Presse monde - 28/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 28/06/2024


00:00Hello, welcome to Median TV, here is your international press review.
00:10First step of this world tour in the United States, with the world that offers us a summary of the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump last night.
00:17A Donald Trump faithful to himself, multiplying false statements against a Joe Biden with a twisted voice, mumbling and not finishing his sentences.
00:25Here is what Le Quotidien Francais remembers from this first duel between the outgoing president and his predecessor,
00:30for this duel supposed to launch the electoral campaign but which did not really reassure the Democrats, far from it.
00:36Inflation, immigration, abortion and Ukraine were among other things the main subjects of this clash of ideas,
00:42in which Biden never really managed to really impose himself, believing the world.
00:46He did not fail to mention the judicial debacles of the businessman, whom he even treats as a criminal,
00:51after he was found guilty of concealed payments and accused of encouraging the riots in the Capitol in January 2021.
00:57If one of the two candidates manages to seduce some independent voters, it could be enough to give him the advantage in November,
01:03as the scrutiny announced tight, argues the French newspaper.
01:07See you next September 10 for the next duel.
01:12At the Elysee, the fear of cohabitation, they do not want power, but all power,
01:17says Le Parisien this morning, the day after another television debate for the legislatives.
01:22While the electoral campaign ends today at midnight French time,
01:26Le Quotidien Francais analyzes these last days spent by the Macron camp,
01:30which is slowly beginning to get the idea of ​​sharing power soon.
01:34A different observation from what may seem, however, Emmanuel Macron,
01:38who continues to think that the outgoing majority can still play the polls.
01:42Everywhere on the different floors of power, the scenario of an RN in a situation of absolute majority
01:46stirs the minds, enough to announce a few iron arms within the future expected government,
01:51especially in the fields of defense, foreign and European affairs,
01:55usually reserved for the President of the Republic.
01:58A pillar of the current majority even warns that all the speeches of Jordan Bardella
02:02want to say only one thing, it is not a cohabitation they want, but a domination.
02:06They do not want power, but all power.
02:09The great blur until the end, concludes the French newspaper.
02:14Liberation, on the other hand, comes back on the reintroduction of Ursula von der Leyen
02:18for a second mandate at the head of the European Commission.
02:21The one that will be maintained for five additional years as President of the Continental Institution
02:26and qualified by Le Quotidien as the woman who does not disturb the States,
02:29former German minister, considered at one time as the heir to Angela Merkel,
02:33has not always shone, far from it, leaving a memory more than mixed to its German fellow citizens,
02:38says Liberation.
02:40Proposed by Emmanuel Macron at the head of the European Commission,
02:43Ursula von der Leyen does not really need a vision for Europe,
02:46or at least does not want to believe in Liberation,
02:48which only moves if it is certain that Berlin and Paris are on the same wavelength.
02:52The newspaper is even categorical in its columns.
02:55Rarely the Commission has produced so few ideas,
02:57but it is undoubtedly what pleases the capital, which does not like to be shaken.
03:03Open AI has not finished with the courts,
03:05since the American company is targeted by a new trial,
03:08this time by the Center for Investigation Reporting,
03:11informs CNBC.
03:13The Center for Investigation Reporting accuses Open AI of Microsoft of presumed copyright infringement.
03:19The CIR states that it has copied, used, abbreviated and displayed its content without permission
03:25or authorization and without any compensation.
03:28The non-profit organization and owner of the progressive magazine Mother Jones
03:33has therefore filed its case in a New York court,
03:36which represents the fifth judicial procedure of this kind against the company.
03:40Earlier in the day, this American company specialized in artificial intelligence
03:44had signed a pluriannual content agreement with the well-known American magazine Times,
03:49which will allow it to access the current and archived articles of more than 100 years of history,
03:53in order to precisely avoid filing a complaint for copyright infringement,
03:57already initiated by eight other publications,
04:00of which the Chicago Tribune specifies CNBC.
04:04After his father Lebron, here is his son Brony James.
04:07Los Angeles Lakers have drafted the prodigy son of multiple NBA champions,
04:12excluding USA Today.
04:1439 years old and he still wants to fill the parks of the four corners of the United States
04:18for an opportunity to share the same jersey as his son Brony,
04:22held at 55th position out of 58.
04:25This will be done next season, which should open its doors at the end of October.
04:29Nevertheless, Lebron James has until tomorrow to activate his last year
04:34of optional contract extension of 51 million dollars.
04:37He will therefore have the opportunity to be the first player in history
04:40to play with his son in the Grand League,
04:43which a little more marked the history of American basketball,
04:46a real nugget at the school level.
04:48His progression of Brony had been delayed by a heart attack last July,
04:53which could even put an end to his growing career,
04:56being able to play back or forward.
04:58The one who will blow his 20 candles next November,
05:00hopes to make a name for himself in this sport alongside his father,
05:03before hoping to follow the legacy in the years to come.
05:08This is the end of this international press review.
05:10Thank you all for following it.
05:12Good follow-up on Média1 TV.