(Adnkronos) - Al fine di valorizzare l’antico culto romano dell’Infiorata, in occasione della festa patronale di San Pietro e Paolo, Unpli- Unione Pro Loco d’Italia, ha promosso l’evento che vedrà maestri infioratori e volontari delle Pro Loco realizzare 12 opere sul selciato di Piazza Pio XII a Roma, esposte per tutta la giornata di festa patronale. Per l’occasione, Unipli ha raccolto in un’unica rete un folto gruppo di volontari che porta avanti la storica tradizione.
00:00The ancient Roman tradition of the infiorata dating back to 1625 is kept in myth by the volunteers of the proloques of all of Italy,
00:14which on the occasion of the Feast of St. Peter and Paul on June 29 color the streets of the Conciliation and Piazza Appio XII with carpets and floral paintings inspired by the theme of prayer.
00:25For the first time UNIPLI, Union Proloquo d'Italia, has gathered in a single network a large group of volunteers who are committed to carry forward this invaluable cultural and material heritage.
00:37Many proloques, if not almost all the proloques in Italy, organize the infiorata.
00:44We have thought of putting them all together to create a real system, a network that could give concrete answers, to help this tradition a little to stay, because the costs of realization, the difficulties are always there,
01:10and to give even more visibility to this wonderful art that then embellishes magical places in all parts of Italy.
01:19A way also to realize, together with all these realities, there are more than 74 that already adhere, which cover more than 80% of Italian infiorata,
01:33put them together and bring a little their own experience to try to grow in quality, to be able to give greater importance to each place.
01:46The network, constituted by UNIPLI, is just the beginning of a path that will see the formation of other networks.
01:52Other important networks will follow, which are the element on which we base the collection, the cataloging, the promotion of cultural and material heritage promoted by the UNESCO Convention of 2003.
02:07With the study center we will also do an activity, in addition to the censorship of cataloging, but also of training for the volunteers who will then go to do the censorship work of these heritages.
02:20It is a very important activity, fundamental for the maintenance and valorization of the traditions of our wonderful nation.