Team Galaxy S01 Ep12 - Alien Brett

  • 2 months ago
Yoko, Brett and Josh capture a vicious alien; Principal Kirkpatrick threatens Brett to have him expelled from the intergalactic school program if he doesn't get fitter; Brett then uses the malicious alien's DNA to accomplish his goal.
00:004, 3, 2, 1!
00:01Here we are in our own little mansion To take on the world, yeah, to make it ourselves
00:02We draw the stars, take our own direction Yeah, we can do it all
00:03Cause it's all in our day Here in Team Galaxay
00:04We're together forever When you're the one spinning around
00:05When you're the one spinning around
00:06When you're the one spinning around
00:07When you're the one spinning around
00:08When you're the one spinning around
00:09When you're the one spinning around
00:10When you're the one spinning around
00:11When you're the one spinning around
00:12When you're the one spinning around
00:13When you're the one spinning around
00:14When you're the one spinning around
00:15When you're the one spinning around
00:16When you're the one spinning around
00:17When you're the one spinning around
00:18When you're the one spinning around
00:19When you're the one spinning around
00:21When you're the one spinning around
00:22When you're the one spinning around
00:23When you're the one spinning around
00:24When you're the one spinning around
00:25When you're the one spinning around
00:26When you're the one spinning around
00:27When you're the one spinning around
00:28When you're the one spinning around
00:29When you're the one spinning around
00:30When you're the one spinning around
00:31When you're the one spinning around
00:32When you're the one spinning around
00:33When you're the one spinning around
00:34When you're the one spinning around
00:35When you're the one spinning around
00:36When you're the one spinning around
00:37When you're the one spinning around
00:38When you're the one spinning around
00:39When you're the one spinning around
00:40When you're the one spinning around
00:41When you're the one spinning around
00:42When you're the one spinning around
00:43When you're the one spinning around
00:44When you're the one spinning around
00:45Today is going to be a great day!
00:52I can feel it!
00:54I mean, I can really feel it!
01:00I can feel it!
01:10I can feel it!
01:13Permission to enter!
01:14Authorized vehicle in approach!
01:17Time to get that blood boiling, Space Marshals!
01:20Five hundred reps should kick start your day!
01:30Five hundred reps wouldn't kick start my day, it would end it!
01:50Specialist slackers don't pump iron!
01:52I just love a good workout first thing in the morning!
01:55An intergalactic singing sensation has to be in tip top shape!
01:58I'm with Yoko! Physical fitness is the key to a sharp mind!
02:04Good morning, Marshals!
02:05The winner of the Team of the Year competition will be announced on Friday!
02:09So keep up the great work in the classroom and on missions!
02:12And may the strongest team win!
02:14What competition!
02:16Thanks to Brett the weakling, you three don't stand a chance!
02:19I am just as strong as anyone at Galaxy High!
02:22Even you!
02:24Whatever you say, little guy!
02:27Hey, lay off Brett, Bobby!
02:29Yeah! When he lacks in physical strength, he more than makes up for in strength of character!
02:34It's not my fault! It's the new titanium alloy! They're heavier than they look!
02:38When you're done, Brett, I'd like to see you in my office!
02:41Okay! Just as soon as someone helps me out of here!
02:49Your academic performance at Galaxy High has been exemplary!
02:53In fact, you're at the top of the class, Brett!
02:55What can I say? I'm a born student!
02:57Yes, but you're having trouble keeping up physically with the other Marshals.
03:01And frankly, I'm worried about your safety.
03:03Oh, if this is about today's workout, I'm just a little shorter than the other Marshals! I'll grow!
03:07I'm sorry, Brett. But until you can prove you won't get hurt, I'm grounding you from all missions!
03:12Grounded? But I'm just as capable as anyone here! Give me another chance! Pretty please!
03:18The safety of my Marshals has to come first!
03:22Excuse me, Principal Kirkpatrick, but there's been an attack on the nearby planet of Centurion Minor!
03:27A very strong, very aggressive, and very primitive Clop-Hop is destroying its largest city!
03:32I'll send in a team right away!
03:34Send me! I'll prove that I can handle anything you throw my way! Even that nasty Clop-Hop thingy!
03:39Clop-Hops are very dangerous, Brett!
03:41I'll wear extra padding, and I'll be extra careful!
03:45All right. But just to be on the safe side, I'll be keeping a close eye on you.
03:49Yes, sir! You won't regret it, sir! Sir!
03:58Hornet Number One, this is Shooter. Control takeoff, stand by.
04:03Centurion Minor, here we come!
04:05More like Scary Clop-Hop Monster here we come!
04:15Launch successful, Hornet Number One! Heading 7-9, Alpha-Charlie-12-6-5!
04:24I found a schematic of a Clop-Hop in the database.
04:29Dang, that hurts!
04:30I guess Fluffy doesn't like Clop-Hops either, do you, boy?
04:33You raggedy...
04:34By the way, what did Principal K want to see you about?
04:38He just wanted to congratulate me on my A-plus paper in Theoretical Astro-Hydraulics.
04:42I have no idea what that is, but way to go, Brett!
04:45Anyway, they're five stories tall, they have hairy skin, two heads, and a powerful forked tail.
04:51Ew! Why can't alien invaders ever be small, cute, and harmless?
04:55Um, because then we wouldn't have a job.
04:57Ah, its large kangaroo-like feet must be a huge mechanical strain on its puny ankles.
05:02Then the Clop-Hop's Achilles heel is literally our ticket to taking it down!
05:08Auto-landing control activated. Check.
05:13Whoa, this Clop-Hop thing could really use a course in anger management.
05:17I wonder where it went.
05:22Ask a silly question, get a terrifying answer!
05:29Okay, time to incapacitate that nasty beast with my Sonic Blaster Fim Box!
05:34Out of my way! The Clop-Hop's mine!
05:37What is Brett doing?
05:38I don't know, but this so isn't going to end well.
05:43Ha! Ha! Ha!
05:48Apparently his ankle isn't as weak as it looks!
05:51I told you this wouldn't end well!
05:56Hang on, Brett! We're right behind you!
05:59Man, this thing means business!
06:01Oh, gee, what gave you that idea?
06:30Yuko! The Overpass!
06:32I don't know Josh, that thing doesn't look very stable to me!
06:35It'll be even less stable when you give it a Sonic Blast!
06:40Hey! Clop-Hop! Why don't you pick on someone your own freakishly overgrown size!?
06:49Now, Yoko!
06:57Thanks, you guys, but let's never try that again.
07:02No argument here!
07:09Hornet number one, clear for landing.
07:18Nice work, team. Thanks to Josh and Yoko, Centurion Miner will no longer be terrorized by a Clawpaw run amok.
07:24Josh and Yoko? What about me? I had that nasty Clawpaw right where I wanted him!
07:29Run footage, Centurion Miner, 0300 hours.
07:33I'm sorry, Brett, but you're grounding stands.
07:39Principal K grounded me because he's worried about my safety.
07:43Guess Brett the weakling isn't cut out to be a galaxy-high marshal after all.
07:49I know! I'll make you a Yoko-patented energy shake, guaranteed to boost physical stamina!
07:54And I can give you aerobike lessons for quick getaways. You'll be an expert in no time!
07:58Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I'm beyond help at this point.
08:02Poor little guy.
08:04Yeah, I think that's the problem.
08:19I wish I could be big and strong, just like the older marshals.
08:22Wait a sec! I may not be big and strong, but I am a genius!
08:49What's this?
08:55As soon as I figure out the access code, I'll finally have what I've always wanted!
09:26Now all I have to do is isolate the claw pup's DNA for strength and size, while taking out all the dangerous parts.
09:39Okay, just a few more seconds.
09:41Analysis complete. Sample has been synthesized.
09:49Perfect! With my giant claw pup muscles, I'll be able to handle anything Principal K throws my way!
10:07Mr. Sporusclips is totally going to give us an A++ for our alien delicacies from Alpha 1 to Zephyrelus project!
10:14I just hope Fluffy's able to find some Zephyrelus delicacies.
10:18Ugh! Man, be careful what you wish for!
10:23Looks like someone got up on the right side of the bed today.
10:25I thought a lot about what you guys said, and I'm not going to let Principal K discourage me.
10:29I'm going to be the best marshal I can be!
10:31Oh, I'm so glad you're feeling better, Brat!
10:34Not only better, I'm totally famished!
10:43That's delish!
10:45Oh, but we worked for two weeks to gather all this food! Now it's ruined!
10:50Oh, sorry guys. I guess I didn't realize how hungry I was.
10:55For the strength of your breath!
10:57Must have been the Epsilon eyeball stew. Later!
11:10You may want to take it easy there, Brat.
11:12Yeah, you don't want to pull a muscle. Or ten. Trust me, it's no sweat!
11:18What'd you do, Brat? Rig the machine?
11:20And what's with the nails? Super grody much?
11:26Must be from all the protein shakes!
11:28Now, if you'll excuse me, the zero-gravity treadmill awaits!
11:34I definitely look... different.
11:36I just hope it stops soon!
11:43Ha ha ha!
11:49It's coming from over there!
11:53Get this thing off of me! It's gone completely haywire!
12:01Impressive moves, Marshal!
12:03Perhaps I was too hasty in my decision to ground you. Consider yourself off probation.
12:08Thanks, Principal K! You won't regret this!
12:11That's quite a firm grip you've got there, Brat!
12:16Not to mention a hairy one!
12:18Yeah, what's up with your hands, Brat?
12:22It's nothing. Hairy hands run in my family.
12:32Hairy hands? Super long fingernails?
12:35Humongous kangaroo feet! This shouldn't be happening!
12:39All I wanted was bigger muscles!
12:48Is it just me, or is Brat acting really strange?
12:51You mean besides the funky breath, nasty nails, and furry fingers?
12:54You know, someone should really tell Brat.
12:56Grooming is tray-critical now, especially as he approaches the all-important teen years.
13:02Don't look at me! I don't do heart-to-hearts!
13:04Red alert! Breach in containment lab one!
13:07How is that possible? Containment lab one is virtually impenetrable!
13:11Key word being virtually?
13:16What's going on?
13:18Maybe you should ask them!
13:31Attention all Marshals! Galaxy High is under attack! Report to your crushers immediately!
13:37This is not a simulation!
13:41Okay, the other teams can handle the claw pops.
13:43We need to get to the containment lab!
13:45If we can figure out what Brat did, maybe we can reverse it!
13:51Right behind you, yo!
13:59Go for your vehicle!
14:11When I get through with these claw pops, they'll know what hit them! Me, in this crusher!
14:15Wait! Doesn't that second claw pop look strangely familiar?
14:19Not unless you've been hanging out with freakishly weird aliens lately!
14:27Kale, three o'clock!
14:34Kill ya!
14:46Pretty fast for a megabeast!
15:01Hang on!
15:15Huh, sure doesn't look like a prison break to me!
15:19Brat must have hacked into the computer and let the claw pop out of his cage!
15:29Huh, I wonder what this was for?
15:31Huh? Beats me, but maybe we can use Brat's computer to find out!
15:38Analysis complete. Sample contains claw pop DNA.
15:42So Brat ingested claw pop DNA! I guess that would explain why he's so big and strong!
15:47And has two heads!
15:49If we can get Brat to ingest his own DNA, maybe we can reverse the process!
15:53Good idea! Now all we have to do is find his sample!
15:58Guess that means we're supposed to follow?
16:08Brat's hair! Ha!
16:10And you thought changing Fluffy's programming to make him jump on Brat's head when he's afraid was mean!
16:14Oh, Brat will thank you later, I'm sure.
16:27Come on, can't you analyze any faster?
16:30Haven't you ever heard a watched computer never analyzes?
16:38Looks like we crawled out of that ditch just in time!
16:42We could really use some help over here!
16:45Don't worry, we've got your back!
16:51Haha, made you look...
16:59Man, this thing is denser than Fluffy and Mud in the springtime!
17:03Not as dense as you'd think!
17:06Hang on! It'll run out of stuff to throw, eventually!
17:13I can't get close enough to knock out the clock hop!
17:17The crusher's toast!
17:20Brat! Nooo!
17:23The crusher's toast!
17:25The crusher's toast!
17:41The Crusher's toast!
17:44Brett! Nooooo!
17:46Brett, it's me! Yoko!
17:50Maybe he'll recognize me if I sing the song.
17:52We're trying to save the campus, not destroy it further.
17:55Oh, this is no time for jokes, especially at my expense.
17:59Time to face your fear, boy.
18:00We really need you.
18:03Don't worry.
18:03Deep down, it's still Brett.
18:05The same Brett who plays catch with you
18:06every Sunday in the park.
18:19Go, puppy!
18:20You can do it!
18:33This is our chance!
18:34Come on!
18:53Normal Brett the weakling arms? Size 5 feet? No second head? I'm me again! Thanks you guys!
19:03Don't thank us yet. My dad will be all over you for that trashed uniform.
19:09Gee, thanks.
19:14Out of my way! The quad pop's mine!
19:16I sure hope he has a plan.
19:18Are you kidding? It's Brett. He's probably got plans to back up his backup plans.
19:28Aha! Missed me!
19:38See how you like it!
19:44That's for you to get out of here! Don't have to ask me twice!
20:07Way to go, Brett!
20:15It's my honor to present this award to the team with the right stuff.
20:19Put your hands together for Josh, Yoko, and Brett!
20:26Brett, you may not be as physically strong as the other Marshals, but you're clearly an asset to Galaxy High.
20:37Thanks, everyone. I couldn't have done it without a lot of help, and I think I speak for my entire team when I say I'd like to share this award with all the Galaxy High Marshals.
20:50Congratulations! As teams of the year, you'll each be taking on more responsibility and more missions, which won't leave much free time.
20:57Um, what?
20:59But never fear! We'll cram in as much training as possible on evenings and weekends!
21:04This is all Brett's fault!
21:06Get him!
21:08Back off! I'm warning you! I may still have some club hop left in me!
21:19To be continued...
21:49Thank you for watching!
