The Deep S01E04 - Digging Deeper

  • 3 months ago
The Nektons are a family of underwater explorers who discover the hidden secrets of the oceans, including sunken cities, sea creatures and pirates.


00:00See, if we move towards the international date line, my birthday will come quicker.
00:06And then, if we start in Samoa and move away as fast as we can, my birthday could last
00:10more than 24 hours.
00:11I could have a birthday.
00:13That's longer than a day.
00:14I understand, Ant.
00:15But we need to be here for the drop.
00:20You'll just have to experience time like a regular person.
00:24It's here.
00:26Professor Fiction's supply drop is here!
00:39What are you doing here?
00:40I asked Professor Fiction to send me something.
00:43What is this something?
00:45It's nothing.
00:46Don't worry about it.
00:59Thank you.
01:01You're really not going to say what it is?
01:03I'm really not.
01:05Is it an actual secret, or are you just doing this to deliberately drive me crazy?
01:08It's definitely one of those two things.
01:14Something for Mom.
01:18What is it?
01:20This is the single greatest thing ever!
01:25My family are explorers. We have been for generations
01:29While others look up to the stars, we know there are an infinite number of things that shine in the darkness below
01:35There are things lurking in the seas that long ago vanished into men. My family are explorers
01:55What is that? A fish scuba tank? Don't be ridiculous. It's fish camp. Fish camp?
02:04Yeah, Professor Fiction and I have been working on this for months. See the world through the eyes of a fish. Wow
02:12See this side of his fishbowl? See that side of his fishbowl? See this side of his fishbowl?
02:17See that side of his fishbowl? Don't you listen to her, Jeffrey. I'm sure your view will be remarkable
02:24Nectons, we're being held by an approaching cargo ship. Come on, Ant. The stunning entertainment that is fish cam will have to wait
02:35Go ahead, Captain Chadwick. We hit bad weather, lost our cargo. It's incredibly valuable
02:43We have retrieval equipment, but not for something of this scale. What scale are we talking, Captain?
02:50I'm transmitting the coordinates now
02:53I know those coordinates. That's Challenger Deep
02:58You accidentally dropped your cargo into the Mariana Trench?
03:03You dropped something into the single deepest part of the ocean?
03:08What did you lose?
03:09It's an experimental generator. It could be the next giant leap in clean energy
03:16If you agree to help us, some of our personnel will need to accompany you on the...
03:20No, I'm sorry, but no one we don't know travels on the Aranax
03:23Give us a moment to discuss this and get back to you, Captain Chadwick. Aranax out
03:29Ant, take a closer look at that cargo ship
03:32Up periscope
03:36Something about this feels a bit strange. See anything suspicious?
03:41Not really. Just Chadwick talking to someone. Not sure what suspicious talking looks like
03:50Mom, Dad, before you start a reasonable, calm and composed discussion, sensibly weighing the pros and cons of whether or not we should take on this mission, I would just like to say one thing
03:59Yes, Ant?
04:00You cannot say no to journeying to the bottom of the sea on my birthday!
04:06He makes a pretty persuasive argument
04:09We are only a few hours away, and the new rover was built to withstand that pressure
04:15Fontaine, close the moon pool and plot a course for the Mariana Trench
04:22Captain Chadwick, give us the homing beacon signal. We'll retrieve your power source
04:28This is gonna be the best birthday ever!
04:40The Mariana Trench
04:58Where is it?
04:59Where's what?
05:00You know what! My package! I'm in the midst of making something and need it now
05:05What are you making?
05:07Never mind. Where is it?
05:09It was right there
05:10I know it was right there. I left it right there. It's not there anymore though, is it?
05:15What? You think I took it?
05:17You were the only other person in here. The list of suspects is pretty small
05:22I didn't take it, Fontaine. I don't even know what it is. Maybe you took it
05:28I took my own package and hid it from myself
05:31It's a criminal masterstroke. You're the very last person you'd suspect
05:37Hectors, report to the bridge
05:39We're here
05:49There it is. Eleven thousand meters straight down
05:53Less people have been to the bottom than have stood on the moon
05:56Wow! We're really gonna do this!
05:58We really are
06:00Is the rover prepped?
06:01Yep, it's ready. And so is Jeffrey
06:04You're taking your fish?
06:06Of course. And thanks to Fish Cam, he'll get to capture it all
06:10Fish Cam, right
06:12Where are you going?
06:13I can't tell you
06:15You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
06:17You're not going anywhere secret. You're just trying to make me think you are
06:21Sure, that could be exactly what I'm doing
06:24Ant, did you leave the door to the moon pool room open?
06:35Why is everyone accusing me of things today?
06:38Wait, where's Jeffrey?
06:40Maybe Jeffrey left the door open
06:42You're always saying how clever he is
06:45Me what?
06:46I didn't take your package. Give me my fish back
06:49You did take my package and I didn't take your fish
06:53It's not funny, Fontaine! Give him back!
06:56I didn't touch your fish
06:57All crew, we're over the beacon
06:59Time to go
07:00Without Jeffrey?
07:03Do you really think I'd take Ant's fish on his birthday?
07:06No, I don't
07:08So, what's happening here?
07:14We're in full stop. You're clear to open the moon pool
07:19Come on, I'm sure Jeffrey will turn up
07:27When you're through glaring at your sister, do you want to take us out of here?
07:32You want me to pilot to the deepest place on earth?
07:35We'll call it a birthday present
07:39What do you say? You want to take us to the bottom of the world?
07:43To the bottom of the world!
07:49On button?
07:51On button. To the bottom of the world!
08:11Safe journey
08:17Fontaine, are you in the engine room?
08:19Nope, I'm just leaving the moon pool. Why?
08:22Because the door to the engine room is open
08:25Well, that wouldn't be the first door left open today
08:27I'm going to check it out. Can you come back and watch the bridge?
08:48No! No!
08:55Fontaine, can you hear me? Fontaine!
09:01Is there someone in here?
09:10Whoever you are, I should warn you
09:13I have a giant metal claw and I'm not afraid to use it
09:31Jeffrey! What are you doing in there?
09:41Seriously, Jeffrey, what were you doing in the white knight?
09:45Fontaine, you're asking a fish questions
09:48It's not like he can answer
09:53Fish cam! Oh no
09:55If fish cam just became useful, Ant will never let me forget it
10:04Okay, let's see what you saw
10:10How far down are we?
10:11Far enough that right now about three tons of pressure is pressing in on every single square inch of the rover
10:17Hang on, if the environment is that dangerous
10:21Then why do we have company?
10:25Why are you smiling? They're getting closer!
10:28You'll see
10:42Dad, this is awesome!
10:45I know
10:53Wow! See this side of his fishbowl? See that side of his fishbowl?
10:57See this side of his fishbowl?
11:01She left her secret package
11:03Aha! I knew it
11:05I want to know what it is so much it hurts
11:08I want to know what it is so much it hurts
11:10I haven't seen my sister this excited about anything in ages
11:13So, I will ask you to guard it with your life, Jeffrey
11:18If you do have a peek, I'll understand
11:31Who are you?
11:33I'm on board
11:35Once they've divided, I'll seize the sub
11:37Yes, as soon as they've brought the weapon back on board
11:41I'll lock the sub down before they realize what they have
11:46I know, I know
11:48You think I would have gone to so much trouble to steal the weapon in the first place if I didn't know how valuable it was?
11:53What are you looking at?
11:55Nothing, it's a fish
11:57A fish?
11:58Never mind
12:00Over and out
12:02What's with the little scuba tank?
12:04Seriously, stop staring, you're freaking me out
12:08Why do you look like you're judging me? You're a fish!
12:19Mom, can you hear me? Are you there?
12:22Fontaine, I'm locked in the engine room
12:26Mom, can you hear me?
12:35Error next to rover, error next to rover!
12:38Yeah, that's not going to work
12:42I cut the communications
12:45Well, that's just annoying
12:47What is?
12:48Cutting the communications
12:49Someone's gonna have to fix that
12:51I doubt you're gonna volunteer
12:52That's it, Fontaine, just keep her talking
12:55Aren't you shocked to see me?
12:57Please, I knew you were on board
12:59No, you didn't
13:01I did, the fish told me
13:03Never mind
13:04So, you're a weapons smuggler
13:07How do you know that?
13:09Who's Jeffrey?
13:10The fish, keep up
13:12There's one thing Jeffrey didn't tell me
13:14What's the weapon doing down there in the first place?
13:17We had a helicopter fly over the ship when we were transporting the weapon
13:21One of our men got spooked
13:23He thought it was an inspection team who threw the weapon overboard
13:26Okay, I think we've got it all, thanks
13:29Got what?
13:30Enough to show the authorities
13:32I captured all of that on fish cam
13:35You what?
13:37Okay, intruder, let's test your sea legs
13:58Mom, if you can hear me, pull up
14:00Ant and Dad are down there
14:16Is that the bottom?
14:18It sure is
14:25Hey, over there, is that the cargo?
14:28It's in good shape and it's not damaged
14:31Rover to Aeronax, Rover to Aeronax
14:34We've located the cargo
14:43What's happening?
14:44If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you locked my mom in the engine room
14:50And that was really stupid of you
14:52You don't trap the world's best submarine pilot in the engine room of a submarine
15:03So, you okay to pick it up?
15:13Got it
15:16What are they?
15:17I don't know
15:18Not whales, but they're big and they're coming fast
15:21They're coming from above us
15:25The container's too heavy, I can't maneuver it
15:28Let it go
15:29It'll be crushed
15:30I'm dropping it
15:35Okay, throw it, now!
15:41It's safe, go!
15:53What's the matter?
15:54How are you doing that?
15:57Simple, I was born on a submarine
16:09I see it!
16:14We did it, we're clear!
16:22We are not clear
16:29Turn around, go down!
16:31Do it!
16:36You've made a very big mistake
16:38No, you've made a very big mistake
16:41You've come onto our ship without knowing two very important words
16:46What two words?
16:52I'm so glad you caught that on camera
16:58Dad, that's the sea floor, we're running out of down
17:01Get us as close to the trench wall as you can
17:03We'll be crushed
17:04No, that rock is huge, make us small
17:12It's okay
17:23Well, that was intense
17:26I am never going to worry about you driving again
17:31The cargo, it's open!
17:33That's no power source
17:35No, I know my tech, that's a weapon
17:39If that had been hit by one of those falling rocks
17:43Rover to Aeronex, Rover to Aeronex
17:46Keiko, are you there?
17:49I don't like this, we need to get back
17:52We can't just leave that weapon
17:55I have an idea
18:01Okay, try them now
18:04Aeronex to Rover
18:07Fontaine, we tried to contact you but we couldn't get through
18:10Yeah, sorry, we had a bit of a problem with a stowaway weapon smuggler
18:14severing our communications
18:17It's all taken care of, Will, don't worry
18:19We've called the Worldwide Ocean Authority
18:21They're boarding the smuggler's ship as we speak
18:24And we put the stowaway in a locked storage cupboard
18:27I'm calling it The Brick
18:28Well done
18:29We even posted a guard
18:37Stop looking at me like that
18:42Will, the cargo isn't a power source, it's a weapon
18:45We know
18:46It's okay, we took care of it
18:47You sure you're okay?
18:49We're fine
18:50Where's Jeffrey?
18:51I have him
18:52I knew it!
18:53No, that's not what I meant
18:54I didn't take him, I found him
18:57And the package, and...
18:58Look, I'll explain it all later
19:00Dad, it's just gone 12 AM in Guam
19:04That means...
19:05Yep, it's officially your birthday
19:07Here, Fontaine made this for you
19:11Fontaine made me a cake?
19:13Fontaine baked?
19:14I was surprised too
19:16This isn't some sort of trick, is it?
19:18No, honestly
19:19She said she wanted to make you something
19:21as a surprise for your birthday
19:26It might not taste the best
19:28We ran out of sugar
19:29Fontaine asked Professor Fiction for another packet
19:31but it seems it went missing
19:33The secret package was sugar?
19:37Well, it's awful, but I still appreciate the effort
19:40It was made with love, Ed
19:42Do you want a bite?
19:43It has no sugar, but you can really taste the love
19:47Yeah, I really don't
19:49You know I'm still on the line, right?
19:52So, you made it to the bottom of the ocean
19:55Even better!
19:56What's better than making it to the bottom of the ocean?
19:59Well, we had to make sure no one ever got their hands on that weapon
20:02So we buried it
20:03Why is that better?
20:04Because we went to the very bottom of the ocean
20:07and we dug a hole!
20:09We went deeper than the deepest part of the ocean!
20:12What's it like down there?
20:14It's okay, not much to see
20:16What were you expecting?
20:18Dragons, mermaids
20:21You were expecting mermaids?
20:23Maybe not expecting, but
20:25I guess I was just hoping there'd be, I don't know
20:28something magical
20:31Turn off the lights
20:33All of them
20:34But we'll be blind
20:36Listen to your dad, Ed
20:37Just for a minute
20:38Turn them off
20:48Wait for it
20:50Wait for what?
20:51You can't have candles on your cake
20:53But this'll be better
20:55Just wait for your eyes to adjust
21:01What's the...
21:14Bioluminescent creatures
21:16Life thriving 11,000 meters below the surface
21:21Otherwise known as...
21:30To be continued
22:00To be continued