The Tomorrow People Worlds Away Part 1

  • 4 months ago
The Tomorrow People Worlds Away Part 1


00:00John, Stephen, Elizabeth, I hope you realize that for the first time
00:30the existence of the tomorrow people is no longer a secret.
00:34Well, that's as may be. At least it's nice to know we've got friends in high places.
00:59Tyso's happy to be back with his family in spite of what they did to him.
01:17Well, someone's getting over there, teaching him how to jaunt.
01:20Is he managing okay?
01:21Yeah, I think he's getting the hang of it, thanks to my expert tuition, of course.
01:25Yes, of course.
01:26Don't forget to be back here in plenty of time to meet the ambassador.
01:31Okay, Tim.
01:32And bring Tyso. He ought to meet him.
01:38Is it today the ambassador comes? I'd almost forgotten.
01:40How could you forget? Tim's been going on about nothing else for the past week.
01:44I know it's important for us to be visited by someone from the Galactic Federation,
01:48but aren't you making just a bit too much of it, Tim?
01:50It is a great honour to have His Excellency Tymus Ernok Mostar visit the Earth.
01:56Sounds like three brands of Italian ice cream to me.
01:58You mustn't speak like that of the ambassador.
02:00Oh, Tim, where's your sense of humour?
02:02You are all being far too casual.
02:05His Excellency Tymus Ernok Mostar,
02:08Ambassador to the Emergent Worlds, is making his first visit to Earth.
02:13It is a milestone towards your ultimate full membership of the Federation,
02:17and a great personal honour for me.
02:20For you, Tim.
02:22Yes. This visit means a great deal to me.
02:27We had no idea. Why, Tim?
02:29I don't think you would understand. Now, shouldn't you be getting changed?
02:36Into something more suitable for greeting His Excellency.
02:40Oh, Tim, really? You'll be asking me to dust your tubes next?
02:44That would be most kind of you, George.
02:52I can do it, Steve, and I can do it properly. I learnt this morning. Watch.
03:00Ah! Tyson, you chodgy old brat!
03:02How dare you, you hearty...
03:04You tulikans and the things you teach him!
03:07Do you know what he did?
03:08He appeared out of thin air right in front of me.
03:10I thought it was old Bang himself come for me.
03:12I nearly dropped the eggs.
03:13You ought to be proud of him, Mrs Boswell. It's not everyone that can do that.
03:15Yes. Now, not so long ago,
03:17they used to be burned at the stake for doing things like that.
03:20Perhaps they are too still.
03:22Evergreen, come and help me unload the van.
03:28Don't worry about her. She'll be all right when she calms down.
03:30Yeah, I know. I've got a mother just the same.
03:33Tim, you're being very coy about the visit of this ambassador.
03:39Yes, Elizabeth. How observant of you.
03:42Oh, come on, Tim.
03:44All will be revealed in due course.
03:46Or, as the proverb says, everything comes to him who waits.
03:53Tim, you're insufferable at times.
03:58Now, that's as good as you're going to get.
04:01Now, I suppose you want me to go and put a tie on.
04:04I think it would be appropriate.
04:09This do?
04:10Yeah, fine. What is it?
04:12I'm your mother's crystal ball.
04:14Cross my palm with silver and let me gaze into my crystal ball
04:18and tell you what the future has in store.
04:20Oh, get off.
04:21Hey, can your mother really foretell into the future?
04:23Can you?
04:24Of course not.
04:25If you can't, she certainly can't.
04:26Oh, well, never mind.
04:28Yeah, it's just about the right weight.
04:30Right, watch.
04:50There, now you try.
04:53Feel it with your hands first.
04:57Now, feel it. Feel it all the time.
05:02Now, wrap your mind around it.
05:04Wrap your mind around it.
05:11Hey. Hey, too much.
05:16It's broken.
05:17That's torn it.
05:18Mumma, kill me.
05:19Yeah, well, we'll have to do something before she notices.
05:29There you are.
05:30As good as new.
05:31As good as new?
05:34It's a sort of advanced psychokinesis.
05:36Sticking molecules back together again.
05:39Simple when you know how.
05:41Evergreen, I swear to God, I'm smelling the swamp.
05:43One of my brothers.
05:44Come on.
05:49Is this sweet with your approval, Tim?
05:51Splendid, John.
05:52Thank you very much.
05:54And you look delightful also, Elizabeth.
05:58The two boys should be here by now.
06:00His Excellency will be arriving soon.
06:02The Galactic Trig have already started to transmit the transporter beam along which he will travel.
06:07Oh, no, Tim.
06:09Something terrible.
06:10What is the matter, John?
06:11We've forgotten to lay the red carpet down from the jaunting pad.
06:14It is regrettable.
06:16But I don't think there is sufficient time to obtain one now, John.
06:20I fail to see what is so amusing.
06:22It is the most unfortunate error of protocol.
06:25But perhaps His Excellency will overlook it.
06:27Ah, here come the boys now.
06:30And only just in time.
06:36Oh, no.
06:37What on earth happened to you two?
06:38You look like refugees from a rugby scrum.
06:40His brother fell in the swamp.
06:41We had to go and drag him out.
06:43Hey, what are you two all dressed up for?
06:44Oh, the Ambassador's visit.
06:46You better go and get cleaned up and changed too.
06:48We'll break Tim's heart.
06:51Information Retrieval Centre.
06:52If the Ambassador catches you dressed like that.
06:54I'm afraid it is too late.
06:57His Excellency is on his way.
06:59Oh, dear.
07:00This will be a most regrettable first impression to give him.
07:06Tim, you're playing music.
07:09The theme of the Galactic Federation.
07:12Welcome, Your Excellency Ambassador.
07:29Welcome to Earth.
07:31May I present the Tomorrow People.
07:43I am Tymos Anokmosta.
07:48Ambassador of the Galactic Federation with special responsibility for your world.
07:52I thank you for your welcome.
07:57The hand-touching ritual was appropriate for this planet.
08:01I haven't offended you in any way.
08:03I would not wish to offend.
08:04No, no, the handshake was just right.
08:07We are most pleased to have you as a guest on our planet, Your Excellency.
08:10Thank you.
08:11My attire is not too formal, is it?
08:14Well, no, not really.
08:16In fact, it's very dashing.
08:18Your Ambassador Kenny told me it was exactly right.
08:21Just what ambassadors on Earth are wearing.
08:23Yes, well, it may be a little formal, but no, no, no, it's fine, fine.
08:29I would not wish to appear out of place or conspicuous.
08:35We fell in a swamp, Your Highness.
08:38A swamp?
08:41Yes, quite.
08:44Hello, boys.
08:46Same as Tim's.
08:48He is referring to me, Your Excellency,
08:51and observing the fact that we have the same voice.
08:53Well, of course we do.
08:55You were initiated by my clone brother, Timon Anok Mantar, were you not?
08:59Yes, Excellency.
09:01Hey, wait a minute.
09:01I thought I built Tim.
09:03But with a little help and equipment from the Federation, of course.
09:05Yes, John.
09:06You did the final assembly, but I was initiated by Timon,
09:11who is clone brother to Timus.
09:13You and Tim's creator are twins?
09:16We are like twins in that we originate from the same single cell.
09:19But there are 64 of us in our clones.
09:23It's a pity they can't clone me.
09:24Why don't you put it to the Federation?
09:26It might be possible.
09:27If a person has desirable characteristics.
09:30Yes, unfortunately, he hasn't any.
09:32Tim was telling us that you'd like to ask us a favour.
09:35Well, anything the Federation asks, we're willing to undertake.
09:39It must be something pretty serious to bring you all the way from the Trig.
09:42It is.
09:43But before I elaborate, I would like to see the Great Pyramid of Cheops.
09:49The Pyramid of Cheops?
09:51Yes, I think it'll be all right.
09:53It is open to tourists, isn't it?
09:56I think you're going to have to wear something a little less...
10:01Ah, yes.
10:05Oh, yes, definitely a cool town origin.
10:23Let us hang back here.
10:24I thought the pyramids were built by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
10:27Your ancient rulers may have carved their names in the stones and had themselves buried inside,
10:32but they didn't build them.
10:33Then who did?
10:34A cool town, of course, when they landed on Earth thousands of years ago.
10:38That's hard to believe.
10:40I would have found it harder to believe that they were built by ancient primitives
10:44with a few simple tools in their bare hands.
10:48Unless I am much mistaken,
10:50the apex of this pyramid will exactly bisect the land and water masses of this planet.
10:56You know, I believe I remember reading somewhere that it does.
10:58It's one of the world's great unexplained mysteries.
11:01No mystery.
11:02It was essential if the structure was to perform its function.
11:07Ah, here we are.
11:10Now I can prove it to you.
11:13This little instrument is the only thing that will deal effectively with cool town devices.
11:22Nobody coming.
11:31That's incredible.
11:42Inside, quickly, before somebody comes.
11:54A secret passage with artificial lighting.
11:57This is really quite exciting.
11:59I imagine we must be the first humans to enter this part of the pyramid for thousands of years,
12:04ever since the cool town left the Earth.
12:06Who were these cool town?
12:09I may be able to show you what they look like, if we are lucky.
12:13Come this way.
12:22Don't worry.
12:23It is just a projection.
12:29It's amazing.
12:30It's set up to guard this particular corridor.
12:32It's really quite amazing.