The Deep S01E13 - The Abyss Stares Back

  • 4 months ago
The Nektons are a family of underwater explorers who discover the hidden secrets of the oceans, including sunken cities, sea creatures and pirates.


00:00I'm sure glad you're on your magnet, Dad.
00:12Me too.
00:13Now help anchor me with these cables.
00:14Once I measure the strength of the current, we can launch the remote mapping pingers.
00:15These instruments will measure the volume of water flowing from the melting ice shelf
00:16down into the open sea.
00:18You sure about this?
00:19Yeah, I should be okay.
00:20Should be okay?
00:32Very reassuring.
00:33Will, you said coming here would be a nice holiday.
00:36And when does that start, exactly?
00:39Well, you have to admit, Keiko, the world's largest waterfall is an incredible view.
00:45when you told us this was bigger than Niagara Falls I just couldn't imagine
00:50the world's biggest waterfall being underwater pretty awesome a Jeffrey I
00:55can see why this place we get a mention in the Chronicle of the deep curtain of
01:00water and a great tunnel come on do you really think there's a tunnel down there
01:06I have a theory that the tunnel is hidden behind the waterfall I'll feel
01:12safer when we launch the pingers and get back to the air and X the current's
01:15been measured and the information has been downloaded to the fingers okay
01:19it's the point remote mapping pink
01:23if that tunnel is down there they'll find
01:42my family are explorers we have been for generations while others look up to the
02:02stars we know there are an infinite number of things that shine in the
02:06darkness below there are things lurking in the seas that long ago vanished into
02:10men my family are explorers and we explore
02:40and the current just stops why
03:10I'm okay my mom took some big hits Kiko Kiko are you okay say something I want
03:19a better holiday okay
03:28vital seem okay how you feeling kind of like I fell down the largest waterfall
03:34in the world and landed on rocks yeah let me reassemble over definitely
03:42Lamere in but this is different from the others we've seen you think it means big
03:47tunnel ahead wait that's it what does it mean you said you translated this well I
03:57translated great tunnel and great curtain of water and some kind of name
04:02the name of a household pet what the merians hard okay now priorities let's
04:11figure out how to get you back to the Aaron X I might need a minute but seeing
04:17is how we're here maybe we should keep going no the tunnel can wait until we're
04:22in the rover and properly equipped to explore Jeffrey's acting weird weirder
04:27than normal that is Jeffrey doesn't act weird Jeffrey why are you acting weird
04:35the current's coming up again grab hold of me
04:42take my hand
04:49yes you can try
04:58I'll get her
05:02take her
05:16mom thrusters use your thrusters
05:25mom's not further into the tunnel
05:27she didn't respond to my calls
05:29Keiko can you read me
05:34okay stay put
05:37that's an order as soon as the current eases we'll come for you both of you
05:41hope you're hearing this Keiko
05:45okay it feels like the current is easing up already
05:49and we'll be with you soon
05:51anything there that'll identify your location
05:55and I've got isopods
05:57big ones just like
05:59nah too big for parasites
06:03anyone interested in how I'm doing
06:08mom are you okay
06:10I must have passed out back there
06:12I'm a bit woozy
06:14otherwise I couldn't be better
06:16can you tell us where you are
06:18well it's not any kind of a holiday destination I'd choose
06:23no position data either
06:25not surprising down here
06:27all right Fontaine and I are coming in to find you both
06:34there he is
06:36what are you doing here
06:38and what are you wearing
06:40I was monitoring the Eronex's location
06:43I was worried you might be exactly where you are
06:47do not go further into that tunnel
06:49but Ant and Keiko are in there
06:53then understand
06:55this is no tunnel
06:57it's alive
07:00the tunnel's a creature
07:05how can you possibly think this is cool
07:07these walls are living flesh
07:09yes part of a giant sea worm's digestive tract
07:14no it isn't
07:16this is awesome but not exactly safe
07:20it feeds off the waterfall
07:22that's what the current is
07:24the creature breathes in seawater
07:26and sucks in food with every breath
07:29so we could rescue mom now
07:31then find the other end of this thing
07:33and wait until Ant gets pooped out
07:35if I could turn into poop
07:36make sure that Fontaine is the one who has to catch me
07:39I don't think you realize how serious this is
07:42the longer we're in here
07:44the more likely we'll wake the creature
07:46it's asleep
07:48if it was awake we wouldn't be alive
07:51then we better not waste any time
07:55Keiko, Ant, don't go anywhere
08:00my feet are stuck in some goo
08:03I'll try to soften it up with my laser
08:06no, that could wake the creature
08:09Keiko, wait until we get to you
08:11you need something to hold you when the current comes up anyway
08:14that goo might be just the thing
08:16roger that
08:19I've got those isopods too
08:21hope they're friendly
08:25well, I got one that's super friendly
08:29I can't get it off
08:31this guy's slimy, ugly, and doesn't mix well with others
08:34hey Fontaine, I finally found you a boyfriend
08:37this from a guy whose only friend is a fish
08:42well, that's strange
08:44they just took off
08:46I told you you need to work on your social skills
08:49they're scurrying off here too
08:52the creature's going to breathe again
08:55I've got no way to anchor us against the current without agitating it
08:58quick, this way
09:00he knows a way
09:02come on, hurry
09:12come on, Dad, up here
09:21grab onto me with your cables
09:31hang on, Jeffrey
09:42how did you know this pocket was here?
09:45it saved me once
09:47you've been here before?
09:49years ago
09:50the chronicle records that the hero Aeolus
09:53with a group of fellow Lemurians found the tunnel
09:56but they realized the tunnel was actually a monumental
10:00when they accidentally woke it from its 10,000 year slumber
10:12so that's Lemurian for giant sea worm?
10:15no, it refers to a whole class of creatures
10:18roughly translated, it means mega big
10:22I misread that
10:24I thought it was someone's name, possibly a pet
10:27right, only Aeolus has a name
10:32right, only Aeolus survived
10:35and honored the other's sacrifice by writing about it in the chronicle
10:40he did include a warning
10:42the same warning he posted outside the tunnel
10:46that symbol was a warning
10:48Dad, I'm pretty sure your Lemurian isn't as good as you think it is
10:52you're right
10:54I'm sorry, but I don't need Lemurian to get Keiko back
10:57that's what I'm doing
11:10hang on a moment, Jeffrey, I'm coming
11:14the current's subsided, let's go find the others
11:21leave Jeffrey alone!
11:27glad you're here
11:29there's something wrong with my knight
11:32my air scrubbers must have been damaged
11:35but that doesn't explain why my feet are starting to warm up
11:38a lot!
11:39that goo is eating your suit!
11:41stand back!
11:46you can't stop!
11:54is this the current starting again?
11:56worse, the creature is stirring
11:58our presence is upsetting its digestion
12:01if we wake it, it'll eat even faster and more
12:07okay, that's softening it
12:09help me out!
12:12that stuff must be some kind of acid that breaks down food
12:18Jeffrey? how did you...
12:21now Jeffrey, so your home is destroyed
12:24we're trapped inside a creature that wants to digest us
12:26and Mom's air is running out
12:28there's absolutely no reason...
12:35these things are trying to tear us apart
12:42these isopods live in the dark
12:45Mom, try your lights!
12:50better save power, with your air scrubbers out, you'll need it
12:54we should head back toward the tunnel, Mom
12:56okay, but rustling those bugs has chewed up more of my air
13:01try not to talk, Mom, save your breath
13:04Jeffrey? where did Jeffrey go?
13:11oh no, the current's coming back!
13:13hurry, Mom, grab something!
13:18hang on, and try not to bump into anything
13:29oh no!
13:30hang on, Fontaine, we're going after it
13:45Dad, stay out of the acid!
13:48come on!
13:55everyone okay?
13:56Dad, Mom's scrubbers aren't keeping up
13:58she's running low on air
14:00her air is so low, she'll never make it out against the current
14:03I'm okay, but getting weaker
14:06hang in there, Keiko
14:10is that something useful?
14:12the pingers!
14:13what about them?
14:14if the Aeronacs are still communicating with the pingers
14:17then we can communicate with the Aeronacs
14:19we can use a remote control signal
14:21to control the rover, and the rover has air
14:24we'll be able to get Keiko out of here
14:34it's all working, engines on
14:40Will, my suit won't last much longer
14:44will the rover make it in time?
14:46it'll make it
14:47it will make it
14:48and thanks to the pingers, it's got this tunnel's exact location
14:51don't worry, Keiko
14:53you're gonna get that holiday
14:55there you are, Jeffrey
14:57where did you go?
15:02more bugs, bigger ones
15:06kids, keep the bugs away from your mother while I steer the rover
15:18okay, I need enough speed to break it clear of the waterfall and get to the tunnel
15:29I'm in, should be alright
15:32our lights have no effect on the isopods
15:35that's impossible, it worked before
15:48come on, my brother's room is scarier than you
15:57mom, we need to hurry before she loses consciousness
16:18I've lost control of the rover
16:20the creature, it's... it's waking it up
16:27hey, the isopods are leaving
16:32I've regained control of the rover
16:34Jeffrey, isopods
16:37that's it, the isopods go into hiding when the creature is disturbed
16:41quick, we're gonna have to fill mom's night with water
16:45only way to equalize pressure so mom can get out of it
16:48I'm ready
16:50fill it
16:55time to go, everyone
17:00what are you doing?
17:01mom's gonna need help once she's in the rover
17:04need this rebreather as soon as you eject from the night
17:09do it, now!
17:22I've got you, Keiko, we'll be out of here soon
17:25I've got you, Keiko, we'll be out of here soon
17:28I've got you, Keiko, we'll be out of here soon
17:31I've got you, Keiko, we'll be out of here soon
17:37Ant, you need to move fast
17:51should I give mom mouth to mouth?
17:58nice work, Ant
17:59the thought of mouth to mouth from you scared mom back to life
18:03Ant, get ready to roll
18:11gotta love the magnite
18:16okay, get us out of here
18:22don't worry, Darius, we haven't forgotten you
18:26crude, but very effective
18:30has anyone seen Jeffrey?
18:31don't worry, Ant, I've taken care of Jeffrey, just go
18:57there's the entrance, it's closing
19:04oh no
19:06don't worry, I have a plan
19:17what's that noise?
19:19we can't stay around to find out
19:21you'll need to go flat out to get through to the other side of the waterfall
19:25what about you?
19:26don't argue, go!
19:44come on, dad
19:59oh, Will
20:15what happened?
20:16um, I think I was just...
20:19burped out
20:25I don't know if you should see this, Jeffrey
20:27but those pingers map the entire giant sea worm
20:31what's that tiny dot?
20:33that tiny dot is the entire Aranax
20:41we didn't wake our friend, but maybe we gave him a bit of indigestion
20:49two showers and I still smell like regurgitated seafood
20:54I think it's time I gave you some lessons on ancient Lemurian
20:59could you start with the differences between household pets and terrifying sea monsters?
21:03that would be appreciated
21:05Nereus, the Lemurians called creatures like this monumentals?
21:09that's right, the chronicle tells us there are still many different kinds of monumentals out there in the oceans
21:16be ready, I'm sure you'll soon find even more
21:20but not before my holiday
21:23are all the monumentals this big?
21:25no, no, most of them are bigger