Couple Tore Down Neighbor’s Fence _ Part 3-(1080p)

  • 2 months ago
Love knows no boundaries, not even fences! ❤️ Our mischievous adventures continue as we tear down our neighbor's fence. #CoupleGoals #NeighborsBeware #AdventuresUnleashed
00:00Ms. Leila, listen to me carefully.
00:03Did you have permission from Mr. or Mrs. Hernandez
00:07to go on their property and paint their chimney?
00:11But, there's a but.
00:13They loved it so much, they came over the next weekend
00:17when they were there and said,
00:18there was a little elf on our roof
00:20and our chimney looks beautiful.
00:22So he bought me a beautiful brand new machete
00:25because I had borrowed his old machete.
00:29He had bought me a brand new machete
00:31wrapped in Christmas paper
00:33and she bought me a $25 gift certificate from Publix
00:36because I made it look so pretty.
00:38That was in December.
00:39This is in August now.
00:41Is what you're telling me that,
00:43in what month did you paint their chimney?
00:45Probably the first week in December of last year.
00:48And when did you, Mr. Hernandez, see the chimney?
00:51When we arrived at our property, she showed us.
00:53On what date?
00:57I don't know the date, Your Honor.
00:59January, February.
01:01It would have been December over the Christmas holiday.
01:04So you saw it immediately afterwards.
01:06I can't guarantee that.
01:08I know when I noticed it.
01:09She said she painted it in December.
01:11You arrived there in December.
01:12Subsequent to seeing this,
01:16did you give...
01:18May I see that?
01:20May I see that of the bricks?
01:22Subsequent to you seeing the chimney,
01:27speak to the plaintiff.
01:29Did you, subsequent to seeing the chimney,
01:33immediately thereafter, within the next month,
01:37give her a gift?
01:38That's either a yes or a no.
01:40And would you confirm to me that you gave her two gifts?
01:45One was a gift certificate, correct?
01:48And one was a machete or a saber?
01:51It was a machete, Your Honor.
01:53They were Christmas gifts.
01:54Now, so I don't care about this.
01:57What's the next thing that you say she damaged?
01:59She damaged our fence.
02:00She took it down.
02:01I'd like to see it, please.
02:04Can you have a picture of how it looked?
02:08This is gonna mess it.
02:09I know.
02:12Did you take down their fence?
02:14It was on my property.
02:16Yes, I took down 33 feet of fence
02:19that was on my property.
02:2050 feet.
02:2150 feet, we have a receipt.
02:22No, just a second.
02:22Do you know what I told them, Ms. Lela?
02:24You can't take down your fence.
02:27That's what I told them.
02:28I'm telling you the same thing.
02:29You can't take down their fence.
02:31It's on my property.
02:32That's what they said.
02:34Well, I can prove it was on my property.
02:37Goodbye, folks.
02:38You wanna be miserable with each other?
02:40Be miserable with each other.
02:41This is not what courts are for.
02:43You can't get along, somebody moves.
02:45Sell your house.
02:46She lives there longer.
02:47I'm gonna make it a halfway house.
02:48She's terrorizing the neighborhood, it's not just us.
02:51Mr. Hernandez, I have a feeling you're a nasty guy.
02:54I'll tell you why I have a feeling you're a nasty guy.
02:57Why is that?
02:57Because one of the things that you complained about
03:00with her is that she painted your chimney
03:02without your permission.
03:03And it seems clear to me now,
03:05after some questioning back and forth,
03:07that you liked the work that she did,
03:09that you got along with her.
03:11Enough, enough, Mr. Hernandez.
03:14You can shake your head all you like.
03:15Enough so that you brought her gifts as a way,
03:19don't speak, as a way of appreciation.
03:22Saying, gee, that looks pretty good.
03:24Otherwise, you would have complained about it,
03:26and I don't see why, otherwise,
03:28you would have bought her two gifts.
03:29You can shake your head all you like.
03:32Your Honor, I have a photo of her.
03:33Giving us the finger. Goodbye.
03:35Giving us the finger.
03:36She comes on our property and destroys
03:38all the time when we're not there.
03:39Parties are excused when they step out.
03:41We'd like to have Miss Lella
03:42get a mental health evaluation.
03:44I asked him if I could rent his yard.
03:46Prefer the judge with the restraining order.
03:48He says sure.
03:49I was standing in the backyard
03:50and she's spraying me with the hoax.
03:51So then she got a little bent out of shape.
03:54Ginger, you're wetting me.
03:55She goes, well, move out of my way then.
03:56I'm trying to get your dogs.
03:58She's not as fabulous as I am.
04:00Putting a dead fish behind my car.
04:02Never happened.
04:03She's terrorizing.
04:04A dead fish.
04:05The entire neighborhood.
04:06The whole neighborhood.
04:07I don't even fish.
04:08It's not gonna end.
04:09I'm 83 years old.
04:10When I got the restraining order.
04:12I have forgetfulness.
04:13The neighbor said that's only gonna escalate it.
04:15Nothing's gonna happen
04:16because I got a six foot privacy fence now between us,
04:18so I never have to see them again.
