• geçen yıl
مسلسل اللؤلؤة السوداء الحلقة 20 مترجم – نهاية الموسم
00:00:03Couldn't be higher at boşandık
00:00:05Houston then o kadar büyük büyük kalktı ki anlatamam sana
00:00:10Ya sorma abicim ya aldık boyumuzun ölçüsünü
00:00:14Bir daha da evlilik falan uzak bana gerçekten
00:00:18Akşam mı
00:00:20olur valla ben de bir iki tek atar kafamı dağıtırım işte
00:00:24İyi tamam yedi sekiz gibi görüşürüz o zaman
00:00:30Hadi bye-bye
00:00:34Ne oluyor bir şey mi vardı
00:00:38Sabahtan beri hayırlı olsun diyebilmek için çırpınıp duruyorum ama yanına yaklaşılmıyor ki bu barut gibisin
00:00:48Boşanmanın bu kadar stresli olacağını hiç düşünmemiştim
00:00:51E kurtuldun işte Sinancım yepyeni bir hayat seni bekliyor ne güzel
00:00:58Evet öyle yepyeni ve mümkünse minimum stresli olsun
00:01:03Ben sana şey diyecektim
00:01:07Akşam bana yemeğe gelmek ister misin?
00:01:11Hem sana söylemem gereken çok önemli bir haberim var
00:01:18Yok böyle ayak üste olmaz sürpriz alsın
00:01:26Kısacası kırık bir çocukluk buruk bir gençlik
00:01:30Ben böyle hep neşeliyim şen şakram diye beni dertsiz sanma e mi
00:01:34Ne badireler yaşandı bir bilsen
00:01:36Olur mu çok şey estağfurullah
00:01:39Annem ölünce biz de hayırsız babamın eline kaldık
00:01:42Abim de çalışıp bize bakmaya devam etti
00:01:44Babam da baktı abim evin yükünü çekiyor gidiş o gidiş
00:01:48Nasıl yani?
00:01:49Terk etti bizi
00:01:50Ha dönmedi yani geliş
00:01:51Yok anam ne dönmesi uzadı bildiğin
00:01:54E biz de ne yapalım abimle kaldık bir başımıza elde yok avuç da yok
00:01:58Ben de mecbur oralarda bir lokalde işe girdim
00:02:04Sen de çok çekmişsin ya
00:02:06Ya ama hep bir gün bunların biteceğine inandım
00:02:12Biliyor musun abim hapse girdikten sonra ilk defa burada bir aile ortamına girdim
00:02:16Allah ayırmasın ne güzel insanlar
00:02:19Öyledir ustam bir tanedir
00:02:21Bir tane de Hazal, Melek ablam onlara ne demeli Allah hepsinden razı olsun
00:02:27Amin amin hakikaten öyleler
00:02:34Sen geç kalma
00:02:36Yok kalmam
00:02:38Hadi bir çayını daha içeyim ben senin
00:02:42Sahi mi kız?
00:02:44Ay şey pardon ya az alışkanlı
00:02:47Dur çayını tazeleyeyim
00:03:08Ee bugün nasıl geçti günüm? Yorgun görünüyorsun niye keyifsizsin?
00:03:15Aziz sana bir şey söyleyeceğim ama celallenmek yok tamam mı?
00:03:20Tamam canım celallenmem ne oldu?
00:03:25Ne olmuş Vural'a?
00:03:27Bugün öğlen restorana geldi yanında adamlar Aziz o adam gerçekten deli
00:03:32Hazal'ı göremeyince iyice delirdi kızıma bir şey yapmasından korkuyorum
00:03:38Sen merak etme ben varken Hazal'ın saçının teline zarar veremez o
00:03:43Ne olur gözünü seveyim sakin olalım tadımız kaçmasın
00:03:47Adam normal değil bildiğin hasta
00:03:56Meloş şu doğradığın soğanları versene
00:04:08Salatanın sosuna tuz koydun mu?
00:04:11Koydum koydum bir tane de kesme şekeri attım
00:04:14O niye?
00:04:15Azıcık tatlı olsun diye kız
00:04:17Ay salata tatlı mı olur ya?
00:04:19Bak canım salatanın azıcık tatlı olmasının ziyanı olmaz
00:04:22Şöyle düşün kadının nasıl işvelisi tatlı dilisi makbulse salatanın da öyle
00:04:28Diyeceğim de nereden anlayacaksın azıcık bana bak da öğren
00:04:32Dilsizi dile getiren kadın mebelallah
00:04:34Dalga geçmeyi bırak yemek yapmaya uğraşıyorum şurada
00:04:38Hazal hanım hayırdır siz böyle istekli yemek hazırlamalar falan görücü gelecek gibi
00:04:42Ne alakası var içimden geldi bugün yemeği hazırlama
00:04:45Hadi oradan anlarım ben
00:04:47Kemal evlenme teklif ettiğinde evin bütün camlarını silmiştim
00:04:51Hasan'dan bildiğin evi kırıkladıydım
00:04:53Hatta kendimi tutamayıp kapının önüne çitilemişliğim vardır
00:04:58Yani benim adım da Meloş ise
00:05:01Bak buraya yazıyorum var sende bir haller
00:05:04Ama hadi hayırlısı bakalım
00:05:13Hazal'ın haberi var mı bu oğlan bitenden
00:05:15Söylemedim sinirlenmesin diye
00:05:20Arkadaş adam normal değil ki ya
00:05:22Kim bilir arayıp kızı kaç kere rahatsız etmiştir
00:05:27Hakikaten Hazal nerede
00:05:29Oda ayrı bir konu mutfakta hırıl hırıl yemek yapıyor
00:05:32Yemek mi yapıyor
00:05:34Evet yemek yapıyor en son Kenan'a evlenme teklif ettiğinde böyle olmuştu
00:05:50Hadi afiyet olsun
00:05:52En iyi yaptığında geldim ben
00:05:55Valla abi iki tek atıp üstündeki efkarı dağıtmadan normale dönmem mümkün değildi
00:06:01Hayırdır ne oldu
00:06:03Yok bir şey ya ne olacak
00:06:06Ne oldu
00:06:07Hazal'la konuşacağım falan diyordun
00:06:09Gittin mi
00:06:10Gittim abi kızın mekanına
00:06:12Güzelce oturdum karşısına
00:06:14Böyleyken böyle dedim
00:06:16Ee'si olmaz o iş bir güzel onu anladım
00:06:20Niye peki
00:06:21Yani ya kız yeni boşandığı için yeni bir gönül meselesine bulaşmak istemiyor
00:06:25Ya da çoktan yeni bir aşkayı erken açmış
00:06:28Gözü ondan başkasını görmüyor bilmiyorum
00:06:30Allah Allah yapma ya
00:06:32Yani en azından gözü beni kesin görmüyor
00:06:37Bu arada numarasını senden aldığımı öğrenince de hafif bir atar yapar gibi oldu da
00:06:41Sonradan toparladı hemen
00:06:48Kenan ya
00:06:49Şimdi söyleyeceğim şey sana biraz tuhaf gelebilir
00:06:52Ama kusura bakma dayanamayıp soracağım
00:06:54Sizin Hazal'la aranızdaki durum arkadaşlıktan daha fazla bir şey olabilir mi?
00:07:25Nasıl tamamıyla toparlandın mı? Bitti mi her şey?
00:07:27Ufak tefek şeyler dışında bitti sayılır
00:07:29Seni böyle yalnız göndermek hiç içime sinmiyor
00:07:31Abi bu konuyu daha fazla lütfen uzatma
00:07:33Sırf şu ölçüs ilginizle gitme sebeplerimden biri desem bilmem bir şey ifade eder mi?
00:07:40Tamam tamam sustum
00:07:53Tamam sustum
00:07:55Doktordan rapor gelecekti ne oldu?
00:07:58Önce Nevre'ye kliniğe mail attılar
00:08:00Buradaki ile oradaki doktorlar konsultasyon yapıp yeni tedavi süreci belirleyeceklermiş
00:08:04O iyi bu iş de hallolmuş desene
00:08:11Sen ağzında bir şey geveliyor gibisin
00:08:13Bugün bir şey oldu da benden mi saklıyorsun?
00:08:16Yok yani aslında bir şey var ama duyunca sen de en azından ne kadar doğru bir karar vermiş olduğunu anlayacaksın
00:08:27Dinliyorum neymiş bakalım
00:08:28Nasıl öğrendiğimi sormayacaksın ama
00:08:33Kenan Hazal ile ufak ufak görüşmeye başlamış
00:08:37Üzüldün mü doğru söyle
00:08:39Yok canım Kenan'ın mutlu olmasını isterim her zaman
00:08:43Bütün bunlar o Kenan'ın başının altından çıkmıyorsa ben de ne olayım
00:08:48Hazal'ın hiç o Tarak Berda bezi yoktur sen de biliyorsun
00:08:50Aynı evde burada yaşadım tanıyorsun onu çok saftır o
00:08:54Şeytan Kenan fırsatını bulmuşken kızı ayartmaya çalışıyor işte
00:09:16Nihayet gelebildin
00:09:43Ben seni asla aldatmadım asla evliyken bile aldatmadım
00:09:46Her gün gelecek bu yaşadığımı kendim bitecek diye düşündüm
00:09:49Ben seninle tekrar kavuşacağım düşüncesi tuttu beni ayakta
00:09:52Evet Vural beni oyuna geçirdi evlenmeyi ikna etti
00:09:56Bunun bu evliliğin tek bir şartı vardı
00:09:58Bana dokunmaması
00:10:00O evliliğin tek bir şartı
00:10:02O evliliğin tek bir şartı
00:10:04O evliliğin tek bir şartı
00:10:06O evliliğin tek bir şartı
00:10:08O evliliğin tek bir şartı
00:10:10O evliliğin tek bir şartı
00:10:13Bana ihanet etmemiş
00:10:17İhanet etmemiş
00:10:19Kavuşacağımız günü beklemiş
00:10:30Günaydın kızım
00:10:32Günaydın Ceylan gözlüm
00:10:36Oh ne güzel keyfin yerinde bugün
00:10:38Mışıl mışıl uyudum çünkü
00:10:40Hava da güzel
00:10:41Hep birlikteyiz de
00:10:42Daha ne isterim
00:10:44De sanki ayrı bir mutluluk var gibi sende
00:10:47Aman baba ya
00:10:48Sussam kabahat
00:10:49Eğlensem kabahat
00:10:50Aşk olsun
00:10:51Yok olur mu kızım yanlış anladın ya
00:10:53Onu demek istemedim ki yani
00:10:55İçimde bir his var bugün
00:10:56Sanki çok güzel bir şey olacak gibi
00:10:58İyi hadi hayırlısı
00:11:00Konuşamadık bir türlü ne yaptın sen
00:11:03Dün dolaştım biraz
00:11:06Sahile falan gittim
00:11:07Keyifli vakit geçirdim yani
00:11:11Oksijen çarpmış ablacım Hazal'ı anlayacağın
00:11:15Tıkalı olan kanalları açmak suretiyle moral depolamış
00:11:19Değil mi?
00:11:20İnanmış gibi yapalım biz
00:11:37Hadi uyansana
00:11:40Of Ebru
00:11:41Bağırma tepemde sabah sabah ya
00:11:43Ne oldu?
00:11:44Ne bağırması ya?
00:11:46Hem gece evinin yolunu nasıl buldun da geldin acaba?
00:11:49Kaç kere aradım telefonlarımı da açmıyorsun
00:11:52Ben istersem bulurum canım
00:11:54Dur şimdi
00:12:01Benim sana söylemem gereken çok önemli bir şey var
00:12:05Başlıyoruz işte
00:12:07Dünden beri çok önemli bir şey diye diye bitiremedin zaten
00:12:12Sevincimi kursağımda bırakmasana
00:12:16Sevincin derken?
00:12:34Hayırdır Ebru?
00:12:38Sen benim tanıdığım
00:12:41En zeki
00:12:42En düşünceli
00:12:44Sorumluluk sahibi
00:12:48Sevdiklerinin değerini bilen adamsın
00:12:50Tamam giriş bölümünü geçelim istersen
00:12:59Senin gibi biriyle birlikte olduğum için o kadar mutluyum ki
00:13:08Senin çocuğunu taşıyor olmayası tarifsiz
00:13:16Doğru mu duydum ben?
00:13:19Sen ne diyorsun ya?
00:13:21Doğru duydum
00:13:22Hamileyim Sinan
00:13:24Bir bebeğimiz olacak
00:13:26Baba olacaksın
00:13:39Ben gebelik testi yaptırmak istiyorum
00:14:06Ebru Sancak
00:14:11Buyurun test sonuçlarınız
00:14:35Allah kahretsin
00:14:58Ben de kendi işimi kendim hallederim o zaman
00:16:33What did they say?
00:16:34The one who is always one step ahead in life, wins.
00:16:41Don't you believe me?
00:16:44Of course you're right.
00:16:45You're used to the intrigues of women like Defne.
00:16:48My truth is heavy for you.
00:16:55What is this?
00:16:56The pregnancy test I had.
00:16:58I hid it because I knew you wouldn't believe me.
00:17:00Let's go.
00:17:02It's dark.
00:17:30Let's see what's in this box.
00:18:00Oh, Naz.
00:18:01Oh, how beautiful you are.
00:18:05I wish you hadn't broken your promise.
00:18:09I wish you had done what I said.
00:18:12Now everything would be so different.
00:18:19Do you know?
00:18:22You look so much like Hazal.
00:18:25You look so much like her.
00:18:27You look so much like Hazal.
00:18:30And your niece.
00:18:36But I have to discipline her and show her the right way.
00:18:52I really can't believe this.
00:18:54What's there to believe?
00:18:56The test is in your hand.
00:18:57I thought you loved me.
00:19:00I thought you'd be happy.
00:19:02Okay, I believed you.
00:19:03But this is a decision that will be made together.
00:19:06I didn't do it alone.
00:19:08You can't accept this.
00:19:13But it happened.
00:19:18What do you suggest I do?
00:19:21I won't let you leave my husband with such a big problem.
00:19:26Let me tell you this now.
00:19:40Let me finish this news first.
00:19:45Then we'll decide what to do.
00:20:09Look at the customer, son.
00:20:21Hello, Mr. Kenan.
00:20:23I'm İhsan, sir.
00:20:26Thank you, sir.
00:20:27Thank you.
00:20:28I hope you're fine, too.
00:20:30You told me to call you about this job.
00:20:33I called for him.
00:20:36Of course, I'll come, sir.
00:20:40I know Marina's place, sir.
00:20:44See you, sir.
00:20:46Thank you.
00:20:47Thank you, sir.
00:20:50Thank you.
00:21:00Hello, Captain Kenan.
00:21:03Brother Aziz.
00:21:04What a nice surprise.
00:21:07Thank you.
00:21:11I was going to work.
00:21:12I wanted to see you before I left.
00:21:14Yes, brother.
00:21:15Would you like some coffee?
00:21:16No, I had coffee at home.
00:21:18I just wanted to talk to you.
00:21:24How's life on the boat?
00:21:26When are you going home?
00:21:28I'm fine here, brother.
00:21:30I'll worry about the house later.
00:21:33How's Irmak?
00:21:35She'll be here tonight.
00:21:37She'll bring some documents for me to sign.
00:21:40She's leaving tomorrow.
00:21:44She did what she said.
00:21:46She's a very dark girl.
00:21:48She's the only one in the family who hasn't changed.
00:21:51Her heart is like a diamond.
00:21:53Yes, maybe we're getting divorced.
00:21:55But I'm very lucky to have a friend like her.
00:21:59You're right.
00:22:00I don't understand how a dog like Vural could have such a sister.
00:22:06Speaking of Vural, he went to our restaurant for dinner last night.
00:22:11I don't know. He drove Melek crazy.
00:22:13What are you talking about?
00:22:15Look, you have to be very careful against Vural.
00:22:18But we all have to be extra careful.
00:22:22For God's sake, brother.
00:22:24If there's a fire, it burns the ground to the core.
00:22:27He's the kind of guy who runs away if you scare him.
00:22:32If you solve the problem with my sister, I know what to do.
00:22:37We'll figure it out, brother. Don't worry.
00:22:39We'll find out soon.
00:22:42Shall I make a coffee?
00:22:44Go ahead.
00:22:46He insisted.
00:22:48Without sugar?
00:22:49Yes, without sugar.
00:23:02I'm going to tell you something, but don't get angry. Calm down, okay?
00:23:05What happened again, mom?
00:23:06Well, since you said that, it must have been something to get angry.
00:23:10Vural came here yesterday.
00:23:11He couldn't see you.
00:23:14I know.
00:23:15He called me yesterday, too.
00:23:17Mom, don't worry. He's sick.
00:23:20I'm telling you.
00:23:22I don't want him to come here.
00:23:24But I'm afraid of this guy.
00:23:27It's not like you're divorced.
00:23:30Look, Vural is unstable, but he won't hurt me.
00:23:33Don't worry. Trust your daughter.
00:23:35You gave me a USB before you got divorced.
00:23:37You said it was my guarantee. What was in it?
00:23:40It's nothing important.
00:23:42By the way, I already took it from where you left it.
00:23:44Let me know.
00:24:13Oh, Brother Hüseyin, come on.
00:24:17Thank you, sir.
00:24:18How are you? Are you okay?
00:24:20Thank you, Mr. Kenan. Thank God, we're fine.
00:24:23Come on, sit down.
00:24:26So, tell me.
00:24:28What do you do?
00:24:30I do everything, Mr. Kenan.
00:24:32I'm a guard. I'm a security officer.
00:24:34I know a lot about driving.
00:24:36Okay, okay. I got you.
00:24:38Okay, okay. I got you.
00:24:40I'll talk to the guy at the head of that marina.
00:24:42Let's see if you have a suitable job here.
00:24:44Then Aziz will try to find a job in the company.
00:24:47Don't worry.
00:24:48We'll get you a job.
00:24:50God bless you, Mr. Kenan.
00:24:52Well, Mr. Aziz is going to look for a job at the company where Vural is, right?
00:24:58Is there a problem?
00:25:00Well, no.
00:25:03I feel like you're hiding something from me.
00:25:08I don't know.
00:25:10I mean, that day at the company, you looked at Vural with such a look.
00:25:14Actually, I was like a rose because of that Mr. Vural.
00:25:19What are you talking about, brother?
00:25:21What were you doing in Dıldırda?
00:25:23I was the guard of Mr. Vural's side house.
00:25:27You know that Mr. Vural, he's the one who goes in front of Asa.
00:25:30I used to hear his arguments with his wife every night.
00:25:33How do you know her, then?
00:25:35Ms. Naz.
00:25:36She's a very polite lady.
00:25:37Don't you know her?
00:25:39What a coincidence.
00:25:41How did our friends choose you?
00:25:43Look at the chance.
00:25:45So tell me, brother.
00:25:47Why did they fire you?
00:25:49One night, I heard Ms. Naz's help.
00:25:52I relied on her.
00:25:54What are you saying, brother?
00:25:55Don't get the wrong idea.
00:25:56No, sir.
00:25:57What's the wrong idea?
00:25:59There was even a mother of Mr. Vural.
00:26:01She fired me.
00:26:03Then she went and complained to my boss.
00:26:06I was fired because of them.
00:26:08Look at this.
00:26:10Do you know who Ms. Naz is?
00:26:12No, I don't know.
00:26:14She's Aziz's sister.
00:26:20The world is so small.
00:26:22Send my regards to Ms. Naz.
00:26:25I'm sure she'll hang me.
00:26:27If we see each other, I'll tell you.
00:26:29But we don't know where she is.
00:26:31What do you mean?
00:26:33I don't understand.
00:26:35We're trying to figure it out.
00:26:46What's going on, Sinem?
00:26:48You left me at home.
00:26:50Is this what you deserve?
00:26:52Don't beat me.
00:26:53I'm warning you.
00:26:54You're forcing my patience.
00:26:57I'm telling you I'm pregnant.
00:26:59And you're the father of this baby.
00:27:01What's going on?
00:27:03What's going on?
00:27:05Do you think I'm going to put a ring on your finger...
00:27:07...as soon as I hear you're pregnant?
00:27:09Do you think I don't know?
00:27:11If you don't think you can play with my finger in three days...
00:27:13...you're wrong.
00:27:15Let me go. It hurts.
00:27:17Look at me.
00:27:19If I hear you threaten me again...
00:27:21...you can't even guess what I'm going to do.
00:27:23Do you hear me?
00:27:38Okay, brother. See you.
00:27:40I'll let you know.
00:27:41Thank you very much, Mr. Kenan.
00:27:43God bless you.
00:27:45Good luck.
00:27:47Thank you. God bless you.
00:27:54How am I going to tell this to brother Aziz?
00:27:59God, help me.
00:28:10My dear partner is here.
00:28:14Tell me.
00:28:15What do I owe this honor to?
00:28:18Our kids have reviewed the reports...
00:28:20...regarding the last investment.
00:28:22They said you have to approve it.
00:28:24Do I have the right to step on the age board...
00:28:26...and get into the wrong business, Mr. Aziz?
00:28:28You never knew me.
00:28:30Even if it's not with my approval...
00:28:32...if we're in a partnership...
00:28:34...I'll give it to him until the end.
00:28:37Because this is called business ethics.
00:28:39I wish you could keep this business ethics...
00:28:41...in your private life.
00:28:43Look, I'm keeping quiet out of respect for your age.
00:28:45You're talking nonsense.
00:28:47You're going too far.
00:28:49You don't know where to stop.
00:28:51We haven't raised our heads yet, Ural.
00:28:53I'll decide where to stop and where to act.
00:28:55Look, what a nice business talk.
00:28:57You're here. Where did you bring the subject?
00:28:59You're not a man of the mold at all.
00:29:01Besides, you're one of the last people...
00:29:03...who can comment on my private life.
00:29:05What happened? Did you forget that you're married to my sister?
00:29:07Don't mix it up now.
00:29:09What do you mean, don't mix it up?
00:29:11The basis of our friendship is my sister.
00:29:13If you think I'm going to accept...
00:29:15...her disappearing all of a sudden...
00:29:17...you're wrong.
00:29:23Also, stay away from my wife and daughter.
00:29:25This is the last warning to you.
00:29:43Oh, Kafes. Welcome.
00:29:45Thank you.
00:29:47You're not coming from the market.
00:29:49Do you need anything?
00:29:51No, I don't need anything.
00:29:55You haven't been out of the house since you got here.
00:29:57Come on, I'll give you some fresh air.
00:29:59What do you say?
00:30:01No, I don't need anything.
00:30:03I'm not going to the market.
00:30:05I'm not going to the market.
00:30:07I'm not going to the market.
00:30:09I'm not going to the market.
00:30:11I'll say something to your father.
00:30:13What do you say?
00:30:17I don't know what to say now.
00:30:19What if brother Aziz says something?
00:30:21No, he won't.
00:30:23I talked to him.
00:30:25He said no.
00:30:27She's had a hard day today.
00:30:29Let's go then.
00:30:31Okay, but let me change.
00:30:33You're fine like this.
00:30:37Okay, I'll go get my coat.
00:30:39I'll get it. I'll be right back.
00:30:41I'll wait for you in the car, then.
00:30:48Oh, I'm going to lose my temper, girl.
00:30:52Okay, then.
00:30:53I'll take the documents you need to sign with me.
00:30:55I'll be ready by eight.
00:30:58See you.
00:31:14What's up, brother?
00:31:16Where did you come from?
00:31:17Don't worry about me. What happened to you? Are you okay?
00:31:21It says here.
00:31:22That moron will be out of my hands one day.
00:31:24No one will be able to get that madman out of my hands.
00:31:26What happened, brother? What did he do again?
00:31:28Ask me what he didn't do.
00:31:30I call him Naz.
00:31:31As if nothing had happened.
00:31:32As if my brother hadn't disappeared.
00:31:34He's lying in the palace.
00:31:35And he's waiting for me to believe him.
00:31:37I don't believe him.
00:31:38But I'm going to find out what Nazan is.
00:31:41I don't want to die before I find out what happened to him.
00:31:45Brother, I learned something very strange today.
00:31:49You know the uncle of the girl we saved?
00:31:53He came to see me.
00:31:54He was unemployed.
00:31:55He came to tell me himself.
00:31:56And I learned that he was the guard of this neighbor of Vural.
00:32:01He knew Naz, too.
00:32:02What are you talking about?
00:32:03Do you hear what you're saying?
00:32:05Brother, I was surprised when I heard it, too.
00:32:07Come on, let's go find him.
00:32:09Let's find out what he knows.
00:32:10Brother, he doesn't know much.
00:32:12He even said, I love you very much, say hello.
00:32:15Come and sit here.
00:32:16Look, we saw a light at the end of that tunnel.
00:32:20Let's calm down, brother.
00:32:32Didn't we look like in the movies?
00:32:34It's just that we didn't go to Aleppo.
00:32:37Oh, okay.
00:32:38I took my word back.
00:32:39You forgot what I said.
00:32:41Anyway, let me tell you a little bit about your childhood.
00:32:43I understand you.
00:32:44You're not a romantic comedy guy.
00:32:46You like drama.
00:32:47But you're right.
00:32:48Rating is drama.
00:32:49I have God, thank God.
00:32:52Anyway, after my father left,
00:32:54I told you that we stayed with my brother.
00:32:57When I was at the restaurant, there was a customer there.
00:32:59You hang on to me.
00:33:01Anyway, what did my brother do with this?
00:33:03I don't know.
00:33:13Oh, what a beauty.
00:33:16What's up? Are you dressed for me?
00:33:18Just kidding.
00:33:20Are you going out with your friends?
00:33:23No, not with my friends.
00:33:25We said goodbye to Kenan last time.
00:33:28And of course, there are documents that our lawyer sent.
00:33:31He had to sign them.
00:33:32I can't believe you, Irmak.
00:33:33You're still talking about Kenan.
00:33:34Brother, please don't take it too far.
00:33:36Look, he'll be here soon.
00:33:37I don't want anything to go wrong.
00:33:40Okay, shut up.
00:33:47Give me a painkiller or something.
00:33:48My head hurts like hell.
00:33:50What happened to you?
00:33:53What's going to happen?
00:33:54Even spending half an hour like this makes my head hurt.
00:33:58The more I think about it, I feel like I'm being stabbed in the head.
00:34:03What did he say to make you so angry?
00:34:06Is it about work?
00:34:07No, girl, what is it about work?
00:34:09Would it put work stress on your father, who overcame all these obstacles?
00:34:13So what?
00:34:15What happened to you that made you so angry?
00:34:25Thank you, aunt.
00:34:27When I look at his face, I think of my brother.
00:34:31It hurts me.
00:34:33What happened to this girl?
00:34:34Where is this girl?
00:34:35Where did she go?
00:34:36Aziz, don't do this.
00:34:37You're going to get sick or something.
00:34:38And when he opens his throat, it's like he doesn't know anything.
00:34:41He's talking wide.
00:34:42Okay, calm down.
00:34:52What happened to the girl's pregnancy?
00:34:54What happened?
00:34:55Did you think I'd wear a ring or something as soon as I got pregnant?
00:34:58Do you think I don't know you're writing my name on my forehead?
00:35:01Do you think I'm going to put my finger on your finger in three days?
00:35:05You're wrong.
00:35:06Do you understand?
00:35:14I thought you were a man, Sinan.
00:35:17If you're not a man, I know you're a man.
00:35:29Thank you for everything.
00:35:31I'm the one who should thank you.
00:35:33For giving me time before you left.
00:35:35I also thank you for your understanding of the documents you signed.
00:35:38Our lawyer's job is beautiful.
00:35:40No, it doesn't matter.
00:35:42I mean, after all, he's an iron ear.
00:35:44I'm sure he got the instructions from Ural.
00:35:47He thought I'd keep an eye on your property while you were getting divorced.
00:35:52I'm sure if he knew the Kenan I knew, he'd be happy.
00:35:55I'm sure if he knew the Kenan I knew, he'd be happy.
00:35:59But I chose to look at it from the wrong angle.
00:36:01He knows how to have fun.
00:36:03It's his choice.
00:36:04You're important to me.
00:36:07As long as you and I don't break up.
00:36:09We're not enemies.
00:36:10We didn't go through anything that would break or break each other.
00:36:13Your place will always be separate from mine.
00:36:15It's the same for me.
00:36:17I'm very lucky to have a friend like you.
00:36:20Yes, maybe we didn't manage to be husband and wife.
00:36:23I believe that we will be good friends who love each other.
00:36:28Kenan, I want to do something else before I go.
00:36:31Okay, tell me, let's do it right away. What do you want?
00:36:34I want to stay on the boat tonight.
00:36:37On the boat?
00:36:39No, no, don't get me wrong.
00:36:42I'm very curious about sleeping there and starting the day there.
00:36:46Before I go, if possible, like a friend of yours came to visit you.
00:37:09What's that smell?
00:37:11The kitchen smelled like my brother's bakery in the morning.
00:37:16What's up, girl?
00:37:17Good morning, Meloş.
00:37:18I got up early and made cookies.
00:37:22Wow, that's fast, Hazal.
00:37:26Our daughter is out of the oven.
00:37:28Let me tell you something.
00:37:30If you try to eat what you made alone, you'll be a basin beauty in the summer of 2018.
00:37:35But what are you going to feed someone else?
00:37:41I don't understand you.
00:37:44Okay, don't extend it.
00:37:46Come on, put what I made in the box.
00:37:48And then?
00:37:49Let me go and change my clothes.
00:37:51Okay, let's do that.
00:38:04Mr. Burak, Ms. Irmak is not here.
00:38:06What do you mean she's not here?
00:38:07How come she's not here? Maybe she's in the bathroom.
00:38:09I don't know, her bed didn't break down.
00:38:11Didn't she come home last night?
00:38:19If you do anything to my brother, I'll kill you with my own hands.
00:38:49I'm sorry.
00:38:58When I look at this guy's face, I can't remember my brother.
00:39:02I'm in pain.
00:39:04What happened to this girl? Where is this girl? Where did she go?
00:39:10What is this?
00:39:11If you can't control what you've learned, what can we do?
00:39:19I can't lose him again.
00:39:37Why did you say that? Don't make it worse.
00:39:39I'm sorry.
00:39:50I've been calling you since yesterday. Why don't you answer your phone?
00:39:53Brother, I've been running for days. There's no time to go back.
00:39:56Don't make me wait for you.
00:39:59When you're a man, are you giving me intensive lessons?
00:40:03Okay, okay.
00:40:04Don't make me wait.
00:40:05Look, what I'm going to ask you now.
00:40:07You know the house next to Mr. Fikri's house in Ildir?
00:40:14Demiroğulları's house.
00:40:15Yes, Demiroğulları's house.
00:40:17There was a beautiful bride in that house.
00:40:20You mean Ms. Naz?
00:40:22Yes, Ms. Naz.
00:40:23That's right.
00:40:24Have you ever seen Ms. Naz after I fired her?
00:40:27Did you talk to her?
00:40:29Brother, where did the kids come from?
00:40:31I don't care where they came from.
00:40:33Just answer my question.
00:40:35Brother İhsan.
00:40:36That woman disappeared all of a sudden.
00:40:38I haven't seen her since you fired her.
00:40:42So, is Baki still guarding Mr. Fikri's house in Ildir?
00:40:49Baki is doing it, brother.
00:40:50Then Baki must have Mr. Fikri's phone number, right?
00:40:54Of course, he does.
00:41:02Good morning.
00:41:03Good morning.
00:41:04How was it? Did you sleep well?
00:41:06Yes, I slept very well.
00:41:09I was afraid that you'd get sick from shaking.
00:41:12No, it wasn't like last time.
00:41:15Of course, I had just been discharged from the hospital.
00:41:17Of course, you're right.
00:41:19Come on, breakfast is ready. Let's sit down.
00:41:21Let me wash my hands and face, then I'll come.
00:41:24Okay, come on.
00:41:26I'll make some tea.
00:41:34Oh, Hazal.
00:41:36What a nice surprise. Welcome.
00:41:38I wanted to remind myself when I didn't hear from you.
00:41:41You did well.
00:41:43Look, I made cookies and pastries for you.
00:41:47Thank you.
00:41:48I made breakfast, too. Come on.
00:41:54You can't have prepared all this knowing that I'd come, right?
00:41:59Moving in the bathroom was a torture.
00:42:05Irmak, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it.
00:42:08No, it's okay. Good morning.
00:42:10Come on, sit down.
00:42:14I don't want to bother you.
00:42:15Not at all.
00:42:17Irmak just wanted to stay on the boat for the last time before she left.
00:42:20That's all.
00:42:24I'm sorry.
00:42:25She just wanted to stay on the boat. That's all.
00:42:38Well, Mr. Kenan.
00:42:39Seeds sprout once, twice.
00:42:41The third one is packaged like this.
00:42:44Now, if it's easy, let's take the rice out.
00:42:51Look at the team.
00:42:52It's a great team.
00:42:54I'm the only one missing.
00:42:55I'm glad I came, too.
00:42:58What are you doing here?
00:43:00I was wondering when you didn't come home last night.
00:43:02People say they want to have the last meal with their husbands.
00:43:06Am I wrong, Hazal?
00:43:08Am I wrong to be curious?
00:43:09Two grown-up people.
00:43:10Do whatever you want.
00:43:12Of course, it doesn't concern us, but people let us know.
00:43:15Don't talk nonsense.
00:43:17You saw your brother.
00:43:19Come on, let's get off the boat and have breakfast.
00:43:22Come on, Hazal.
00:43:23Let's go to the table.
00:43:24No, I'm going to work.
00:43:25And I don't want to spoil your breakfast.
00:43:27Exactly, Hazal.
00:43:28That's what I thought, too.
00:43:29I've already seen Irma.
00:43:30She's comfortable, too.
00:43:31Come on, have your breakfast.
00:43:34By the way, Armak.
00:43:36Have a good trip.
00:43:37I wish everything would be as you want it to be.
00:43:52I really liked this pregnancy thing.
00:44:02If I put my ring on my finger,
00:44:05it'll be perfect.
00:44:23Call him.
00:44:26You'll call him more.
00:44:36Good morning.
00:44:46Where's Ms. Ebru? I haven't seen her yet.
00:44:48She didn't come today, Mr. Sinan.
00:44:49Actually, we were wondering, too.
00:44:50She wouldn't have come if we hadn't informed her.
00:44:52Didn't you call and ask where she was?
00:44:55We called, of course, but her phone isn't answering, sir.
00:45:50I brought greetings from Ms. Naz.
00:45:53If you don't want your greetings to be heard by your brother Aziz,
00:45:57prepare 500,000 liras.
00:46:21Come on, I'll order you a coffee.
00:46:22I missed you, too.
00:46:23We can chat a little.
00:46:25What coffee, Vural?
00:46:27You drink your coffee alone.
00:46:28I'm going to work.
00:46:30Why did you come here?
00:46:32Why did I come?
00:46:33What's it to you?
00:46:34I know, the fisherman is making you angry, right?
00:46:37How many times have I told you not to trust this fisherman?
00:46:39He's a two-timer.
00:46:40He's a fool.
00:46:41Keep your advice to yourself, Vural.
00:46:43And stop wandering around.
00:46:44But it's all for your own good.
00:46:47Don't think about my good, okay?
00:46:49Because you can't.
00:47:20What the hell is this?
00:47:23Ms. Naz, I brought greetings. What do you mean?
00:47:26Who the hell are you?
00:47:27Where did you come from?
00:47:34Or is it your game?
00:47:44Thank you for everything, Kenan.
00:47:46I'm sorry, Kenan.
00:47:48I thank you.
00:47:50I'm glad you're happy.
00:47:52Maybe you can help me with my work and come to Cenevri.
00:47:56You go, settle down, start your treatment.
00:47:58I'll find the opportunity and come to visit you.
00:48:04But Irmak...
00:48:06This trip to Cenevri has nothing to do with Vural, right?
00:48:09I mean, you made a very sudden decision.
00:48:11Look, don't miss this place later.
00:48:13It has nothing to do with my brother.
00:48:16It's all my decision.
00:48:17I have to reset myself.
00:48:19I have to forget some things to reset myself.
00:48:23Am I the one you want to forget?
00:48:25It's not just you.
00:48:26It's everyone who's been through it.
00:48:28I saw how hard you tried to not break me, not upset me, Kenan.
00:48:32But I don't want to get in between anyone...
00:48:34I don't want to cause anyone's unhappiness.
00:48:36I don't have the power to do that anyway.
00:48:38You're not the kind of person to make anyone unhappy.
00:48:42Hazal and I have unfinished business.
00:48:45I'm aware of that.
00:48:47But this is not about you.
00:48:50A woman feels.
00:48:52And if she really loves...
00:48:54She wants her loved one to be happy.
00:48:56Together or apart.
00:48:58Thank you for your understanding.
00:49:01Actually, I thank you very much.
00:49:02You've always been there for me.
00:49:04But we really did better than being husband and wife.
00:49:08Are you aware of that?
00:49:11Goodbye, Kenan.
00:50:04Have a good trip.
00:50:06Thank you, Reysal.
00:50:07You came all the way here.
00:50:08What do you mean, Mr. Aziz?
00:50:09Wouldn't I come when you called me?
00:50:11When Kenan said he knew something about Naz...
00:50:13I wanted to hear it.
00:50:15I wish I knew more and could help.
00:50:18But it's just the inexperience between them.
00:50:20Ms. Naz's kindness.
00:50:22And that big argument I got fired from last night.
00:50:24That's all I know.
00:50:26It's okay.
00:50:27These are important details.
00:50:29We don't know about the people who went through all this.
00:50:32Mr. Aziz, these houses are one of a kind.
00:50:34I mean, the houses I work in.
00:50:35Mr. Vural's houses and all.
00:50:37So what?
00:50:38They're always surrounded by cameras.
00:50:40They record everything that comes in, goes out, happens and ends.
00:50:44I'm saying you should take a look.
00:50:46Try to find these recordings.
00:50:47Maybe you'll find something.
00:50:50It's been a while, though.
00:50:52It's already been deleted.
00:51:05I'm leaving now, if you'll excuse me.
00:51:07Thank you.
00:51:18Wait a minute.
00:51:19What's going on?
00:51:21I've seen you around here twice.
00:51:23What are you doing here?
00:51:25I came to visit Mr. Aziz.
00:51:28I can't take my eyes off you.
00:51:31No, I think you look like someone.
00:51:34I know Mr. Aziz.
00:51:35I came here for work.
00:51:37How do you know Mr. Aziz?
00:51:38Through my nephew.
00:51:40Who's your nephew?
00:51:41You don't know him.
00:51:42I work in the house.
00:51:45Okay, good luck.
00:51:49Look at Aziz.
00:51:51If he stays, he'll fill the whole company.
00:51:53Come on.
00:52:00Hazal is very quiet today.
00:52:03I can't sleep all day.
00:52:06You see?
00:52:07When I talk, I get drowsy.
00:52:09That morning, a cheerful girl who was making cookies in a hurry...
00:52:11...came to the place where she went.
00:52:13I don't know what happened.
00:52:14Look at me.
00:52:15I don't want them to fight with Kenan.
00:52:17That's why they're so desperate.
00:52:19I don't know.
00:52:20If you're so curious, go ask yourself.
00:52:22Because it's a crime to ask.
00:52:25Kenan's here, too.
00:52:34Good luck.
00:52:37I don't know what they're talking about.
00:52:40Come on.
00:52:41They look so good together.
00:52:44I'll get you a cup of coffee.
00:52:53Aren't we going to talk?
00:52:55Are we upset?
00:52:57What do you want me to say?
00:53:00Besides, I took the risk of this game this morning.
00:53:03Did you leave a promise to me?
00:53:06I came here because I guessed that what you saw in the morning...
00:53:08...couldn't mean anything.
00:53:10But believe me, it's not what you think.
00:53:12Kenan, you don't have to explain it to me.
00:53:14Okay, whatever you've been through, you've been through.
00:53:16Besides, who am I to take responsibility for this?
00:53:18Hazal, don't do it, please.
00:53:23I mean, because of what didn't happen...
00:53:25...we didn't get what we didn't want.
00:53:27I'm glad we stayed on the boat.
00:53:29One of the cameras passed by, Hayat heard it, that's all.
00:53:33I mean...
00:53:35Look, I'm begging you.
00:53:37While everything is in its place, don't be a burden to Piri.
00:53:42Are you telling the truth?
00:53:45When did I ever lie to you?
00:53:47I never lied to you.
00:53:50Besides, didn't you tell me...
00:53:51...that I know you're not in love with Irma?
00:53:53Besides, would I do anything to bother you after this?
00:53:56And you've got a second chance.
00:53:58Would you risk it, Hazal?
00:54:01I wouldn't.
00:54:09I won't let the third chances come between us.
00:54:15Of course, I promise.
00:54:24I'm going to bed.
00:54:28See you, honey.
00:54:29See you.
00:54:34I'm glad you came.
00:54:42I'm glad you're here, Hazal.
00:54:47I'm glad you're here.
00:55:03They finally accepted the offer we made.
00:55:06If you're available tomorrow, I'll start the process.
00:55:08Start it, start it.
00:55:09This project is good.
00:55:10I'm expecting good feedback from this project.
00:55:12It's a constant mistake.
00:55:16By the way, while I was thinking about it...
00:55:19...we've been eating each other for a while...
00:55:21...due to a strange lack of communication and meaningless quarrel.
00:55:25If I really made a mistake...
00:55:28...I'm sorry, Vural.
00:55:30I'm not even aware that I've been through a lot...
00:55:32...during the divorce process with Defne.
00:55:35Okay, son, never mind.
00:55:36It happens sometimes.
00:55:38After all, we're brothers.
00:55:39There's nothing to apologize for.
00:55:40Just listen to your brother.
00:55:42I won't be wrong.
00:55:45We finally got a divorce...
00:55:48...but it cost a lot of money.
00:55:50Of course, it will.
00:55:52Oh, Sinan, oh.
00:55:53We couldn't make him listen to us.
00:55:55Anyway, let's not worry about the money.
00:55:57Let the money be loyal to him.
00:56:00What happened?
00:56:01Is your marriage over?
00:56:03That's another story.
00:56:05What story again, Sinan?
00:56:06Look at me.
00:56:07Let's not take a shot from that devil again.
00:56:10This time, I won't look at your eyes.
00:56:12We're like toys in the hands of two shooters.
00:56:15I'm aware of that, brother.
00:56:16I can see that.
00:56:17Everything is under control.
00:56:18Don't worry.
00:56:30Ms. Naz...
00:56:31...is asking my brother to look at the camera recordings...
00:56:33...and see what's going on.
00:56:35I'm asking if I should tell Aziz.
00:56:37He's worried about his brother.
00:56:39Don't forget the 500,000 liras.
00:56:43Oh, God.
00:56:44I'm going to kill whoever does this.
00:56:55After all the trouble you've caused me...
00:56:59...now it's your turn to suffer, Mr. Kural.
00:57:05Actually, it's enough to ruin your life.
00:57:10But 500,000 liras is more than enough for me.
00:57:16Mr. Kural.
00:57:23As you can see...
00:57:25...after a long time...
00:57:27...this is the first time I heard about my brother.
00:57:31He was telling me...
00:57:33...that Ms. Naz was such a good person...
00:57:35...such a kind person.
00:57:40My heart is burning.
00:57:44My nose is running.
00:57:47It's okay, Aziz.
00:57:48Don't worry.
00:57:49It'll get better.
00:57:51Besides, the man who knew Naz...
00:57:53...came all the way here.
00:58:01If something happens to Naz...
00:58:03...I'm going to kill that Kural.
00:58:06İhsan talked about the camera footage...
00:58:08...that we've been following.
00:58:10He said there could be other cameras...
00:58:12...in places we don't know.
00:58:14He also said we should look at the camera footage...
00:58:16...in the neighboring houses, brother.
00:58:18That's why we're going to follow the footage again.
00:58:20Find out what happened to Naz...
00:58:22...as soon as possible...
00:58:24...so we can get rid of that man.
00:58:35What's going on?
00:58:36Are you kidding me?
00:58:37Are we going to leave him and go?
00:58:39Why not, brother?
00:58:40You can stay with him for three hours if you want.
00:58:43Okay, but...
00:58:45...I don't know.
00:58:46It's a kind of separation.
00:58:47Look at me.
00:58:48If you leave us alone...
00:58:50I won't.
00:58:51I'll be very careful...
00:58:52...and I won't neglect my health.
00:58:54How many more times are you going to tell me this?
00:58:56Okay, but...
00:58:58...what can we do, Irmak?
00:59:00I don't know.
00:59:01I don't know what to do.
00:59:03What can we do, Irmak?
00:59:05You grew up with us.
00:59:07Your place is in me, in Vural.
00:59:11Isn't that right, brother?
00:59:17Brother, are you okay?
00:59:18Did something happen to you?
00:59:21No, Naz.
00:59:22Nothing happened. What can happen?
00:59:24I just stayed like that.
00:59:30I was going to say Irmak. Sorry.
00:59:38What happened? Why are you looking at each other?
00:59:40Don't be afraid. I'm not crazy.
00:59:42It's just a concussion.
00:59:44Do you understand?
00:59:46There's nothing to exaggerate.
00:59:54Excuse me.
01:00:04What's up, Ebru?
01:00:06What's up, Ebru now, Mr. Sinan?
01:00:12So be it.
01:00:13I just called you to say goodbye.
01:00:20Since you don't want me...
01:00:22...and our baby...
01:00:25...we'll get out of your life forever.
01:00:27Look at me. I hope you're not doing anything stupid.
01:00:30What do you care what I did?
01:00:31I'm out of your life.
01:00:32I'm dead. I'm gone. I'm out of your life.
01:00:34Does it make a difference to you?
01:00:36Okay, Ebru. Wait. I'm coming. Okay?
01:00:38Don't try to do anything stupid.
01:00:50That's it, Mr. Sinan.
01:00:54You'll come to me.
01:01:01You'll come to me.
01:01:31I'll come to you.
01:01:51Ali, are you available?
01:01:53I'm fine.
01:01:55I was going to say...
01:01:56...I have something very important to talk to you about.
01:01:59If you're available tomorrow...
01:02:01...not the restaurant.
01:02:03I'll come to you, okay?
01:02:06Okay, see you early tomorrow morning.
01:02:57Ebru, what happened?
01:03:00Come on, sit down.
01:03:05Let me see. What did you do to yourself?
01:03:25God damn it.
01:03:26Come on, we're going to the hospital.
01:03:28Sinan, Sinan.
01:03:35I couldn't care for you.
01:03:40I couldn't care for our baby, Sinan.
01:03:42I couldn't care for our baby.
01:03:50I panicked.
01:03:52I took two or three pills.
01:03:54I vomited.
01:03:56I vomited.
01:03:58I vomited them all.
01:04:00My dear, it's okay.
01:04:02We still have to go to the hospital.
01:04:04A doctor needs to see you. Please, come on.
01:04:09There's no need for a doctor.
01:04:16You're here.
01:04:20And I...
01:04:22And our baby.
01:04:25We're so good now.
01:04:43Hasn't Azal woken up yet, Melos?
01:04:45No, sister, he's awake. He even started his morning shift.
01:04:48Morning shift? What does that mean?
01:04:51I mean, Aziz, how can I explain?
01:04:53It's an unexplainable thing.
01:04:58For God's sake, answer the question properly, dear.
01:05:02Where's Hazal?
01:05:04He went out.
01:05:05He's not home.
01:05:07Where does this girl go in the middle of the morning?
01:05:09Maybe she went to watch the fishermen returning from the fishing.
01:05:12Melos, we understand.
01:05:14Hazal is not home.
01:05:18Anyway, let's start breakfast then.
01:05:47Where are you?
01:06:11He just left me and left.
01:06:21Sinan, are you out?
01:06:25Is that so?
01:06:28Of course, of course.
01:06:29You did well.
01:06:32God bless you.
01:06:34Have a good trip to Irmak for me too, okay?
01:06:39Will you come later?
01:06:45Of course, of course.
01:06:47We'll talk.
01:06:51Calm down.
01:06:53Calm down, Ebru.
01:06:55Or you'll lose.
01:07:02Look at Irmak.
01:07:04He said he was going and he did what he said.
01:07:07My late mother would say that a soft start is good for the couple.
01:07:11Irmak is like that too.
01:07:13She's quiet, calm.
01:07:15She listens to her words.
01:07:17She doesn't listen to anyone.
01:07:18She's quiet, calm.
01:07:20She's under the impression that she's listening to her words.
01:07:22She's a very determined and strong woman.
01:07:25I'm going to see the order she set up last week...
01:07:27...and learn the details of the treatment she started with the doctor.
01:07:31You thought well.
01:07:41I don't have much time to tell Azize what happened.
01:07:44Get ready for 500,000 or what's going to happen.
01:08:03Good morning.
01:08:05Good morning, welcome.
01:08:18I can't leave you alone for two whole mornings.
01:08:22Don't ever leave me alone, okay?
01:08:33I need to tell you something very important.
01:08:40You understand, don't you?
01:08:42This is important to me. I don't want any mistakes.
01:08:45Don't worry, boss.
01:08:46That's my job.
01:08:49You know, we've looked for these images before, Hafiz.
01:08:51But it's good that İhsan came with new news now.
01:08:54I hope this time our hopes don't go down the drain.
01:08:57Maybe we'll find a clue from my brother.
01:09:00I hope so, boss.
01:09:02I hope this time we'll reach him.
01:09:04Let me first find out which security company they work for.
01:09:09Then it's easy to get to know them from the inside, don't worry.
01:09:12Come on, man, let me see you.
01:09:13Let me see you.
01:09:17I can't believe it.
01:09:24I can't believe it.
01:09:26He's a murderer.
01:09:28He's a murderer.
01:09:33It can't be.
01:09:37What are we going to do?
01:09:39How are we going to show this to Aziz?
01:09:46How could you hide this from us all this time?
01:09:50How did you hide it from your father?
01:09:52If you had lived under the same roof with Burak for months,
01:09:57if you had witnessed what you could do,
01:09:59I'm sure you would have acted like me.
01:10:01I was scared, Kenan.
01:10:03I was really scared.
01:10:06And I used these images as a trump card to save myself.
01:10:10Did you use them as a trump card?
01:10:13I had no choice.
01:10:16I could never get out of that house.
01:10:18I know this is going to seem like a lot to you, but I did it.
01:10:22The more I see the pain my father has suffered for his brother,
01:10:25the more I understand that I can't hide the truth anymore.
01:10:33So you're saying nothing came out, director.
01:10:36The number you gave seems to have been taken with a fake identity, Mr. Burak.
01:10:40So we don't have a chance to find anything?
01:10:41We don't have a chance to find anything.
01:10:43If the messages coming from this number really bother you,
01:10:48you can file a formal complaint.
01:10:50We will identify the person by following the signal on the line.
01:10:56It's not that important.
01:10:58I can handle it myself. Thank you.
01:11:00It could be someone close to you.
01:11:02You should be careful.
01:11:12He must not know that you have the images.
01:11:15He must not find out.
01:11:19He'll think I got beaten up by his own daughter.
01:11:21Something like that.
01:11:25I'll tell you where I found it.
01:11:27I have to keep you away from this.
01:11:29Okay, but how?
01:11:31Leave the how to me.
01:11:33I'll find a way, I'll handle it.
01:11:35Just try not to show anything, okay?
01:11:40Look, I don't want you to put yourself in danger for me.
01:11:43Promise me about this.
01:11:45When the images come out, Vural will understand that I did it.
01:11:49Yes, he will.
01:11:51But he'll be late because he did something to you.
01:11:53Because this bastard will eat the killer's mark and drown in prison.
01:11:56There's only one thing you have to do.
01:11:59Don't let Vural know anything.
01:12:03Thank you.
01:12:22Are you available? I want to tell you something.
01:12:26For some reason, I have a feeling that I will never like what I hear inside me.
01:12:31What happened? Tell me.
01:12:33I mean, I'm trying to digest this, but...
01:12:35I can't do it without telling you.
01:12:36I can't do it without telling you.
01:12:38Sinan, okay, don't extend it. I'm already confused.
01:12:49Ebru is pregnant.
01:12:54And my child's father is me.
01:12:56Am I your uncle?
01:12:58So your nephew is coming, huh?
01:13:00This was missing. This was missing in our lives.
01:13:02Thanks to him, Sinan Efendi.
01:13:04Vural, listen to me for a minute.
01:13:06You couldn't take care of your nephew.
01:13:08Among all your problems, you got Ebru pregnant.
01:13:11What kind of explanation are you going to give me?
01:13:13I'm listening to you. We're getting rid of one, the other one is coming out.
01:13:15Okay, you're right. I'm crazy, too.
01:13:18But yesterday he attempted suicide.
01:13:20He took a box of medicine, Vural.
01:13:22He came back from death.
01:13:24Wait, don't tell me the end. Let me guess.
01:13:26You went there at the last minute. You saved his life, didn't you?
01:13:28Oh, my stupid brother.
01:13:30My stupid brother.
01:13:32You didn't understand that he was playing this, did you?
01:13:33He's the type of woman who's trying to cage a man.
01:13:36Okay, don't worry. I'm not going to get married or anything.
01:13:38But in this process, I want to take him to our house.
01:13:41I'll be in control.
01:13:43And I'll decide what to do based on the situation.
01:13:45What do you say?
01:13:47You keep pitying that devil.
01:13:49There's a saying, you'll pity my pain. Do you know that?
01:13:51Look, I'm writing this down. It's going to be the same for you.
01:13:53I don't want to see that woman in my house.
01:13:55I say I can't leave her alone in this situation.
01:13:57Why don't you want to understand?
01:13:59That's my house, too.
01:14:01Sinan, do whatever you want.
01:14:03Just don't get in my way.
01:14:05Just don't show up in front of me.
01:14:13Good morning, Sinan. How are you?
01:14:15Where are you going in such a hurry?
01:14:17The master will tell you.
01:14:19There's something about Ms. Naz disappearing.
01:14:21She asked me to take care of it, so I'm going to her.
01:14:23Aziz will tell me later.
01:14:25Let me listen to you first, brother.
01:14:27There must be some images.
01:14:29Is it on USB or CD?
01:14:31I'm going to find them.
01:14:37What's going on?
01:14:50My daughter.
01:14:52My daughter.
01:14:54You've been acting weird for two days.
01:14:56I'm telling you not to make me angry, but what's going on?
01:14:59Nothing, mom.
01:15:00You hugged me here about Kenan.
01:15:03I'm always looking at you.
01:15:05I didn't think you'd run away from it.
01:15:07Mom, don't force me to understand everything.
01:15:09I got it, I got it.
01:15:11But I love your eyes.
01:15:13Don't let your mind wander alone.
01:15:15He's already looking for an excuse to create an incident.
01:15:17Please, my beautiful daughter.
01:15:19Don't worry.
01:15:31God bless you, Sinan.
01:15:33We're in Irmağ, aren't we?
01:15:37We just got here.
01:15:39It must be hard for you.
01:15:41It is.
01:15:43It's the first time I've been this far.
01:15:47But I'm always with you.
01:15:56Is something wrong?
01:16:00You're leaving all your work,
01:16:02going home and packing your stuff.
01:16:05What does that mean?
01:16:07If you're trying to send me to Izmir or something,
01:16:09I'll tell you from the start, I'm not going back there alive.
01:16:11Ebru, shut up and listen, please.
01:16:13You're going to stay in the mansion with us for a while.
01:16:16In the meantime, I'll clear my head.
01:16:21I knew you wouldn't let me down.
01:16:24Of course, I can't promise you I won't be able to get rid of this.
01:16:27Or it doesn't mean I'm going to put you in a situation.
01:16:30It's just that in this process,
01:16:32I'm thinking about your psychological and spiritual state.
01:16:34Everything has already come to a head.
01:16:36And I don't want to deal with this.
01:16:38Of course, I understand.
01:16:43Let's wait a while and see what happens.
01:16:45Then we'll decide what to do.
01:16:54I mean, Kenan,
01:16:56Umut is poor.
01:16:57And I left the cage after the footage.
01:16:59Is it clear? Maybe something will come out.
01:17:01You thought very well, brother.
01:17:03Of course, of course.
01:17:05Come on, let's go.
01:17:07Let's go out for this.
01:17:11Yes, cage.
01:17:13I'm waiting for good news.
01:17:15As you can see, something is wrong, master.
01:17:17Something that will kill me in an hour or two.
01:17:19I said I'd let you know first, Sami.
01:17:21Well, thank God.
01:17:23Did you see? I didn't give up in vain.
01:17:24Take care of this.
01:17:26Ask me for whatever you want.
01:17:28Thank you, master. Thank you.
01:17:30Come on.
01:17:34Come on, good luck.
01:17:54Prepare 500,000 liras for tomorrow.
01:17:56I'll let you know where to bring it.
01:18:04Look, brother.
01:18:06You'll give me the envelope when I'm with Aziz.
01:18:10But don't forget to love your eyes.
01:18:12You bought the money in return from the security company.
01:18:16Okay, okay, I understand.
01:18:18You don't have to repeat it.
01:18:20Look, we have to play the right game.
01:18:22Otherwise, Aziz will be even more miserable.
01:18:24Okay, I understand.
01:18:26Trust me. Don't worry about the rest.
01:18:28Come on, I'm on my way.
01:18:30I'll be with you for half an hour.
01:18:32Okay, I'm waiting.
01:18:49I'm glad everything is going well.
01:18:51Okay, let me know about the developments.
01:18:56I love you so much.
01:19:06Brother, while I was passing through the corridor,
01:19:08I happened to witness a conversation.
01:19:10What conversation? Who was talking to whom?
01:19:12Kenan was talking to someone.
01:19:14I mean, it's not that I understood anything.
01:19:16The company, the security officer,
01:19:18when he said that the footage should be given to Aziz,
01:19:20I thought I'd come and tell you.
01:19:24But I didn't.
01:19:36Aunt! Aunt!
01:19:38Aunt, are you okay?
01:19:40Sit down.
01:19:42Aunt, what happened?
01:19:44I'm fine.
01:19:46It's nothing.
01:19:48What do you mean nothing? You look pale.
01:19:50I said it's nothing.
01:19:52Should I call an ambulance?
01:19:56Aunt, what happened? Don't scare me.
01:19:58Don't worry.
01:20:00I'm fine.
01:20:02I wasn't going to eat the last two candy bears.
01:20:05Give me a glass of water.
01:20:07Aunt, I've been telling you all day
01:20:09to be careful with what you eat.
01:20:11When did you eat those candy bears?
01:20:14Are you counting what I eat?
01:20:17Drink this.
01:20:21Look, let's go home.
01:20:22Have a good rest.
01:20:24You've been up all day.
01:20:28If the pain doesn't go away,
01:20:30let's just get this over with.
01:20:32Open your eyes and listen to me.
01:20:34Come on, let's go home.
01:20:36There's not much left anyway.
01:20:38I'll be back in a couple of hours.
01:20:40Go call a cab.
01:20:42Are you going to work?
01:20:44Oh, auntie.
01:20:46Oh, auntie.
01:20:47What's wrong with your throat?
01:21:17What's wrong with your throat?
01:21:47What's wrong with your throat?
01:22:17What's wrong with your throat?
01:22:47What's wrong with your throat?
01:23:18Brother, calm down.
01:23:21Mr. Aziz.
01:23:23What happened?
01:23:24Where is this Vural?
01:23:25Mr. Vural left.
01:23:26Did he tell you where he was going?
01:23:27No, he didn't say anything.
01:23:28He just said he wasn't going to be here for a while.
01:23:30He said he was going on a trip.
01:23:31A trip?
01:23:33Look, did you see?
01:23:34He kidnapped him.
01:23:36Come on, come on.
01:23:47Come on.
01:24:05Vural, what are you doing here?
01:24:09I just came to visit you.
01:24:17How are you, auntie?
01:24:18Are you better?
01:24:20I'm a little better.
01:24:21I feel better.
01:24:25What's for dinner?
01:24:26I'm so hungry.
01:24:27Oh, auntie.
01:24:28You're not a picky eater, are you?
01:24:30There's boiled vegetables and fried bread for you.
01:24:33Oh, my God.
01:24:34Am I sick to eat boiled vegetables?
01:24:36I wish I had a nice pizzolo.
01:24:39With rice and pilaf.
01:24:41And potatoes.
01:24:42I'm starving.
01:24:44I'm starving.
01:24:45I'm starving.
01:24:46I wish I had fried potatoes.
01:24:49I'm so hungry.
01:24:50Make it, Meloş.
01:24:54Of course, honey.
01:24:55And a candy.
01:24:57You must have lost your mind.
01:24:58You're not going to eat much tonight.
01:25:00Meloş is right.
01:25:01Meloş, should we get the table ready?
01:25:04Isn't Hazal's marina shift over yet?
01:25:06She's not even at dinner.
01:25:07You're right.
01:25:08What time is it?
01:25:09She's not here.
01:25:10Let me call her.
01:25:17It's ringing, but it's not picking up.
01:25:22Hazal, please forgive me.
01:25:24Don't be mad at me, my love.
01:25:27I had to do this because of that troublemaker Kenan...
01:25:30...and your good-for-nothing father.
01:25:32Otherwise, I wouldn't have tied you up...
01:25:34...and thrown you behind the car.
01:25:36Forgive me, please.
01:25:37Otherwise, I wouldn't have tied you up...
01:25:39...and thrown you behind the car.
01:25:41Forgive me, please.
01:25:46Although, you broke your promise.
01:25:49You never listened to me.
01:25:51If you had been nice and gentle...
01:25:53...none of this would have happened.
01:25:56And on top of that...
01:25:57...you captured those images and blackmailed me.
01:26:00You exposed them without any shame.
01:26:02What should I have done?
01:26:03Should I have shot you?
01:26:19Mrs. Ebru.
01:26:20What are you doing?
01:26:22Nothing, honey. I'm just putting things in place.
01:26:24But is that okay?
01:26:25You have to be very careful in the first few months.
01:26:30No, honey.
01:26:31It's okay.
01:26:37Take care of yourself.
01:26:41You're right, Sinan.
01:26:43Sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant.
01:27:02I can't believe I'm with you here.
01:27:07Don't get too used to it, Ebru.
01:27:10I told you before that you shouldn't expect too much.
01:27:15You're only here for a while.
01:27:17Don't forget that.
01:27:19Just for a while.
01:27:22Okay, honey.
01:27:23Don't get mad.
01:27:29...did you tell Vural?
01:27:31I mean...
01:27:33...when he heard I was going to live here for a while...
01:27:36...how did he react?
01:27:38Was he mad?
01:27:39Yes, he was mad.
01:27:41He kept saying that I made the wrong decisions...
01:27:43...and gave the wrong women.
01:27:45I mean, he's not wrong.
01:27:49Anyway, that's not the issue right now.
01:27:51Thank God, Vural won't be home for a few days.
01:27:54He went on a little vacation.
01:27:58I won't have to deal with him.
01:28:00That's great news.
01:28:02We're alone.
01:28:07Okay, okay.
01:28:15Can you help me?
01:28:17Can you help me?
01:28:38What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?
01:28:41What happened, Malek?
01:28:45Is Hazal okay?
01:28:50Isn't Hazal at home?
01:28:52We left early.
01:28:53He was going to close the restaurant.
01:28:55I've been calling him, but he's not answering.
01:29:13I'm sorry.
01:29:14I'm sorry.
01:29:15I'm sorry.
01:29:16I'm sorry.
01:29:17I'm sorry.
01:29:18I'm sorry.
01:29:19I'm sorry.
01:29:20I'm sorry.
01:29:21I'm sorry.
01:29:22I'm sorry.
01:29:23I'm sorry.
01:29:24I'm sorry.
01:29:25I'm sorry.
01:29:26I'm sorry.
01:29:27I'm sorry.
01:29:28I'm sorry.
01:29:29I'm sorry.
01:29:30I'm sorry.
01:29:31I'm sorry.
01:29:32I'm sorry.
01:29:33I'm sorry.
01:29:34I'm sorry.
01:29:35I'm sorry.
01:29:36I'm sorry.
01:29:37I'm sorry.
01:29:38I'm sorry.
01:29:39I'm sorry.
01:29:40I'm sorry.
01:29:41I'm sorry.
01:29:42I'm sorry.
01:29:43I'm sorry.
01:29:44I'm sorry.
01:29:45I'm sorry.
01:29:46I'm sorry.
01:29:47I'm sorry.
01:29:48I'm sorry.
01:29:49I'm sorry.
01:29:50I'm sorry.
01:29:51I'm sorry.
01:29:52I'm sorry.
01:29:53I'm sorry.
01:29:54I'm sorry.
01:29:55I'm sorry.
01:29:56I'm sorry.
01:29:57I'm sorry.
01:29:58I'm sorry.
01:29:59I'm sorry.
01:30:00I'm sorry.
01:30:01I'm sorry.
01:30:02I'm sorry.
01:30:03I'm sorry.
01:30:04I'm sorry.
01:30:05I'm sorry.
01:30:06I'm sorry.
01:30:07I'm sorry.
01:30:08I'm sorry.
01:30:09I'm sorry.
01:30:10I'm sorry.
01:30:11I'm sorry.
01:30:12I'm sorry.
01:30:13I'm sorry.
01:30:14I'm sorry.
01:30:15I'm sorry.
01:30:16I'm sorry.
01:30:17I'm sorry.
01:30:18I'm sorry.
01:30:19I'm sorry.
01:30:20I'm sorry.
01:30:21I'm sorry.
01:30:22I'm sorry.
01:30:23I'm sorry.
01:30:24I'm sorry.
01:30:25I'm sorry.
01:30:26I'm sorry.
01:30:27I'm sorry.
01:30:28I'm sorry.
01:30:29I'm sorry.
01:30:30I'm sorry.
01:30:31I'm sorry.
01:30:32I'm sorry.
01:30:33I'm sorry.
01:30:34I'm sorry.
01:30:35I'm sorry.
01:30:36I'm sorry.
01:30:37I'm sorry.
01:30:38I'm sorry.
01:30:39I'm sorry.
01:30:40I'm sorry.
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01:30:43I'm sorry.
01:30:44I'm sorry.
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01:31:58I'm sorry.
01:31:59I'm sorry.
01:32:00I'm sorry.
01:32:01I'm sorry.
01:32:02I'm sorry.
01:32:03I'm sorry.
01:32:04I'm sorry.
01:32:05I'm sorry.
01:32:06I'm sorry.
01:32:07I'm sorry.
01:32:08I'm sorry.
01:32:09I'm sorry.
01:32:10I'm sorry.
01:32:11I'm sorry.
01:32:12I'm sorry.
01:32:13I'm sorry.
01:32:14I'm sorry.
01:32:15I'm sorry.
01:32:16I'm sorry.
01:32:17I'm sorry.
01:32:18I'm sorry.
01:32:19I'm sorry.
01:32:20I'm sorry.
01:32:21I'm sorry.
01:32:22I'm sorry.
01:32:23I'm sorry.
01:32:24I'm sorry.
01:32:25I'm sorry.
01:32:26I'm sorry.
01:32:27I'm sorry.
01:32:28I'm sorry.
01:32:29I'm sorry.
01:32:30I'm sorry.
01:32:31I'm sorry.
01:32:32I'm sorry.
01:32:33I'm sorry.
01:32:34I'm sorry.
01:32:35I'm sorry.
01:32:36I'm sorry.
01:32:37I'm sorry.
01:32:38I'm sorry.
01:32:39I'm sorry.
01:32:40I'm sorry.
01:32:41I'm sorry.
01:32:42I'm sorry.
01:32:43I'm sorry.
01:32:46Stop, stop, no.
01:32:47No, Taner, don't do this.
01:32:48I'm sorry.
01:32:49I swear.
01:32:50Don't do this, Taner.
01:32:51Please, stop.
01:32:52Take away my dress.
01:32:53Forget this rage!
01:32:54Forget this carelessness.
01:32:55This insane ventress!
01:32:56I want you out of my life.
01:32:57I won't tolerate this act of yours, human!
01:32:58You have no chance of paying me!
01:32:59If you ruin her life, you'll have to pay for it.
01:33:01You can be so stupid,
01:33:02you can kill them all!
01:33:03Kill them all!
01:33:04Do you have a phone?
01:33:06I don't have one.
01:33:07I'll call you later.
01:33:09Call me later.
01:33:21Where are you, Murat? Show yourself!
01:33:22Where are you?
01:33:23What's wrong with you?
01:33:25Where's your despicable brother?
01:33:27Well, yeah.
01:33:28I heard he's away on a few days off.
01:33:30Listen up. If you're hiding anything from me,
01:33:31I'll have that creep in jail for giving you a lie on me!
01:33:35That Ödlük guy's power only affects women, doesn't it?
01:33:37It's not enough that he killed Naz.
01:33:39And he kidnapped Hazal.
01:33:43Did Burak kill Naz?
01:33:45Kenan, what are you talking about?
01:33:47Where do you get these from?
01:33:49I have the footage of the murder.
01:33:51The kidnapper kidnapped Hazal.
01:33:53He's trying to guarantee himself.
01:33:55Look at me, Sinan.
01:33:56This is not a joke.
01:33:57Do you understand me?
01:33:58If Hazal's hair gets damaged,
01:34:00leave the stone on the stone.
01:34:02If that bastard calls you, you'll let me know first.
01:34:05Otherwise, you and your brother will rot in jail.
01:34:08Do you understand me?
01:34:10I understand.
01:34:11Now think about it.
01:34:12Think about where Hazal might have taken the stone.
01:34:14How can I know where it went?
01:34:16It's not obvious where it went.
01:34:17You're staying here, Kefes.
01:34:19Don't take your eyes off them, okay?
01:34:21Thank you. Me too.
01:34:33I'm sorry.
01:34:34I'm sorry.
01:34:35I'm sorry.
01:34:36I'm sorry.
01:34:37I'm sorry.
01:34:38I'm sorry.
01:34:39I'm sorry.
01:34:40I'm sorry.
01:34:41I'm sorry.
01:34:42I'm sorry.
01:34:43I'm sorry.
01:34:44I'm sorry.
01:34:45I'm sorry.
01:34:46I'm sorry.
01:34:47I'm sorry.
01:34:48I'm sorry.
01:34:49I'm sorry.
01:34:50I'm sorry.
01:34:51I'm sorry.
01:34:52I'm sorry.
01:34:53I'm sorry.
01:34:54I'm sorry.
01:34:55I'm sorry.
01:34:56I'm sorry.
01:34:57I'm sorry.
01:34:58I'm sorry.
01:34:59I'm sorry.
01:35:00I'm sorry.
01:35:01I'm sorry.
01:35:02I'm sorry.
01:35:03I'm sorry.
01:35:04I'm sorry.
01:35:05I'm sorry.
01:35:06I'm sorry.
01:35:07I'm sorry.
01:35:08I'm sorry.
01:35:09I'm sorry.
01:35:10I'm sorry.
01:35:11I'm sorry.
01:35:12I'm sorry.
01:35:13I'm sorry.
01:35:14I'm sorry.
01:35:15I'm sorry.
01:35:16I'm sorry.
01:35:17I'm sorry.
01:35:18I'm sorry.
01:35:19I'm sorry.
01:35:20I'm sorry.
01:35:21I'm sorry.
01:35:22I'm sorry.
01:35:23I'm sorry.
01:35:24I'm sorry.
01:35:25I'm sorry.
01:35:26I'm sorry.
01:35:27I'm sorry.
01:35:28I'm sorry.
01:35:29I'm sorry.
01:35:31I'm sorry.
01:35:31I'm sorry.
01:35:33I'm sorry.
01:35:38I'm sorry.
01:35:51I didn't want to.
01:35:54I'm sorry.
01:35:57I'm sorry.
01:36:00Where are you? Are you alone? Do you have someone with you?
01:36:05What kind of questions are these?
01:36:07Look at me. Do they make me ask these questions when they have someone with them?
01:36:11Are you crazy? Who will be with you in the morning?
01:36:14I'm lying on my bed.
01:36:16Look, don't talk to me like that and make me more curious.
01:36:19Okay, I got it.
01:36:21Tell me where you are. I'll come to you.
01:36:23Let's do whatever we can together.
01:36:27Sinan, I didn't want this to happen.
01:36:29My son, my life is literally slipping through my hands.
01:36:33I'm so scared, Sinan.
01:36:35I don't want to be alone.
01:36:37I'm so afraid of going to jail.
01:36:39Brother, please don't talk like that.
01:36:41Calm down a little.
01:36:42Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you.
01:36:44Let's go to Ayvalik together.
01:36:45Look, don't drive like that, please.
01:36:52Oh, Mrs. Azal.
01:36:54What happened?
01:36:55Did you like seeing me desperate?
01:36:57Come on, tell me.
01:36:58Don't be ridiculous, Vural.
01:36:59When you kidnap me, you won't get anything.
01:37:02Let me go.
01:37:03Do whatever you want.
01:37:04Don't add to your crimes.
01:37:06Look, look, look.
01:37:07Mrs. Azal is giving me advice.
01:37:09Your own mind is not enough for you.
01:37:10You're giving me advice without shame.
01:37:12We saw what they did to your sick mind.
01:37:15You're mentally ill.
01:37:16Shut up.
01:37:17Don't talk.
01:37:18You'll all see what that sick mind is going to do.
01:37:21Since the day we met...
01:37:23Since the day we met, I've been struggling to love me.
01:37:26But you didn't make an effort to get to know me.
01:37:31I'm going to do something soon.
01:37:34You'll see how wrong you are about me.
01:37:45If the money is not ready, I'm done, Vural Demiroğlu.
01:37:50Enough, who are you?
01:37:51Enough, who are you?
01:37:54Come, all of you.
01:37:56Come, all of you.
01:37:57Let's make a mass slaughter.
01:38:03Give me my head.
01:38:04The money is ready.
01:38:05Come to this address.
01:38:06Take it.
01:38:25Who's calling?
01:38:27Good morning, Mr. Aziz.
01:38:28How are you, officer?
01:38:29Is there any progress?
01:38:30A search was made on the mobile phone of the person you are complaining about in the direction of your daughter was missed.
01:38:31Could you locate him?
01:38:33We followed the signal and reached the address where he is now.
01:38:34We'll be moving soon.
01:38:35I called to give information.
01:38:37We'll be in touch.
01:38:38I'm sorry.
01:38:39I've been busy with work.
01:38:40We'll be in touch.
01:38:41We'll be in touch.
01:38:42I'm sorry.
01:38:43I'm sorry.
01:38:44I'm sorry.
01:38:45I'm sorry.
01:38:46I'm sorry.
01:38:47I'm sorry.
01:38:48I'm sorry.
01:38:49I'm sorry.
01:38:50I'm sorry.
01:38:51I'm sorry.
01:38:52I'm sorry.
01:38:53I'm sorry.
01:38:54Good, thank you.
01:38:55I'll call you later.
01:38:58Governor, been contacted.
01:38:59Very good, we're leaving now, come on.
01:39:00What happened, Aziz?
01:39:01Have they found my daughter?
01:39:02They've found her, soon they will locate her.
01:39:03It's a good thing that Kennedy notified the police station where Burhan abandoned Hazal.
01:39:05But how could they find her so fast?
01:39:09That means, they've followed Burhan's phone signal.
01:39:14He said he was looking for Sinan in the cage.
01:39:16I'm sure they followed him.
01:39:18Let's go, brother.
01:39:19I'll come with you.
01:39:21No, don't object.
01:39:22Wait here.
01:39:23We'll let you know.
01:39:26Promise me you'll bring my daughter safe and sound.
01:39:29Okay, Melek.
01:39:30I promise.
01:39:31I'll bring our daughter.
01:39:37Don't do anything that will make Vural angry and hurt Azal.
01:39:42Don't think about it now.
01:39:43I promise I'll bring your daughter.
01:39:45Calm down and wait for us.
01:40:13You haven't eaten anything since last night.
01:40:15Come on.
01:40:16I don't want to.
01:40:17Azal, don't be stubborn.
01:40:18You can't do this.
01:40:19Are you obsessed with this as if everything is normal?
01:40:21Look at me.
01:40:22I was kidnapped at the foot of the mountain.
01:40:24I'm hungry.
01:40:25I have to eat.
01:40:26Look at your face.
01:40:27If I didn't have to, I wouldn't have made you experience this.
01:40:30It's as if I didn't value you and know that I love you.
01:40:33I don't want to.
01:40:34I don't want to.
01:40:35I don't want to.
01:40:36I don't want to.
01:40:37I don't want to.
01:40:38I don't want to.
01:40:39I don't want to.
01:40:40I don't want to.
01:40:41I don't want to.
01:40:42I don't want to do this.
01:40:44I don't want to do this.
01:40:46Look, I don't have a lover.
01:40:49I didn't get to talk like that in front of you.
01:40:51I'm kicking you out of my house.
01:40:53I'm so gone.
01:40:54I dropped a bomb.
01:40:56You're not here.
01:40:57You didn't give me a procel.
01:40:59Look at me.
01:41:00You didn't give me a procel.
01:41:01Look at me.
01:41:02I'm talking to you.
01:41:03I'm talking to you.
01:41:04I'm talking to you.
01:41:08My hands are frozen.
01:41:11Why didn't you ever love me?
01:41:13Why didn't you ever wake up for me?
01:41:16What did I do for you?
01:41:17What did I do to make you happy?
01:41:19I didn't do anything for you.
01:41:20What did I do wrong?
01:41:22You cheated on someone who doesn't love you.
01:41:24So what?
01:41:25I didn't mean to.
01:41:27I'm sorry, Hasan. Forgive me.
01:41:29Ural, please.
01:41:30Just for a moment.
01:41:31Think about your health.
01:41:32Just for a moment.
01:41:34There's no point in keeping me here.
01:41:37Okay, I won't complain about you.
01:41:39Let's go to the hospital. Get treated.
01:41:41Really, don't keep me here.
01:41:43Just think about your health.
01:41:46Are you cheating on a child?
01:41:48Are you cheating on a child?
01:41:50He went to the hospital.
01:41:51He's been treated.
01:41:53If you want, let's go to the hospital hand in hand like brothers.
01:41:56Look at me.
01:41:57Don't say hello to me.
01:41:58I'm sick of these words.
01:42:00I made that mistake once.
01:42:01I left you.
01:42:02I won't repeat the same mistake again.
01:42:04First, Sinan should adjust this technique.
01:42:06After that, the rest is easy.
01:42:08After that, we're always together.
01:42:10We'll be together until we die.
01:42:13Let's go.
01:42:25Prison number.
01:42:26My brother is calling.
01:42:28I hope nothing's wrong.
01:42:31How are you? Are you okay?
01:42:33Is everything okay there?
01:42:37Calm down.
01:42:39Calm down.
01:42:40Speak slowly.
01:42:41I don't understand.
01:42:43What confession?
01:42:44What are you going to say?
01:42:47Didn't you kill Canan?
01:42:49What are you saying?
01:42:50Are you going to say that now?
01:42:52Who did it?
01:42:57I knew it.
01:42:58I knew it from the beginning.
01:43:02Calm down.
01:43:03Calm down.
01:43:04I'll get you out of there.
01:43:05Don't worry.
01:43:13Did I hear it right?
01:43:16I don't know what to say.
01:43:20My brother says,
01:43:21I didn't kill Canan.
01:43:22Ebru did it.
01:43:23I'm guilty.
01:43:37Good morning.
01:43:38Good morning to you.
01:43:41We've been up for hours.
01:43:43Didn't you sleep at night?
01:43:45Ebru, I guess you don't know much about what's going on.
01:43:48About what happened.
01:43:51If you're aware,
01:43:52before I went to bed at night,
01:43:54there was only what Canan said.
01:43:56There was nothing else.
01:43:58What happened?
01:43:59Did Burak call?
01:44:09What does he want?
01:44:12Don't tell him to get involved in his dirty business.
01:44:14He'll drag you into that mud with him.
01:44:20How could I not think of that?
01:44:22Come on, Ebru.
01:44:24I'll go to work as if nothing had happened.
01:44:28We'll have a nice meal with you in the evening.
01:44:30What do you say?
01:44:33Look at me.
01:44:34No matter how problematic the case is,
01:44:36my brother Oz is the subject.
01:44:37Do you understand?
01:44:39Even if it's a mistake,
01:44:40I won't erase it in a single pen.
01:44:42Keep that in mind.
01:44:43And don't ever get involved in my business again.
01:45:05Hello, Mr. Aziz.
01:45:07Good day.
01:45:09Are they in this house?
01:45:11They were also checked by the traffic cameras on the road.
01:45:13Last night around 9.30 p.m.
01:45:15they entered the emergency road from the main road where the house is located.
01:45:18The vehicle Mr. Vural is driving is clear.
01:45:21It is certain that there is someone in the back seat.
01:45:23But his face is not clear.
01:45:24At this point,
01:45:25taking into account the complaint from you,
01:45:27let's assume that that person is Hazal.
01:45:29I don't know who Hazal is.
01:45:31Taking into account the complaint from you,
01:45:33let's assume that that person is Hazal.
01:45:35Mr. Aziz,
01:45:36I ask you to watch the raid in a cold-blooded way.
01:45:39Do not intervene in any way.
01:45:41After that, it's our job.
01:45:42Do we agree?
01:45:48Sir, I stayed close to this person.
01:45:51He is in the suspicious movements.
01:45:57What are you doing here?
01:46:00Mr. Kenan.
01:46:02Are you trying to steal money from me in this situation, you bastard?
01:46:05Kenan, calm down.
01:46:08Calm down.
01:46:10We helped you.
01:46:11Okay, Kenan.
01:46:12Calm down.
01:46:13Our priority is Hazal.
01:46:15Let him do whatever he wants.
01:46:20Come on, guys.
01:46:23Come on, come on.
01:46:29Come on, come on.
01:46:44No, I won't eat.
01:46:45No, you won't.
01:46:46If you eat two bites, you'll lose.
01:46:48You haven't eaten anything since last night.
01:46:50God forbid, you'll get sick.
01:46:52Give it to me, girl.
01:46:53I'll eat.
01:46:54I have sugar.
01:46:56I'm fine.
01:47:00It's been two hours.
01:47:02There's still no news.
01:47:03Did they go to Alt Mahallesi?
01:47:05They must have just arrived.
01:47:06Who knows where that maniac took the girl?
01:47:09Look at me.
01:47:10There's no cage around here.
01:47:14Kenan put him as the first guard of Ural's male brother.
01:47:19Should I go and call him?
01:47:20Should I ask what they're doing?
01:47:23Didn't you hear what Melek said?
01:47:25The man was on guard.
01:47:26Call him and distract him.
01:47:28Okay, fine.
01:47:30You're like a queen.
01:47:33I have sugar.
01:47:36May God help you.
01:47:48Come on, Sinan.
01:47:51Surround the area.
01:47:54Ural, come back.
01:47:59I won't give you any more.
01:48:00Open the door calmly and come out.
01:48:09Where did they come from?
01:48:10Yusuf, leave him.
01:48:11Shut up!
01:48:12Shut up, don't confuse me.
01:48:16Sinan, how long will it take to set up a car?
01:48:18They found us.
01:48:19Ural, I said, surrender.
01:48:24You have permission to leave.
01:48:29Is that so?
01:48:31It won't end before I say it's over.
01:48:33I will decide the end of this.
01:48:36I hope the maniac doesn't come to work with them now.
01:48:38What's Ural looking for so bravely?
01:48:40He couldn't manage it.
01:48:43My fear is that my daughter will get in the way and get hurt.
01:48:47God forbid.
01:48:48Are you crazy? What are you doing?
01:48:50Yes, I'm crazy.
01:48:51You were saying you were sick.
01:48:52What happened? Are you surprised?
01:48:53I'm getting out of here with you, beautiful.
01:48:55Ural, please.
01:48:57Ural, please don't do it.
01:48:58Please don't do it.
01:48:59I'll go and talk.
01:49:00I'm not a complainer.
01:49:02Look, they'll let you go.
01:49:03You can go from here.
01:49:04But if you do something like this, you can't go.
01:49:06Look, you can't get out of here.
01:49:07You're still at the turning point.
01:49:08Please don't do it.
01:49:09You're wrong, beautiful.
01:49:10We're at the turning point now.
01:49:12Now you're going to do what I say.
01:49:15You're going to be a good girl.
01:49:16Otherwise, I'll kill you first.
01:49:18Then I'll shoot myself.
01:49:19You know I'm going to do this.
01:49:21I know what I'm doing.
01:49:22Don't leave, get out.
01:49:27Get out.
01:49:38We won't hurt you.
01:49:40Slowly open the door and surrender.
01:49:43Let go of your gun.
01:49:57I surrender.
01:49:58I surrender, right?
01:50:00I surrendered.
01:50:03I became like this because I'm attached to her.
01:50:06Did I want it to be like this?
01:50:08Did I want to lose my mother?
01:50:10Did I want Naz to die?
01:50:12But you always think of them.
01:50:14Nobody thinks of me.
01:50:15Nobody is on my side.
01:50:18Why do I always have to be alone?
01:50:21Why do I always have to be alone?
01:50:23Why do I always have to be alone?
01:50:26Why is no one on my side?
01:50:28I only wanted one thing in this life. I wanted to be loved.
01:50:31And you saw that in me.
01:50:36Why did you see this in me, Azal?
01:50:40The only thing I want in this life is to see love from the woman I love.
01:50:44Maybe I broke it. I was sad. I had to let it go.
01:50:47But if I became like this, it's because of you.
01:50:50No one asked me anything.
01:50:52I'm on this path because of you.
01:50:58If you don't want anyone to get hurt, I'll go with Azal from here.
01:51:02If you try to stop me, I'll kill Azal first.
01:51:06Then I'll shoot myself.
01:51:08We'll go together from here again.
01:51:10Did you hear me?
01:51:22I love you.
01:51:52I can't stand it anymore.
01:52:05Calm down.
01:52:08Everything is in God's hands.
01:52:11It's easy to say.
01:52:13I want to see my daughter one more time.
01:52:16I want to kiss her one more time.
01:52:17I want to spend the rest of my life with my daughter.
01:52:20My angel.
01:52:21My beautiful daughter.
01:52:23Be a little more patient.
01:52:25They'll come with good news.
01:52:28And we'll get you married to my daughter.
01:52:34I don't want anything else.
01:52:42My angel.
01:52:50My angel.
01:53:08We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:12We know where he is.
01:53:14We're here to arrest him.
01:53:20We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:23We know where he is.
01:53:25We're here to arrest him.
01:53:27We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:30We know where he is.
01:53:32We're here to arrest him.
01:53:34We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:37We know where he is.
01:53:39We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:42We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:45We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:48We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:51We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:54We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:53:57We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:00We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:03We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:06We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:09We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:12We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:15We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:18We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:21We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:24We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:27We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:30We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:33We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:36We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:39We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:42We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:45We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:48We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:51We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:54We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:54:57We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:55:00We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:55:03We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:55:06We've located Ebru Sarcak from Caglan Demiroğlu.
01:55:16On the basis of the authority given to me, I declare youorpa hostess.
01:55:20Of course, I give you the notebook.
01:57:50Hadi bakalım size iyi yolculuklar.
01:57:52Sizi böyle gördüm ya.
01:57:54Hadi görüşürüz.
01:57:56Anneciğim artık ağlayacaksın hiçbir şey yok.
01:58:00Bana bakın gittiğiniz yerden bizi habersiz koymayın.
01:58:03Allah sizi hiç ayırmasın.
01:58:05O gözlerinizdeki mutluluk ışıntısı hiç bitmesin.
01:58:08Ben ömrü hayatımda sizin kadar birbirini hak eden birini görmedim.
01:58:14Birbirine kavuşmak için türlü kavgalar savaşları veren başka birini daha tanıdım.
01:58:19Aha o da Melenkle biz.
01:58:21Hadi bakalım.
01:58:23Hadi benim dünyalar güzeli kardeşim.
01:58:27Hazırsan mutluluk yolculuğumuza çıkalım.
01:58:31Zaten yeterince geç kaldık öyle değil mi?
01:58:35Allah'a ısmarladık.
01:58:38Hadi bakalım.
