• last year
Dan 4:2-3
2 It seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed toward me.
3 How great are His signs! And how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation. [Dan 7:13,14; Luke 1:31-33.]
00:28When we speak of the wonders of God, or the wondrous works of God, we must know that they
00:36are endless and inexhaustible.
00:39The whole creation of the universe, and specifically this earth in which our loving creator God
00:46fashioned as a home for his most wonderful and supreme masterpiece of all of his creations
00:54and creatures, is called mankind.
00:57I don't know about you, but when I reflect on my youth and the days of understanding
01:03that there was a God who created the wondrous universe and all that is in it, I couldn't
01:11help but marvel at the beauty of his creation, and how powerful God must be when looking
01:18up into the night sky with all the patterns of the twinkling stars, some of which had
01:25distinct patterns in the vast universe, yet visible to the naked eye, or hearing the
01:33roaring thunder, or hearing the powerful pounding waves, or seeing the astounding bolts of lightning
01:41as they shoot down from the heavens and refresh the earth's atmosphere, or viewing the beauty
01:48of our mighty God's creation as I would be on my horse riding in the back pasture in Montana.
01:57But still, for truly knowing and growing in God, in deep and intimate revelation, in a
02:06deep and intimate way, didn't start happening until years later as I began to grow in understanding
02:15of God and his ways as I studied and meditated upon the word of God, and prayed that my precious
02:22Lord and God would open up my spiritual eyes and ears to know and hear him as I pursued
02:30the scripture that says, in Jeremiah chapter 29, beginning in verse 11,
02:37For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans
02:43for the welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
02:49Verse 12, Then you will call upon me, and you will come to me and pray, and I will hear and
02:56heed you.
02:57Verse 13, Then you will seek me, inquire for, and require me as a vital necessity, and find me
03:06when you search for me with all of your heart.
03:10How many of you know that every one of us has a plan and purpose for our lives as we
03:16are born into this world?
03:19But that also means each one of us has the responsibility, a personal responsibility,
03:27to search for God and grow in understanding and obedience and love for him before he would
03:33begin to reveal his plan for us, because otherwise we would be doomed for failure if
03:40it were not for the love and grace of God to redeem each and every person who answers
03:46the call to come to him.
03:49Did you know that God put eternity in each and every soul as they were conceived in the
03:56womb of their mother?
03:58Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 declares, He has made everything beautiful in its time,
04:05and also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds, a divinely implanted sense of purpose,
04:12working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy, so yet
04:19that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
04:26God has placed within the heart of every person a sense of something eternal, a light
04:34of eternity, and the desire to know the spiritual eternal significance of what we do and the
04:42purpose for our existence.
04:45This quest is a deep-seated desire, a compulsive drive, because man is made in the image and
04:54likeness of God and is given the ability to appreciate the beauty of his creation on
05:01a multifaceted level, to know the complexion and makeup of how the world is made up on
05:09an academic level, and is to discern life's purpose and destiny on a spiritual and theological
05:18level through the pages of the Bible.
05:22You see, man has an inborn inquisitiveness and capacity to learn how everything in his
05:29experience can be integrated to make understanding more comprehensible and intelligent.
05:38King David, in Psalms chapter 40 verse 5, could not contain himself when he declared
05:45the wonderful works and thoughts of God towards us as his wonderful masterpiece.
05:51He said in verse 5, Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which you have done,
05:59and your thoughts towards us no one can compare with you.
06:04If I should declare and speak of them, they are too many to be numbered.
06:10And the psalmist who wrote in Psalms chapter 136, beginning in verse 3, declared, O give
06:19thanks to the Lord of Lords, for his mercy and his lovingkindness endure forever.
06:25To him who alone has done great wonders, for his mercy and lovingkindness endure forever.
06:33To him who by wisdom and understanding made the heavens, for his mercy and lovingkindness
06:39endure forever.
06:41Verse 6, To him who stretched out the earth upon the waters, for his mercy and lovingkindness
06:48endures forever.
06:50To him who made great lights, for his mercy and lovingkindness endure forever.
06:56Verse 8, The sun to rule over the day, for his mercy and lovingkindness endures forever.
07:04Verse 9, The moon and stars to rule by night, for his mercy and lovingkindness endures forever.
07:12And in Exodus chapter 15, in verse 11, we see Moses and the Israelites who sang these
07:21verses to God in worship singing, Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?
07:27Who is like you, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders?
07:35And Job, in chapter 5, verse 8 and 9, declares, As for me, I would seek God, and inquire of
07:45and require him, and to God I would commit my cause.
07:51Verse 9, Who does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number, hallelujah!
08:00Praise God!
08:02Let that sink in, say law.
08:05The wondrous works of God are many, and his thoughts towards us are good, according to
08:12King David in scripture, in Psalms chapter 40, verse 5, which I repeat tells us, Many,
08:21O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which you have done.
08:25Your thoughts towards us no one can compare with you.
08:29If I should declare and speak of them, ah, they are too many to be numbered.
08:37When we recall some of the wondrous works of God and thoughts of God towards us, we
08:44must first think about the wonderful mercy of God himself when he gave life itself to
08:51each one of us born into this world.
08:55God had a particular and outstanding plan for each one of us when he said, and I repeat
09:02in Jeremiah chapter 29, verse 11, I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, thoughts
09:10and plans for welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
09:19Dear listener, our almighty creator is no respecter of persons in knowing the plan for
09:28each and every one of us, because in the following verse, in verse 12, the word declares, he
09:35gives the mandate or charge for each and every life, which tells us the first and primary
09:43purpose of life, and that is that when you call upon me and you come to me and pray,
09:53I will hear you and heed you.
09:56Verse 13, then you will seek me, inquire for, and require me as a vital necessity, and find
10:05me when you search for me with all of your heart.
10:10When God designs mercy, he puts it into the hearts of his people to pray for mercy in
10:17which he designed and he purposed.
10:21When such a spirit of prayer is poured out, it is a sure sign of the coming of God's mercy
10:30in his perfect timing.
10:33We often do not know our own thoughts, nor our own minds, but God is never at any time
10:40uncertain within himself.
10:43We are sometimes ready to fear that God's purposes and designs concerning us are all
10:51against us, but he knows differently concerning his own people, that there are thoughts of
10:58good and not of evil, even that which seems evil is designed for good.
11:04His thoughts are all working towards us, and the expected end which he will give comes
11:11in due time, and that again is on his own time.
11:17We just learn to be patient and wait for him, just as is stated in Isaiah 30 verse 18, which
11:25tells us, yet the Lord still waits for you to come to him, so he can show you his love.
11:32He will conquer you to bless you, just as he said he would, for the Lord is faithful
11:38to his promises, blessed are all those who wait for him to help them.
11:45The scripture is one of my favorites, and it shows the extraordinary and awe-inspiring
11:52love and patience of our great God.
11:57He is a God of justice, and he will do what is right at the right time for each and every
12:03true believer, since he has promised to bless his people.
12:09He will also, after punishing them for their lack of trust and faith, extend his remarkable
12:16and astonishing grace in showing compassion to them.
12:21So those who long for him will experience his supernatural blessings when their waiting
12:28time has come to an end.
12:31Verse 19 declares, O people who dwell in Zion at Jerusalem, you will weep no more.
12:40He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry.
12:44When he hears it, he will answer you.
12:48You see, after the many tears that will come, comfort comes in caring, and God will answer
12:55their prayers, and they will be extremely joyful.
13:00Have you, dear believer, ever experienced the love, mercy, and kindness of your loving
13:08Father after a time of correction?
13:13You knew he was correcting you to bring you back on the path of righteousness, the tried
13:18and true path, or we also might say the straight and narrow, or narrow way, as Jesus taught
13:24in Matthew chapter 7, verses 13 and 14, when he said, Enter by the narrow gate.
13:33For wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction.
13:37And there are many who go by in it.
13:41Because narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way which leads to life.
13:46And there are few who find it.
13:49It is a marvelous wonder of God, who stooped so low to hover over his chosen faithful people,
13:58to guard and protect and teach his people after their hardships, their sufferings, and
14:04distress to show his divine love and reveal himself to them again.
14:11God calls his people to repent and rest in him for their salvation.
14:17He had promised that their quiet trust in him would prove to be their great strength.
14:24As their teacher, God would guide them in his moral and ethical behavior and his will.
14:32In Isaiah chapter 26, beginning in verse 7, the word tells us, the way of the consistently
14:41righteous, those living in moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relationship of
14:48their lives, is level and straight.
14:52You O Lord, who are upright and direct, are right and make level the path of the uncompromisingly
15:00just and righteous.
15:01Yes, in your path of your judgments, O Lord, we wait expectantly for you.
15:09Our heartfelt desire is for your name, for the remembrance of you.
15:15My soul yearns for you, O Lord, in the night.
15:18Yes, my spirit within me seeks you earnestly.
15:23For only when your judgments are in the earth will the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness
15:29of brightness and right standing with God.
15:33Dear listener, just think about it.
15:38Creator God, the God of all wonders, stoops or condescends very low to guard, to love
15:46and to protect his people.
15:49And most of all, he puts his Holy Spirit within each and every one of his own to lead, to
15:56guide and direct them as their spiritual eyes would see him and their ears will hear
16:01his voice correcting their deviations from his path, saying, no, don't go that way.
16:08Go this way.
16:10Just think and marvel at the fact that the almighty God lavishes upon us the divine life
16:19with purpose and meaning, with an end, which the scripture tells us is called eternal life.
16:27Eternal life is a priceless treasure and it is a gift of God.
16:34This is an absolute wonder of God in the life of a true and genuine Christian who is seeking
16:42to know their loving creator in an intimate way, not just a superficial way of knowing
16:49him by going to church or singing in the choir and a feeling of doing your duty, which makes
16:57you feel like you have pleased God in these ways and that he must be happy and content
17:03with that much of your life.
17:06There is a depth of understanding in that he wants all of your heart, not just a part of it.
17:13Mine too.
17:15Eternal life is a gift and treasure from God that comes through the blood sacrifice of
17:21his dear and precious son, Jesus Christ.
17:24And this is not to be taken lightly.
17:28Eternal life is not to be confused with mere endless existence.
17:34This is the greatest of all of the wondrous works of God in the purpose of creating mankind.
17:42Jesus said, I have come that they might have life and might have it abundantly in John's
17:50gospel in John 10 10.
17:54This life is all about Christ in you, Christ in me, the hope of glory, dear ones.
18:04It is likened to a birth from above and is dependent upon receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior.
18:12Jesus, in his generous kindness and mercy and grace, gives his Holy Spirit to dwell
18:19within his own blood-bought, blood-washed redeemed ones who call him Savior, Master,
18:27Redeemer, and the one that my soul loves.
18:31You see, he who has the Son has life.
18:36He who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.
18:42First John, chapter 5, verse 12.
18:46Eternal life must not be confused with our natural physical life.
18:52Without Christ, this form of life is subject to death and is brought about by humankind.
19:01Our lives before Christ were sinful, distorted, and perverse, and all of this was unbeknownst
19:09to us.
19:10We thought we were just fine, thank you.
19:13We avoided God, and even those who would talk about him like they really knew him.
19:20And for some, they truly hated God, and they are known as God-haters.
19:26But spiritual life has a beginning but no end.
19:31The difference is, one possessing mere natural physical life without Christ will be eternally
19:40separated from God in the lake of fire, whereas the one possessing eternal life in Christ
19:47will be united and in fellowship with God for all eternity, which begins in this life
19:55right now while on earth.
19:58Therefore, separation from God is eternal death, but union with God is eternal life.
20:07The newness of life which the believer is gifted with comes from Christ and him alone.
20:14It is the very essence and substance of salvation.
20:18It is the gift of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
20:24Romans chapter 6 verse 23 declares,
20:27But now, since you have been set free from sin and have become the slaves of God, you
20:34have your present reward in holiness, and its end is eternal life.
20:41For the wages which sin pays is death, but the bountiful free gift of God is eternal
20:47life through and in union with Jesus Christ our Lord.
20:53The life in which is in faithful and true Christians on this earth is inseparably connected
21:01with the wondrous eternal life beyond and with the endless life of the future with joyful
21:10Christians in heaven.
21:12Matthew chapter 19 beginning in verse 16 declares,
21:17And behold, there came a man up to him, saying, Teacher, what excellent and perfectly and
21:23essentially good deed must I do to possess eternal life?
21:28And he, Jesus, said to him, Why do you ask me about the perfectly and essentially good?
21:35There's only one who is perfectly and essentially good, God.
21:41And if you would enter into the life, you must continually keep the commandments.
21:47He said to him, What sort of commandments or which ones?
21:52And Jesus answered, You shall not kill.
21:55You shall not commit adultery.
21:57You shall not steal.
21:59You shall not bear false witness.
22:01Verse 19 honor your father and mother.
22:04You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
22:07Verse 29, And anyone and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or fathers
22:15or mother or children for lambs, for my name's sake, will receive many, even a hundred times
22:22more and will inherit eternal life.
22:26And also in Matthew chapter 25 beginning in verse 44, And they also answered, Lord, when
22:35did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick in prison and did
22:41not help you?
22:43Verse 45, He will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not for the least of one
22:50of these, you did not do for me.
22:54Verse 46, And they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
23:02You see, this life in Jesus Christ is the most wondrous of all the spiritual wonders
23:09over all of God's physical creations, which include the magnificent and complex creation
23:17of the human body and every one of the seven wonders of the world, just to mention a few.
23:25How wonderful is life in Jesus Christ, our Savior and the lover of our souls.
23:34What jealous care we must have, dear listener, in guarding it every moment of the day.
23:40As we talk about the wonders of God that are many and magnificent, we see another one of
23:47these absolute God-given abilities given to mankind, which is our life with five awesome
23:55And one is the life with the capacity of knowing and meaning.
24:01And two is life with its ability and responsiveness to loving or having ambitions and hopefulness
24:11of achieving.
24:13And three is life with its impressive sense of duty and responsibility and affections
24:20and hopes which soar by faith towards God in heaven.
24:25Dear one, this is a treasure that makes the weakest individual the possessor of boundless
24:34wealth in Jesus Christ.
24:38As we have considered these wondrous works of God in creation, in revelation, that he
24:45so graciously provides, and the most wondrous work of all, called the salvation of sinful
24:53man, which are just a few of his countless astounding and mind-boggling works, our hearts
25:01should be filled with praise for our God and Savior, who alone has the power to begin and
25:08maintain these wondrous works.
25:11God's purpose regarding his wondrous works can never be frustrated or disappointed by
25:18men or devils.
25:20We must agree and have faith with the word of God in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, verse 14,
25:27which declares, I know that whatever God does, it endures forever, nothing can be added to
25:35it nor anything taken from it, and God does it so that men will reverently fear him, revere
25:43and worship him, knowing that he is.
25:47As we have considered the wondrous works of God, the depravity of the sinfulness of man
25:54becomes painfully apparent in contrast to God's holy and righteous way to gain the promised
26:02end, which is called eternal life.
26:05Sinful men have always tried to corrupt and pervert the wondrous work of God.
26:11Men have always tried to rob and to pervert the glory of God and the honor that is due
26:18him and him alone, and to defile his holy name, and to defile the wondrous works of
26:25creation and his divine revelation and its salvation, which lead to eternal life, which
26:34is the most glorious of God's magnificent wonders.
26:39The heart of sinful man has always been set upon evil in an attempt to dethrone God and
26:46to reject his sovereignty and his authority.
26:50We must conclude with the writer of Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 29, Behold, this is the only
26:58reason for it that I have found.
27:00God made man upright, but they, men and women, have sought out many devices for evil.
27:09Dear listener, if God has been pleased to reveal truth of his wondrous works to your
27:15mind and your heart, respond every day with a life filled with thankfulness, with service
27:22to God, and with divine adoration and worship to him.
27:28If God has opened your eyes to the truth of creation, if he has blessed you with comprehension
27:36of his revelation, if he has graced you with the gift of salvation, and if he has placed
27:43within you his deep love and drive to be faithful to the end, lift up your voice in
27:50praise and adoration to the most high God who loved you with a love that went to the
27:57cross to have you love him with all of your heart, your soul, your mind, your whole being.
28:06Hear and obey the admonishment of the author of these wondrous works in Ecclesiastes chapter
28:1312 verse 13, which states, Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter.
28:20Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
28:26Let us always be grateful in acknowledging God, the God of mercies.
28:36Be grateful and thankful for the divine works of God's mercy, and will inspire us to be
28:42workers of good, just as our example, Jesus Christ, who did the work of his father, who
28:48sent him to the earth.
28:50Let us example him in everything that we do.
28:54And lastly, let the grateful review of the wondrous works of God towards us, produce
29:01in us not only the works of thankfulness, but thoughts of his mercy, his love and kindness
29:08in what he has done for us, and the plans that he has for each of us and every life
29:15of all those who have come to him and are faithful to the very end.
29:22Peace be to our wonderful and faithful creator, who loves us with an everlasting love.
