Team Galaxy S01 Ep4 - Psycho-Cycle

  • 4 months ago
Josh, Yoko and Brett go on a mission to find out why peaceful aliens keep disappearing without a trace; the kidnapper kidnaps Josh and Fluffy and takes them to an asteroid, where they take part in a mind game.


00:004, 3, 2, 1!
00:01Here we are in our own dimension To take on the world, yeah, to make it ourselves
00:02We control the sun, take our own direction Yeah, we can do it all
00:03Cause it's all in our play We're a team, yeah, let's play
00:04You can never fail When you're the one spinning around
00:05When you're the one spinning around
00:06When you're the one spinning around
00:07When you're the one spinning around
00:08When you're the one spinning around
00:09When you're the one spinning around
00:10When you're the one spinning around
00:11When you're the one spinning around
00:12When you're the one spinning around
00:13When you're the one spinning around
00:14When you're the one spinning around
00:15When you're the one spinning around
00:16When you're the one spinning around
00:17When you're the one spinning around
00:18When you're the one spinning around
00:19When you're the one spinning around
00:21When you're the one spinning around
00:22When you're the one spinning around
00:23When you're the one spinning around
00:24When you're the one spinning around
00:25When you're the one spinning around
00:26When you're the one spinning around
00:27When you're the one spinning around
00:28When you're the one spinning around
00:29When you're the one spinning around
00:30When you're the one spinning around
00:31When you're the one spinning around
00:32When you're the one spinning around
00:33When you're the one spinning around
00:34When you're the one spinning around
00:35When you're the one spinning around
00:36When you're the one spinning around
00:37When you're the one spinning around
00:38When you're the one spinning around
00:39When you're the one spinning around
00:40When you're the one spinning around
00:41When you're the one spinning around
00:42When you're the one spinning around
00:43When you're the one spinning around
00:44When you're the one spinning around
00:45Landing control activated
00:48Clear for landing
00:53Hey Yoko, ready?
00:54Sorry Josh, you're going to have to study for the telemetry midterm without me
00:57Come on Yoko, how am I supposed to pass this test using just my brain?
01:01I'm too upset to study
01:03Look, this is a program Brett created to track other students' awareness of me
01:08As you know, there's a direct connection between popularity and a successful career as a singer-songwriter karaoke queen
01:15You don't say, that's all incredibly interesting
01:19So, what's the verdict?
01:20My rank is crashing like an asteroid being sucked into a sun
01:24Oh well, popularity is overrated, don't take it too hard
01:27Okay, that's it, there's the door
01:29And take that majorly negative vibe with you
01:34I know what I need, a good old-fashioned media blitz
01:38Yoko's got the cosmic style
01:40And Yoko's got the cosmic smile
01:43So show your Yoko spirit, and now you can even wear it
01:47All proceeds to benefit the Society for the Advancement of Underprivileged Alien Children
01:51Yoko's got the cosmic style
01:53And Yoko's got the cosmic smile
01:56It's no joke-o, everyone loves Yoko
01:59It's no joke-o, everyone loves Yoko
02:02It's no joke-o, everyone loves Yoko
02:06Now, one of the most important rules in the Galaxy High Marshals Handbook is...
02:12Rule 25-3, Galaxy High Marshals are to defer to the team member with the highest intelligence, regardless of physical size
02:19Actually, that one's not really used much
02:22I meant, Rule 11-20, which prohibits Marshals from using themselves as bait to trap hostile lifeforms
02:30Have any of you eaten lunch yet?
02:32Have any of you eaten lunch yet?
02:34No, Mr. S, lunch is next period
02:36Good, because I have a video depicting what could happen to you if you violate this rule
02:42Hello, Galaxy High students!
02:44Just remember that the Yoko Study Group is open to anyone and everyone, so join Yoko for a punch of pencils!
02:52Hey! It took me forever to figure out how to get my head up there
02:55Sorry to interrupt such an important lesson, but I need Josh and Ryan to assemble their teams in the hangar, stat!
03:01Don't worry, I'll forward my video to all of your cell phones so you can watch it later
03:07As you know from reading the daily security bulletins...
03:10We have daily security bulletins?
03:12An increasing number of aliens have been disappearing from around the galaxy
03:15Ryan, take your team to planet NJS-1120 and investigate
03:19Josh, you and your team will go to the silicate skiing planet HMS-305
03:23Silicate skiing? That's the sport of the future!
03:26Sounds a little too much like a science project to be any fun
03:29Let's hit it, Marshals! To your Hornets!
03:42Launch successful, Hornet Number One! Heading 79, Alpha Charlie 1265!
03:46Take care, Marshals!
04:00Is it just me, or is it kind of warm here?
04:02Yeah, but it's a dry heat
04:04I'm not getting any lifeform readings
04:06Are you sure this is where one of the aliens disappeared?
04:09Of course I'm sure! Pretty sure, I think
04:13Hold it! Lifeforms closing in on us!
04:19I hope they're friendly
04:20They're silicate skiers!
04:22Well, let's go talk to them, see what they know!
04:30Yeah, dude, Slotsy was my friend
04:32We were like, eh! And when he was silicate skiing, he was like, ooh!
04:36But that was then, and now he's, hmm, I miss him
04:39Why did that make perfect sense to me?
04:41And you say Slotsy was kidnapped?
04:43Yeah, the ship kind of, ooh, and Slotsy sort of, ooh!
04:47And then I said, ooh! And, yeah!
04:49And then Slotsy, ooh! That's it
04:53Thanks, I know this was hard for you to talk about
04:56And for us to listen to
04:59So we've got nothing. A strange ship grabs a skier. Why?
05:02I think I've got it!
05:04The Yoko action figure!
05:06Merchandising might be the key to high Yoko awareness levels
05:09Like I said, we've got nothing
05:11Not necessarily! Look at this
05:13I've triangulated the area where all the abductions have taken place
05:16Ooh, triangulate! I love that word
05:18Maybe I should use it in my next ad campaign
05:21They're all in a small region, and the aliens who were taken had something in common
05:24Slotsy was a silicate skier
05:26Another was a quantum board champ
05:28And another did turbosonic string jumping
05:30They're all space dogs!
05:32Whoever is taking the aliens is doing it because they're after extreme space sport athletes
05:37Well then, what do you say we entice them with another one for their collection?
05:56Anything on the scanner yet?
05:58No, nothing
05:59Just keep blasting video of me working my aerobike out into space on all frequencies
06:03I really must protest you using yourself as bait to catch the kidnappers
06:06That's a clear violation of...
06:08Sorry, you're breaking up!
06:10Can't hear you
06:12I know what you did, Josh!
06:14He's going to get us all in big trouble. Old school's going to know we did this
06:17Well, there's really no such thing as a bad kidnapper
06:20It's just a bad kidnapper
06:22He's going to get us all in big trouble. Old school's going to know we did this
06:25Well, there's really no such thing as a bad kidnapper
06:45Josh! Watch out!
06:48Whoa! Where'd you come from?
06:50Yoko! Get ready!
06:56Here he comes! Get ready to drop it!
06:58I'll get it in my mega magnet beam
07:04Any time now, Brett!
07:06It's not working! The ship must be non-metallic! I've got a plastic!
07:17Principal Kirkpatrick is not going to like this
07:27I don't know, Phub, but one thing's for certain
07:29When we get out of here, I'm going to give these guys a piece of my mind
07:34What's that?
07:39You look like the head alien here
07:42Listen, if you think you can just grab us and get away with it
07:45Then you're not using that large head of yours
07:50Hey, where'd he...
07:52Fluffy! Watch out!
08:04We're sitting ducks, Fluff! We've got to get out of here!
08:08Let's go!
08:27You know what? I think we won the game!
08:29I've never won anything before in my life!
08:38Hands off!
08:40Fluffy, I think they like us
08:44Players, we are ye back and we are very impressed
08:47Thou art the finest psycho psycho players we have ever seen
08:51Thou wilt become famous throughout the galaxy!
08:57Hey, don't try sweet-talking us
08:59I'm still a galaxy high marshal and you're still under arrest
09:03We are amused. We shall allow thee to kiss our ring
09:07I don't think so, big head
09:13What I meant to say is...
09:15When's the next game, highness?
09:25Bait? You used my son as bait?
09:28Well, um, it was mostly his idea
09:31All. It was all Josh's idea
09:33You three are a team
09:34You're supposed to help each other, especially by not pulling any bone-headed stunts that will get you all expelled
09:39Okay, don't worry. We promise to find him, Principal Kirkpatrick
09:42Forget it. I've already put other marshals on the case
09:44Until further notice, you two are grounded
10:21Uh, Principal Kirkpatrick, I was just checking in to see if there'd been any luck finding Josh
10:26Unfortunately not, but thank you for asking
10:29I'm just on my way out to do another patrol
10:31He's got to be out there somewhere
10:35Hey, Brett, are there any updates on Josh?
10:38Nothing yet. That's why I'm checking star charts. We've got to find him ourselves
10:42Whoa, hold it, Tiger. We're grounded, remember?
10:46We're Galaxy High marshals, remember?
10:49Okay, let's find him
10:51I plotted a course based on the trajectory the kidnapper's ship took after it snatched Josh
10:55It leads here
10:57But there's nothing there
10:59Maybe, but maybe not
11:01Maybe, but maybe not
11:06Ah, it's like there's something there blocking the stars
11:09Something exactly like a planet with a cloaking device
11:12That's got to be where Josh and Fluffy are being held captive
11:15Let's go!
11:23To Lakatu. Best wishes, Lasercraw
11:27Here you go, Iron Jaw. Signed
11:32We told thee that thou wouldst become famous, did we not?
11:35Lasercraw knows, but there's something Lasercraw feels like he's forgetting about
11:42What Lasercraw is trying to say is that he and Iron Jaw need better players
11:47We're winning too easily
11:49Our ships are scouting the galaxy as we speak
11:52We are sure we shall find someone up to your challenge
11:55In the meantime, prepare for thy next match, Lasercraw
12:01Well, we're here, I think
12:03But I don't see the planet
12:05That's because it's ray-shielded by a gravity-based photon inhibitor
12:08Oh, I see
12:09I mean, I don't see
12:10Plus, I don't speak nerd, so I have no idea what you're talking about
12:13It's got a cloaking device that uses gravity to trap light
12:16So we'll use the Hornet's Antigravity Generator and...
12:31Check this out!
12:32The long-range scanner picked up the structure
12:34And there's a huge gathering of lifeforms inside!
12:36I'll bet that's where Josh and Fluffy are
12:38Let's go!
12:55I feel like an idiot
12:56Where did you learn to build robot costumes from anyway?
12:59There weren't a lot of spare parts laying around the Hornet
13:02Besides, nobody's noticing us
13:04That's because they're too busy watching...
13:16Lasercraw! Lasercraw!
13:19Listen to that crowd! They love him!
13:22He must be working undercover to bring down the baddies
13:25I wonder who's handling his publicity
13:27You're doing a fabulous job!
13:52Come on!
13:54Lasercraw! Lasercraw!
13:56Josh! Over here!
14:00Shh! Are we glad we found you!
14:02Josh? I believe you mean Lasercrow
14:05Who are you that you dare speak to my greatness?
14:08See? I told you these were good costumes
14:11Josh! We're a team again!
14:12We'll help you finish the mission and we'll take out the bad guys!
14:15Team? Lasercraw belongs not to your team
14:18Now, do you have something you want me to sign or not?
14:20Lasercraw is very busy
14:22I think he really doesn't know us
14:24We gotta get him out of here!
14:26Uh, Lasercraw?
14:28What I meant to say is we're, uh, representatives of the Lasercraw Fan Club
14:32Lasercraw has many, many fan clubs
14:35Which branch?
14:36Uh, the Gamma Quadrant Synod
14:38They're just outside the stadium
14:40And, uh, I know it would mean a lot to all the members
14:43If Lasercraw came out to say hi
14:45The Gamma Quadrant Synod?
14:47Lasercraw revoked their charter two weeks ago
14:52Where do you two crudely constructed robots think thou are taking Lasercraw?
14:57We are going to a fan club meeting
15:03Where do you think you are going with my star players? Guards!
15:09Josh? We're scams!
15:11I told you, the name is Lasercraw
15:15Lasercraw! Lasercraw! Lasercraw! Lasercraw!
15:32I know this isn't the right time to tell you
15:34But that was a lousy robot voice you did
15:36Can I give you some professional advice as an experienced voiceover performer?
15:41Uh, no
15:42What was the deal with Josh?
15:44It was like his mind was being controlled
15:48I don't know how we're going to get out of this thing
15:50Thou does not get out
15:52Until it is time to compete against our reigning champions
15:55Lasercraw and Ironjaw
15:57Even Fluffy's got a stage name? I'm in the wrong field
16:01Thou wilt to battle after these other pathetic lifeforms have been eliminated by Lasercraw
16:07Why are you doing this?
16:09Forcing innocent aliens to play such a ridiculously lame game is wrong
16:13We do it for our entertainment
16:15And we've just changed our mind
16:17You two will compete first!
16:21Nice! What happens if we lose?
16:23Losers are jettisoned into space
16:25They are useless to us
16:27Well, listen Mr. My head is really large
16:29You can't make us compete if we don't want to
16:32Oh, thou shall want to
16:37Spacey, I don't know if I can
16:39Just be natural
16:46Okay, when do we play?
16:48Very soon
16:52So, what did you do?
16:54I put an anti-osmotic shield around us
16:56It's a little something I've been working on for extra credit
16:58That thingy around his head is how he mind controls the players
17:01How are we going to get Josh away from him?
17:03I know how
17:05We're going to play Psycho-Psycho
17:13Are you sure this is a good idea?
17:15What if Josh can't remember who he is?
17:17He's such a worrier
17:19What's the worst that can happen?
17:20We get jettisoned into space
17:22Okay, besides that
17:31Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind!
17:39Companions, let the game begin!
17:44Hold on!
17:54If that goes in, we get flushed!
18:02Lucky shot, Earthlings
18:04Don't you remember us? We're your friends
18:06I'm Yoko, you've always loved my singing voice
18:10And I'm Brett, you love to con me into doing your homework
18:15I am Laser Chrome, I have no friends other than Iron Jaw
18:21Great, Josh still doesn't know who he is and now we don't have a laser paddle
18:24Who he is? I can't believe he doesn't remember me
18:29I've got an idea, get me close to Evac
18:31I think that if we can grab that headband of his, we'll break the mind control
18:35Oh, this is going to get messy
18:37Hold on!
18:44Nuts! Josh won't let us get close
18:46Take the controls, I'm going to jump off and distract him
18:49You go for the headband
18:50No way! Using one of us as bait is how we got this mess in the first place
18:54We've got to stick together
18:55Okay then, I'm going to open this baby up
18:58Lock your spoils in attack position
19:01We don't have spoils
19:03Hold on!
19:04What are you-
19:05Trust me
19:13Yo, Laser Dome, how's your aim?
19:21Ha! That's what you get for messing with our friends
19:24Don't rile him, he could still be dangerous
19:33Laser Chrome?
19:34Yoko? Brett? What did you call me?
19:40Where's Big Head?
19:44He's getting away!
19:47I don't think so
19:48Fluffy, picture in here, buddy
20:04Evac, you're under arrest for intergalactic kidnapping
20:07F2 Laser Chrome?
20:09Come on guys, wave to your fans
20:11I've got fans?
20:13Rocket Princess! Rocket Princess!
20:16Ooh, I could learn to love this sport
20:22You'll be happy to know that all of the aliens who were jettisoned have been collected and returned safely to their home planets
20:27Well, that's great
20:28And Evac?
20:29He'll have plenty of time to think about what he's done on the asteroid jail colony of Irina
20:33Well then, I guess all's well that ends well
20:35There's still the little matter of your conduct
20:38You violated Rule 11-20 and used yourself as bait, placing yourself in great danger
20:43And Brett, you were supposed to be grounded
20:45Well, if I could explain it
20:47However, your team worked beautifully together, so I'm willing to overlook these infractions
20:51This time
20:52Aw, thanks Principal Kirkpatrick
20:54It won't happen again
20:55I wish I could believe that
20:58Where's Yoko?
20:59Oh, uh, she's back in her room sending pictures to her fans
21:03Ever since that Psycho Cycle game, she's become very popular
21:07To Sleepda!
21:09Best wishes, Rocket Princess
21:12Only another 8,000 to go
21:14I think Josh was right
21:16Popularity is overrated
21:36Thanks for watching!
