• 3 months ago


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00:10:23Ambush! Run!
00:10:50Two men were killed.
00:10:53And for three others, it was much worse, because they were only wounded.
00:10:57But this was war, and there was terrible cruelty from both sides.
00:11:04They found a pouch in one of the wounded men, and in the pouch there were three Apache scalps.
00:11:09So they dug a pit in the ground, and they rubbed his face with the juice of a mezcal plant.
00:11:15And they made me watch the ants come.
00:11:19Learn it. Learn it well.
00:11:21This is Apache land. You have no right here.
00:11:24Where Cochise lives, no white man can live.
00:11:27Take your weapons. Go! Let your face not be seen again.
00:11:49Woof, woof.
00:12:05Howdy, gents.
00:12:06Hey, Tom.
00:12:08Find yourself a gold mine?
00:12:11Howdy, Terry.
00:12:13Just coffee for me.
00:12:14We have smoked turkey today.
00:12:15No, just coffee, thanks.
00:12:19Wipe them all out. Virtually.
00:12:24Yes, sir.
00:12:25I'm Colonel Bunnell.
00:12:27You received my message?
00:12:29That's why I'm here, Colonel. What's on your mind?
00:12:31I've just been given the command at Fort Grant.
00:12:34My orders are to clean out Cochise and his Apaches from the Graham Mountain area.
00:12:38Pretty big order, sir.
00:12:40Wipe them all out.
00:12:42Virtually, like hogs, I say.
00:12:44Like hogs!
00:12:47This man was in a party of miners ambushed yesterday afternoon by Apaches.
00:12:51Half of them were killed.
00:12:53Whereabouts was the ambush?
00:12:54Just south of here.
00:12:55He said they wounded Cochise.
00:12:57Said they got 10 or 12 Apaches out of a war party of 50.
00:13:00There weren't 50. There were only 5, and not a one of them got scratched.
00:13:04How do you know, Jeffords?
00:13:06I watched it.
00:13:08Watched it?
00:13:09Seems to me most men would have lent a hand.
00:13:11I was hog-tied. The Apaches jumped me earlier.
00:13:14Oh, you fought your way out, eh?
00:13:16They let me go.
00:13:18Never heard of a thing like that happening to a white man.
00:13:22Did you, John?
00:13:25Did you, Milt?
00:13:31I ran across a wounded Chiricahua boy. I healed him up.
00:13:35I guess they thought they owed me something.
00:13:37Apaches planned fair?
00:13:40I don't understand.
00:13:41You mean you found a wounded Apache and didn't kill him?
00:13:44That's right.
00:13:47I'd like to ask you why.
00:14:04That's what you want to see me about, Colonel.
00:14:08I think I know how we can stop Cochise.
00:14:10I have 250 fresh men from Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
00:14:13They're smart, disciplined troopers.
00:14:15Yes, I've seen those fellows around.
00:14:17I have a good plan.
00:14:18I want information from you and I want you to do a little reconnoitering for me.
00:14:21In six months the war will be over and we'll have Cochise up by his neck.
00:14:24No, you won't, Colonel.
00:14:26Listen, Jeffords, I'm an expert on open field warfare. I have 30 years...
00:14:29Cochise can't even read a map.
00:14:31But he and his men know every gully, every foot of mountain, every waterhole in Arizona.
00:14:36His horses can go twice as far as yours in a day...
00:14:39and his men can run on foot as far as a horse can run.
00:14:42He can't write his name.
00:14:44But his intelligence service knows when you got to Fort Grant...
00:14:48and how many men you've got.
00:14:50He stopped the Butterfield stage from running.
00:14:53He stopped the U.S. mails from going through.
00:14:56And for the first time in Indian history...
00:14:58he has all the Apaches from all the tribes fighting under one command.
00:15:01You're not going to string him up in six months, Colonel.
00:15:04Not in six years.
00:15:06Good day, gents. Terry.
00:15:11I wish you all were going to scout for me.
00:15:13You can find somebody else.
00:15:15Maybe Captain Jeffords became too friendly with the Apaches.
00:15:18Maybe he doesn't know what side he's on.
00:15:21Easy, gents.
00:15:23I'm not looking for trouble.
00:15:25But if you don't fight against them, you're with them.
00:15:27And I've got a right to say that.
00:15:29Who says so? What's your name?
00:15:30Ben Slade. I own a ranch only a mile out from Fort Grant.
00:15:33Even so, the Apaches burned my house last month.
00:15:36My wife was inside.
00:15:38Almost got my boy, too.
00:15:40Seems to me a white man like you would want to see that sort of thing stopped.
00:15:43That's right. Anybody would.
00:15:45Then why don't you join the Colonel's staff?
00:15:47That's private business, Slade.
00:15:49War ain't private business.
00:15:50Not when they're murdering our women and kids.
00:15:52At Big Creek, we murdered Indian women and kids.
00:15:54Cochise started this, and any man...
00:15:56Hold on. Hold on. Now, just let's get the facts straight here.
00:15:58Cochise didn't start this war.
00:16:00A snooty little lieutenant fresh out of the east started.
00:16:03He flew a flag of truce, which Cochise honored.
00:16:06And then he hanged Cochise's brother and five others under the flag.
00:16:09Oh, you hear all sorts of stories.
00:16:11You want to know why I didn't kill that Apache boy?
00:16:14Well, for the same reason I wouldn't kill your boy or scout for the Army.
00:16:17I'm sick and tired of all this killin'.
00:16:19Besides, who asked us out here in the first place?
00:16:21I don't know, Tom.
00:16:23I don't claim a white man's always done right.
00:16:25But we're bringing civilization here, ain't we?
00:16:27Clothes, carpets, hats, boots, medicine.
00:16:30Why, I got a wagon load of first-class whiskey waiting for me in the east.
00:16:33I could sell that at a dollar a bottle if it wasn't for Cochise.
00:16:36It's an ambush! Run!
00:16:48Hi, Juan. Come on in.
00:16:51Hi, Tom. Hi, Mel.
00:16:53After all this time, one single freight wagon squeezed through with the military.
00:16:57Cochise didn't show his ugly face.
00:16:59You gonna send your mail riders on a military guard, too?
00:17:02I'd take the Army and the Navy.
00:17:04No eastern mail's going out or come in for seven weeks.
00:17:07The Apaches are shootin' my job right from under me.
00:17:10Well, you know, Mel, I kind of think maybe there's a way to get your mail through.
00:17:14A new route?
00:17:16Can I have a look?
00:17:18A new route?
00:17:20Can I have the use of this office every afternoon for a while?
00:17:22Oh, what for?
00:17:25Juan, I've got some work for you.
00:17:27I want to hire you for maybe almost a moon.
00:17:29I want you to teach me to speak Apache good.
00:17:32I want to learn about Apache spirits.
00:17:34I want to learn about the Apache ways.
00:17:36Apache in here.
00:17:37No white man has to learn these things.
00:17:39Why do you?
00:17:40I want to speak to Cochise.
00:17:42Are you crazy, Tom?
00:17:43I tell you, Mel, I'm sick and tired of being in the middle.
00:17:45I'm tired of having people like Lowry and even you and Terry ask me which side I'm on.
00:17:49I've been willing to take a chance up in Cochise's territory to look for gold.
00:17:52All right, now I'll take a chance on something else.
00:17:54Cochise will not speak with white men.
00:17:56Won't send up smoke signals.
00:17:58He will not come to see you.
00:17:59No, no, I want to go and see him.
00:18:01To his stronghold?
00:18:03That's right.
00:18:04No white man's seen Cochise in ten years and lived to tell it.
00:18:06Well, there was a time when you could parley with him.
00:18:09Well, don't try it, Tom.
00:18:10The ants will be feedin' off your eyes.
00:18:12Oh, well, that could happen any time.
00:18:14Didn't miss it by very much the other day.
00:18:16Warren, will you teach me?
00:18:18I want to speak to Cochise about letting the mail go through.
00:18:20Maybe even about peace.
00:18:22Yes, I will teach you.
00:18:24And for this I will not take any dollars.
00:18:26But I think it will end bad.
00:18:28I think Cochise will kill you.
00:18:33Well, Mel, can we use the office?
00:18:35It's your eyes.
00:18:45Good enough.
00:18:46Apache eyes are quick.
00:18:48This says you've come in peace.
00:18:50They will not believe it, but perhaps it will make them want to find out.
00:18:53You've learned to speak our language well.
00:18:56You do not yet think like an Apache.
00:18:58But you are not distant from it.
00:19:00Juan, you've been a good guide.
00:19:02If I see Cochise, what grows from our talks will be from you, too.
00:19:07Last night I heard an owl.
00:19:09The worst of all signs.
00:19:11Last night I heard an owl.
00:19:13The worst of all signs.
00:19:15It is not yet too late. Come back with me.
00:19:17They will kill you.
00:19:19I didn't hear the owl, Juan.
00:19:21But thank you anyway.
00:19:30Remember, then, if you see him, do not lie to him.
00:19:34Not in the smallest thing.
00:19:36His eyes will see into your heart.
00:19:38He is greater than other men.
00:19:41Let's go.
00:20:11I started into the canyons that were the beginning of Cochise's country.
00:20:17I never felt so lonely and so dog-scared in my life.
00:20:22For three days I climbed higher into the mountains in which the Apache stronghold was hidden.
00:21:41On the afternoon of the third day I was nearing the entrance to the stronghold.
00:21:45Juan had told me what to look for.
00:21:48I knew then that Cochise had given me permission to enter.
00:21:52I kept my hands visible, away from my weapons.
00:21:57And I tried to look at ease.
00:23:42It is known that the chief of the Chiricahua Apaches is the greatest Indian leader.
00:23:47I've come to speak to him about the welfare of his people.
00:23:51It is known that he respects truth as he respects bravery.
00:23:55You hold these for me.
00:23:58I'll want them when I leave.
00:24:02It is known that he respects truth as he respects bravery.
00:24:19You hold these for me?
00:24:23I'll want them when I leave.
00:24:29How do you know you will leave here alive?
00:24:32I'm not afraid.
00:24:38I am, Cochise. Speak.
00:24:45When the Indian wishes to signal his brother, he does so by smoke signs.
00:24:52This is the white man's signal.
00:24:55My brothers far away can look at this and understand my meaning.
00:24:59We call this mail.
00:25:02The men who carry the mail are like the air that carries the Apache smoke signals.
00:25:07They seek no trouble, yet your warriors kill them.
00:25:12I have come here to ask you that you let these men travel in safety.
00:25:17This mail carries war signals against us.
00:25:21No, no. This is used for other talk.
00:25:24War signals are sent by the military by special ways.
00:25:30Sometimes they use a thing we call the telegraph.
00:25:34Other times by men like me.
00:25:37You have carried messages against us?
00:25:40When I was a scout for the military, yes.
00:25:43You have fought us?
00:25:51In the Battle of Apache Pass.
00:25:55Come with me.
00:26:00Let's go.
00:26:01Let's go.
00:26:28You are a brave man.
00:26:31Thank you.
00:26:38Now hear me.
00:26:40I am the leader of my people.
00:26:43They do not betray me and I do not betray them.
00:26:47We fight for our land against Americans who try to take it.
00:26:52You give me no reason why I should not kill American mail writers.
00:26:57And kill you too.
00:27:00You were not asked to come here.
00:27:03Mail writers do you no harm.
00:27:06There were Apaches who did your people no harm.
00:27:09They were hanged. One was my brother.
00:27:11My people have done yours great wrong. I say this to you as I have said it to them.
00:27:15Do you think because I am an Indian, I am a fool, you can trick me?
00:27:19I would not have come here if I thought that.
00:27:21A fool sees only today.
00:27:23It is because I respect you as a leader of your people that I think of tomorrow.
00:27:27What is it about tomorrow?
00:27:30The Apaches are warriors without equal.
00:27:33But compared to the whites they are small in number and tomorrow they will be smaller.
00:27:39I will not talk of that with you.
00:27:42Is it not possible that your people and mine can someday live together like brothers?
00:27:48That is strange talk from a white man.
00:27:53Your people do not want peace. They have taught me that.
00:27:56This mail can be the first step. I asked you to think on it.
00:28:00Why should not the white man act first?
00:28:03Do you want me to be better than the white man?
00:28:05The white man has come here and I ask you to think of your people and look at tomorrow.
00:28:13My mind must work on it.
00:28:23You will rest here tonight.
00:28:25It is my strong wish.
00:28:27Walk with me so my people will see us together.
00:28:29So you will be safe here.
00:29:25What is the meaning of the dance?
00:29:27The spirits of good and evil are dancing.
00:29:29Not everyone can do it.
00:29:31If it's done wrong, they will be angry up there.
00:29:33I think this must be the dance that comes before the sunrise ceremony for a young girl.
00:29:39Do you know about it?
00:29:40A little bit.
00:29:42Without words, it tells me things.
00:29:45Yes, you are very different from other whites, Talbot.
00:29:50You learn to speak our tongue.
00:29:54Try to understand our ways.
00:29:57Well, it is good to understand the ways of others.
00:30:02I respect your people, Cochise.
00:30:05You know what I am thinking.
00:30:08Maybe someday you will kill me or I will kill you.
00:30:11We will not spit on each other.
00:30:15That is how I feel.
00:30:19The girl inside the wickiup is in the holiest time of her life.
00:30:23For these four days, she becomes white painted lady, mother of life.
00:30:28It is good luck to visit her now.
00:30:30Would you like to visit her?
00:30:32Were you ever wounded?
00:30:34In my arm.
00:30:36We will tell her.
00:30:37For this night only, this girl is even more holy than most, maybe.
00:30:41Because she has been away from us for a long time.
00:30:44She is very old for this ceremony.
00:30:46It's very special.
00:30:54White painted lady, I have old wounds.
00:31:05But each scar is a mark of love for your people.
00:31:09The path of your people is stretched long behind you.
00:31:13And you are the head.
00:31:15And you are the heart.
00:31:17And you are the blood.
00:31:19Killer of enemies is your father, and you are his son.
00:31:24You will be well.
00:31:30I have brought someone with me.
00:31:33Then he is welcome.
00:31:35He has an old arm wound.
00:31:49Give me your arm.
00:31:56Does it hurt you?
00:32:01It will never hurt again.
00:32:04Your life will be long.
00:32:06The good things will be yours.
00:32:09The sun will shine for you.
00:32:12Your life will be long.
00:32:14The good things will be yours.
00:32:17The sun will shine for you.
00:32:20The sun will shine for you.
00:32:41What's her name?
00:32:45It means Morning Star.
00:32:47Morning Star.
00:32:50Morning Star.
00:33:21It's called shaving.
00:33:26You see, white men have more hair on their faces than Indians,
00:33:30so they cut it off instead of pulling hairs out.
00:33:34Maybe you'd like to come closer and watch me.
00:33:41Don't be afraid, Sanciere.
00:33:44Don't be afraid, Sanciere.
00:33:52I'm not afraid.
00:33:54But I thought you were skinning yourself.
00:33:58Does it hurt?
00:33:59No, no.
00:34:01How did you know I was there?
00:34:03I saw you through this.
00:34:07This is much better than looking in a pool of water.
00:34:12And now I see you.
00:34:15What a thing it is.
00:34:17It's yours to keep.
00:34:22Well, if you had it, you could look at yourself every day.
00:34:25You could see how beautiful you are.
00:34:29Why do you leave? Stay, please.
00:34:33It is not fitting.
00:34:35I should have run away quick before.
00:34:40I am not married.
00:34:43Well, are you not allowed to talk to Apache men?
00:34:46Old men.
00:34:48Never young men?
00:34:50Only at ceremonies or in the dancing.
00:34:55Now, I was told that Apache boys and girls often pick those they want to marry.
00:35:00Well, how can they do that if they do not get acquainted?
00:35:03Oh, they get acquainted.
00:35:05There are ways.
00:35:07What way?
00:35:08They meet by accident where no one sees them.
00:35:12Like my mother could see me here with you.
00:35:17I understand.
00:35:19Now, I must go. I have work to do to pick juniper berries.
00:35:29I was going to walk up that way myself.
00:35:32By accident.
00:35:47I walk this way because I do not know when I might see you again.
00:35:51When do you go?
00:35:52I do not know. Cajis said he would talk to me soon.
00:35:56Will you come back?
00:35:57I hope so.
00:35:59I want to. It is important to me.
00:36:04May I speak truly?
00:36:07From my heart.
00:36:10It will be all right.
00:36:15All my life I have been mostly alone. I wanted it that way.
00:36:20But when I saw you in the wiki up and you touched me...
00:36:24...and you prayed for me...
00:36:26...I felt bad being alone.
00:36:29And I knew that I needed to see you again before I left... that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
00:36:40Is it the same?
00:36:44So now when I go away...
00:36:47...I'll be lonely for someone for the first time in my life.
00:37:03I have decided about the mail.
00:37:06If I let the riders go in safety, but no one else...
00:37:10...there will be no loss.
00:37:12It will show the whites what power the Apache has.
00:37:15The idea makes me laugh a little.
00:37:17It is a good step.
00:37:19The seed is small, maybe the tree will grow big.
00:37:22I'll be happy to help you.
00:37:24I'll be happy to help you.
00:37:26I'll be happy to help you.
00:37:28I'll be happy to help you.
00:37:30The seed is small, maybe the tree will grow big.
00:37:33I'll be happy to tell my people.
00:37:39Is it straight, Captain? You saw Cochise himself?
00:37:42I tried.
00:37:44Any lad who'd go to Cochise's camp alone is some pumpkin of a man.
00:37:48Or a blasted liar!
00:37:50I believe Captain Jeffords' word.
00:37:52The word of an Apache murderer is something else.
00:37:55Cochise said the mail and ride safe. I believe him.
00:37:59His fighters attacked a wagon train just 40 miles east...
00:38:02...and killed every person in it.
00:38:04Another band attacked Pete Kleiner's ranch...
00:38:06...and killed three men and a boy.
00:38:11Cochise never said anything about calling off the war.
00:38:14He just said the mail was gone through.
00:38:17If you're so full of faith in the word of an Indian...
00:38:19...will you lay a little bet on it?
00:38:21You name it.
00:38:22Will you lay $300 that five riders in succession leave here...
00:38:26...and five come back?
00:38:30You got a bet.
00:38:33Mail's piled up.
00:38:35The route's guaranteed safe by Tom Jeffords and his pal Cochise.
00:38:39Three men's riding in the sunshine at high pay.
00:38:43Now, who's first?
00:38:50Looks like you'll have to go yourself, Jeffords.
00:38:53Only that won't prove a thing.
00:38:56I'll go.
00:38:58That'll prove something.
00:39:29Duffield's back!
00:39:31It's Duffield!
00:39:33He's back!
00:39:36Little boy!
00:39:49Good boy!
00:39:52See any Apaches?
00:39:54A few smoke signals, but not one live Indian.
00:39:57Hi, Mel.
00:39:58All right, Tom. Why'd you take so long?
00:40:00Well, if you want the truth, when I rode in safe at Fort Boy, I got drunk.
00:40:04Took my time to sober up.
00:40:07One got through, Jeffords, but there's another four to go.
00:40:10I still think my bet's safe.
00:40:12You want to double it?
00:40:16A few days after Duffield returned, we sent out a second rider.
00:40:19He thought he saw some Apaches trailing him, but nothing happened.
00:40:23The third rider said it was that peaceful on the trail, he almost fell asleep.
00:40:27And when the fourth rider went out, I was so proud of Cochise, I was ready to bust.
00:40:32The days passed quietly, and on one of those quiet days,
00:40:36they started a wagon train out from Mesilla Park to Tucson.
00:40:39Colonel Bernal was in charge.
00:40:42Spectacular country, isn't it, General?
00:40:45I'm not here on active military duty, Colonel,
00:40:47and I wouldn't presume as though an Indian fighter is business.
00:40:49But it occurs to me they were inviting ambush.
00:40:52There's a lot of Apaches to be hiding over there.
00:40:54I'm not only inviting ambush, I'm praying for it.
00:40:57Why? You've only got a troop of 75 or so.
00:41:00Every one of my mule drivers has a gun.
00:41:02And I've got 50 riflemen hiding under blankets in the wagons.
00:41:06Well, you're getting old.
00:41:18Now you take it.
00:41:23Now you take it.
00:41:35It's a raid!
00:41:53No, mister! No!
00:41:59Go clear. Cut them off.
00:42:23They're cutting off the cavalry.
00:43:05Foot soldiers.
00:43:43Now this is the wagons.
00:43:52Now this is the wagons.
00:44:22Now this is the wagons.
00:44:52Now this is the wagons.
00:45:23Cut to pieces. 50 dead and 100 wounded.
00:45:26Colonel Bernal killed.
00:45:285,000 pounds of grain.
00:45:30Every wagon, every gun, every mule.
00:45:32How did Cochise know we had men hidden in the wagons?
00:45:35He must have known.
00:45:37He knows what goes on at Fort Bowie.
00:45:39He knows what goes on here.
00:45:41Who's telling him? Who's his spy?
00:45:42I say find him and string him up.
00:45:44Maybe I can tell you, mister.
00:45:45Maybe a lot of us can.
00:45:48Little tough-hailed in here.
00:45:50What do you want?
00:45:52Your last mail rider's just come in safe and sound.
00:46:00Where's Lowry?
00:46:02You lost your bet, Lowry.
00:46:04Don't play the bet with Tom Jeffords.
00:46:06He's a personal friend of that murderer Cochise.
00:46:09If you ask me, this thing was fixed from the beginning.
00:46:21How is it fixed?
00:46:23I've got both hands in the bar and I'm keeping them.
00:46:25How is it fixed?
00:46:26I'm a drancher. I'm no good at gunplay.
00:46:27Don't worry, Slade. You've got friends here.
00:46:29You're just looking for a chance to plug me.
00:46:30How is it fixed?
00:46:31Cochise don't do favors for nothing. He got something out of this.
00:46:33What? What'd he get?
00:46:34You tell us. Was it guns? Was it whiskey?
00:46:40Anybody else want to call me a renegade?
00:46:42I'll never call you a renegade, Jeffords.
00:46:44The man's a liar who says you are.
00:46:46But why is Cochise so partial to you?
00:46:49How come he lets this mail writer through on the same day he wipes out a whole wagon train?
00:46:54Because he gave me his word and he's a man of honor.
00:46:56A man of honor?
00:46:57No Indian's a man of honor.
00:46:59The first peace move in ten years and you're blind to it, all of you.
00:47:02We'll have peace when every Apache is hung from a tree.
00:47:09Here's your $300, Jeffords.
00:47:14The drinks are on me.
00:47:15I don't drink on any Indian lover.
00:47:20He's a copperhead. He's sold us out.
00:47:22Bring him out. What are you waiting for?
00:47:24No, no, no!
00:47:50Right here. Hold him down.
00:47:56Release that man.
00:47:57Travis, release that man.
00:48:20I don't think I'm not grateful to you, General.
00:48:22I don't want your gratitude, Mr. Jeffords.
00:48:24But I won't scout for you. I won't exterminate Indians for you or anybody else.
00:48:28I don't want you to scout for me.
00:48:29Well, what then?
00:48:30It is my hope that you'll take me to see the Indian Cochise.
00:48:33I was told in Mesilla Park, New Mexico, that you could do it if anybody could.
00:48:36I know you're angry. You have reason to be.
00:48:39But I wish you'd sit down and hear me out.
00:48:42You don't like army officers, apparently.
00:48:45Does this also prejudice you against me?
00:48:47It depends on how you read it.
00:48:49The Bible I read preaches brotherhood for all of God's children.
00:48:52Suppose their skins aren't white. Are they still God's children?
00:48:56My Bible says nothing about the pigmentation of the skin.
00:49:03There was a general served under Grand, who was called the Christian General.
00:49:07Yes, I've also been known among my soldiers as Bible-reading Howard.
00:49:11Why do you want to see Cochise?
00:49:13If I can, to make a peace treaty with him.
00:49:15Who sent you here?
00:49:16The President of the United States.
00:49:17With what power?
00:49:18Full power to make a fair treaty.
00:49:20Yeah, to be changed later.
00:49:22No, any treaty I make will stand. I have President Grand's absolute word on that.
00:49:26I'll warn you, General, I'm not going to sell Cochise down the river.
00:49:29Why, why, why all this change of heart in Washington?
00:49:32President Grand is eager for a fair peace with the Apaches.
00:49:35What is a fair peace?
00:49:37Suppose you tell me.
00:49:40The Apaches are a free people. They have all the rights.
00:49:43The Apaches are a free people. They have a right to stay free on their own land.
00:49:47You mean the whole Southwest?
00:49:48No, no, even Cochise wouldn't ask for that now. He's a realist.
00:49:53But a clear territory that's Apache, ruled by Apaches. That's what I mean.
00:49:57No soldiers on it.
00:49:59Yes, I'll agree to that in principle. What else?
00:50:01You can talk the rest over with Cochise.
00:50:03You'll take me to see him, then?
00:50:04Will you go alone, without soldiers?
00:50:06Is that the best way?
00:50:07That's the only way.
00:50:08I'll go alone.
00:50:09I'll leave tomorrow and see Cochise.
00:50:11I'll get in touch with him.
00:50:14Read your Bible for me, too.
00:50:17I like the way you read it.
00:50:39I give you welcome.
00:50:42Your signals were seen and they have been told to Cochise.
00:50:45He is in the other stronghold.
00:50:47He asks you to wait and be comfortable.
00:50:49He will return.
00:50:53I will wait.
00:50:59My feet are tired from trying to find you by accident.
00:51:02Waiting for you, I have washed my hair twice and my clothes three times.
00:51:12How is this soap made?
00:51:14It comes from Yakaroop. We grind it up.
00:51:31There's something I need to know.
00:51:34I've been away almost a moon.
00:51:36Has anything changed with you?
00:51:40When you went away, I got scared.
00:51:43I thought he wouldn't come back.
00:51:47And even if he did, when he returned from his own people,
00:51:51he would look at me with cool eyes.
00:51:55But then I stopped being afraid.
00:51:59In here.
00:52:03You're trembling. You're not afraid of me.
00:52:08Only you put such new feelings in my heart.
00:52:11I'm trembling inside too.
00:52:13Should I hide it?
00:53:06Here they come and he rides before them.
00:57:04We should not be seen together, Tom.
00:57:23Well, if that is true, why did you choose me to dance with?
00:57:29I could not help it.
00:57:31With me, it's the same.
00:57:33I'll speak to your parents tonight.
00:57:35No, Tom.
00:57:36It will cause deep trouble.
00:57:37You must not.
00:57:38It causes trouble already.
00:57:41You have not acted like my brother.
00:57:43This girl is a maiden.
00:57:44At the campfire, I told you this, and yet you walked away with her.
00:57:47Cochise, I want her for my wife.
00:57:50I will do all the things expected of a husband here.
00:57:53I refused Nayoze once.
00:57:55I will again.
00:57:58I'm glad it is the right way, but it will not be easy for you.
00:58:08You're an American.
00:58:10Where will you live?
00:58:12There will always be Apaches who have suffered from white men who will hate you for it.
00:58:17Tucson, maybe?
00:58:18Will there not always be whites who will hate your wife because of the color of her skin?
00:58:26You will go far away, maybe.
00:58:28Maybe new places, but your eyes will never see anything.
00:58:33Always they will be turned backwards, toward home.
00:58:40And you, Sonsiore, they will look at you as if a strange animal and make jokes.
00:58:51Hear me, Tolman.
00:58:53I ask you to think on it.
00:58:55Your way will be filled with bitterness.
00:59:00Is it not better to live with your own?
00:59:04Though you speak as my friend, Cochise, nothing can change it.
00:59:08I will marry Sonsiore.
00:59:11What he says does not have to be.
00:59:13You are young.
00:59:14You do not know.
00:59:17With him I do not tremble, even before you.
00:59:24I cannot say more against it.
00:59:27But it is still not easy.
00:59:29Her parents.
00:59:30You will need the strongest go-between you can find.
00:59:32Will you be my go-between?
00:59:34No other can do it.
00:59:36I will speak for you tonight, otherwise it will be worse.
00:59:42Already everyone knows of this.
00:59:44Your secret was as quiet as the thunder.
00:59:50Also I will speak to Nailze.
00:59:53She has bad luck.
00:59:54It has happened before to other men.
00:59:58You wait in your wiki up, maybe.
01:00:01Walk up and down.
01:00:04It is good for people in love.
01:00:29You have no luck with women.
01:00:31They refused.
01:00:35I'll take her away from here.
01:00:36She'll go with me, too.
01:00:39They did not refuse.
01:00:40I make a joke.
01:00:41It is always a good joke.
01:00:43It is all arranged.
01:00:45Three horses and saddles to the parents.
01:00:47I'll bring them back from Tucson with me.
01:00:49No, no.
01:00:50You will let me give them for you.
01:00:51Oh, no, no.
01:00:53I want to.
01:00:54They are almost yours anyway.
01:00:58They come from your people.
01:01:00I want to do this for you, my friend.
01:01:02The marriage will be at the next full moon.
01:01:05Why so long a wait?
01:01:06The girl's mother decided.
01:01:07It is her right.
01:01:08Listen now.
01:01:09Go to Tucson.
01:01:10Look into the heart of this general.
01:01:15Do not bring him back unless you are sure of it.
01:01:18Tomorrow I will send out runners.
01:01:20Apaches from all tribes will come here.
01:01:23Talk of peace is a big thing.
01:01:24I cannot decide it alone.
01:01:27My people may not want it.
01:01:32I make no promises.
01:01:33That is not expected.
01:01:36Good sleep, my brother.
01:01:38Remember, no promises.
01:02:20I heard noise.
01:02:37If it is not your knife, it is an Apache knife.
01:02:46To attack someone who has been given safety here is forbidden.
01:03:08It is a terrible wrong.
01:03:10It cannot be allowed.
01:03:11Nothing has changed.
01:03:19Go to Tucson.
01:03:20Return in ten days.
01:03:21I ask you to forgive me that one of my people broke my word.
01:03:34In battle, I have had no one like you.
01:03:45Our lives were often mixed.
01:03:47It is ended.
01:03:50You have betrayed our people.
01:03:59I went back to Tucson and for a solid week I studied and questioned General Howard.
01:04:16By the time I brought him back with me to the stronghold, I knew why he had been nicknamed
01:04:20the Christian General.
01:04:22I prayed that a decent peace would come from the meeting of these two men.
01:04:26I wanted it for my country.
01:04:28I wanted it for Cochise and his people, and I wanted it because I loved a girl.
01:04:35I am told it is permitted to visit.
01:04:38For a short time only.
01:04:40My mother is inside the wikia.
01:04:43You will sit there.
01:04:51And I will keep sitting here, for we must not even touch our hands.
01:04:57During the days, I am very busy now.
01:05:00I prepare my clothes for the wedding.
01:05:03I must build a special wikia for our honeymoon, away from everybody, our honeymoon doll.
01:05:15I must also build the wikia we will live in.
01:05:18In all this, my mother helps me and teaches me, and I try to do as I think she did when
01:05:25she was a girl.
01:05:28She couldn't have done it neither.
01:05:29What is that?
01:05:30What does it mean?
01:05:31Oh, that's something Americans say.
01:05:32It means that I love you, and I'll honor your parents.
01:05:33You understand, Cochise, about the signing of this map.
01:05:34I will place my name upon yours, and place your mark upon mine.
01:05:35I will sign it.
01:05:36I will sign it.
01:05:37I will sign it.
01:05:38I will sign it.
01:05:39I will sign it.
01:05:40I will sign it.
01:05:41I will sign it.
01:05:42I will sign it.
01:05:43I will sign it.
01:05:44I will sign it.
01:05:45I will sign it.
01:05:46I will sign it.
01:05:47I will sign it.
01:05:48I will sign it.
01:05:49I will sign it.
01:05:50I will sign it.
01:05:51I will sign it.
01:05:52I will sign it.
01:05:53I will sign it.
01:05:56What is this?
01:05:58This is a way showing to all people for all time
01:06:01any agreement you make.
01:06:02This is as we agreed yesterday.
01:06:04You will explain it to the other people.
01:06:10The Peace Conference has been going on for four days,
01:06:12and now, for the first time, we were asked to approach the meeting place.
01:06:17We were finally face to face with the most important men of the Apache tribe.
01:06:21They come from Arizona and New Mexico.
01:06:24They would decide with Cochise whether there would be peace.
01:06:35My white brother will tell you something.
01:06:40I have in my hand here a map.
01:06:42This is a sort of picture writing.
01:06:45It shows the Apache territory, 50,000 square miles that you have agreed upon.
01:06:50Now, this piece of paper will go back to Washington where the chief of all the white men lives.
01:06:56If you make a treaty of peace, this will be part of that treaty.
01:07:05If we make peace with the Americans, can we still raid the Mexican?
01:07:09There cannot be war against the Mexicans either.
01:07:12Let the white...
01:07:13We will talk of this by ourselves.
01:07:15Now is the time only for questions.
01:07:18If the chief of the white men dies, what will follow?
01:07:22His word is a bond on the chief who follows him.
01:07:27Do others wish to speak?
01:07:29I have a question.
01:07:31Suppose some white man wants yellow iron and he comes into our country to take it.
01:07:36Can we kill him?
01:07:38Such a man should be captured and given to our military.
01:07:40Then he will be judged and punished.
01:07:43Suppose he will not let himself be captured until he has killed one of my men?
01:07:47If a white man kills an Indian on your territory, we will hang him.
01:07:53That will be something for Cochise to see.
01:08:00Who else?
01:08:04You will go now.
01:08:06I will bring you our decision.
01:08:14I trust none of it.
01:08:16Four days ago we were given our territory on a piece of paper.
01:08:19Today we cannot go into Mexico.
01:08:21The American general says no.
01:08:24Already our territory is smaller.
01:08:26Where will we get corn, blankets, horses?
01:08:29If not by taking them from the Mexican as we always have.
01:08:32The American government will give us cattle.
01:08:34We will raise them and trade them for our needs.
01:08:37The answer of a woman.
01:08:39The answer of a woman.
01:08:45I am not afraid. I speak from my heart.
01:08:48You speak well. Speak more.
01:08:52It is not the Apache way to be grandmothers to cattle.
01:08:55Cochise has lost his taste for battle and so he is ready to surrender.
01:08:59He throws away our victories.
01:09:01It is not this false peace we need but a new chief.
01:09:10Now I say this.
01:09:12The Americans keep cattle but they are not soft or weak.
01:09:17Why should not the Apache be able to learn new ways?
01:09:21It is not easy to change but sometimes it is required.
01:09:26The Americans are growing stronger while we are growing weaker.
01:09:32If a big wind comes a tree must bend.
01:09:35If a big wind comes a tree must bend or be lifted out by its roots.
01:09:58I will make a test of it for three moons.
01:10:06I break the arrow. I will try the way of peace.
01:10:15I will give my word to the American general tonight.
01:10:19Those who stay with me must keep my word.
01:10:22Let all others walk away. They are no longer my brothers.
01:10:26If more walk away than stay then I will no longer be your chief.
01:10:33I walk away.
01:10:43I walk away.
01:10:45I walk away.
01:10:48I walk away.
01:10:52I walk away.
01:10:56I walk away.
01:10:58I walk away.
01:11:08Who else comes?
01:11:12Who else comes?
01:11:15Who else?
01:11:27Take your women, your children, your horses, your weapons.
01:11:32Leave our territory.
01:11:34I leave you my name also.
01:11:37Now I am ashamed to be a Chiricahua.
01:11:40I will take the name Mexican enemies have given me.
01:11:43The whites will learn it and you will learn it.
01:11:47From now on I am Geronimo.
01:11:49If Geronimo or his followers come to this territory again,
01:11:54let them come with weapons.
01:11:59I am worried. They are taking a long time. Too long.
01:12:03I am worried too.
01:12:05Boy, this is delicious. What is it?
01:12:08Pony. In your honor, General.
01:12:11Pony? What kind of meat is that?
01:12:14A pony is a small horse.
01:12:17A pony is a small horse, General.
01:12:36We will try this piece.
01:12:38But there must be a waiting time.
01:12:40A time for testing. Three moons.
01:12:43Why is it needed?
01:12:44The white man has not shown in the past that he will keep a piece.
01:12:48Three-month armistice. It's a good idea.
01:12:59The first stone.
01:13:04For every day without war there will be another.
01:13:07When three moons have passed, the pile will be high.
01:13:10And we will place a white flag on it.
01:13:12And there will be peace.
01:13:14My heart is glad, Cochise.
01:13:16I am not yet glad.
01:13:19To talk of peace is not hard.
01:13:21To live it is very hard.
01:13:24I will wait three moons to be glad.
01:13:29Not everyone was happy about the treaty.
01:13:32There were those who still thought Cochise was a liar, a murderer,
01:13:36and that there could never be peace until he was dead.
01:13:39But the 90 days of the armistice began.
01:13:41I saw things and heard of things that never happened before in the Southwest.
01:13:46Near Fort Grant, a cavalry patrol passed some Apaches.
01:13:50They didn't talk. They didn't pretend they'd become friends overnight.
01:13:54But they didn't shoot.
01:14:00Two days later, the first Butterfield stage in five years left Tucson.
01:14:05I rode with it on my way back to the stronghold.
01:14:12Where's that water you said we were coming to?
01:14:15Right down below. That's where I'll leave you.
01:14:35Time to stretch, gents.
01:14:42Hard to believe a fellow can ride through this country without having his liver turned white.
01:14:46Yeah. A fellow could even think about settling down and getting married.
01:14:57Take cover! Take cover!
01:15:00What are you shooting at?
01:15:02I saw something move.
01:15:04Save your ammunition!
01:15:06So it be, sir. Blast you, Jeffords.
01:15:08You and that murdering Cochise both.
01:15:09We'll be slaughtered!
01:15:10Shut up! Shut up!
01:15:14Keep down! Keep down undercover! Everybody!
01:15:16Now listen to me.
01:15:18Now this isn't Cochise and his men. It's a band of renegade Indians.
01:15:21There are very few of them or they've been rushing us.
01:15:24They're very badly armed, too.
01:15:27What they want is our guns.
01:15:30Well, they got us pinned down here so we can't get across.
01:15:33They're waiting for night.
01:15:34So what'll we do? Wait for them to butcher us when it's dark?
01:15:36All right, keep your mouth shut, will you?
01:15:38Who's a good shot?
01:15:40I'm not bad.
01:15:44All right, now, when I yell, Moray, you and this fellow, you start firing into the hillside.
01:15:48While you're reloading, Lonergan, you cover the bank.
01:15:51Keep it up and I make it upstream.
01:15:53What are you gonna do?
01:15:54Set up a smoke signal.
01:15:55All right, start shooting!
01:16:48How many rounds you got left?
01:16:52Those signals of Jeffords did us a lot of good.
01:16:55A lot of good.
01:17:54Apache's protecting Americans.
01:17:57And I live to see it.
01:17:59Suppose you remember to talk about it when you get back to Tucson.
01:18:07Twelve days.
01:18:09I think it goes well.
01:18:11There are many good signals.
01:18:13It has gone well for twelve days.
01:18:15I still wait to be glad.
01:18:17Now you will forget about peace and war.
01:18:20Now you will think only of your bride.
01:18:22Is the ceremony a long one?
01:18:25With us, the ceremony of love takes place here.
01:18:28The rest is small.
01:18:30Let the woman who is to marry come here.
01:18:33Time has come.
01:18:36Let's go.
01:18:57Let the man who is to marry take his place beside her.
01:19:07Your left hand.
01:19:11Your right hand.
01:19:37Now you will kneel down upon the earth.
01:19:45Now your blood mixes.
01:19:47Now for you there is no rain.
01:19:50For one is shelter to the other.
01:19:52Now for you there is no cold.
01:19:55For one is warmth to the other.
01:19:58Now there is no loneliness.
01:20:01Now forever there is no loneliness.
01:20:07There are two bodies,
01:20:09but now there is but one blood in both of them.
01:20:13Go now.
01:20:15Ride the white horses to your secret place.
01:20:37THE END
01:20:54The evening is full and happy for us.
01:20:57We will listen to the sound of the brook all through the night
01:21:01and listen to the bells.
01:21:03It's as though they are singing in my heart.
01:21:24Sixteen stones.
01:21:34My white brother told me of the attack on the passenger wagon.
01:21:37It was Geronimo. We trailed him two days, but he crossed into Mexico.
01:21:44You did not follow?
01:21:46We wanted to, but we did not.
01:21:50From now on, we will protect all whites leaving Tucson and Fort Bowie.
01:21:54Also, we will guard Apache Pass.
01:21:58If this peace does not hold, let it be the whites who break it.
01:22:01Must not be Indians.
01:22:03Not even bad Indians.
01:22:23You are asleep.
01:22:27I'm quiet because I'm so happy.
01:22:29I'm afraid if I open my mouth, my happiness will rush out in a funny noise.
01:22:38What does that mean?
01:22:39It is an American word.
01:22:43I think it was a word that was made by Adam when he opened his eyes and saw Eve.
01:22:48Who are they?
01:22:50Do not you know?
01:22:55The world is so big and I know so little.
01:22:59I do not know.
01:23:05One day, will you grow tired of me and go back to your people?
01:23:10That's a bad thought, Sincere.
01:23:14Never think about it again.
01:23:15You are my people.
01:23:17Will you tell me that often?
01:23:20Each day of our life together, I will tell you.
01:23:23I will always remember the moments of these days.
01:23:26We will remember them together.
01:23:29In the silence of the night, we will talk a little.
01:23:35And in the future, we will see our children riding white horses.
01:23:56I can do better myself.
01:24:21Never mind.
01:24:22By the time he's a grown man, he'll know how.
01:24:27What is it?
01:24:28At sunrise, I found this one up the canyon.
01:24:31He had this.
01:24:32I know this boy, Cochise.
01:24:35Hello, Bob. You're Ben Slade's boy, aren't you?
01:24:37Yes, Captain Jeffords.
01:24:39I've been praying you'd be up here.
01:24:41Oh, my, how I've been praying.
01:24:42All right, now don't get flustered. Nobody's going to hurt you.
01:24:45What happened? Did you lose your way?
01:24:47Not exactly.
01:24:48I just got here.
01:24:49I've been looking for you.
01:24:51I've been looking for you.
01:24:52I've been looking for you.
01:24:53I've been looking for you.
01:24:54Did you lose your way?
01:24:55Not exactly.
01:24:57You're the one who said these Apaches wanted peace.
01:25:00I don't call it peaceful when they go right on stealing.
01:25:03What got stolen?
01:25:06Two young colts of mine. Beauties.
01:25:09Swiped night before last by Apaches.
01:25:11I tracked them all day.
01:25:13Followed their tracks up the canyon.
01:25:16I ended up out there at dark last night.
01:25:19Then that redskin jumped me in the morning.
01:25:21None of my people took them.
01:25:23The boy lies.
01:25:27I know this boy's father.
01:25:29He's one of the worst haters of the Apaches.
01:25:31Now, if we can show that he's wrong, it'll be a good thing.
01:25:33People will hear about it.
01:25:35Maybe you still have some men like Geronimo.
01:25:38They talk your way with their tongues, but not with their hearts.
01:25:43You speak wisely.
01:25:45I will see these horse signs.
01:25:48All right, Bob, we'll mosey down and take a look.
01:26:19See him yet, Bob?
01:26:21Right around here, Captain.
01:26:31You called the boy Bob. Is it his name?
01:26:33Oh, just to be friendly.
01:26:35Here they are, Captain.
01:26:39Don't shoot till my boy gets out of the way.
01:26:44Don't shoot till my boy gets out of the way.
01:26:54There are people, Cochise. They'll kill you. Run!
01:27:01Get Cochise!
01:27:12Run, Sanceria, run!
01:27:23The big one is Cochise. Somebody give me a gun.
01:27:26Watch out, son. You stay clear of this.
01:27:33Stay on the line! We can't shoot!
01:27:35He's out of arrows!
01:28:04He got away! It's a bust! Our whole plan's a bust!
01:28:08I'm heading for Mexico. The military will be after us, too.
01:28:12Well, what are you standing there for?
01:28:15Come on.
01:28:59Oh, God.
01:29:26Are you bad hurt?
01:29:29She's dead, Cochise.
01:29:36There is one who still lives.
01:29:40Give me a knife and bring him to me.
01:29:42It will not be done.
01:29:44Bring him to me!
01:29:45No, it will not be done.
01:29:48There are some things a man cannot bear.
01:29:51You hear me?
01:29:53This peace is a lie. They don't want peace.
01:29:55It is not a lie, and I will not let you make it a lie.
01:29:58Were you a child that you thought peace would come easy?
01:30:01You who taught me so well?
01:30:03Is it my brother who asks me to spit on my word?
01:30:06Why do you speak to me?
01:30:11Speak to her.
01:30:16When she hears, I'll hear.
01:30:19You will hear me now.
01:30:21You'll bear this.
01:30:25This was not done by the military.
01:30:27Geronimo broke the peace no less than these whites.
01:30:30And as I bear the murder of my people, so you will bear the murder of your wife.
01:30:35I am Cochise.
01:30:37I do not betray my people or their children.
01:30:40And no one on my territory will open war again.
01:30:44Not even you.
01:30:56I have given my permission.
01:30:58They wanted to see you.
01:31:03We've come to pay our respects, Tom.
01:31:06Thank you, Melton.
01:31:08We've rounded up every man that had anything to do with the ambush.
01:31:12They're going to pay the full penalty.
01:31:14They're going to pay the full penalty.
01:31:16They're going to pay the full penalty.
01:31:18They're going to pay the full penalty.
01:31:20They're going to pay the full penalty.
01:31:23They're going to pay the full penalty for what they've done.
01:31:31Nothing can compensate you for the terrible thing that's happened.
01:31:34But your friends here are trying to tell you that your very loss has brought our people together in the will to peace.
01:31:39Without that will, treaties are worth little or nothing.
01:31:47His words meant very little to me then.
01:31:49But as time passed, I came to know that the death of San Siro put a seal on the peace.
01:31:56And from that day on, wherever I went, in the cities, among the Apaches, in the mountains,
01:32:03I always remembered, my wife was with me.
01:32:19© BF-WATCH TV 2021
