Alva Jay on Being in a Cult, Make Up YouTuber to Adult Star & More interview / Podcast

  • 4 months ago
Alva Jay on Being in a Cult, Make Up YouTuber to Adult Star & More interview / Podcast


00:00No, I was like creating on Tumblr and I grew like a following on there, but it wasn't like anything really like sex related
00:07I was just kind of on Tumblr and I got like a following off there
00:10Okay, and then I did YouTube and I was doing like makeup videos and like kind of more regular influencer stuff
00:18Okay, who were you influenced by when you got into the YouTube thing like other makeup bloggers at the time that were just like
00:26Make up at that time on YouTube was still kind of really small. What year we're talking when you go on YouTube
00:322011 okay
00:342010 that was definitely the early days. Yeah that whole scene coming together and then I like got married at 18
00:4018 yeah, so all this other stuff including the YouTube career happens before you're 18
00:46No, like I was like on and off the internet a lot
00:48But I think getting married kind of like I took a break from being online so heavily because I got a normal job
00:55and like, you know
00:57Trying to kind of live this
00:59Christian life. Okay, so you were still trying to do the conservative cult life or had you left the cult behind and you just were still
01:06No, I was still in like the cult type of thing. Okay, and like
01:10Growing up. It's like if you have a boyfriend in this cult, but you kind of have to get married
01:14I want to like have sex and stuff, right?
01:16So I actually like lost my virginity to my husband and you really didn't have sex with him until you were married
01:21Yeah, I mean I did other stuff. Really? Yeah, you were giving them blowjobs all the time
01:25Yeah, really? Yeah, was that hard though? I was it satisfying sucking his dick. Yeah. Yeah, it was fun
01:32I was never square. Okay. Yeah, I was never really square
01:36I was never like a goody two-shoes if he had told you hey, I want to fuck you right now
01:40Would you have done it? I wanted to have sex with him one time
01:42We were like in the bathroom and I was like, let's have sex and he's like, no we have to wait
01:49It's like we have to wait I mean we got married after right like not that I mean we're still friends and everything
01:55What was it like marrying somebody where you didn't know like I've always want to hear about arranged marriages and stuff
02:00I'm like, like there's been girls in my life who I thought they were the one. Yeah, they were great
02:05We got along so good. I thought they were so hot and then we had sex and I'm like, oh wow
02:10We we are not meant to be sexually. I mean at 18
02:14I hadn't really like tried much true, you know
02:18So like I mean we had done other sexual things like blowjobs and stuff and we had fun
02:23So it was like I was enjoying myself, but I was like a kid, you know, I was 18
02:27Yeah, but I mean we're so cool and everything but I was kind of peer pressured into the sex world
02:32Because I like lost weight
02:34I lost like 30 pounds and I was like documenting it on YouTube and then I got my boobs done and
02:38Then I went like kind of viral on snapchat. It was like really random
02:42I was getting like a million views on snapchat at a point. What were you posting on snapchat? Just like gym stuff
02:47Oh really, but it was like guys that were watching it. So I didn't really know that
02:51Okay, so then my following out of nowhere became like boys because your YouTube stuff was aimed at girls with the makeup stuff
02:57it's funny how like
02:59Different girls could have completely different breakdowns of their fan base because some even with my girl
03:04It's kind of weird because she can make videos for her girl fans
03:07Yeah, and it's such a different thing than if she makes like a super sexualized video
03:11Yeah, so I have girls that like sometimes if they recognize me, they'll be like, oh my boyfriend loves you
03:16And I'll be like in like I know you because of the makeup stuff so it's like funny
03:21Yeah, so then everyone was like well not but a lot of boys were like make it premium snapchat make it premium snapchat
03:26Well, if someone had told you when you were 18, like one day you're gonna get into
03:30Softcore pornography on the internet. What would you have said? I would have believed it
03:34You would have believed it. I would always tell like my ex-husband like jokingly. I'd be like if I did porn I'd be like rich
03:40Mmm, and he would just laugh about it, you know, but then it ended up I think I manifested that when you
03:47When you look back to this younger version of yourself, do you think that you would have been?
03:51promiscuous if you hadn't, you know had these beliefs instilled in you or was that really like holding you back from
03:58Experimenting in the way that you wanted to I mean, I was already pretty promiscuous. I think growing up. I wasn't like super whore
04:04Yeah, but I wasn't like square, you know
04:07I wanted to like party and I wanted to do like regular stuff that my friends would do
04:12I had boyfriends and stuff. Like I wasn't like super square nothing
04:16That's why I think I like when I went into the sex world
04:19It was kind of new at first, but I ended up just doing really well
04:23And it just became like now like what I do, right? Yeah, I like fit in well
04:27I wasn't like scared to like, you know
04:30Like fuck on camera and stuff like you weren't scared
04:33The whole story you're giving me of your background makes it sound like you would be the girl who would be extremely timid about
04:40Doing that kind of thing on camera since you have these ideas built into your head from a young age
04:45So this is a very sacred act. Yeah, I kind of just didn't give a fuck after a while
04:51The cult leader like went to jail the cult
04:54Leader to the cult. I was wondering if you were like kind of exaggerating about it being a cult, but I guess not
05:01Okay, he's in jail right now. So I think after that I was like I kind of rebelled in a way
05:05Uh-huh, I was kind of like I don't give a shit anymore, right and I kind of just like did like the porn thing full-on
05:12Okay, yeah while you're still with the guy
05:15Yeah, well, I was still my ex-husband. Okay. Yeah, but that's obviously I think me being in the sex industry
05:20Like it made us like kind of drift apart
05:22It did cuz he was more like regular dude wanting to live like regular life, right?
05:27And I was kind of like I want a party now and like and when he married you
05:33He didn't think that he was gonna have to you know be in that kind of relationship
05:36I you did you have much of a following did he feel like he was dating a public figure at all?
05:41Yeah, but it was girls, you know, and it was like makeup, but I think he knew I was always a little crazy
05:46So like it's not like it was brand new information to the people that really knew me
05:50Okay, I think like to like girls are following me. They were like what the fuck like you're doing porn now
05:55I had a lot of girls like mad at me a lot of like my youtube like subscribers like they were mainly girls
06:01They were like slut-shaming me so bad
06:05100% cuz I feel like you probably have a lot of really young girls
06:07Yeah, makeup world and stuff to who really don't understand you making this this decision
06:12Yeah, they would comment be like what happened to the good Christian girl. Oh my god. Yeah
06:18I don't think I was ever truly myself though with like like I don't know. I think I'm you know, a
06:25Multi-faceted person but that is how it is with YouTube where you can
06:29Basically be a famous youtuber for talking about a certain topic
06:33Meanwhile keeping like who you really are kind of to the side where they don't necessarily end up knowing about that
06:39Yeah, I've seen it happen with so many youtubers where then just like one day they just sort of realized like oh my favorite youtuber
06:45Actually gets depressed or has relationship drama or whatever, you know? Yeah, so they were all kind of like upset with me
06:52I didn't post I need to for like a year and I was just basically doing the OnlyFans thing, you know
06:56So do you dive right in with the OnlyFans stuff or did you start off just taking naked pictures or how that go?
07:02I started off with nudes. It's funny cuz I really do feel like I don't wanna say I was peer-pressured
07:07But I feel like the boys that follow me
07:10They'd be like we want sex videos and then it'd be like fuck I should probably do sex videos, you know
07:16So then like one thing kind of led to like the other but I didn't mind it
07:21It was just different for me. It always amazes me when I see a girl who is big on OnlyFans
07:26I know that every DM they get is probably like
07:30Suck a dick fuck a dude, etc. And they just don't do it
07:33I'm like that that's so insane to me to have that level of commitment to not wanting to do it
07:38I know right? I always tell girls when they're like, oh, I want to do OnlyFans
07:42I'm like, are you okay with like sucking on fucking on camera?
07:45I'm like because if you you're not eventually you're not gonna be able to make the money that you want to make, you know
07:51I think that's why I kind of like do well on OnlyFans. I got on OnlyFans like 2019
07:56So kind of before like the OnlyFans boom before the pandemic is important. Yeah. Yeah. No, I feel the same way
08:03I feel like the girls that end up winning in the long run in the industry are usually the girls who are actually just very
08:09sexual and like doing it and it's like
08:12Sometimes you can have a hot chick who's like frigid sexually and just not enjoying herself and it'll work out
08:18But I feel like that's kind of the exception. Yeah, well in the beginning a lot of like my
08:23Followers were like like the guys they were like, it doesn't look like you're having fun, you know
08:26And then it's funny cuz now sometimes they're like, oh you've grown so much
08:33They're like we were so proud of you I'm like, oh my god, it's fucking hilarious
08:37But it's true though because I started out like just taking like nude pics and then now I have like for some videos
08:42Really? Yeah, so it's like I kind of really did like grab it by the horns, right?
08:47I said, I'm gonna do this and I wouldn't like I'm not shy though
08:51Have you shot anything professionally or does everything pretty much end up on the phone?
08:55I know I've never done actual porn just cuz I don't think it's like beneficial for me right at this point
09:01Is this close in your mind? I mean you have a bunch of cameras set up
09:04Kind of but like still not really well
09:07I've done stuff for like they'll have cameras set up and lights and there's like two people recording
09:11But it's not gonna go on like a major porn publication
09:15I searched your name on a porn hub this morning and it was mostly like
09:20Yeah, it didn't look like there was like you've made much an effort to have a platform on there
09:24Yeah, I don't really post on Pornhub
09:26I know like maybe like two guys that I've shot with have uploaded like our videos on Pornhub
09:32I think they do like alright, but most of my porn is like amateur porn. Yeah
09:36I hope you can appreciate the fact that this is my first time
09:41Doing anything on camera with it without my girl there I do and we miss her
09:46I don't really like normally like almost always
09:49My girl starts hooking up with the girl and then I kind of enter the scene
09:53This is the first time that I'm gonna have to actually provide the initiative myself. I want like a stick figure of her
09:59Funny a big cardboard cut cut out like they have the hood picnics and should be fun. That'd be lit next time
10:05We're gonna do that for sure. I wish I had some
