• 4 days ago
Gal 6:2-7
2 And bear ye one another's burdens, that so ye may fulfill the law of the Messiah.
3 For if any one thinketh himself to be something, when he is not, he deceiveth himself.
4 But let a man examine his own conduct; and then his glorying will be within himself, and not in others.
5 For every man must take up his own load.
6 And let him that heareth the word, communicate to him who instructeth him, in all good things.
7 Do not mistake; God is not deceived; for what a man soweth, that also will he reap.
00:29title of our message today is called Is Your Love to Jesus Christ Marked by
00:36Obedience to Him? In John chapter 14 beginning in verse 15 our precious
00:44Savior and Lord Jesus Christ said if you really love me you will keep obey my
00:52commands. In this verse and account Jesus was ready to depart from his disciples
01:00in the preparation of going to the cross on our behalf as the innocent Lamb of
01:06God and he tells his disciples in effect if you love me do not show your love
01:12merely by grief at my departure or by profession but by obedience. He says keep
01:21my commandments and this is the only proper evidence of love to Jesus because
01:29mere profession is no proof of love but that love for him which leads us to do
01:36all of his will to love each other to deny ourselves to take up our cross and
01:44follow him through evil reports that come our way and through good reports
01:50will be our true attachment to him. You see the evidence that we have in the
01:57natural is that of a child who loves his or her parents is when that child is
02:05willing without hesitation or complaining to do all that the parent
02:11requires him to do and this is so when the disciples of Christ are required to
02:18show they love him and are attached to him solely to him is by yielding to all
02:25of his requirements and commands by patiently doing his will in the face of
02:31ridicule and opposition and also in 1st John chapter 4 verse 19 declares we love
02:41him because he first loved us if anyone says I love God and detests hates
02:48abominates his brother in Christ is a liar for he who does not love his
02:55brother whom he is seen cannot love God whom he is not seen verse 21 and this
03:02command charge order injunction we have from him that he who loves God shall
03:10love his brother believer also if we are looking for more in the way of
03:17understanding the love of God we need to look at John the Beloved's keynote theme
03:22and description in 1st John chapter 3 which leads us to chapter 4
03:28specifically verse 19 which again says we love because he first loved us you
03:36see by nature we know little about love and Paul in Titus chapter 3 verse 3
03:44through 6 lays this out clearly and succinctly when he declares for we also
03:51were once thoughtless and senseless and obstinate and disobedient deluded and
03:58misled we too were once slaves to all sorts of cravings and pleasures wasting
04:05our days in malice and jealousy and envy hateful hated detestable then
04:11hating one another first for but when the goodness and loving kindness of God
04:18our Savior to man is man appeared he saved us not only because of any works
04:25of righteousness that we had done but because of his own pity and mercy by the
04:30cleansing bath of the new birth regeneration and renewing of the Holy
04:35Spirit which he poured out so richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior
04:41can you see God had to show us his love on the cross and plant it in our hearts
04:48when Paul in Romans chapter 5 verse 5 tells us such hope never disappoints or
04:55deludes or shames us for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through
05:01the Holy Spirit who has been given to us we have the most solid and convincing
05:08testimony of God's love to us by that measure of it which he has communicated
05:14to our hearts dear listener have you truly experienced the awesome
05:20supernatural love of your Savior in your heart yet and this is called
05:26personal experiential reality of the love of God and this love is poured out
05:33and spreads out filling quickening and invigorating all of our physical
05:40strength and mental abilities and this love flows from the very heart of God
05:48alone and this is called divine love dear one this love is the spring of all
05:56of our actions it is the motive of our obedience as a child of God the
06:03principle through which we love God overflows from him alone because we love
06:09him because he first loved us we love him with a love worthy of himself
06:15because it springs from him as a life springs into our hearts you can't
06:22explain it you can't weigh it you can't measure it because it's supernatural it
06:29is God's own love every flame of his love that arises from this pure and
06:36vigorous fire must be pleasing in his sight and get this it marks and consumes
06:44what is unholy hallelujah it purifies and refines every passion and appetite
06:54this is a lifelong undertaking and growth in our journey on this earth we
07:01know that this is the love of God because it is totally different from
07:07anything that is earthly and central and base people may ask how is this
07:14possible you see it is possible because the Holy Spirit comes to live within our
07:21hearts and souls and it is by his divine energy that this love is permeated and
07:27fills every part of our being it is by the Holy Spirit's light which is spread
07:35abroad into our hearts that we discover what love is and we know the state of
07:41God's grace in which we stand when the true believer in Christ begins to
07:48experience this precious love of God they desire to please their Savior in
07:54every way and this is the divine grace and love God at work in your heart dear
08:01listener God's grace is his favor his kindness his friendship and his
08:08forgiving mercy and therefore we are equipped to do every good work because
08:16he has been producing in us the mind that is in Christ and get this the true
08:22and genuine child of God is enabled and empowered to obey the pure law of our
08:30loving God and Father his son Jesus Christ in its spiritual sense by loving
08:37him with all of our hearts our souls our mind and strength and also don't
08:43forget our neighbor as ourselves this is or ought to be the common experience of
08:51every genuine believer God the Holy Spirit is so loving and knows who are
09:00his even when they do not know him he constantly searches them out and offers
09:07him his kindness and salvation in so many ways Romans chapter 3 verse 11
09:15tells us that no one understands no one intellectually discerns or comprehends no
09:23one seeks God out all have turned aside together they have gone wrong and it
09:31become unprofitable and worthless no one does right not even one first John
09:40chapter 4 verse 10 declares in this love not that we have loved God but that he
09:48has loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation the atoning sacrifice of
09:53our souls for our sins can we know that any demonstration of pure genuine agape
10:02or godly love that we have personally experienced in our own hearts and souls
10:08is from the pure fountain of love that flows from the very heart of God of our
10:14Heavenly Father and precious Savior Jesus Christ if our love is genuine it
10:22will be demonstrated in our love to God's children here on this earth how
10:28can we love God in heaven when we do not love his children here on earth
10:34Christians are expected to love each other because they have experienced the
10:39love of God in their very own hearts keep in mind dear one that Christian love
10:46does not mean that we agree with everything a brother or sister thinks or
10:50does in fact we may not like some of their personal characteristics but
10:57remember they might not like ours either but because they are in Christ and
11:05demonstrate his love in word and deed and action we love them for Jesus's sake
11:12who are we to judge them demonstrating our own love to God's children is a mark
11:20of personal obedience to the commands of God we love Christ because he first
11:28loved us we learn as we grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord that
11:35God's love for us never ceases understand we do have responsibility in
11:42maintaining this awesome relationship and fellowship with our great God
11:47there's a wonderful testimony that I came across when I was preparing this
11:52message that parallels this scripture and I felt it was worth sharing and it
11:58begins by saying there was a minister who was retiring and had delivered his
12:04last sermon from the pulpit where he had preached many many years and one of the
12:10faithful members stopped as she went out the door and asked do you know what was
12:15the most important thing that you said in all of these years the minister
12:21inquired what was that so we might learn of the way that he had helped someone
12:28you told us we cannot do anything to get God to stop loving us was the quiet
12:35reply the minister said yes it is the most important thing that you can learn
12:41in life is that God never stops loving you but understand please he said Peter
12:47lied about being one of the disciples but God loved him still and forgave him
12:53because he repented the mother and the small children were a problem for the
12:59disciples but God still loved his disciples and taught them otherwise to
13:05properly understand that they should not hinder the little ones from coming to him
13:10and the woman that refused to give Jesus a drink from the water from the well but
13:16when Jesus demonstrated his love to her telling her her hidden sins she ended up
13:22sharing the good news of Jesus Christ that is a Messiah in her city and many
13:28came to him and believed and he finished by saying no matter what your life has
13:34been like God still loves you by witnessing his kindness his mercy and
13:40his indescribable love without measure the question here is how much do you
13:48love God throughout all of your trials and difficulties are you faithful to him
13:53as he is to you personally dear listener our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus
14:02Christ through the love of the Holy Spirit in our lives shows and
14:07demonstrates that love to us is like a magnet yes like a magnet and let us not
14:16forget what Jesus said to us in John 15 verse 9 I pause here for a moment to say
14:24I would like to apologize for the repetition but I cannot because it takes
14:30time in hearing the truth over and over and tell the Holy Spirit the spirit of
14:36truth plants it firmly in our hearts and this is where it begins to live verse
14:449 I have loved you just as the Father has loved me abide in my love continue
14:51in his love with me if you keep my commandments if you continue to obey my
14:57instructions you will abide in my love and on in it just as I have obeyed my
15:03father's commandments and live on in his love verse 11 and I've told you these
15:09things that my joy and delight may be in you and that your joy and gladness may
15:15be a full measure and complete and overflowing hallelujah the Greek word
15:24translated love in John 15 9 is agape and then it is defined as a unselfish
15:33love which seeks to meet the need of another and Jesus Christ wants us to
15:40love with his agape love even towards our enemies even if it is a matter of
15:48keeping our distance because of their evil deeds their plan or their behavior
15:52towards us but he does instruct us to love them and pray for them he wants us
16:01to recognize their need and meet it even as he met our own need in our sinful
16:09condition the greatest need our enemies have is the quest that all of us who
16:17proclaim to be Christian is the greatest gift bestowed upon mankind and
16:23that is eternal life which is bestowed upon all who have been grafted into the
16:29vine who is none other than Jesus Christ the agape love of God is the highest and
16:37greatest love there ever is and is found only in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
16:44and this type of love is based on relationship of common interests to
16:52people who are friends they are concerned about the same things as a
16:58magnet attracts that which is opposite to us so our Holy God draws the sinner
17:06to himself and all we can say to this and sometimes even through tears is what
17:15love what love in first John chapter 5 verse 19 declares as the father has
17:28loved me oh no there goes the repetition again let's look at that in
17:35verse 9 I have loved you just as a father has loved me abide in my love
17:42continue in his love with me and if you keep my commandments if you continue to
17:48obey my instruction you will abide in my love and live on in it just as I have
17:53obeyed my father's command and live on in it well you see the quality of the
18:00love which the father showed to his only begotten son his own unique son is the
18:07quality of love which the son demonstrated to us as branches of his
18:14vine some ask here what kind of love was it well let's first understand this kind
18:23of love it's not the so-called love of what we call a fair-weathered friend so
18:30you see a fair-weather friend is someone who is a good friend when it's easy to
18:35be one and disappears being a friend when you have difficulties there's a
18:42story I've kind of got tickled about this and it's about a young man who
18:47spent the entire evening telling a girl how much he loved her he said he couldn't
18:53live without her they would go to the ends of the earth for her and he would
18:58go through fire for her and even die for her however upon leaving he said I'll
19:06see you tomorrow night if it doesn't rain how often can we say we love God
19:13yet deny it by our own actions Christ will give his crown of life only to
19:20those who love him indeed and in truth and dear listener our Savior proved his
19:27love by going to the cross as the innocent lamb of God for us who have
19:33answered the call to come to him and accept his love and the precious gift of
19:38salvation and this was a love that would not spare Jesus's severe suffering and
19:45death on the cross that day 2,000 years ago Jesus had told his disciples that he
19:53was going away it was love it was a love that accomplished the father's purpose
20:01and mission in sending his son to the earth and it was through Jesus's death
20:06that eternal life would be possible for all those who would love and obey him
20:12and have faith in him until the very end of their lives the love of the
20:18father did not mean escape from duty or responsibility on our part but it
20:23requires faithfulness there was identity of purpose between the father and the
20:29son so I have loved you Jesus said I repeat John 15 9 Jesus's words would show
20:38and share the love that the father and the son shared and the love that he
20:43Jesus shares with all true believers who live in him and in his love did you hear
20:51that I said in him who live in him and in his love verse 9 I've loved you just
21:00as the father loved me abide in other words remain stay in my love continue in
21:07his love with me it sounds like being partners doesn't it if you keep my
21:14commandments if you continue to obey my instruction you will abide in my love
21:19and live on in it just as I have obeyed my father's commandments and live on in
21:25his love that is powerful and that is big and I repeat there is no greater
21:33love than that between the father and the son love was not given because the
21:39son needed it dear listener it was given because of their complete unity of
21:45essence and character and purpose you see the essence of God is love no one
21:54has seen the father it is through his son Jesus Christ that we learn love is
22:00of God all that the father is we learn Jesus said in John chapter 14 verse 9 he
22:09who has seen me has seen the father and please understand that love has its
22:16origin in the father and God the father sent his son to this earth to
22:22demonstrate his pure and undefiled love to all of mankind when he went to the
22:28cross and poured out his precious blood on Calvary's Hill the more we possess
22:35and cherish the love of God the more we will resemble him and therefore this is
22:41what is called to be godlike everyone that loves is born of God and such love
22:52as he cherishes is not natural to men it is contrary to the spirit and the
23:02habit of a sinner or better called the old man remember God's love is his
23:11correction the love of God exists only in a renewed heart and it is inspired by
23:20the Holy Spirit as the father has loved me so have I loved you Jesus tells us
23:28this precious ones is a historical love this love is divine and supernaturally
23:38planted in the heart of those who truly love God and his son the love of God is
23:44sealed and no one can change it and it is important to understand that the love
23:50of God does not rescue anyone from suffering but rather it redeems us
23:55through the suffering that we go through purifies us makes us like fine gold
24:02precious in his sight he who is loved should obey the one who loves him
24:10continue in my love is a command and the word continue in Greek is manate and it
24:19implies action that is anchored in love each act of obedience to God's command
24:25makes the relationship and fellowship firmer or solidifies and anchored in the
24:33love of God this kind of obedience is born out of love to our Lord and Savior
24:40and the great appreciation for all that he has done for us obedience and faith
24:46are the secrets of abiding and growing in God's love let us be faithful to the
24:53very end of our lives to honor God and give him all the glory in all that we do
25:00and may we all hear on the day that he brings us home well done good and
25:08faithful servant well done hallelujah
