Omarosa Says Donald Trump's Mental Decline Is Evident In Fact Checking

  • 3 months ago
As for the debate as a whole, Omarosa says Trump was showing signs of mental decline and neurological issues ... and she thinks people forget about that when they focus on Biden's age and mental capacity.


00:00You know, the debates for me were a little surprising, you know, everybody's surprised
00:07about what happened with Biden.
00:09But I think that they missed what also was happening with Donald Trump.
00:14So Donald Trump's team prepared him as they did when, you know, when I worked in the campaign,
00:18they prepared and prepared him.
00:20But you know, Donald also clearly forgot some basic facts, right?
00:24Everybody's been fact-checking him.
00:26But he loses track of time and events and so forth.
00:30So while he's bagging on Biden about his age and his memory, there's clearly something
00:36going on with Donald as well.
00:37And I've been talking a lot about Donald Trump's mental decline.
00:40And it's evident when you get fact-checked and there's thousands of lies that you tell.
00:47There's also something neurologically going on with him as well.
00:50But you miss it because Biden's decline was front and center at the debate, you know,
00:56in terms of style, it's very obvious that Donald Trump won.
01:00But in terms of substance, then, you know, I'm going to have to say that Biden, because
01:04Biden was truthful with the American people.
01:07I mean, if, you know, if the world is ending tomorrow, I want somebody to tell me the truth.
01:11I don't want them to tell me that everything's going to be okay.
01:14So yes, style-wise, there's no question Donald ran away with it.
01:19But Biden was able to at least be truthful about his responses.
01:24And I'm really concerned that the next president of the United States would be honest with
01:30us about what's going on policy-wise.
01:32I am very, very clear that the person who I'm going to vote for is someone who has never
01:39been convicted of felonies, who's never lied, who's never cheated on his pregnant wife with
01:44a porn star.
01:46Someone who does not think that there is good people on both sides when there's, you know,
01:52when there's racists marching in Charlottesville.
01:55Those are the people that I will elect in the fall.
01:58I don't want a con man.
01:59I don't want someone who's trying to, you know, kind of pull a scheme or a scam over
02:04the American people.
02:06You know what?
02:07Biden may be aging, Biden may not be the best on the debate stage, but I want somebody who's
02:13not going to try to overturn the results of an election, a free and fair election.
02:21That's what I want in the leader of this country.
