The 7:30pm News of June 25, 2024

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00It is June 25, 2024. Artificial intelligence is making inroads in Cameroon with outcomes
00:25in domains like agriculture, healthcare and education. IT specialist experts and government
00:31officials are exploiting possible ways to make AI more useful for national development.
00:38An ordinance from the head of state modifies certain provisions of the 2024 finance law
00:44with a domestic budget witnessing an increase. In this newscast, economists will answer follow-up
00:51questions. Plus, the construction of the bridge over the Lugon River connecting Bongori
00:57in Chad to Yaguar in the far north region is closest to completion and will be received
01:04in the days ahead. Those are our top stories. I am Benen Bumagana. This is the 7.30 News.
01:15A national conference on artificial intelligence has started in the nation's capital with experts
01:20discussing how artificial intelligence can be used in an efficient and responsible way in all
01:26sectors. Opening the two-day conference today in Hyundai, the Minister of Post and Telecommunication
01:32Minnet Libom Lilikeng said artificial intelligence is seen as a catalyst to emergence in Cameroon
01:38and the government is reflecting on ways to adjust policies to profit without
01:42this rapidly growing technology in the world. Beatrice Losamba reports.
01:47The artificial intelligence market is growing rapidly with technologically advanced countries
01:55taking the lead. Cameroon is concerned about bridging the gap so it will not have to depend
02:01on technologies and standards imposed by other nations. You need to sensitize the population so
02:07that they must not be afraid because everybody is talking about we are going to lose your job,
02:12you are going to have a robot. No, it's not about that. It's about to identify even in the health
02:19sector, education sector, agricultural sector, you can introduce artificial intelligence to improve
02:27what you are doing. The nation wants to use artificial intelligence and derive benefits
02:31from this new technology which 52% of businesses in the world are drawing profit from and which
02:38is estimated to grow by 29% in the year 2030. But the country's limited digital public infrastructure
02:46is a major setback. Investment in crucial infrastructure which is mainly data centers
02:53and of course telecom networks. You need a lot of data, you need a lot of bandwidth
02:59in your networks in order for you to access the servers. Experts gathered for this artificial
03:05intelligence conference in Yaoundé would reflect on how to implement strategies and create
03:11regulatory frameworks and robust ethical policies to ensure responsible use of AI. We have some
03:19need to see with philanthropists and other people what about our personal security.
03:27The government of Cameroon desires the transformation artificial intelligence brings
03:31and sees it as a catalyst to its emergence in 2035.
03:37IT engineers in Cameroon have thus noticed that artificial intelligence is making inroads in the
03:42country particularly in domains like health care, agriculture, transport and education.
03:48These experts are still burning the midnight oil to come up with solutions that embrace new
03:53technologies to make life easy for Cameroonians. Yoti Kalelisonge has been monitoring the progress
03:58and now reports. Walking the talk is a challenge IT engineers embrace,
04:05proposing ingenious solutions. In the health care domain there is Intellibra,
04:10a brazil like device that detects breast cancer. Once the lady puts on the bra like device it
04:16takes in information from her breast, transfer that information to a mobile application.
04:21On a mobile application we have a machine learning algorithm and tells you if you have breast cancer
04:27This telemedicine app that has a chatbot permits patients to share their symptoms
04:33and thanks to artificial intelligence they get a prescription.
04:37It's a melange of contemporary medicine and african pharmacopoeia.
04:40The chatbot using your previous prescription and using the data that the chatbot has on you
04:46you will give like prescription on what you should take before you go to the hospital.
04:52Simo group is working on an application that monitors traffic flow.
04:56We are building systems using AI. We are working on the technology to
05:01detect traffic management and to control it and the results will really be amazing.
05:06As far as education is concerned the visually impaired also have the possibility to broaden
05:11their horizons using AI. I am a voice chat bot designed to answer your school questions
05:17and help you with your academic tasks. Cameroon is doing a good job beginning at
05:22level of adoption of the technology. We at the university basically in the strife of growth
05:27we are developing students to be applications powered by AI.
05:31Machine learning has also made soil testing easier.
05:34Less than five minutes thanks to AI they are able to interpret the nature of that soil and tell you
05:40at the end okay yeah you can plant cassava but you cannot plant you cannot plant maize for instance.
05:44Cameroonian IT engineers say even though trying their best to develop AI solutions
05:50they need adequate infrastructure and more professional training.
05:55Members of the foreign affairs committee of the senate have scrutinized the bill to authorize
06:00the president of the republic to ratify the air transport agreement between the government of the
06:05republic of Cameroon and the government of Canada signed in June 2022 in Yaoundé.
06:10The bill defended by the minister of transport Jean-Enes Masinangarebebe today.
06:17The bill to authorize the president of the republic to ratify the air transport
06:24agreement between Cameroon and Canada regulates the establishment of tariffs
06:30and the elimination of double taxation. The minister of transport Jean-Enes Masinangarebebe
06:36was today before members of the foreign affairs committee headed by Nicole Okala-Bilay to elaborate
06:43on the purpose of this bill. This legal document will also strengthen cooperation between the two
06:49countries which have enjoyed friendly relations for more than 50 years. The ratification of these
06:56arguments will increase economic flows and facilitate the movement of people and goods.
07:04In the national assembly the bill to authorize the president of the republic to ratify the
07:09bilateral air services agreement between the government of the republic of Cameroon and the
07:14government of the republic of South Africa has been deemed admissible by the chairman's conference
07:20presided over by house speaker the right honorable Kavaiege Jibril. The bill which will ease transport
07:26and tourist activities was tabled in plenary and will be examined by the foreign affairs committee.
07:32Esther Kima reports. The chilly and wet start of the day did not deter the members
07:38of the chairman's conference to turn up to judge the admissibility of the 10th bill tabled in two
07:44weeks by governments in the course of the June session. With the house speaker the right honorable
07:50Kavaiege Jibril leading the deliberations, the bilateral air services agreement between Cameroon
07:57and South Africa signed in July 2011 was considered acceptable for scrutiny. Based on the principles
08:05of the Yamoussoukro declaration on a new air transport policy and the convention on international
08:12civil aviation, the bill paves the path for increased and new business opportunities.
08:18Tabled in plenary and addressed to the foreign affairs committee for examination by the deputy
08:24speaker honorable Theodore Dato, the agreement is expected to reduce transport costs between
08:30the two destinations and to facilitate the movement of people and goods. Its ratification
08:36by Cameroon will definitely step up economic flows, develop the civil aviation and tourism
08:42industries and increase the trade balance between Cameroon and South Africa with exports
08:48currently surpassing 30 billion CFA francs. Cameroonian women involved in diplomatic affairs
08:56have been hailed for their contribution to the promotion of Cameroon's diplomacy. It was during
09:02our ceremony at the ministry of external relations commemorating the international day of women in
09:07diplomacy. The ceremony was chaired by the minister delegate to the minister of external relations
09:12in charge of cooperation with the commonwealth Felix Mbayu and was attended by a host of female
09:18cabinet members. Charles Ebune reports. Of the 109 women in leadership positions in the Cameroonian
09:26foreign policy establishment, three of them ambassadors enough for the president of the
09:31association of female diplomats Sylvie Elong to hear strides made by president Paul B and Cameroon
09:37in general in the promotion of women in diplomacy. This day also serves as an opportunity to advocate
09:46for the advancement of gender parity and the involvement of women at all levels of decision
09:53making at the national and international level. The third edition of the united nations declared
10:01international day of women in diplomacy is held under the theme female leadership in the diplomatic
10:06cause stakes and challenges. The event held at the ambassador's hall of the ministry of external
10:11relations is attended by nearly all the female cabinet members, female heads of diplomatic
10:17missions in Cameroon and special guests. In our central services we have out of three inspectors
10:24general one woman who incidentally is the president of the FECAM. Out of four technical advisors we have
10:31one female, two female directors out of 12. Considered a model in the field of women promotion
10:39in diplomacy, the Canadian high commissioner to Cameroon highlights the experience of a country in
10:44this ceremony chaired by the minister delegate to the minister of external relations in charge of
10:49cooperation with the commonwealth Felix Mbayu. Today the women in diplomacy operating in Cameroon
10:55also had time to reflect on those who built the foundation of the movement under which they are
11:01found today. An ordinance from the head of state has modified certain provisions of the 2024 finance
11:08law with the domestic budget reviewed upwards from 6,740.1 billion cfa francs to now 7,278.1
11:20billion cfa francs. Reading meaning into that decision economists insist that the low the slow
11:25pace in the disbursement of project funds from foreign partners as well as debt servicing
11:30obligations are at the root of this action. Clarice Areta can sort their views and put them together
11:36in the following reports. A budget amendment modifies the provisions of the initial budget
11:43with one main objective taking into account a reassessment or a re-evaluation of the state's
11:48resources or revenue mobilization targets. The June 20 presidential ordinance adjusting the 2024
11:54domestic budget has opened the door for more revenue streams. For the most part tax duty is up.
12:02Some of the unfinished infrastructural investments are supposed to
12:06get started and the commitment of our foreign partners are not coming the way we thought. The
12:12government doesn't want to be caught hostage by depending on foreign partners. That is why they
12:17are looking for domestic mobilization of these funds. If we have to wait for the traditional
12:22process of taxations it's not going to come. Some priority areas have been allocated additional
12:27funds. The reconstruction of crisis hit zones notably. Beyond these the contribution of financial
12:33markets will be considerable. This presupposes another debt burden. We have the debt saving
12:39repayments of our debts that we had that are there and the maturity of this debt is also
12:44costing us a lot. So the government wants to improve its rating by paying its commitment,
12:50by honoring its commitment. Every country needs to borrow money to carry out a strategic investment
12:56but at this time we need it urgently. With the fiscal year halfway gone observers wonder about
13:03an upward budget review at a time many lament over the rising cost of living. Economists however argue
13:09that given that challenging times often lead to unpopular decisions only the results will prove
13:15the action worthwhile for the economy. Yawunde city dwellers and those in other parts of the
13:21republic have saluted the start of building projects to produce ID cards in 48 hours in
13:27Cameroon. Those our reporters spoke to praise the fact that it will put an end to weeks, months and
13:33even years of waiting. To them the comforting thought of having their identity cards in 48 hours
13:39cushions the adjusted price per stamp. Let's now listen to some of them in this report by Mukwele
13:45Princeville at Douma. It begins with women twisting over the announced 10 000 CFA francs
13:52for an identity card in times like these. But before long this Oda Yawunde inhabitant
13:58compared the promised rapidity of 48 hours to his experience. To know that an identity card
14:05can be obtained in two days I would say is a wonderful move. As I speak to you I have not
14:11been able to find mine for over a week now. To his co-city dwellers the move by the state
14:19sounds so good to be true. 48 hours only. There are some who requested for their ID card since 2020
14:28and have not yet obtained it. They are restricted from carrying out transactions at the banks. What
14:33is 10 000 CFA francs to pay for an ID card if that will ease your business transactions? I think
14:41the most important is to have your ID card in a short delay. It's a wonderful progress I think.
14:53Never is rapidity a cheap commodity. Added to this the ID card will wear a coat of security,
14:59credibility and durability to be guaranteed in production centers in all divisional and
15:05regional headquarters. Whether from the Adamawa or far north regions this facility will allow
15:13everyone to have access to the national identity card. It is very good not attending a round faced
15:18at a police station. Commencement of their construction works is Cameroon's resolve to
15:23solve the lack of national identity card equation once and for all. And we are all impatient.
15:30Prince Wiladuma. Across Cameroon and around the world you are watching the 7.30 news on the CRTV.
15:37Completion of works on the new bridge over the Lugon river between Jaguar in Cameroon
15:43and Bongo in Chad is almost done. The fiscal execution rate is already at 85 percent and
15:50preparations for provisional reception of the project is on the way. Joyce Kimbeforwaju spent
15:55a day on the side of the project in the far north region and here is her report.
16:01This is it. The new bridge over the Lugon river between Jaguar in Cameroon and Bongo in Chad.
16:09620 meters long. As seen from above the bridge its deck present a two carriageway of seven meters
16:16with sidewalks of 1.5 meters on either side for pedestrians. While from below the Lugon bridge
16:24the deck has 15 spans of 38 meters each as well as 64 beams resting on 74 pillars and 60 columns.
16:34Six kilometers of connecting roads on the Cameroon side and 7.5 kilometers on the Chadian side
16:42accessing the structure. The progress of the works already allows provisionary acceptance
16:48to be considered. The reception of this bridge will take place in January 2025.
16:56While waiting the commissioning of the structure it's already impacting the socio-economic life
17:02of Jaguar. It is everyone who wants to invest in Jaguar because of the Lugon bridge. The council
17:09has undertaken to construct modern shops at the central market of Jaguar. We have 70 new shops
17:16but the current request is already at 700. The project will cost 46 billion 881 million CFA francs
17:27jointly financed by the African Development Bank and the European Union and the government of
17:33Cameroon. A control team from the National Road Fund is in the west region to assess the effective
17:41execution of about 13 projects completed or still under construction. These projects include the
17:46construction of roads culverts and bridges in the Mifi, Kunki, Oppa Plateau, Oppankam and known
17:53divisions of the region. Details now with Nicoline B in Bafosam. Before effective work in the field
18:00the control mission from the National Road Fund paid a curtsy visit to the West Chief Executive
18:07Governor Awafonka Augustin did not hesitate to underscore the importance of roads for the
18:13well-being of the local population. The team then made a first stop over at Tio Village 3 in the
18:19Bafosam 2 subdivision to inspect a bridge whose construction was financed by the National Road
18:26Fund. Though completed the head of mission L H Umaru gave some recommendations to ensure its
18:33durability. From there the control mission headed to Bamenju for the inspection of works on the road
18:41linking Bafosam to Bamenju. The road was perfect and the paramount ruler of Bamenju, His Majesty
18:48Jean Ramo Sokuju couldn't hide his joy and that of his subjects and other users. During their stay
18:56in the west region the team led by L H Umaru will inspect 13 projects all carried out thanks to
19:03finances from the National Road Fund. Youths from different areas of the central region are now
19:10attending the ninth edition of the Operation Civic and Patriotic School Holiday to cultivate
19:16values that will boost their civic behaviors. Youth Affairs Minister Mununa Foto presided over
19:21the opening of the holiday program yesterday morning, that is yesterday Monday. Laurel Bate'eya
19:27Anchan reports. A march of dignity and patriotism military soldiers know civic educators trained to
19:35intensify actions to promote economic patriotism and ensure respect for the civic values of peace,
19:42volunteerism, multiculturalism and harmonious living together among young people. This during
19:48school holidays throughout the national territory. We are going to be guiding them to give them some
19:53moral and civic training to make them better youths of tomorrow. At the official launch of
19:59the ninth edition of Operation Civic and Patriotic School Holidays the Minister of Youth Affairs and
20:05Civic Education encouraged youths to take this opportunity to promote Made in Cameroon and more.
20:10They should seize the opportunities participate in the imposed substitution. The event which
20:18runs from June 20th to August 31st 2024 will see children through an educative fuse of life
20:26like music and dance sports economic activities aimed at boosting their civic behaviors. Highlights
20:33of the event includes awards and educational kits given to seven sub-divisional delegates and 10
20:40multi-purpose youth centers in Yaounde. Some cadet officers of the 39th badge of the combined military
20:49academy AMIA have simulated a rescue mission in the seaside town of Kribi in the south region as
20:55part of their final year training. The amphibious training of 270 cadet officers was supervised by
21:01authorities of the Marine Corps within the traditional alligator exercise. Bruno Dongwe
21:06Fungwe reports on the simulation exercise. The cadet officers of the combined military school
21:15AMIA looked fearless as they jumped into the launch beach embarking to overturn a hostile
21:20situation in Kribi. The amphibious simulation exercise that tests the strength and resilience
21:24of the cadet officers was closely supervised by the Marine Corps. For this particular alligator
21:31exercise they had to undertake a training at Isongo by the marine and nautical forces
21:39which I'm the commander under the supervision of the chief of naval staff real admiral Mendoa
21:47and later on they had to embark for a transit from Isongo to Kribi.
22:00The alligator exercise gives them a real life experience on practicality
22:06on how to approach infiltration and threats. The success was commended by the trainers
22:11and onlookers who came to show support. After the landing we had no injured person,
22:19no drowned person, all our ships are still in good state. Completing such training is a
22:25confidence booster for the cadet officers. The simulation exercise unfolded in the presence of
22:30the director of AMIA Colonel Roger Nangzenge who confirmed that the offensive and defensive
22:36simulation training will impact the students field output. The exercise came to a full circle
22:41thanks to the school's collaboration with the Limbe and Kribi Nava base units.
22:47A delegation of members of the national commission for the promotion of bilingualism
22:52and multiculturalism today held a walking session with staff of the Simalen international
22:57airport to evaluate the efficient use of the two official languages there. The delegation led by
23:02professor Abiy Jean-Marie held a session with the director of the airport Amugu Edua Emil to press
23:09for the effective use of English and French languages at the airport Cameroon's front
23:14desk to the world. Ewan Epoli has details. Ensuring the equal use of the two official
23:21languages in Cameroon remains the principal mission of the national commission for the
23:26promotion of bilingualism and multiculturalism. It is in this light that some members of the
23:32commission were this Tuesday at the Yaounde Simalen international airport for a walking
23:38visit to evaluate the practice of the concept of bilingualism that is the use of English and French.
23:45The notice what what is written on those what are the document produced for the public are those
23:52documents written in French and English and if not we have to give the recommendation that
23:58this fluency can be reinforced through a training in the specialized center. Welcomed by the director
24:05of the Yaounde Simalen international airport the members of the commission visited the different
24:10departments of the airport. You have all inscription is in English another in French.
24:18Besides evaluating the practice of bilingualism the head of the delegation professor Abiy Jean-Marie
24:25Bodo said they are also on a crusade against hate speech and xenophobia adding that promoting
24:31bilingualism and multiculturalism are aspects that favor peace national unity and the reinforcement
24:38of daily social cohesion. A medical school complex named after the late indomitable lion's
24:45emblematic midfielder Fouay Marc Vivian has opened its doors to receive trainees. The center opened
24:50by Fouay Marc Vivian's closest family members honors the memory of a player who died defending
24:56the colors of Cameroon 21 years ago. Let's get details of that story with Larry's Nanaepote.
25:01The Marc Vivian Fouay's complex was initially created for sporting activities but today it
25:10serves as a professional health training center where since the year 2022 close to 230 students
25:17are being trained in some eight fields of studies among which is midwifery, nursing,
25:22kinesiotherapy and two other new specialties gerontology and psychomotricity. For the
25:30next years we will be following our way up to what the project of the Marc Vivian Fouay complex
25:40was supposed to be. This open door organized by management is to showcase the self-welfare
25:47of students and for the public to discover their different academic offers. I decided to go and do
25:54gerontology so that I can be able to educate the people with the patients we feed them those who
26:00cannot do because normally when they enter in the hospital we have to evaluate their state of
26:05autonomy what they can do by themselves we leave them do it and what they cannot do we ask them to
26:11do. Students through sketches quizzes and talks demonstrated the knowledge gathered in the two
26:17years of studies in this health training center. New fields of studies like marketing accounting
26:23and agriculture among others will be introduced in the program of this new academic year.
26:31Over in Kumba in the southwest region there is good news and with those in the Mabanda community
26:36they now have potable water. There is a project sponsored by an elite of the area Reverend Dr
26:41John Gore and it was received recently by the mayor of Kumba 3 in Tuba, Isaac. Let's get details from
26:47Kange Leon Cesar. The project which cost about 12 million CFE friends has brought relief to
26:56inhabitants of the Mabanda community in Kumba who have been longing to have potable water
27:01in their neighborhood. And we're also involved with medical missions so we establish an NGO
27:08so we bring medicine we bring you know tangible stuff to help them in the areas of their need
27:15especially in healthcare. According to the benefactor the Reverend Dr John Gore it is the
27:21only way himself his family and his missionaries dubbed mission for christ international can give
27:28back to the community. They were saying that they need another water source borehole in this same
27:34village the other villages don't have a clean wind it doesn't have so why not share the the blessing
27:40we're just sharing the blessing as God provides it. Inaugurating the project the mayor of Kumba 3
27:46Nguba Isaac expressed gratitude to Reverend Dr John Ngore urging others to copy his example
27:52before calling on the population to manage the water scheme judiciously.
27:58And Cameroon has won their third medal at the ongoing 23rd edition of the African
28:04Championship in Douala. The third medal is a bronze medal won by Raymond Kwemi in the men's
28:11triple jump. It is coming at a time when South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia are temporarily
28:18leading the medal chart of the championship. Details of that with Cyril Nwazeke.
28:27When it comes to long distance races and endurance Ethiopia sets the pace in Africa
28:33at these 23rd senior African championships tradition has thus been respected. In the men
28:39and women's 20 kilometer walks final even the three Cameroonian athletes on the starting lines
28:45could not near the pace of the champions. It was a good race I did what I planned to
28:55the race and achieve what I need.
28:58The time is not reached to the olympic minima because of the this hard the competition is
29:06very hard. Cameroon speedometer rose at the women's 400 meters huddle with a spot
29:11in the finals thanks to Linda Anguno's 36 27 meters chrono.
29:17Meanwhile Emmanuel Esemi and Raphael Ndangele in the men's 200 meters
29:22secured a spot for Cameroon in the finals. I missed the gold in the hundreds so
29:28tomorrow I have a goal for myself and I hope it's gonna be good. In the men's triple jump
29:34the three Cameroonians engaged failed to impress. Ngor Mathieu in the one-two
29:40In the men's triple jump the three Cameroonians engaged failed to impress.
29:45Ngor Mathieu in the 110 meters huddle failed to produce for this Wednesday. Therefore
29:52last day of competitions there's hope for other medals for team Cameroon.
29:58These are South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia unofficially lead the medal chart.
30:05Lawmakers have stressed the need to reinforce legislation governing the
30:10digital industry in order to accelerate the structural transformation of Cameroon's economy.
30:15They attended a one-day symposium organized by the Cameroon Telecommunications dubbed
30:20the Camtel Parliamentary Day marking the 25th anniversary of the company.
30:25Lekyate Getrit Asangazi reports from CRTV center.
30:30ICTs today present a huge opportunity for growth productivity and competitiveness of
30:36businesses in Cameroon. Despite all these advantages the digital sector faces several
30:42challenges which warrant strategic actions in order to ensure optimal development.
30:48Some of these challenges include the protection of data, the respect to privacy online,
30:54management of digital infrastructure amongst others. It is against this backdrop that the
31:00Cameroon Telecommunications company Camtel brought together lawmakers in Yaounde to
31:05discuss on the legal framework in order to move the sector forward.
31:10Economic evolution in this country and she thinks Camtel can play a very big role.
31:15But for Camtel to play this role it is important for new laws to be put in place.
31:21That is why the director general has decided to work in collaboration with parliament
31:27for this to happen. We are going to accompany her so that a new law that will improve.
31:33To the incumbent telecommunications operator the reflections will go a long way to reinforcing
31:38the legal framework guiding the digital economy and catalyze growth.
31:43Since its creation in 1998 Camtel has played a key role in the development of telecommunications
31:53information and communication technologies ICT in Cameroon. By standing in network
32:02throughout the country and the sub-region the company has significantly contributed to improving
32:10the quality of electronic communications and offer innovative solutions to meet the needs of
32:18consumers. Held under the theme digital industry legislation for the structural transformation
32:24of Cameroon's economy the Camtel parliamentarian day falls in line with activities to mark the 25th
32:30anniversary of Cameroon Telecommunications. So we come to the end of this newscast.
32:37Bert we invite you right after this to watch a documentary on Cameroon's industrial expansion
32:42impelled by the head of state that is with the supply of natural gas by SNH to the largest
32:49tile production factory in central Africa. It will be very very interesting to watch and at 8 30 pm
32:56we'll be back here for the news in the French language. I'll be back tomorrow. God bless you.