Prosecutors Launch Probe Into Train Derailment

  • 3 months ago
Prosecutors have launched a probe into a partial train derailment in eastern Taiwan as footage of the accident emerges.
00:00A swollen river in eastern Taiwan overflows, causing a rock slide onto these railroad tracks.
00:06The state-run rail company's own CCTV camera caught this footage last Friday, but a whistleblower
00:11inside the company says no one seems to have been monitoring the feed.
00:15Nineteen minutes later, an oncoming train crashed into the rocks on the track, derailing
00:20and injuring several passengers.
00:22There were about 20 minutes of footage in total, except for the accident.
00:29The CCTV camera was used by the staff, but where were they during those 20 minutes?
00:38The Taiwan Railway Corporation says the CCTV camera that caught the footage isn't there
00:43to watch for landslides, and that staff only monitor it in certain situations.
00:48This footage is used to monitor the water level.
00:51This is where you can see the water level of the large river.
00:55Our weather system, the Meteorological Department has set up a weather system,
01:03but it hasn't reached the forecast value.
01:05So we don't need to monitor the current SOP.
01:11But prosecutors are launching a probe into whether the rail company was negligent.
01:15We will still follow the process of the Taiwan Railway Corporation
01:19to see if the staff has fulfilled their responsibilities
01:25and whether they were negligent in causing the accident.
01:29But landslides are common in eastern Taiwan, whether from flooding like last week,
01:34or from earthquakes like the magnitude 7.2 tremor in April.
01:38As prosecutors look into last Friday's accident,
01:41the hope is that their findings will change policies
01:43and help prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.
01:47Eason Chen and John Van Triest for Taiwan Plus.
