Piperno (Royal Canin): "Binomio bambini-pet combinazione vincente"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ci impegniamo in una serie di progetti per far sì che i bambini siano proprietari responsabili del futuro”. Parole di Valentina Piperno, Communication Manager Royal Canin Italia, l’azienda del gruppo Mars che ha organizzato a Milano un incontro volto a comprendere l’importanza degli animali da compagnia nelle nostre vite e il prezioso rapporto tra pet e bambini.


00:00We at Royal Canin have a big goal, which is to make the world a better place for pets.
00:11We know that they make our world a better place, and we want to contribute to make it a better place.
00:16In this, children also have a fundamental role, because they are already serenity, joy and passion.
00:21And the binomial of children and pets is certainly a winning combination.
00:26As Royal Canin, we are committed to a series of projects to ensure that the owners of tomorrow,
00:32i.e. children, can become a generation of guardians of health.
00:36We really want to try to educate them and make sure that knowledge and training
00:40lead them to be pet owners and responsible owners of the future.
00:44For this, we have put together a series of projects.
00:47We have been carrying out several projects for years.
00:49One of them is cat therapy in hospitals,
00:52where we want to bring smiles and positivity to children who are a little less fortunate.
00:58As Royal Canin, for years we have been carrying out days dedicated to our children,
01:03the children of our employees, our associates, to train them,
01:07so with moments of real training to educate them to be responsible owners,
01:11but also with practical demonstrations in which they can become aware of the fundamental role
01:15that our pets can have in society.
01:17And finally, we will start in September with a project in schools,
01:20to go and educate those who are in nursery schools, primary schools,
01:24but also associations where there are children, future owners,
01:28where it is important that there is awareness of what animals are,
01:31how to take care of them and how to make a better world,
01:35starting from the owners of tomorrow.
01:38This is a little bit of our commitment.
01:39These are obviously some of the projects we are finishing to make the world a better place for our pets.
