The Commish Season 4 Episode 8 Head Case

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 8 Head Case


01:00I used to help my kids with puzzles like this. What's wrong with me?
01:07Just concentrate on this one
01:10There's so much blue. Yeah, but there's some red on your piece
01:14Do you see any red in the puzzle
01:18Sailboat you bet
01:22Last year I couldn't have done this either
01:25Next week I'm going home
01:28Every Thanksgiving my my wife makes this amazing dinner birds so tender you can cut it with a butter knife
01:35candied yams
01:37homemade apple pie
01:42Missed the last two I'm never gonna miss another one. That's my goal
01:48What's yours
01:50Have Thanksgiving at your place
01:57Enjoyed my medications a little late. You know what? Dr. Cutler is the shock shop
02:16It's the Paris it's the pass
02:22Paris can't have ECT. He's got a pacemaker. This isn't even his chart. You gave it to him. Didn't you even check the patient?
02:35What do we tell his family
02:39Gloria he doesn't have a family
02:43I'll be an inquiry. We have to call the police
02:48We're not calling the police but I killed him
02:53It was a mistake
02:54It could happen to anyone
02:56Doctors aren't allowed mistakes and it's not fair Gloria
03:00You could go to jail for negligent homicide
03:03We'd be apart maybe forever. I
03:08Couldn't stand that my love could you
03:14We can just make this all go away
03:19Don't if you won't do it for yourself do it for me
03:25Do it for mama
03:30I depend on you
03:48Could bury
03:50Darling it can't just disappear. He's on file with the state. We have to account for the body. Oh, what should we do?
03:58He died of a heart attack you put him back in bed
04:02I'll change his chart. Let a nurse fight and wash the gel out of his ear. I
04:08Repair us was never in this room
04:25Evening is not her best time
04:28Don't pull in your collar David, but it was the only time we could make it given our schedules. No given my husband's schedule
04:36smile I
04:40Hope they're good. Sometimes people don't even look like themselves. Let's see
04:46Sarah cried the whole time David acted like he was being strangled and we never stopped zinging each other. We'll look like ourselves
05:05Stay here
05:19Excuse me, are you okay?
05:34Yeah, I'm fine
05:36This is c1
05:38We have a suspect vehicle traveling west on Greenbrier. It's a light blue four-door sedan, New York partial
05:45Henry quick Mary
05:48Cars registered to Wood Meadows psychiatric hospital. We might be dealing with an escaped mental patient. Oh, it could be worse
05:55We might be dealing with a shrink Wood Meadows an exclusive haven for the maladjusted rich a couple of hours north in Bay City
06:01It's run by a Donald and Gloria Cutler husband and wife a mom-and-pop loony bin. I'm very sensitive
06:06That's me boss Lopez and Rose made the vehicle. They're in pursuit where East Bridge Municipal Golf Course
06:22Whatever you do
06:32Stayed off the green
06:39Don't feel so bad my drives always end up here
06:57Called the hospital. They're coming down to get him. I tell you anything about this guy
07:02Leonard Fletcher age 37 used to be a hotshot lawyer. I explains what he was doing on the golf course
07:08Wife a couple of kids a real pillar of the community understand. We showed up in court two years ago wearing nothing but a tie
07:15nice tie, but
07:17Get out of here. Oh, yeah
07:23Was getting out next week, but why would he steal a car and make a break for it?
07:31Come on
07:34You have to show us it's the rules
07:36Family your family's not here pal now. Now. Come on. Let's have it Ronnie
07:41What's the problem?
07:43lack of cooperation for starters I
07:46Don't think we're gonna need these
07:54May have there
07:58It's okay
08:01It's my family I
08:03Think we can bend the rules and let mr. Fletcher hold on to this
08:07Look, we can we can talk in here. Come on
08:26Know what it's like missing your family
08:33Here they are
08:36That's my wife Jill
08:42I'm gonna see them. No home next week
08:47That's my family, um, it's my wife Rachel David and Sarah Rachel
08:55David and Sarah
08:58It's very biblical
09:06Honey can you tell me about what happened?
09:13Where were you going when you left the hospital
09:18I had to do something. Okay, Lenny. Thank you time
09:27What did you have to do
09:30Something happened
09:34Okay, something happened can you tell me what that was
09:43Help me
09:53Would you please tell Commissioner Scali that the Cutler's are here, thank you
10:02From what the commissioner said Lenny's suffering traumatic amnesia
10:06It's been over 24 hours since he was medicated without the haloperidol he'll repress the entire episode good
10:16I'm Commissioner Scali Donald Cutler my wife Gloria Lenny. We've been frantic. Well, physically he's fine
10:23But otherwise he needs help. I'm glad you're here right this way
10:32Has he shown any violent tendencies
10:35No, why?
10:37He had a fight with another patient yesterday
10:40Serious we weren't there but didn't sound serious, but they both disappeared afterward
10:46We still haven't found the second man. I repair us. Did you call the Bay City Police?
10:50Of course nothing like this has ever happened before
10:55Wasn't he scheduled to be released next week for some patients the notion of being released is in and of itself stress-inducing
11:02They feel safe at the hospital, but he seemed pretty desperate to get back to his family
11:07There could be another explanation for his running away the fight with Ira Paris might have been more serious than we thought
11:14You think Lenny could have heard him? We won't know till we find Ira
11:21The sooner he gets back to a more comfortable surrounding the better sure
11:38You were so worried about you
11:45The important thing is you're all right. I
11:49Really? I'm sorry. I
11:54We brought you some fresh clothes to wear back to the hospital
11:59So be going home this week, huh? I'm afraid not Lenny
12:14Hope you get to see your family real soon
12:26What's he doing
12:34Commissioner Scali is going to ask you some questions
12:37Honey, dr. Cutlass says you had some kind of an argument with mr. Paris. Can you tell me about that?
12:48Can you tell us how he got in the trunk of the car
12:50Can you tell us anything about mr. Paris
13:03It's all right Lenny
13:18Might open up if I spoke with him alone
13:22You understand the comfort factor, all right, I'll watch from here. Yes, you should
13:29Close your eyes and relax
13:37Very good now get a mental picture of Ira
13:42Do you have that picture
13:45Staring out that big window
13:51But he's never going home makes me sad let's change the mental picture
13:56Why are you laughing IRA hates green jello? He just hit it in his pocket
14:08Lenny you look upset is IRA doing something that makes you feel angry
14:18Yes, were you angry with him
14:26It's okay to feel angry
14:29Tell me what happened
14:31You move away from the sink
14:34The lights are almost out. I
14:36Have to brush my teeth
14:39Is that what the fight was about?
14:48You probably didn't mean to hurt him. Did you?
14:52He's dead now
14:54Yes, he is
14:57I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt him
15:13I know what he said sounds damning
15:16But remember he's still very confused
15:19Confused or not. We have a dead body in the car. He was driving and we have a confession
15:24Commissioner I've worked with this man for two years. He's a very gentle soul
15:29You'd be surprised how many gentle souls are doing time in Attica
15:34Have they determined the cause of death yet? No, we won't get the enemy's report for another day or so
15:40Paris had a pacemaker
15:42During the fight with Lenny a blow to the chest could have dislodged it
15:46Then Lenny panicked and tried to hide the body Lenny can't be held responsible if anything it was an accident
15:52You're not gonna file charges that's up to the DA in Bay City
15:57Well, what happens now?
15:59Well, I'll release them into your care a couple of my squad cars will escort you back to the hospital. Thank you
16:36Doesn't that seem excessive
16:38No, I understand. I appreciate the call. Thanks. Bye. Bye
16:43What is it?
16:45That was a Bay City DA
16:47Remember Lenny Fletcher the guy from the other night. Yeah, they're committing him indefinitely
16:53You said he killed another patient. It was an accident out a shoving match
16:58Every drunken Eastbridge gets into shoving matches. We don't lock them up indefinitely. I know but they're not mental patients
17:04He was getting out next week
17:06He was cured
17:09Now he's gone
17:11No trial no appeal the DA didn't even talk to him. He went off the doctor's report
17:17Figures worth another look. It's not my call. It's a Bay City case. I got a full plate right here. I
17:24Never thought I'd hear the phrase full plate coming from you. I
17:29Feel like I don't know like I never met the real Lenny Fletcher
17:34Like the real guy was trapped inside
17:37He looked at me like I was his last hope Rach
17:42Well, I
17:44Guess your plate just got full
17:52Lenny you look upset is Ira doing something that makes you feel angry
18:01If you get tired of that, I got the best of Tony Bennett out in the car
18:04I was hoping Lenny said something that we all missed, you know something that I could use to help Tony the guy's nuts
18:10We got a dozen real cases that need help. Will you just listen a minute? See if you can pick up anything
18:16It's okay to feel angry
18:19Tell me what happened
18:21Move away from the sink
18:24The lights are almost out. I
18:26Have to brush my teeth
18:29Is that what the fight was about?
18:33You probably didn't mean to hurt him. Did you?
18:40Doesn't it sound like Cutler's manipulating him Tony that's what shrinks do
18:44Diane's manipulated her into divorcing me. She brought up being angry having the fight and hurting Ira
18:51Lenny just went along with this. So maybe she assumes he's guilty just like we did. I
18:57Want to talk to the Cutler's again why I guess I'm the only one who hasn't made up his mind about Lenny
19:07Long as he's under control we have nothing to worry about
19:11Someone's gonna find out about this. I'll have this hanging over our heads forever forever
19:16The DA said that we can keep him here for as long as we want
19:20Nothing can touch us
19:25Dr. Cutler Commissioner Scali to see you send him to my office, please
19:36Not satisfied Lenny's done anything that should keep him locked up indefinitely really the Bay City District Attorney thought he did
19:44Wow, then he and I have different opinions
19:47Commissioner may I call you Tony?
19:51One way or the other Lenny's in no condition to leave maybe not today
19:56But as soon as he gets his medication drugs aren't magic
19:59Lenny's been traumatized. He needs time to heal. I need time to help him. I'd still like to see him
20:07He can't respond to any of your questions. I'd like to see him. Anyway, why?
20:15Might help speed up the healing process. I'll give it to him for you Tony. I'd rather do it myself Gloria
20:33I'm taking the Commissioner to see Lenny as long as I'm there. I might as well give him his droper at all
21:09Honey I brought this for you
21:15He doesn't even know who they are, why is he all doped up he was quite agitated
21:21This is in his best interest
21:23Turning him into a vegetable is not in his best interest. You're not medically qualified to make that judgment
21:28He's my patient and I want an independent evaluation by another psychiatrist
21:33That would be very detrimental to home Lenny or you I'm taking him out of here
21:39You don't have the authority the district attorney put him in my care. He's still charged with reckless driving in Eastbridge
21:45I can have him back in my jail in 24 hours
21:48Have him ready for transfer when I get back
21:52What is that what is that
21:57They drugged me me too
22:13What now
22:15We can handle this
22:18Take him to Ward 4. He's a police commissioner for God's sakes. No, he's just a patient in Ward 4
23:16Plenty help me
23:21Help me
23:40We have to do this quickly before he's missed
23:42Keeping some anonymous patient locked up is one thing but this this is no different. Did you get his car keys?
23:49He's a vile this blood and his shoes, you know what to do
23:57This has gone far enough I should have put my foot down in the beginning don't know
24:02But this started out as an accident you've turned it into conspiracy assault kidnapping Gloria
24:09This ends now
24:12You understand me
24:27All right, Donald whatever you think is best
24:55Pick up line two, it's Bay City
25:04I'm coming up there
25:06It's Tony. He's been in a car accident
25:09How is he I don't know they can't find him hi guys, where's Tony who's supposed to take me to lunch
25:40Where is he? Don't know yet detective Pantanjali Eastbridge PD. This is Rachel Scali the commissioner's wife Sergeant Warren Bay City
25:47What do you got so far? Well, we uh
25:49I'm his wife. Please just tell us
25:55Blood on the front seat steering wheeled windshield. We're taking samples. You know, what happened?
25:59We figured he was dazed and wandered off
26:02Footprints and bloodstains lead into the woods. We're putting together a search team
26:12Drive receipts pushed all the way back could have been from the impact. Hey, I want copies of all these photographs and anything else
26:21Now shut it off the tow trucks coming to get it out of here, thanks
26:26I'm gonna get somebody to drive you home
26:29Where you going?
26:30Wood Meadow Hospital, it's the last place he was seen. Well, then I'm going to all right. Well, I am going
26:44Frank Clayton state mental health
26:51Frank Clayton's here. What's he want to interview our new admit? Now? I thought we weren't going to list scally
26:57I have to report all admissions Donald. It's the law
27:01Relax, you relax. We will never convince him that a police commissioner is crazy
27:05Donald when will you learn to trust me?
27:10It's one thing about bureaucrats they always find what you tell them they're gonna find
27:16Frank he's a classic paranoid delusional. I see he's the next cop thinks he's a police commissioner and I'm a deranged killer
27:25These random hallucinations they vary his current fantasies based on that missing police commissioner from East Bridge
27:32Where's East Bridge downstate somewhere if you put this guy in INA psychotics
27:38We're still evaluating. I don't want to Medicaid till I know what I'm dealing with
27:42been busy
27:44My caseload's tripled since Albany cut the budget
27:48You know, my offer still stands. Don't tempt me half the caseload double the salary
27:57Mr. Lombardo, this is dr. Clayton from the state mental health board
28:03It's Cali, my name is Tony Scali, I'm the police commissioner of East Bridge, New York
28:12Look I know she told you I'm crazy. She's lying. Why would she do that? I
28:19See this all the time. Mr. Lombardo stress of the job
28:23Scali, my name is Anthony Scali. She's keeping me prisoner because I have evidence. She killed a patient Ira Paris
28:34Have seen the hospital's reports he died of natural causes
28:42I'd like to talk to dr. Clayton alone. I
28:47Don't mind I'll wait right outside with two orderlies
28:52She's trying to kill me
28:55It's just her. Is there anyone else her husband's in on it, too. I see they knocked me out with some kind of drug
29:03Yes, she gave you drop air at all
29:05You're agitated. I wasn't agitated
29:09Look, I know how this seems. Mr. Lombardo
29:14We're all in this together. We're all in this together
29:17I know how this seems. Mr. Lombardo. We're all trying to help you and take down this number
29:26It's my home phone it's five five five nine two seven one call my wife Rachel
29:33And ask her if I'm missing
29:37Please take down the number
29:40That was five
29:42Five five nine two seven one, please. It's one phone call
29:55All right
30:11Were right totally delusional
31:10Poor thing I can't imagine how you must feel. Thank you
31:17Donald you remember detective Pentangeli. Yes, and this is Rachel Scali Commissioner Scali's wife
31:25Yes, we heard about your husband they have some questions for us detective, how can we help
31:41Did the Commissioner get any calls while he was here I have the logbook we make a record of all incoming calls
31:51Nothing here
31:54And he didn't call anyone outgoing calls aren't monitored
31:57But I don't think he did anyone leave at the same time like they could have been following him. Mmm, not that I noticed. No, I
32:08Guess that's all for now. Thanks
32:12Listen I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family if you want to talk
32:21Thank you
33:18Any sign of him yet? No, sir. We still got this area here to cover
33:24That should have been done already. You don't have enough men here. We've got every available man out and the state troopers
33:30Anything from the lab yet
33:34How's mrs. Scali holding it, how do you think
33:42She's home now
33:48I know you're doing all you can
34:12Wish I was Sarah
34:16She doesn't even know this is happening
34:21Every policeman in the area is out there looking for him David. We should be looking too. I mean I'm going nuts is sitting around here
34:28waiting for
34:34What if he's lying hurt somewhere
34:41Everything that can be done is being done
34:44Look David
34:47Just waiting
34:49Takes the most courage of all
34:54Don't you go get the mail I'll fix some supper
35:15Family photo came
35:24Aren't you gonna open it
35:27We're gonna open it together when your dad gets back
35:34You know supper's almost ready could you go and check on Sarah
36:10Would meadow Psychiatric Institute Laura Cutler, please
36:27Paulie it's Rachel
36:36Rach did you find him yet?
36:39Sorry Rach this might be nothing but you know that music that was playing on Tony's car radio that new age junk
36:46Yeah, well he hates that stuff too. He would never play that station
36:49Yeah, but maybe he was flipping around the dial and lost control of the car
36:53I call Gloria Cutler. They play new age music at that hospital
36:58Couldn't it be a connection?
37:00I'll check it out
37:02You don't think it means anything. I don't know Rach. I think right now. We're all just grasping at straws
37:48Put him in a straight
37:54I thought we drugged his food. He must be dumping it
37:58He's too risky to keep around you want to kill him you said it yourself. We don't want this hanging over our heads
38:03All right, all right
38:08They're looking for an accident victim, we'll give him one
38:12We could stop his heart with electroconvulsive and we can inflict a head trauma and dump him in the woods
38:16He's not eating. He'll help us an autopsy. He'll turn up clean. The only questions when tonight
38:23Tonight has fewer staffer
38:29Repeat the grid search from the south. We might have missed something. There's a news release updated info another description picture
38:38Tony's five nine. That's what it says. See yeah, there's a ruler in my evidence kit get it for me. We
38:47The scale on this picture is one half inch per foot whoever made these footprints had a 29 inch stride
38:54All right. Okay. Okay. Roger. You're about Tony's height. Come here for a second. We
39:01Look I want you to just take a normal stride. All right, go ahead freeze right there
39:1223 inches. All right, that's six inches less than the guy who made these footprints
39:16But the souls master boss's shoes, so maybe somebody was wearing his shoes
39:20Whoever it was had to be closer to 6-1 that narrows it down to about a million guys
39:27All right, where's the last place we know Tony stopped the hospital
39:32Cutler Donald Cutler. He's 6-1 and I think Rachel said about the music
39:37The same music playing in Tony's car was playing at the hospital think Cutler drove the boss's car
39:41Maybe that's what a seat was pushed all the way back
39:57Know it was an accident get me on and I can help
40:18Don't let it talk you into murder
41:01Don't do this. Don't let it pull your strings man. You have totally misread the nature of our relationship
41:32Check the breaker
41:39Lenny get back to the ward before you heard someone again. They're gonna kill me just like they killed I or Paris
41:45The last time you interfered here you got someone killed. That's not true. Lenny. You didn't kill Ira Lenny get out Lenny
41:52Don't listen to her butcher. I'm ordering you get back to the ward
41:57Lenny I'm telling you right now
42:27Keep them on the ward
42:34Come on try and stop me see what happens. He's crazy. He's not crazy. Oh sure. I'm crazy
42:41I kill lots of people snap crackle pop. Come on. Try and get me, please
42:46He's a police commissioner. He won't hurt me
42:50Come on, Lenny
42:56Husband to the back
43:00Took you so long. Hey, you don't have to dress up for me. The only real lunatic here was running the place
43:06That's par for the course
43:09Hey Lenny Lenny
43:11You did real good. You saved my life
43:14You think?
43:16Let me go home now
43:18There's a pretty good chance
43:27Let's get out of here get me out of this thing. We're stuck
43:36We didn't want to open this till you got home did the proofs of our pictures Oh
43:49Look at that Sarah looks so cute. Oh, I like that one. Which one do you like?
43:58This that you bet that's my family
