Salute, le Car T ide-cel, liso-cel ora rimborsabili per mieloma multiplo e linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Nuove speranze per pazienti con malattia oncoematologica. Con una conferenza stampa a Roma Bristol Myers Squibb ha annunciato il via libera dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco alla rimborsabilità di due terapie cellulari Car T. La prima è idecabtagene vicleucel (ide-cel), indicata nel trattamento del mieloma multiplo. La seconda è lisocabtagene maraleucel indicata per il linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B, per il linfoma primitivo del mediastino a grandi cellule B e per il linfoma follicolare di grado 3B in recidiva o refrattari al trattamento dopo due o più linee di terapia sistemica.


00:00The Italian Pharmaceutical Agency has given way to the reimbursability of two cell therapies
00:09with CAR-T, Ide-Cell for the treatment of multiple myeloma and Iso-Cell for lymphoma
00:13spread to large cells B. The therapies are suitable for adult patients
00:17with recurrent and refractory disease who have already received at least three previous
00:23Ide-Cell for the treatment of multiple myeloma and Iso-Cell for lymphoma spread to large
00:30cells B. The therapies are suitable for adult patients
00:33with recurrent and refractory disease who have already received at least three previous
00:39Ide-Cell for the treatment of multiple myeloma and Iso-Cell for lymphoma spread to large
00:43cells B. The therapies are suitable for adult patients
00:46with recurrent and refractory disease who have already received at least three previous
00:52Ide-Cell today represents the only therapeutic option for patients affected by multiple myeloma
00:57who have not responded to the three first-line therapies, which have shown refractoryness
01:01to the last line of therapy and which, in the absence of treatment with Ide-Cell, would
01:05have a survival expectancy of less than a year.
01:08Having at our disposal a therapy that exceeds the resistance mechanisms, which is able to
01:16offer responses in about 80% of a population of patients who have used any other therapeutic
01:24alternative and to offer a survival expectancy of about two years with a good quality of
01:31life, because the therapy we are talking about is a therapy with a single infusion and
01:39it certainly represents a great success, but above all a great therapeutic possibility
01:46that can be offered to our patients.
01:49The new cases of lymphoma in Italy are more than 14,000 every year and the first line of
01:54treatment cures over 50% of patients. For those who, on the other hand, do not respond
01:59to the first-line therapy and are affected by the most aggressive forms of lymphoma,
02:04such as the primary form of mediastinum and the follicular form of grade 3, today LISO
02:08represents a potentially curative treatment.
02:11The revolution is precisely in this, this group of patients for whom we had extremely
02:18limited therapeutic prospects, with an almost absence of probability of healing, today
02:25they are able to obtain certainly amazing results.
02:29If we look, for example, at the study that has been done with LISO-Cell, we can see how
02:39the percentage of complete and partial remissions rises by 75%, but above all there are more
02:49than 50% of patients who obtain a complete remission. Many of these complete remissions
02:55remain permanent, thus giving the idea of ​​a definitive healing.
