Behind the Scenes with Lisa Ann interview / Podcast

  • 4 months ago
Behind the Scenes with Lisa Ann interview / Podcast


00:00So it's early on a Wednesday morning and I am on my way to Malibu because today I
00:07am shooting Lisa Anne's comeback scene which I know a lot of you didn't know
00:14was gonna happen. A lot of you are probably very excited that it's
00:18happening but for now it's a secret so I can't tell anybody but it's gonna be a
00:25good day. I love working with Lisa she's a good friend of mine and I'm really
00:29looking forward to it so let's get to set. Okay so I'm in the car I'm on my way
00:34to set and I'm actually gonna bring Lisa Anne's flashlight. It's her butthole
00:40which I can't show you because this is gonna be on like some safe for work
00:45social media platforms and we can't even have a representation of a butthole in a
00:52plastic like material because that might corrupt some very innocent human beings
00:58out there so we're not gonna show it just in case we get fucking deleted.
01:02Anyways I'm about to make the long and very windy drive to this amazing mansion
01:09in Malibu. I'm so excited it's a friend's house it's got this whole Moroccan
01:14style to it it's really really beautiful so I'm gonna show you guys that in a second.
01:28Okay so I'm on set in Malibu this place is amazing and I'm gonna show you guys around
01:45because this is absolutely one of my favorite locations to shoot at it's just
01:51fucking gorgeous.
02:21All right good morning Lisa how are you? Well I'm feeling more beautiful as the
02:38morning goes on with magic of makeup. You were beautiful when you walked in the
02:42door. I'm excited I was in bed at 9 p.m. last night mainly because I was very
02:48hungry and I was and I knew there was bad food that I bought for you guys on
02:52set that I don't eat I knew there was bread turkey cheese and mayo in my
02:57fridge was terrifying but I made it I made it I did allow myself to have some
03:02cheese with my eggs this morning though. So what are we doing today Lisa fill us
03:07in. So we're shooting some fun stuff some solo stuff for my OnlyFans which I
03:13cannot believe how many people want to be a part of my OnlyFans page thank you
03:18everyone for my website and for the future of the brand Lisa Ann making a
03:24little you know a little easing my way back into some things that I've missed
03:29very much which is shooting. And then we're gonna be shooting a boy-girl
03:33tomorrow is that right? Yes we are and I finally told my boy that it's with me
03:37whereas I had told him I just hired him from my production company to shoot a
03:41boy-girl scene. Yesterday I had to tell him that the talent was me because I had
03:44to send him the test and everything else and he was very excited. It's Isaiah
03:48Maxwell I did my last couple of scenes with Isaiah so it was perfect to do my
03:52first scene back with him again. So tell us why you decided to come back and
03:57shoot again. You know it's interesting when I left the business I was probably
04:02very burned out I was overwhelmed there was a little bit of bullying there was a
04:07lot of nastiness, lack of compassion, things that I needed to get in touch
04:11with on the outside world and I think the last three years I've changed so
04:15much as a person but the one thing that hasn't changed is how I view myself and
04:19I was so convinced that I was going to be a different person when I left the
04:24business because everyone's like oh everything's gonna be better and you're
04:27like I'm the same I'm the same I'm confident in what I'm doing I loved
04:32shooting before I let that kind of the public opinion make me believe that I
04:39was gonna be a better person for not shooting anymore well that's just
04:42ridiculous and I also had this weird thing when I was turning 40, 41, 42 or I
04:49felt like oh my gosh I'm too old to be in front of the camera and what's
04:52interesting is when you stop worrying about what you look like and you start
04:56to really focus on your overall wellness and your health all of a sudden you look
05:00better without trying because it's for the right purpose I'm living a healthier
05:04life I'm eating better I don't drink all these things that that I just will
05:09slowly remove from my life and then one day I woke up and I'm like you look so
05:13great why wouldn't you be back in front of the camera and you're relaunching
05:17your website too right yes completely redone a new webmaster I'm really
05:22excited to be working with we're adding some different features this site where
05:26you can do a membership or you can do some VOD which is going to be great for
05:29traffic and fans it's gonna be a place with the full scenes that I don't put up
05:35on OnlyFans on my site and I'm really excited to bring this back I traveled
05:40all of 2017 and just met more and more people that made me smile so much that
05:46they miss my product that they love watching me and it was that inspiration
05:51that made me go why am I not doing something that I totally love and that
05:55and what are your plans for the future what other kinds of scenes do you think
06:00you're going to be shooting I have one booked in January I won't tell you who
06:04though yet but I want to shoot some just beautiful content I want to you know do
06:09a little bit more with locations so there's more imagery I don't want to be
06:13shooting in the same corner houses that everybody shoots in I want to try and
06:16break away from that I want to put more thought into the wardrobe and just
06:20stylizing the shoot to give it a more mainstream feel and you know I think a
06:25lot of my fans still love my 90s stuff because as I'm putting some of my old
06:29school stuff back up on my OnlyFans they flip out over it well in the 90s we had
06:34so much more time and we put so much more thought into each thing it's not
06:38like you're shooting three scenes in one day like they are now you know three boy
06:42girl scenes for a company in one day a director will shoot we didn't do that
06:46back then so we put more focus on just the beauty of it so we get attract not
06:50just the male viewer but the female viewer who really likes the style of it
06:53all what do you think the greatest gift about taking the time off that you took
06:57off was for you Oh understanding the value of sleep taking time to read you
07:05know my first year of retirement I don't know if you know this but I made a rule
07:08for myself I wanted to read a book a week for the for a year and I did I stuck
07:13to it I read a book a week for a year and those books helped me learn so much
07:18that I just let go in my mind overall wellness and just just that that
07:24business mind that I have fine-tuning it a bit I fell into the minimalist's books
07:29and their documentary series and tore my whole house apart and minimized my stuff
07:35and I just think I really learned who I am and I really learned that it doesn't
07:40matter what you do for a living it's who you are for people right now who are
07:43gonna turn on me which I'm already seeing is people coming at my throat
07:47because I'm on OnlyFans and I can't be taken seriously my theory is this my
07:52brain is not gonna fall out of my vagina when I open my legs and I'm gonna prove
07:57that to the world and hopefully I could slow everyone's role when they attack
08:01porn stars and they go after these girls making them feel like they're less of a
08:05person than somebody else but they're not they're making a product that you
08:08love so be nice to porn stars they're nice to you
08:20so many pretty flowy outfits sexier professional outfit for the boy-girl
08:27interaction of this all we'll save that today we're gonna stand out front and
08:31something fun look at these big bags aren't they crazy
08:35Amazon so much easier than pulling suitcases out of my little car so we're
08:42just gonna master dump the shoes right now I'm gonna let you choose Holly for
08:47that nude set we have nude we have nude with flowers we have nude suede and we
08:56have these won't work I think maybe the open-toed nude ones I think yeah because
09:05there's a lot of detail in that dress exactly
09:18hello out there this will be the very first time you see me real naked like
09:22really naked and playing with myself just for you
09:35I feel so sexy today and I'm just chomping at the fact that I get to put
09:58this stuff up for you this is the second look at the day
10:02earlier now darker
12:02all right so we finished our first day of Lisa Ann's comeback it was so much
12:29fun but tomorrow is gonna be even better we can't tell you why though we
12:34can't tell you what but I will tell you this the outfit I'm wearing right now it
12:38didn't make the cut I wanted to wear it right and you know Holly she's got a
12:43very very very good taste I just thought it was a little too sexy for me I thought
12:48that she should maybe add like a puffy jacket a big scarf maybe like a ski mask
12:54yeah but you know I thought this was just a little
