(Adnkronos) - 1,5 miliardi per il triennio 2022-2024 per Regioni, Province Autonome, società partecipate delle Regioni e programmi dedicati alle imprese sviluppati in collaborazione con le finanziarie regionali – di cui mezzo miliardo alle infrastrutture con un focus sul trasporto. A queste si aggiungono operazioni finanziarie di debiti pregressi pari a 2,5 miliardi, con un risparmio di 400 milioni. Questi i temi che hanno guidato “Oggi, per l’Italia del futuro: 3° Incontro Annuale per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle Regioni”, la nuova edizione dell’appuntamento organizzato da Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp), insieme alla Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome e all’Associazione Nazionale delle Finanziarie Regionali (Anfir), ha riunito a Roma oltre 100 rappresentanti degli enti e delle istituzioni finanziarie locali. “Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in qualità di banca promozionale per lo sviluppo ha nella sua mission l’impegno per la piena valorizzazione delle potenzialità che contraddistinguono le comunità locali. Con il nuovo piano strategico ci impegniamo ad arricchire ulteriormente il nostro sostegno per rispondere al meglio alle sfide dei territori e del Paese”, ha dichiarato l’ad Dario Scannapieco. La sinergia con le Finanziarie regionali e Cdp ha portato alla promozione di strumenti di finanza innovativa, come i Basket Bond, volti a facilitare l’accesso al credito delle Piccole e medie imprese locali, beneficiando di risorse per oltre 142 milioni e finanziato 55 Pmi.
00:001.5 billion euros in 2022-2024 for regions, autonomous provinces, participating societies of the regions and programs dedicated to businesses, developed in collaboration with regional financiers.
00:14To these, financial operations and loans for them are added, equal to 2.5 billion euros.
00:19These are the themes that have guided Oggi per l'Italia del Futuro, the third annual meeting for the sustainable development of the regions.
00:25The new edition is the meeting organized by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, together with the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces and the National Association of Regional Financiers, ANFIR,
00:34which has brought together in Rome more than 100 representatives of local entities and financial institutions.
00:39Putting capital on the ground means being able to involve private resources and do it also with new ways in terms of diversification of funding sources
00:52to expand access to credit and administrations and businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones.
01:03We are on the territory and therefore we are the natural process to financially support our entrepreneurs.
01:13We do this by inducing a leverage effect, so thanks to the involvement of institutional investors such as CDPs, but also of the traditional credit system,
01:25every euro invested on the territory has a return of 8 to 10 times as much.
01:32I think this is important in a moment in which we have to support the entrepreneurial system, give them oxygen, because oxygen corresponds to the legs to walk.
01:44The synergy with the Regional Financiers and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has led to the promotion of innovative financial instruments such as the Basket Pond,
01:51aimed at facilitating access to the credit of small and medium-sized local businesses, benefiting from resources for over 142 million euros and financing 55 PME.
02:00This is the third year of the event, but we would also like to make a protocol to further strengthen and institutionalize the collaboration between CDPs and regions,
02:08which translates into more instruments, certainly that of financing, but also that of consulting,
02:16also that of providing regional resources to CDPs to put on the ground as quickly as possible the infrastructure part and the actions to be taken.
02:26I think this is a virtuous example of collaboration within the country, among the various forces of the country.
02:31CDP, for reasons other than historically working on the activity of loans, also on other two fronts that have grown a lot in recent years.
02:40The first is the activity of consulting, to properly schedule investments and then to put them on the ground quickly.
02:46The other is that activity called demand management, that is, to take over the regional funds, often also the European funds,
02:53on investment programs that are then managed by cash, deposits and loans on the basis of indications that come from the regions to put them on the ground very quickly.
03:03So these are three very complementary types of activities.
03:06Then we work a lot with regional financiers, with innovative instruments such as basket bonds, which allow to finance regional companies,
03:15accessing directly to the market and therefore not using the banking channel.
03:21So it is a very fruitful collaboration that is enriched with new ways.