• 4 months ago

After an encounter with a troubled student crosses the line, a young high school teacher struggles between giving into her desires and doing the right thing.

Jay Holben
Alana de Freitas
Alana de Freitas, Jared Scott, Houston Rhines

00:00:00Please stand clear, the doors are closing.
00:00:24Please stand clear, the doors are closing.
00:00:54Please stand clear, the doors are closing.
00:01:24Please stand clear, the doors are closing.
00:01:54Please stand clear, the doors are closing.
00:02:00Good morning.
00:02:02Hey, love.
00:02:03Nice to meet you.
00:02:04Nice to see you.
00:02:06Well, it's a beautiful day out, I hope that's a good omen.
00:02:09Did you have any trouble finding a parking space?
00:02:11Oh, no, not at all.
00:02:13These facilities are great, I can't wait to settle in.
00:02:16Well, we're very happy to have you.
00:02:17I mean, your previous school just speaks glowingly of your teaching methods.
00:02:21Yeah, I'll miss them, but it was definitely time to move on.
00:02:25Shannon, I want you to meet Miss Kendi, she'll be taking over Pauline's classroom.
00:02:29Miss James is right across the hall if you need anything.
00:02:31Oh, great, Lila, nice to meet you.
00:02:33Well, if you'll excuse me, I have a parent meeting to get to, so enjoy your first day.
00:02:36Okay, thank you, Principal Gibney.
00:02:39Why don't you just have the sweetest manners, if you need me.
00:03:06You want to stay in that school, you got to get your grades up,
00:03:08and you got to cut out all that other shit you're getting into.
00:03:11You think we're stupid?
00:03:13We know.
00:03:14What makes you think I want to stay in that school?
00:03:16Why should we waste good money on that school if you're just going to piss away your chance?
00:03:20Stop acting like you're paying for it, we all know the church is.
00:03:23Hey, watch your mouth.
00:03:24What, it's true.
00:03:25Okay, that makes it even worse.
00:03:26You're wasting God's money, Jason.
00:03:28Oh, my God.
00:03:29Do you want to end up like your brother?
00:03:31I'm not, Michael.
00:03:37I actually had friends there.
00:03:39Kind of liked that school.
00:03:41Please, Jason, can't you see they're not good for you?
00:03:43You need to stay away from them.
00:03:45You're so fucking clueless.
00:03:47That's enough.
00:03:58Jason, we just love you and want what's best for you.
00:04:04Please, just try and do better at school.
00:04:28You always find the spots with no security cameras.
00:04:32That's 50.
00:04:35Are you serious?
00:04:39Dude, don't act like you don't have the money.
00:04:43Do you want it or not, hmm?
00:04:47Well, what's with the raise in price?
00:05:03It's a pleasure doing business.
00:05:10BELL RINGS
00:05:18Good morning, everybody. My name is Miss Kendi.
00:05:26And I am your new English teacher.
00:05:30All right, settle down. Let's get started.
00:05:34BELL RINGS
00:05:38Hope they didn't give you too much trouble.
00:05:40Are you kidding? Compared to my last school, they're a dream.
00:05:44Mr Matthews, just call me Andrew.
00:05:47Lila, you can call me Miss Kendi.
00:05:51Well, it was a pleasure meeting you.
00:05:53I'm off to coach basketball practice.
00:05:55I'll see you in the halls.
00:05:57You will.
00:05:59BELL RINGS
00:06:02With this brown bag.
00:06:06Put it over her fucking face.
00:06:08Hey, man, hurry the fuck up.
00:06:11Fuck you.
00:06:12Lila, fuck.
00:06:14I'm trying to imbibe the vibe, man.
00:06:16What the fuck?
00:06:19Yo, yo, yo, Matthews Flu is turning into a pussy, man.
00:06:22Oh, fuck you.
00:06:24No, no, no, no, dude, dude, dude.
00:06:26You should see this new teacher that I have.
00:06:28What the fuck?
00:06:31Like, no, dude, like, she's all proper and shy and shit,
00:06:35but those are the ones always freaking the sheets, man.
00:06:38Doug, you don't know shit about freaking the sheets.
00:06:42What? I know a lot more than you, fag.
00:06:44Like, fuck no.
00:06:45This is gonna fuck, bitch-asshole.
00:06:48Fuck you, I never...
00:06:50Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:06:57Yeah, they seem like good kids for the most part,
00:06:59and the school's really nice.
00:07:01Certainly won't miss Braybrook, that's for sure.
00:07:03Well, you never complained about Braybrook before.
00:07:06Like, I know you're getting a fresh start,
00:07:08but don't forget where you came from.
00:07:10Oh, I know, and it's not Braybrook that I needed to get away from,
00:07:14but Westbury's a definite improvement.
00:07:17You know, I wish Dale could have gone to a school like this.
00:07:20Don't worry about your brother.
00:07:22He can take care of himself.
00:07:24Hi, sis.
00:07:25Tell him how I'm back.
00:07:27Oh, I miss you guys.
00:07:42Nothing's gonna change if you keep hanging around those same people.
00:07:46They're my friends, Mom.
00:07:48Can't you make friends at your new school?
00:07:50Can you just relax?
00:07:52I wasn't even doing anything wrong.
00:07:54I've already lost one son.
00:07:56What are you two screeching about this time?
00:07:59Nothing, Dad. Just go back to sleep.
00:08:02I'm not, Michael.
00:08:04Stop putting that on me.
00:08:13I still need that note from your parents.
00:08:27Look, they've signed off on it.
00:08:29All right, thank you for that, Cindy.
00:08:33Jason, what can I do for you?
00:08:36I think I need some help with my personal essay assignment.
00:08:40Okay, well, have you picked a topic yet?
00:08:43Well, I mean, it's a personal essay,
00:08:46so obviously the write-about's my family or myself, right?
00:08:50Right. Yeah, I expect that.
00:08:52Right. Yeah, I expect that's what most people will write about
00:08:55or an experience that they've had.
00:08:57A lot of people use them as practice for their college application letters.
00:09:03Look, the purpose of the essay is just to practice structured writing,
00:09:07but it also helps me to learn more about each of you.
00:09:11If you're worried about who's gonna see them,
00:09:13then I guarantee that it's just me.
00:09:16Well, what about you?
00:09:18What do you mean, what about me?
00:09:20I mean, you wanna know all about me.
00:09:22I don't even know who you are.
00:09:24I mean, what do I know about you?
00:09:26Well, what do you wanna know?
00:09:31Forget it.
00:09:37Slow down!
00:09:40Sorry about that.
00:09:41It's not your fault.
00:09:43But hey, don't waste your time with that one.
00:09:45He's a bad seed.
00:09:47How do you mean?
00:09:48I mean he doesn't give a shit.
00:09:50Couldn't care less about school.
00:09:52He'll be dead by the time he's 20.
00:09:54That's a bit extreme, don't you think?
00:09:56Trust me, the kids from Malburg never last.
00:09:58They don't have it in them.
00:10:00They don't wanna learn.
00:10:02No, you're wrong.
00:10:03He was just here asking for help with homework.
00:10:06He does care.
00:10:08Fine. Waste your time.
00:10:10I don't think of it as wasting my time.
00:10:13I'm a teacher. I think of it as doing my job.
00:10:16Good luck with that.
00:10:47This toxicity I must destroy.
00:10:50The flames lick away the pain.
00:10:53Self-preservation is my ploy.
00:10:56And my freedom I'll regain.
00:11:00Thank you, Nina. I enjoyed the imagery.
00:11:02Thank you.
00:11:04Jason, you're up.
00:11:06I still don't see how writing poetry is ever gonna help me in the real world.
00:11:14why use me as a shield?
00:11:16I don't need this magic book,
00:11:17but do you know what it tells me anyway?
00:11:25back in the language.
00:11:40What happens, happens for a reason, though those reasons remain unknown.
00:11:51It won't be this bad forever, though you feel like you walk alone.
00:11:55I can hear somebody screaming.
00:11:57I can hear fear and agony.
00:12:00Frantic I open my eyes.
00:12:04I realize that somebody's me.
00:12:07You cannot change what happened, no matter how hard you try.
00:12:11You cannot turn back the hands of time, no matter how much you try.
00:12:16The past is the past for a reason, that's where we should let it stay.
00:12:21Sometimes it's hard to let it go, try not to let it eat you away.
00:12:26Dark times make you stronger, though sometimes cold and withdrawn.
00:12:31When it feels too much, remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.
00:12:45That's it.
00:12:47Thank you, Jason.
00:12:56I can hear myself scream.
00:12:59That's enough, David. Come on, let's see what you've got.
00:13:11Oh, Jason, can I see you before you leave, please?
00:13:15What's up?
00:13:17I was just looking over your file.
00:13:20Oh, it's okay. I'm just looking over everybody's files.
00:13:23I noticed that you're new here, too. Transferred last semester?
00:13:29What made you want to transfer?
00:13:32Do you know Malburg?
00:13:34Not personally, but I have heard of it.
00:13:38Were you having trouble with the other kids there?
00:13:41No, it's nothing like that. I was happy there.
00:13:45My parents just don't want me to get into trouble.
00:13:47My mom's pretty religious, so she asked a priest to get me in here.
00:13:53You said you were happy there. Are you happy here?
00:14:00I don't like taking charity.
00:14:03What do you mean?
00:14:06Forget it. Can I just go?
00:14:08Just a second.
00:14:10I wanted you to know how impressed I was with your poem today.
00:14:13I have to say, I was surprised looking over your grades.
00:14:16I think you're more capable than you're giving yourself credit for.
00:14:20Well, you don't know me.
00:14:22I know talent.
00:14:24I'm not letting you get away with the bare minimum anymore, not now that I know what you can do.
00:14:28It's just a poem.
00:14:30Regardless, you set the standard. Now I expect you to live up to it.
00:14:38Can I go?
00:14:40Yeah, get out of here.
00:15:28Alright, gotta go.
00:15:30Where are you going?
00:15:32A study group at the library.
00:15:35That's it? Oh.
00:15:37I thought you'd be a little happier.
00:15:39I am.
00:15:41I knew you'd do the right thing.
00:15:43Don't be too late.
00:15:46Dude, she's got me like working for it out here.
00:15:48I mean, she's hot, but she's...
00:15:50She has everybody working for her.
00:15:52She thinks that she's the shit and everything, but it's...
00:15:54Look who it is.
00:15:56How kind of you to grace us with your presence.
00:15:59Fuck off.
00:16:00Yeah, we're not keeping you from all your preppy new friends, are we?
00:16:02I'm here, aren't I?
00:16:05Thank you, assholes.
00:16:09So where you been?
00:16:11Uh, I'm just fucking trying to lay low right now with my mom.
00:16:14Like, she's been riding me with the shit out after the Michael.
00:16:17Dude, that shit happens like every day.
00:16:19I don't get why she's so upset.
00:16:22She hasn't sent you off to military school.
00:16:25Oh, shit, I got a pic.
00:16:26Oh, shit.
00:16:27Hey, hey, hey.
00:16:28Wait, wait, wait.
00:16:29Hold on, hold on.
00:16:30Let me look first.
00:16:31Damn, she's hot.
00:16:32No, that bitch is hot.
00:16:33No, don't.
00:16:34She's fine.
00:16:35She's fat.
00:16:36I'm about it.
00:16:37You have really low standards.
00:16:38Dude, this...
00:16:39Oh, my God.
00:16:40This is my life.
00:16:41This is my life.
00:16:42This is my life right now.
00:16:43You're gonna break me down like that?
00:16:46Good morning.
00:16:50Jason, you're gonna be late again.
00:16:52No, I'm not.
00:17:07Oh, hey.
00:17:08We still on for tonight?
00:17:10Oh, the hot spots.
00:17:12Come on.
00:17:13It'll be fun.
00:17:14Yeah, sure.
00:17:15Why not?
00:17:18Come on.
00:17:23I noticed you were distracted today in class.
00:17:26I'm just under a lot of pressure right now.
00:17:29My stupid parents are on my back about my grades.
00:17:32Well, you know, the personal essay doesn't go towards your overall grade.
00:17:36It's not my issue with the essay, though.
00:17:39Well, what is?
00:17:43I'm not from here.
00:17:47No, neither am I.
00:17:50But you don't get it.
00:17:53We don't have any money, so...
00:17:55My essay, it's not gonna be all rosy like everyone else's.
00:18:00Jason, you don't have to worry about that with me.
00:18:04I'm from Braybrook.
00:18:08For real?
00:18:10For real.
00:18:12Well, how'd you end up here?
00:18:14You religious?
00:18:21I'm not even Catholic.
00:18:24Oh, God.
00:18:28Look, how about I spend 30 minutes with you after class each day and we just work on whatever it is you need help with?
00:18:36You don't have to.
00:18:37I know I don't have to. I want to.
00:18:39I told you I'm not letting you get by with the bare minimum anymore.
00:18:44Parents want you out of Malburg. Well, getting your grades up and going to college is gonna be your ticket.
00:18:50Well, we both know I'm never gonna make it to college so you can just stop playing that line.
00:18:54It's not a line. There's no reason you can't do whatever you want to.
00:18:59You just need pointing in the right direction.
00:19:03So what do you say?
00:19:12Thanks, Mrs. Gundy.
00:19:18I did the personal essay if you still want that.
00:19:22Yeah, of course.
00:19:26You know, Jason, I want you to know that you can talk to me if you need to.
00:19:44Thank you.
00:20:00Thank you.
00:20:02So what is your situation?
00:20:06My situation?
00:20:07Yeah, I don't...
00:20:09Yep, I don't see a ring on your finger so I assume you're not married?
00:20:13That situation?
00:20:17I'm haunted.
00:20:20Freeze bird.
00:20:24Oh, I love this song.
00:20:27Come on.
00:20:28Oh, where are you?
00:20:29Oh, dancing.
00:20:30I'm really called Jason.
00:20:32All right, we're gonna do this.
00:20:34You sure you don't want your purse?
00:21:28I guess I drank more than I realized.
00:21:31This is what happens to the best of us.
00:21:33I'm going to give you my coat, but I am not wearing one.
00:21:38It's fine, I'll live with it.
00:21:41There you go.
00:21:45Your chariot's hoist.
00:21:49Thank you.
00:21:52Oh, hugs.
00:21:57Good night.
00:22:00Have fun. We should do it again sometime.
00:22:11Okay, maybe next time.
00:22:14Yeah, have fun. Just give me a call.
00:22:17Yeah, I'll see you at school.
00:22:53I wasn't sure you'd make it in today.
00:22:55I'm so embarrassed. I hope I wasn't too much of an annoying drunk last night.
00:22:59No, no. You looked like you were having a good time.
00:23:01Yeah, I was.
00:23:03Glad to hear it.
00:23:04I guess I just haven't drunk alcohol in such a long time that I've lost my tolerance for it.
00:23:08I guess we will just have to work on building it back up again.
00:23:11Oh, God. Drinking again is the last thing I can think about.
00:23:14How are you feeling?
00:23:16Probably better than I deserve.
00:23:18Oh, come on. Don't be so hard on yourself.
00:23:21You're going to make me feel bad. I feel like I'm responsible.
00:23:23Don't be silly. I'm a big girl.
00:23:25Yeah, you keep telling me you're tougher than you look.
00:23:28We will see.
00:23:32I'm not sure who dreads that bell more.
00:23:35Them or us.
00:24:18Did you think I wouldn't notice that you weren't in class today?
00:24:21What, did you miss me?
00:24:25Look, Jason, if you aren't going to show up to my class, then you clearly don't really want to learn.
00:24:29So why should I waste my private time tutoring you?
00:24:32No, you're right.
00:24:34I can see how it looked that way, but I just didn't want to be distracted by the other students in class
00:24:39so I was working in the library.
00:24:44Jason, I saw you sneaking out at lunch.
00:24:47And lying to me really doesn't make me want to help you.
00:24:52You're right. I'm sorry.
00:24:57I'll go.
00:24:59I guess I'm just destined to fail.
00:25:02End up a gangbanger in the streets running guns to girls and crack.
00:25:06Oh, sit down.
00:25:07Sit down.
00:25:15So I was thinking we could start off with my history homework.
00:25:18Alright, show me what you got.
00:25:31Excuse me?
00:25:33I saw you last night at the bar.
00:25:37Well, what were you doing there if you're underage?
00:25:41The guy who runs it owes me.
00:25:44Okay, let's do some work. That's what we're here for.
00:25:47No. Aren't you going to give me some dancing lessons?
00:25:51Okay, I think we're done here.
00:25:52Oh, no, relax. I'm just teasing.
00:25:56How often do you think I get to see a teacher in her natural habitat?
00:26:02Okay, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.
00:26:07Come on, let's do some work.
00:26:11I'd say you're not going to report me for ditching.
00:26:15Well, how would that benefit anyone? Plus, I trust that you're not going to do it again, right?
00:26:21Okay, women in history.
00:26:28It was good, though. I mean, I had a little bit too much to drink, but I did have fun.
00:26:34Did you kiss?
00:26:35No, I just told you we're colleagues.
00:26:38Will you see him again?
00:26:39I see him every day at school. You're making this into something that it isn't.
00:26:43I'm just excited for you. I want to see you happy and settled.
00:26:48You know, I'd eventually like to get some grandkids, you know.
00:26:50Oh, here we go. Look, I think I deserve a little bit of time to myself before I jump back into baby mode, okay?
00:26:56All right. All right.
00:26:59Mom, hold on a sec.
00:27:05Mom, I'm going to go. I'll call you tomorrow.
00:27:10What happened? What are you doing here?
00:27:13I'm sorry. I wouldn't have come here. I just don't know if anyone else would know.
00:27:16No, it's okay. Does it hurt?
00:27:19What do you think?
00:27:21Do you think it's broken?
00:27:25I don't think so.
00:27:27Look, I just wanted to get cleaned up before I go home. I can't let my parents see me like this.
00:27:32Of course. Just let me get a towel.
00:27:46Would you want me to take you to the station to make a report?
00:27:50Absolutely not.
00:27:56Can you tell me what happened?
00:28:02It's nothing. Just an occupational hazard.
00:28:08What occupation is that?
00:28:12You ask a lot of questions.
00:28:14You don't answer many.
00:28:21Okay, Jason, look. If you're going to show up to my place in the middle of the night, I think that means that you trust me, and you can.
00:28:26But you can't expect that I'm not going to want some kind of explanation in return.
00:28:29Look, I wasn't asking for help. I just wanted to wash up. I've done that. Thank you. I won't come here again.
00:28:41Where are you going?
00:28:43Home. Before my mom sends out a search party.
00:28:50Let me drive you.
00:29:00Do you have any siblings?
00:29:08How many?
00:29:15Don't drown me in details.
00:29:19I don't have any siblings.
00:29:20How many?
00:29:27Don't drown me in details.
00:29:33I'm trying to talk to you.
00:29:41Just got a lot on my mind.
00:29:51Hey, turn down there.
00:29:56Just trust me. Turn. Turn.
00:30:21What are we doing here?
00:30:23Come on.
00:30:25What? Where? It's raining.
00:30:29So what?
00:30:56It's beautiful.
00:31:07So you're going to give me that dancing lesson?
00:31:14We should go. It's freezing.
00:31:21I love you.
00:31:33I love you, too.
00:31:35I love you.
00:31:48You can just drop me off at the corner.
00:32:00I just don't want my parents asking any questions.
00:32:14Look, Jason, I think you're a great kid, but I'm your teacher.
00:32:21Things went too far tonight and that's my fault, but it can't happen again, okay?
00:33:04I love you.
00:33:34I love you.
00:33:59Hey, kiddo, you got something you want to tell me?
00:34:06Your grades.
00:34:09I am so proud of you. Huge improvement.
00:34:12Yeah, it's not that big of a deal.
00:34:14Are you joking? This is the best you've ever done.
00:34:18Guess the school's finally paying off.
00:34:22I can't really take all their credit. Miss Kendi, she's really been helping me out.
00:34:28Kendi, that's the new one?
00:34:29Mm-hmm, yeah. She offered to tutor me after every class, but...
00:34:33That's really nice of her. She must like you to do that.
00:34:37I don't think she likes me. I just think...
00:34:41I don't know. I think she's just doing her job.
00:34:45I'll have to thank her at the parent-teacher conference.
00:34:48You did good, honey.
00:34:49You did good, honey.
00:34:57So anyway, he bucks. I go flying through the air. Land on my wrist, bust it.
00:35:03Okay, I guess I deserved it, right?
00:35:05Jesus. Remind me to never piss off a pool.
00:35:09Yeah, right?
00:35:17So is this why you're married?
00:35:20How'd you know I was married?
00:35:23You mentioned it before we were here. That you pawned your ring.
00:35:31Shit, I must have been drunk.
00:35:33Uh, no. This was before that.
00:35:38So, what happened?
00:35:40Oh, I, uh... I got a metal plate turned in?
00:35:43No, I... I've been with your husband.
00:35:45You've been with your husband?
00:35:51He was volatile, to say the least.
00:35:59I could never seem to do anything right.
00:36:02Not a good combination.
00:36:05So I guess you didn't take him well when you asked about divorce?
00:36:08No. Um, look, do you mind if we talk about something else?
00:36:11Of course, yeah. I'm sorry, I guess I'm just...
00:36:18So, have you dated much since?
00:36:22Not really.
00:36:25Um, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.
00:36:29I'll be right back.
00:36:32Oh, shit.
00:36:35Hey, I'm good. I'll go to the bathroom after.
00:37:21Hey, I ordered us some drinks.
00:37:33Hey, look, my mom just called while I was in the bathroom,
00:37:36and, uh, look, something's going on at home.
00:37:39I really need to leave. Would that be okay?
00:37:43Of course, yeah. Go ahead. I got this.
00:37:46Thank you so much.
00:37:48Let me know if you need anything.
00:37:57Can I join you?
00:37:58Hi, Shannon.
00:38:00Yeah, sure.
00:38:01Hi, Shannon.
00:38:03Yeah, sure.
00:38:05I swear that he follows her around like a dog.
00:38:13I guess so.
00:38:28Who is it?
00:38:34Are you gonna open the door?
00:38:39I don't think that's a good idea.
00:38:44Look, I just want to talk.
00:38:46I'm sorry about before.
00:39:00Look, I accept your apology, but this has got to stop.
00:39:04Can I just come in for a minute?
00:39:06What for?
00:39:08You really think this is a conversation we should be having in the street?
00:39:18Look, Jason, I should have been clear about this the first time.
00:39:21You can't be here.
00:39:22It's inappropriate for a teacher and a student to be alone together outside of school.
00:39:25I know. I know. I just...
00:39:27I just wanted to see you.
00:39:30Do you think I'm gonna hurt you?
00:39:35I just think we need to keep our distance, okay?
00:39:42You kissed me back.
00:39:49Why what?
00:39:52Why'd you kiss me back?
00:39:55I shouldn't have. I'm sorry.
00:39:59That's not an answer.
00:40:03I don't know. I don't have an answer. I...
00:40:05I wasn't thinking.
00:40:09It's not bullshit.
00:40:13You have chemistry and you know it.
00:40:17Can I kiss you again?
00:40:24This isn't right.
00:40:26Who cares?
00:40:28I care.
00:40:36Do you?
00:40:41I can't.
00:40:54I can't.
00:41:25I'm sorry.
00:41:33Stop thinking.
00:41:54I'm sorry.
00:42:36Fuck. This is bad.
00:42:42Not you. Just...
00:42:44This should never have happened.
00:42:47Well, it did. So just relax and enjoy it for now.
00:43:01Nobody can know about this, okay?
00:43:04Promise me.
00:43:06I promise.
00:43:12And it can't happen again.
00:43:19It's not gonna happen again, alright?
00:43:25I'm hypothetically speaking.
00:43:28If I agree to that, will you agree to just relax and enjoy the rest of the morning with me?
00:43:37I promise no one's gonna find out.
00:43:40Trust me.
00:43:42Trust me.
00:44:03But aren't your parents gonna wonder where you are?
00:44:06No, I texted my mom last night.
00:44:10What did you tell her?
00:44:12I told her I was inside of you all night.
00:44:15I'm kidding.
00:44:17Not funny.
00:44:19I just texted her saying I was playing video games in Nick's and I'll stay in there.
00:44:29Oh, God.
00:44:42What are you staring at?
00:44:57Tell me about your family.
00:45:00What do you want to know?
00:45:04Well, you never told me about your siblings.
00:45:08I have an older brother and a younger sister.
00:45:12Classic mental child syndrome.
00:45:15Are you close with them?
00:45:18I was close with my older brother.
00:45:21I'm very close with my sister. She's my baby.
00:45:26You said was.
00:45:29Did your brother pass away?
00:45:35He's, uh, he's in jail.
00:45:40Oh, I'm sorry.
00:45:43What did he do?
00:45:46A lot of things.
00:45:49He's not a bad guy. He was just trying to take care of us.
00:45:53I'm sure that's rough on your parents.
00:45:57Yeah, they nearly killed my mother.
00:45:59Now they just take it out on me.
00:46:05They're just so paranoid I'm going to make the same mistakes.
00:46:08Like, that's why they're so worried about me getting good grades.
00:46:11They're desperate for me to get out of this shitty neighborhood and just go to college.
00:46:14Well, I can't hold that against them. They just want what's best for you.
00:46:18I know, but it's just exhausting.
00:46:20And I constantly have to make up excuses for where I am every second of the day.
00:46:25Well, where are you going that you can't tell them?
00:46:29Don't you start.
00:46:30Don't you start.
00:46:43We have to get out.
00:46:57Hey, uh, listen.
00:47:00I'm not going to make it to class today.
00:47:05Is that okay, Miss Kendi?
00:47:07How come?
00:47:09I have to take my dad to his doctor's appointment.
00:47:11I'm serious.
00:47:14I'll definitely make it back for our tutoring session, though.
00:47:42Saw you last night.
00:47:45With Andrew.
00:47:52We had a great time after you left.
00:47:55That's nice.
00:47:57Oh, well, you probably didn't know that Andrew and I used to date.
00:48:01No, I didn't.
00:48:03What about it?
00:48:05I just hope it doesn't make you feel insecure working with me.
00:48:09Shannon, Andrew and I are just friends, if that's what you're worried about.
00:48:14I'm not worried.
00:48:16Just thought you should know.
00:48:18Anyway, enjoy the rest of your lunch.
00:48:38Boy, you more of a hustler than I thought you was, little bro.
00:48:41Yeah, you know your bro is a good earner, too.
00:48:44There's your cut, kid.
00:48:58Come see me in a week.
00:49:00I got a business opportunity for you.
00:49:12I wanted to check if your mom was okay.
00:49:14My mom? Oh, right. Sorry, I'm just a little bit out of it today.
00:49:24No, yeah, she's fine. Turns out she was just making a big deal out of nothing.
00:49:30Well, it's too bad our date got cut short.
00:49:32Should pick it up again sometime.
00:49:33This weekend.
00:49:38I'm ready, Miss Candy.
00:49:41Andrew, I will talk to you tomorrow.
00:49:52Well, you look very happy.
00:49:54I take it your dad's appointment went well?
00:49:57I'm just happy to see you.
00:49:59Jason, we need to pretend like last night didn't happen.
00:50:02You agreed to that.
00:50:04Can I at least give you your gift first?
00:50:07Look, this needs to be purely a teacher-student relationship.
00:50:10Otherwise, I can't tutor you anymore.
00:50:13Okay, fine.
00:50:16Okay, good.
00:50:18What are we working on today?
00:50:21I just need to give you your present first, and then we can go back to normal.
00:50:27Close your eyes.
00:50:29Just close them. Nobody's watching.
00:51:09Thank you.
00:51:10It's beautiful.
00:51:11Thank you.
00:51:20Look, Jason, I like you more than I should.
00:51:25But I could lose my job over this.
00:51:27I'm not going to tell anyone.
00:51:29It's not the point. You're my student and you're underage.
00:51:31It's wrong.
00:51:33You didn't think it was wrong last night?
00:51:35Yes, I did. I told you that.
00:51:36But you did it anyway.
00:51:41Let's spend one more night together.
00:51:48Just to say goodbye?
00:51:50I don't think that's a good idea.
00:51:57Let's just focus on homework now, and then we'll discuss it Saturday.
00:52:02There's nothing to discuss.
00:52:04I'm not giving up.
00:52:28Hi, Mom. How's Dad?
00:52:30Oh, still a miserable prick, but he loves you.
00:52:34So, tell me about Mr. Loverboy.
00:52:37Oh, God, you're ridiculous. We're just friends.
00:52:40We agreed to keep it professional.
00:52:42What? Why?
00:52:44Well, actually I kind of met someone else.
00:52:48What? Who?
00:52:52Look, never mind. I don't even know why I brought it up.
00:52:55He's younger. He's not going anywhere.
00:53:00Just, it felt nice.
00:53:03Forget I said anything.
00:53:05Well, do you like him?
00:53:09Yeah, I do.
00:53:11That's all that matters then.
00:53:13I wouldn't write it off just yet.
00:53:17But I wouldn't be doing my job as your mother if I didn't say I still think you should consider Andrew.
00:53:22He's got a reliable job.
00:53:24PE teacher, so he's probably in pretty good shape.
00:53:28You need to be with someone reliable.
00:53:31Don't make the same mistake I did and get stuck with someone like your father.
00:53:36You already have one mistake under your belt.
00:53:39Thanks for the pep talk, Mom.
00:53:42I don't know how I let you talk me into this. This was not the deal.
00:53:45It'll be fun. Trust me.
00:53:47Would you step down?
00:53:48No, you could have just asked.
00:53:52Alright, now, where am I going?
00:53:55Um, just get across the town border, then I'll direct you.
00:54:10Say it.
00:54:13Say it.
00:54:18Would you look at me like lovers do?
00:54:30Stop running.
00:54:35Would you stay with me every day?
00:54:42This is very nice.
00:54:44But I'm sure that we didn't have to come all the way out here to have this conversation.
00:54:48Would it kill you just to live in the moment?
00:54:50Not worry about every little thing?
00:54:55Come on.
00:55:04Oh, come on.
00:55:13Isn't it nice?
00:55:16Yeah, I suppose so.
00:55:27Why, are you camera shy?
00:55:30Come on, one.
00:55:32Alright, one.
00:55:35Alright, one.
00:55:46I'll send these to you.
00:55:51Is what?
00:55:53Is this why you got kicked out of your law school?
00:55:56No, I didn't get kicked out.
00:55:58Why, then?
00:56:00I just needed a clean slate.
00:56:06Well, usually people say that when they've made some huge mistake.
00:56:13I mean, I guess you could look at it like that, but I don't.
00:56:17If I could take it back, I would, but I don't think it was my fault.
00:56:22Well, that's very cryptic.
00:56:25I get a little more information.
00:56:29Look, I know you're just trying to get to know me, but it's really not my favorite topic of conversation.
00:56:36Well, generally the things people hate talking about are the things they need to talk about.
00:56:40Thank you, Yoda.
00:56:47I was married.
00:56:49Didn't end well.
00:56:54No, not that I know of.
00:56:58He was aggressive.
00:57:02Like violent?
00:57:07Is he still giving you any problems?
00:57:10No. I got a restraining order and left town.
00:57:21I would never hurt you.
00:57:27I know.
00:57:35I love you.
00:58:05Thank you.
00:58:30Thank you.
00:58:39That night that you showed up at my house with the bloody nose.
00:58:46What happened?
00:58:49Told you, it was just an occupational hazard.
00:58:53Yeah, I remember.
00:58:55You didn't say what occupation that was.
00:58:58Okay, let me ask this.
00:59:02Is it the same occupation that got your brother in trouble?
00:59:07Look, just don't talk about my brother. You don't know anything about him.
00:59:12That's why I'm asking. You want to know about me, I want to know about you too.
00:59:17Alright, yeah, I run with the same crew my brother does, but it's not what you think.
00:59:22Alright, yeah, I run with the same crew my brother does, but it's not what you think.
00:59:29I don't even know what I think.
00:59:31Look, it's... I just want to make enough money to get my family out of the neighborhood.
00:59:37I mean, you think I want my sister growing up there?
00:59:42Do your parents know that?
00:59:44Out of your mind, they would flip.
00:59:48So what does this work involve?
00:59:49Oh my god, Lila. Give me a break, come on. We had a good day today, didn't we?
00:59:57I don't want to rock the boat, but...
00:59:59I think you did a complete 180 today.
01:00:01No, I haven't. I know this is still incredibly stupid and reckless.
01:00:09But you're right. We had a good day.
01:00:14I feel good when I'm with you.
01:00:20You do know how serious this could be for me, right? If this got out, like, I could end up in with your brother.
01:00:27That's not funny.
01:00:28I'm not trying to be funny. I'm just trying to get you to understand how serious this is.
01:00:31I get it. Just give me a break.
01:00:34Look, no one's going to find out. I can promise you that.
01:00:40Okay, all I'm trying to say is...
01:00:41Okay, shh.
01:00:43Alright, look. Just let me ask one more thing.
01:00:46Oh my god, Lila.
01:00:50How did you know where I lived?
01:00:57I did my homework.
01:01:10What's up, little man?
01:01:11What are you doing here? This is my house.
01:01:12The fuck you just say?
01:01:14You ain't my good graces, kid. You might want to stay there.
01:01:17You don't want us to have to teach you another lesson again, do you?
01:01:23Good. We got work for you.
01:01:26Yeah. We need a little debt collecting done.
01:01:30No, I sell. I'm good at selling. That's my job.
01:01:33Think of it as a promotion.
01:01:34Yeah. You wanted to take over your brother's role, right?
01:01:38You gotta take on all his responsibilities.
01:01:44You're the Ditto.
01:01:45You're the Ditto.
01:01:47See you done.
01:02:50Just getting laundry.
01:03:05Yo, Franklin. You're overdue.
01:03:07I can get it next week.
01:03:10I don't have it. I'm sorry.
01:03:12I don't have it. I'm sorry.
01:03:15Stay there.
01:03:22Don't make me visit you again.
01:03:54Knock knock.
01:03:56Who's there?
01:03:58Sorry for interrupting.
01:03:59It's fine. You are always welcome.
01:04:03I was just hoping to get the student transfer file for the Polish girl.
01:04:07Oh. Right.
01:04:13Here you go.
01:04:19Okay. I better get going.
01:04:21Parents are gonna start showing up any time now.
01:04:24Hey, Lila.
01:04:27I just wanted you to know I'm okay with being front.
01:04:30I'm here if you need anything.
01:04:32And hopefully when you're ready for something more, you'll think of me.
01:04:38That's sweet of you to say.
01:04:51Well, thank you so much for coming in.
01:04:53Thank you.
01:04:54It was lovely to meet you.
01:04:55Nice to meet you.
01:04:56I'll see you next time.
01:04:57See you.
01:05:01Mr. and Mrs. Galea?
01:05:06Come on in.
01:05:09Come on.
01:05:21Daniel's a great kid.
01:05:22Anyway, thank you for coming in.
01:05:24Thank you so much.
01:05:25Great to meet you.
01:05:26Nice to meet you too.
01:05:27I'll see you next time.
01:05:29Take care.
01:05:35Mrs. Walker?
01:05:40Come on in.
01:05:51Thank you so much for coming in.
01:05:53You know, it's important to us that we establish an open line of communication with all of our parents
01:05:58so that they have a feeling for how their kids are progressing.
01:06:06So I was pleased to learn that Jason's a talented writer.
01:06:10Yes, he tells me you've taken quite the interest in him.
01:06:14Yeah, I like to get to know all of my students so that they feel comfortable with me.
01:06:19Well, you certainly have a unique way of getting to know your students then.
01:06:23Do you tutor them all?
01:06:26Um, no.
01:06:27Actually, Jason came to me and then we...
01:06:29Don't you dare blame myself.
01:06:32Excuse me?
01:06:33Don't play dumb with me, girly. I am on to you.
01:06:37What kind of sick methods are you using to get his grades up?
01:06:41It's not what you think.
01:06:42Don't tell me what I think.
01:06:44This school is my kid's chance to get out, to have a better life.
01:06:50Don't mess that up for him.
01:06:52I'm trying to help him.
01:07:00You better end this.
01:07:01You better end this. I am warning you.
01:07:08That was Mrs. Walker, right?
01:07:11Well, she didn't look very happy.
01:07:14Um, I think she was just in a rush.
01:07:18She's definitely happy with Jason's improvement in grades.
01:07:22Okay, well that's good.
01:07:24Listen, is everything alright, Lila?
01:07:27You seem like you're a little...
01:07:28Sorry, I just, I have, um...
01:07:30just a bit of a headache.
01:07:32I'll be fine.
01:07:35Well, alright then. I'll leave you to it.
01:07:44You'd better do something about that headache,
01:07:46before it turns into something worse.
01:07:51I did what you wanted.
01:07:54That's it, I'm out.
01:07:57There is no out.
01:07:58Yeah, even your brother knew that.
01:08:00Nah, homie.
01:08:01I'm out.
01:08:02I'm out.
01:08:03I'm out.
01:08:04I'm out.
01:08:05I'm out.
01:08:06I'm out.
01:08:07I'm out.
01:08:08I'm out.
01:08:09I'm out.
01:08:10I'm out.
01:08:11I'm out.
01:08:12I'm out.
01:08:13I'm out.
01:08:14I'm out.
01:08:15I'm out.
01:08:16I'm out.
01:08:17Nah, homie.
01:08:18You just getting started.
01:08:20We got a real big job this weekend.
01:08:22And we a man short.
01:08:24You're it.
01:08:28What's the job?
01:08:29You know what?
01:08:31I don't think you appreciate the opportunities I'm giving you.
01:08:34You got a big payday coming your way, kid.
01:08:37Yeah, it's time to make big brother proud.
01:08:40So I don't want to hear any more of this out bullshit.
01:08:43Do you understand?
01:08:48I'll be there.
01:08:49Hey, that's the spirit.
01:08:52Fuck out of here.
01:08:59Before I bite you.
01:09:01Little boy.
01:09:03Your boy be crazy.
01:09:08Jason, can you come here, please?
01:09:18What's up, Mom?
01:09:20I wanted to ask how your study sessions are going with Miss Kendi.
01:09:25You see my grades.
01:09:26It really seems like the extra attention she's giving you is paying off.
01:09:30Yeah, I guess so.
01:09:34Do you think I'm an idiot?
01:09:37What are you talking about?
01:09:38I saw the photos on your phone.
01:09:40How can you be so stupid?
01:09:42Why are you going through my stuff?
01:09:43You think the church will keep supporting you being at that school when this gets out, Jason?
01:09:47And it will.
01:09:48These things always do.
01:09:49Mom, you're overreacting.
01:09:51What's going on?
01:09:52Your son.
01:09:53He's diddling his teacher.
01:09:54No, I'm not.
01:09:55He has pictures of them together.
01:09:56Mom, won't you just stop and listen for a second?
01:10:00Oh, okay.
01:10:01I'll listen.
01:10:02You explain it to me so I can understand.
01:10:06Look, forget everything for one second.
01:10:10We have a connection.
01:10:11A connection?
01:10:12Great, Charlotte.
01:10:13It's the boyfriend.
01:10:18Look, the age thing.
01:10:20Her being my teacher is not important.
01:10:23I love her.
01:10:24Oh, my God.
01:10:26Do you think this family needs another scandal?
01:10:29Okay, I can't take this.
01:10:30You're going to cut it off, you hear me?
01:10:32Get back here.
01:10:33I'm not finished.
01:10:40And then Aunt Catherine says to Grandma that she can't have the cream.
01:10:44Oh, my God.
01:10:45Then all hell broke loose.
01:10:47Yeah, that's good.
01:10:49What's good about it?
01:10:51Are you even listening to me?
01:10:53I'm sorry, Mom.
01:10:54I just, I've got a lot on my mind.
01:10:56Well, like, like what?
01:10:57Is everything okay at school?
01:10:59No, I, I don't know.
01:11:01I just, it's complicated.
01:11:05I think I might be in trouble.
01:11:07Asshole hasn't breached his restraining order, has he?
01:11:12Well, what is it then?
01:11:14Things gone sour with Andrew?
01:11:16No, it's nothing to do with him.
01:11:18Well, spit it out, Lila.
01:11:22Remember I told you I met someone?
01:11:25Oh, the, the younger guy.
01:11:27But I thought that wasn't going anywhere.
01:11:29Yeah, well, I don't, I don't even know what to say because I don't want you to flip out.
01:11:35Why would I flip out?
01:11:41I met him at school, too.
01:11:44Lila, you can't go dating men that work together.
01:11:47It's like dating brothers.
01:11:51He's not a teacher.
01:12:05What do you expect me to say?
01:12:09I don't know. I just needed to tell someone.
01:12:14Carrie was thinking that I didn't have to worry about you anymore because you, you, you were getting a fresh start.
01:12:21Do you realize you're throwing that all away right now?
01:12:23Have you even thought about the consequences of this?
01:12:26I didn't do it on purpose. It just happened.
01:12:29For Christ's sake, Lila, grow up.
01:12:32Take some responsibility.
01:12:37Do you realize that getting involved with a student is criminal?
01:12:41Do we even know that?
01:12:44I can't even talk to you right now.
01:12:48Hey, sis.
01:12:50Hi, Dale.
01:12:52What is Mom talking about?
01:12:55Nothing. It's nothing.
01:12:57Look, you got something good going right now.
01:13:01All right, don't screw it up.
01:13:06It's not like he's 12. He's practically an adult.
01:13:10You cannot be serious.
01:13:12We were already together at his age.
01:13:14That's completely different. You were only a few years older, and you weren't my freaking teacher.
01:13:20All I'm saying is that he passed the age of being taken advantage of.
01:13:23Are you joking? You would not be this calm if it was Penny.
01:13:27That's ridiculous. Penny is only 13.
01:13:29I am saying in a few years, if Penny got involved with a male teacher, you would blow a gasket.
01:13:35That's different.
01:13:37Why? Why is that different?
01:13:39Because I know men are like him.
01:13:41Well, I know how some women are, and I'm telling you, she is taking advantage.
01:13:46You can't be here.
01:13:49We can't do this anymore.
01:13:51Why didn't you tell me that your mother knows about us?
01:13:53She came to the school.
01:13:56Why didn't you warn me? You know how much trouble that I could get in.
01:13:58Look, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I just found out.
01:14:01This is what the principal gave me over here.
01:14:03Okay, no. You're just... Calm down.
01:14:05Calm down? I could go to jail. I could lose my fucking job.
01:14:07Don't shush me. Don't you get it? Shannon was there as well.
01:14:09She knows. Now, it's just a matter of time before this gets out.
01:14:12Just be impatient.
01:14:13It's a matter of time before this gets out.
01:14:15You're just being paranoid.
01:14:16No, you're being naive. I should have known that you wouldn't have the maturity to deal with this.
01:14:19Lila. Lila. No, Lila.
01:14:21I just want to talk about it.
01:14:26Oh, shit.
01:14:28Lila, I'm sorry.
01:14:29Get out.
01:14:43I'm sorry.
01:15:13I'm sorry.
01:15:43I'm sorry.
01:16:13I'm sorry.
01:16:44What do you want to do?
01:16:47I don't know. I just definitely got the impression Gibney suspected something.
01:16:52I don't have a good feeling about this.
01:16:55You're just being paranoid.
01:16:57If she overheard, she would have said something.
01:17:00Well, I'm not being paranoid about Miss James. She definitely knows something.
01:17:04Somehow, I don't get the impression she can be trusted.
01:17:06This is a fucking nightmare.
01:17:11You know what I mean.
01:17:13This is dangerous for me.
01:17:15It's just a matter of time before Shannon says something to someone or your mom goes to the school or the police.
01:17:25What if we left?
01:17:33What if we left town?
01:17:34What if we left town?
01:17:38I mean, if you resign, then you don't have to worry about losing your job.
01:17:42And so, if you're not my teacher, there's no issues.
01:17:47I have money.
01:17:49Absolutely not. I'm not using your family's money.
01:17:51It's my money.
01:17:53I choose what I want to do with it.
01:17:56Right now, this is what's important.
01:18:01Lila, I need this too.
01:18:05Can you just promise me that you'll at least think about what I've said?
01:18:12I want you to consider it as a legit option.
01:18:20Okay. I'll think about it.
01:18:26I don't want to be late for school.
01:19:18Probably about 15 minutes.
01:19:26So, have you given any thought to what we discussed in the morning?
01:19:29Jason, we shouldn't be discussing this in public.
01:19:31Have you?
01:20:01You want a cup of coffee?
01:20:04What do you know about Jason Walker?
01:20:08Kendy, you would know more about him than I would.
01:20:10What does that mean?
01:20:12Why are you wasting your time with her?
01:20:14You're embarrassing yourself.
01:20:16Oh, fuck off, Shannon.
01:20:18Why are you always such a fucking bitch?
01:20:21I'm just saying.
01:20:35What's up, bro?
01:20:38How's it going?
01:20:39Chillin', bro. How you doing?
01:20:40Let's go.
01:20:42So, it's your lucky day today.
01:20:44Running a mid-week special.
01:20:45It's 20% off when you buy two or more bags.
01:20:49Well, if that's the case, let us get two then, bro.
01:20:51Yeah, that's what I like to hear.
01:21:01There you go, man.
01:21:05What are you in such a good mood for?
01:21:11All you need is love.
01:21:20Mom wants you to come down for dinner.
01:21:22What's that?
01:21:23It's nothing.
01:21:25Hey, Penny, can you wait a sec?
01:21:27Mom, I'm hungry.
01:21:28Come on, I just want to give you something.
01:21:30Come on, sit.
01:21:46Your bunny?
01:21:47I didn't even know you still had that.
01:21:50Well, you can have him.
01:21:57Well, you always wanted him more than I ever did, so.
01:22:01I'm a bit old for it now, but thanks.
01:22:04And, you know, I love you.
01:22:10Okay, good.
01:22:13Why are you being so weird?
01:22:17You're the one playing with a bunny, freak.
01:22:20Come on, let's get some food.
01:22:36Oh, shit.
01:22:37Andrew, you scared the shit out of me.
01:22:39What are you doing?
01:22:40You need a man, Lila.
01:22:43I know your ex hurt you.
01:22:44That's not how real men act.
01:22:45What are you? Stop, Andrew.
01:22:46And now you're stuck with a boy.
01:22:48I'm going to take care of you.
01:22:49Stop, Andrew.
01:22:50You need a man for that.
01:22:51Stop, Andrew.
01:22:55Andrew, stop.
01:23:51Who is it?
01:23:57It's not a good time.
01:24:02What do you mean?
01:24:11What's wrong?
01:24:26What is it?
01:24:27What happened?
01:24:29I can't tell you.
01:24:30No, you can tell me anything.
01:24:33Come on, please.
01:24:34You're scaring me.
01:24:44What about him?
01:24:48What the fuck did he do to you?
01:24:51What the fuck did he do to you?
01:25:08That motherfucker.
01:25:10I'm going to fuck him.
01:25:11Stop, please.
01:25:21Let's call the police.
01:25:22We've got to call the police or do something.
01:25:24No, we can't.
01:25:25Let's call the police.
01:25:26Why not?
01:25:29He knows.
01:25:32About what?
01:25:34About us.
01:25:38How does he know?
01:25:39I don't know.
01:25:45What did he say?
01:25:54That you're a boy.
01:25:57And that I needed a man.
01:26:00And that I needed a man.
01:26:14I can't wait to get out of here.
01:26:21Let's leave now.
01:26:23Let's leave tonight.
01:26:24We have to just...
01:26:30I have to go to school and put in my resume.
01:26:32I shouldn't get my things.
01:26:34You want to go back there?
01:26:35Come on.
01:26:36I have to.
01:26:37No, what if he tries something again?
01:26:39You know I'm not in front of other people.
01:26:42I'll be fine.
01:26:47It's just one more day.
01:26:59I love you.
01:27:01I love you too.
01:27:29I love you too.
01:27:30I love you too.
01:27:31I love you too.
01:27:32I love you too.
01:27:33I love you too.
01:27:34I love you too.
01:27:35I love you too.
01:27:36I love you too.
01:27:37I love you too.
01:27:38I love you too.
01:27:39I love you too.
01:27:40I love you too.
01:27:41I love you too.
01:27:42I love you too.
01:27:43I love you too.
01:27:44I love you too.
01:27:45I love you too.
01:27:46I love you too.
01:27:47I love you too.
01:27:48I love you too.
01:27:49I love you too.
01:27:50I love you too.
01:27:51I love you too.
01:27:52I love you too.
01:27:53I love you too.
01:27:54I love you too.
01:27:55I love you too.
01:27:56I love you too.
01:27:58Hey Matthews.
01:27:59So you're a man now, huh?
01:28:07Stop it!
01:28:11Stop it!
01:28:12Fuck you!
01:28:14Go fuck yourself.
01:28:15It's time.
01:28:16It's time.
01:28:17Get off!!
01:28:27You're done.
01:28:57If you don't mind, can you do me a favor?
01:28:59Can you get me a glass of water?
01:29:01Is that okay?
01:29:15Come on, let's go.
01:29:17Are you okay?
01:29:18What happened?
01:29:19You stay away from my son or so help me God I will walk back in there and have you thrown in jail.
01:29:23Mom! Mom!
01:29:24Get in the car, Jason.
01:29:29Get in the car.
01:29:38I told you to stay away from him.
01:29:40He is a child. What is wrong with you?
01:29:42I just want to know if he's okay. What happened with the police?
01:29:45Go back to where you came from and leave my boy alone.
01:29:48Don't look. Come on.
01:31:39I knew you'd come around.
01:31:42You raped me, Andrew.
01:31:46Come on.
01:31:50I'm filing a report tomorrow so you can expect a visit from the police.
01:31:54You're out of your mind.
01:31:55Am I?
01:31:59You know the security cameras that monitor the schoolyard?
01:32:04Well, there's one that points directly at my classroom window.
01:32:08Well, there's one that points directly at my classroom window.
01:32:20So why tell me now?
01:32:21Why not just go straight to the police?
01:32:25Because I'm giving you the opportunity to make something right.
01:32:37Tell the police whatever you have to to make sure he gets in as little trouble as possible.
01:32:41Why would I do anything to help him?
01:32:43Because I am not fucking around when I tell you that I will go down with you if I have to to save him.
01:32:56What am I supposed to say?
01:32:58I don't care. Whatever you have to.
01:33:01If you do that, I won't press charges.
01:33:05And you're going to resign.
01:33:11This is a fucking joke.
01:33:31Fuck, I missed you.
01:33:39I have good news.
01:33:40Did it make a nice change?
01:33:44The police are just going to let me off with a warning.
01:33:46Apparently, Matthews doesn't even want to press charges.
01:33:51I'm going to go.
01:33:52I'm going to go.
01:33:53I'm going to go.
01:33:54I'm going to go.
01:33:55I'm going to go.
01:33:56I'm going to go.
01:33:57I'm going to go.
01:33:58Press charges.
01:34:01Aren't you happy?
01:34:09Almost all packed up.
01:34:16Was everything okay?
01:34:22Take this.
01:34:28All right, just what now?
01:34:30Come on, just what?
01:34:32Say it.
01:34:42You're not coming with me.
01:34:48We need to start being realistic about this.
01:34:50What are you talking about? We had it all planned out.
01:34:53You need to stay here with your parents and be in school
01:34:56and stop thinking about college and girls your own age.
01:35:00I don't want girls my own age.
01:35:02I want you.
01:35:05I let this go on for longer than I should have
01:35:07and I'm sorry about that.
01:35:10But you still have so much more growing up to do.
01:35:14Dawn, don't do that.
01:35:16Don't just treat me like I'm some sort of child.
01:35:18I don't mean it like that.
01:35:24Jason, I've told you you're so smart
01:35:26and you can do whatever you want in life.
01:35:31But you still have so much more to experience
01:35:33before you get to where I am
01:35:35and it would be unfair of me to take that away from you.
01:35:39What about me?
01:35:41What about what I want?
01:35:42I mean, don't I get a say?
01:35:46Take this as your get-out-of-jail-free card.
01:35:51I'm sorry, I just never meant anything to you.
01:35:53You know that's not true.
01:36:05I'm doing this because I love you.
01:36:20I love you.
01:36:50I love you.
01:37:10Are you okay?
01:37:18Go away.
01:37:20Honey, what is it?
01:37:27She's leaving.
01:37:31Help me.
01:37:51I know you're upset now,
01:37:53but you have your whole life ahead of you.
01:37:57I knew you'd say that.
01:38:00That's exactly what you wanted.
01:38:03Do you think it makes me happy to see my son in pain?
01:38:09Trust me, I know you don't want to hear this,
01:38:13but there will be more girls
01:38:16and more heartbreaks.
01:38:18It hurts now, but eventually it'll just be a memory.
01:38:33Let me make you some food.
01:38:48I love you.
01:39:18I love you.
01:39:48I love you.
01:40:20Hey, little man, it's go time.
01:40:26Hey, you hear me?
01:40:29Get over here now so we can go over the plan then.
01:40:35All right.
01:40:37I stopped by at the pharmacy.
01:40:40Could you take me to the pharmacy?
01:40:52Thank you.
01:41:03I stopped by and asked if any of you
01:41:05What happens, happens for a reason, though those reasons remain unknown.
01:41:23It won't be this bad forever, though you feel like you walk alone.
01:41:34I can hear somebody screaming, I hear fear and agony, frantic, I open my eyes, I realize
01:41:50that somebody is me.
01:42:04You cannot change what happened, no matter how hard you try.
01:42:10You cannot turn back the hands of time, no matter how much you cry.
01:42:17Dark times make you stronger, though sometimes cold and withdrawn.
01:42:23When it feels too much, remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.
01:42:47Feels like I'm lost again, I know, feels like I've broken every bond.
01:43:16Waiting for tomorrow to come, I'm waiting for something new.
01:43:47Feels like I'm lost again, I know, feels like I've broken every bond.
01:43:58Waiting for tomorrow to come, I'm waiting for something new.
01:44:16Feels like I'm lost again, I know, feels like I've broken every bond.
01:44:46Thanks for watching!
