Salute, Paga (Bms): "Car T terapia personalizzata ed evoluzione immunoterapia"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Le Car T, concettualmente, sono l’evoluzione dell’immunoterapia, che l’azienda sta studiando da parecchi anni partendo dai tumori solidi. L’immunoterapia ha come fondamento quello di stimolare il sistema immunitario della persona a combattere la malattia tumorale. Nel caso delle Car T, invece, la terapia è personalizzata: vengono prese le cellule del singolo paziente e ingegnerizzate per farle funzionare contro l’antigene specifico presente nella malattia del paziente”. Sono le parole di Cosimo Paga, Executive country medical director di Bristol Myers Squibb, in occasione della conferenza stampa promossa dall’azienda a Roma in occasione del via libera di Aifa alla rimborsabilità di 2 terapie Car-T in ambito oncoematologico: idecabtagene vicleucel (ide-cel) nel trattamento del mieloma multiplo e di lisocabtagene maraleucel (liso-cel) per i pazienti adulti con linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B per il mieloma multiplo. Liso-cel è inoltre indicato anche per linfoma primitivo del mediastino a grandi cellule B e linfoma follicolare di grado 3B in recidiva o refrattari al trattamento dopo due o più linee di terapia sistemica.


00:00We are here today to talk about two CAR-T, Ide-Cell and Iso-Cell, for the treatment of multiple myeloma and B-cell lymphoma.
00:13CAR-T conceptually are the evolution of immunotherapy that my company has been studying for several years, starting from solid tumors.
00:24Why the evolution of immunotherapy?
00:26Immunotherapy has as a basis to stimulate the immune system of the person to fight the tumor disease.
00:36In the case of CAR-T, instead, it is personalized, that is, the cells of the single patient are taken and engineered, a technical term,
00:46to make them work against the specific antigen present in the patient's disease.
00:53So we do a theolorized therapy for the patient.
00:57So it is immunotherapy, target by definition.
01:02The results we have had are very, very interesting.
01:09We are already able to satisfy all the requests that should arrive.
01:15As you know, since it is a complex technological process, initially there was a problem of availability of slots in relation to the request,
01:26but today we are already able to satisfy all the requests and we are also working to improve production,
01:34anticipating that the request will increase in the near future.
01:38From this point of view, we have established a very important trade agreement with Cellares,
01:44which is a company specific to the production of CAR-T and which will allow us to address all the questions that will come in the future.
01:55But we are already studying what I simply call the second-generation CAR-T,
02:01in the sense that we are identifying new antigens that are always important for the development of the disease
02:10and on which the new CAR-T will be able to interact.
02:14This, on the one hand, is the target.
02:19On the other hand, we are also developing technologies that allow us to produce many more slots in a much shorter time.
02:30All this, we must consider that only for the development of cellular therapies,
02:35the company has so far invested about 14.5 billion dollars.
