04:02Do you want to ruin everything?
04:38Hey, what's that there, boss?
04:40In terms that you would understand, an interceptor.
04:44Oh, yeah?
04:45What does it intercept, then?
04:46You'll see.
04:48Ah, the principle is simple enough.
04:51The antenna here is a scanner.
04:53You select a point where it can scan an entire area,
04:56and then activate it by depressing this switch here.
05:04I want these instruments positioned and activated throughout the entire area.
05:08At all vantage points.
05:10I want every square yard of the station and its approaches covered.
05:14Now get on with it.
05:39Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
05:56Stay where you are!
06:01What the hell's going on?
06:02This fool nearly let the prisoner activate the computer!
06:06no more incompetence will be tolerated. if there are any lapses from any of you
06:10you will suffer. well come on boss. silence! tie him in that chair.
06:18have the interceptors been put in position? yeah they're in position. I want
06:22another one brought in here immediately. see to it.
06:36what happens now boss?
07:06it takes ages without Tim to give us the power.
07:17they're there boss. do you recognize them? yes I do. they must be in the lab. yeah I think
07:28you're right. what are we going to do? jaunt in and surprise them? no they'll be
07:33expecting us to do that. now we'll walk in and if there's trouble we'll jaunt out again.
07:39Stephen? Stephen are you there? no wait. they may be able to pick up our TP
08:06transmissions. you're wasting your time trying to warn them. they cannot hear you.
08:23the band soaks up your telepathic transmissions. Carol! John! look out!
08:28they cannot hear you.
08:31John! what is it? I don't know.
09:02jaunt it's a trap.
09:10they got away boss. no they've been intercepted as planned.
09:21John? John? John! replace the damaged interceptor immediately.
09:30righto. what happened to them? they're in a safe place. where? they cannot escape. where?
09:38hyperspace. come again? hyperspace. where the ex hyperspace? everywhere. no worm. oh? that
09:47fragment of time without time that lies between the end of one microsecond and
09:52the beginning of another one. that space that isn't space that lies between the
09:57curving dimensions of eternity. oh yeah? dimensions which make star travel
10:01possible, time travel possible. star travel? that is right. you're joking. I have no
10:07time to argue with you. all that guff about hyperspace. you don't believe it are you?
10:12why don't you shut your trap? he's using you and you know it. might be as well if
10:17you found out why. I said shut up or I'll send you into hyperspace.
10:27leave us. but the boy? I said leave us!
10:37reports. we expect to have assembled a complete crew within the next Earth day.
10:59three of the four subjects are within our hands. one here, two being held in hyperspatial
11:05suspension. coordinates? three four five and seven eight zero G. drift velocity? negligible
11:14in this sector. you know the risks inherent in hyperspatial suspension? of course. maintain
11:22tight contact. if we lose them we shan't have time to find replacements. acknowledged.
11:43John? Carol? Kenny? where are we? I don't know for sure but I got a pretty good idea.
11:51it was something I programmed Tim to look into a couple of weeks ago. it was the delay that started
11:56me thinking about it. what delay? well haven't you noticed? when we jaunt I mean there's always a
12:01couple of seconds delay between leaving point A and arriving at point B. haven't you ever wondered
12:06where we are or when we are during those missing two seconds? but here you mean? yes but we pass
12:12through it so quickly we don't even notice it. yes but what is it? hyperspace. but if we pass
12:21through it all the time that means that we must be able to get back doesn't it? theoretically yes.
12:29well then. I've tried it doesn't work. not without Tim to give us the power for the belt.
12:36oh I'm getting so sleepy. how do you keep my eyes open? must be one of the side effects.
12:46oh well a couple of hours sleep will do us in the arm I suppose.
12:51no no I'm sure it's like going to sleep in the snow. I'm sure it's dangerous.
13:06it's no use kid. them's good knots.
13:09John your arm! wake up and look at your arm! your arm! you're disintegrating!
13:23oh must have been some sort of optical illusion like a mirage. no it wasn't. it's one of the
13:31properties of hyperspace. disintegration? we don't belong here it's trying to reject us
13:38dissipate us. falling asleep lowers our resistance.
13:43you must not fall asleep Carol. whatever you do don't fall asleep.
14:02soon be morning won't it?
14:09morning John. morning Carol. John, Carol, Stephen can you hear me?
14:28hello Tim is everything all right? Tim? Tim come in!