Interview with the Vampire Season2 Episode 8

  • 3 months ago
Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8


00:00:00those in attendance he would not let me be my companion session 10 the vampire louis
00:00:08and the vampire armand i failed louis once in my life it wasn't in san francisco why did i
00:00:14ruin my one act of cowardice you broke one of the great laws i don't know any great laws lestat
00:00:21never told me shit we were on trial for murder you were forced to watch oh they'd kill me his
00:00:26name was magnus he took me from my room as i kicked and screamed i want to get out alive
00:00:31you want a book what say you for the vampire louis de point du lac
00:00:40sentence worse than death you saved louis yes
00:00:43no no but not her i could not prevent it i could not prevent it
00:02:00a quiet peaceful death
00:02:06what else would it be
00:02:10i had nowhere to go
00:02:14no one to talk to
00:02:19she was dead
00:02:22i knew it claudia was dead i could feel it like i couldn't feel my hands my back
00:02:37like i could feel my heart
00:02:39pumping slower every night
00:02:43my broken arm resetting itself
00:02:48my ankles healed in the coffin
00:02:53the flesh having circled around the insulating rocks of my deathbed
00:03:00are they still there right now in your feet if you took an x-ray they'd look like little cancers
00:03:07you could remove them anytime he wanted to
00:03:12or maybe he has and he's been lying to you all these years for effect
00:03:19what were the consequences of you saving louis
00:03:23demotion ridicule
00:03:28santiago had suspected i had rigged the audience to spare louis life
00:03:32so he made certain i would not forget my insubordination as part of my penance
00:03:40darkness was delirium
00:03:44i tried to pay him back but i couldn't
00:03:47darkness was delirium
00:03:52i tried to paint alternatives
00:03:58lucid what ifs wear a different suit the night you meet lestat at the fair play
00:04:06snatch the piece of candy back from the barber when you're seven years old
00:04:12would i have been stronger sooner
00:04:14would i have resisted lestat two decades later
00:04:21snatch the can
00:04:25be the man in the different suit
00:04:31but the suit changes nothing
00:04:35and again i'm kissing lestat on the altar
00:04:44i'm killing lestat but won't burn him
00:04:50i'm dragged off stage
00:04:54and buried alive
00:04:58any candy is not the answer
00:05:05claudia is dead
00:05:10the worst nights were the pragmatic ones
00:05:14a rock shifts by my knee could i make another rock move could i free my knee
00:05:21to exploit the craftsmanship of the coffin but it was all ravings the rock hadn't moved
00:05:30the craftsmanship was solid claudia is dead when a vampire starts screaming from starvation
00:05:39he hasn't much time left i didn't know i was screaming
00:05:45i had no energy to scream
00:05:50if i had i would have used it to ignite the clothes on my body self-immolate
00:05:58what was left to endure for
00:06:01claudia is dead
00:06:08okay and as louis withered away life in the theater returned to abnormal
00:06:17the old plays were remounted the pack hunts revitalized all under the increasingly
00:06:24self-satisfied eye of santiago you ruined his play they didn't get to kill louis on stage
00:06:32and santiago improvised a worse death he had outwitted me
00:06:39hurt me deeply and i played up that hurt
00:06:45my subjugation cemented his power amongst the coven so how did you get him out
00:06:55i placed a sacrifice in an old vault coffin swapped that coffin for louis
00:06:59i was the defeated vampire mr mulloy no one was looking
00:07:08uh-huh does anyone ever ask lazarus if he wanted to be woke
00:07:17i don't read the bible much anymore no one gives a shit about lazarus's point of view is what i
00:07:22remember i tasted the blood i knew it was his why i thought claudia is dead i was dead
00:07:36i was dead
00:07:40but my rage
00:07:44my rage had risen
00:07:47and followed closely behind by my madness
00:07:55they moved from shadow to shadow towards the cemetery in montmartre oh my wife why that place
00:08:02it wasn't certain it wasn't safe to return to the apartment that would imply a rational
00:08:12proximity to the theater
00:08:23my rage had been denied blood
00:08:28my rage was lightheaded my rage killed without a single measure of satisfaction
00:08:36my rage found a forgotten crypt amongst the forgotten dead my rage hit its killings there
00:08:48and conspired with my madness on a plan for retribution
00:09:57there's a lot of them in there but someone wake before it gets them
00:10:02probably i should think about taking his
00:10:09speak english you're not a farmer i would use them as shit
00:10:15one of them tries to escape you should stand at the top of the stairs
00:10:25behind the stairs cut their feet off if they go up
00:10:28but in rage if they run downstairs for the soup that's better
00:10:36man she's a big boy good start is strong why haven't you left if you get in a fight or delay
00:10:42you'll be costumed with them pour more gas on this and this one you don't need to borrow your
00:10:48truck i don't have any use for it now i know you can hear me you must leave paris maybe you
00:10:54should answer him he knows that yet i'm more than you maybe you should shut up
00:10:59louis save yourself they're going to find out what i did do not worry about me
00:11:05i ain't fucking worried about you
00:11:22uh-huh sam tossed in the rat box in the rat box with sam
00:11:25hans hauled me off of the costume twine wants to die call me out
00:11:34louis please listen to me if i could explain to you the events
00:11:41i think you would understand why it was i acted as i did
00:11:48i know you will never forgive me i am not seeking forgiveness
00:11:52shh louis is that you did you save me at the trial
00:12:03yes you pull me out walk yes
00:12:11i could not save her if i thought there was a way i would shut up shut up
00:12:15however you manage do not find yourself at the theater tomorrow night a curfew
00:12:27okay uh did you know he was going to burn it down no but i could sense the fatalism in his thoughts
00:12:38you warned him yes he'd already betrayed you once they were his coven for hundreds of years
00:12:44why risk it my rage and madness were asleep it was a test
00:12:51i don't remember if you're wrong you're dead there was 13 of them and one of me
00:12:59i was going to die either way same question to you they were your coven for hundreds of years
00:13:06you had no feelings for any of them i had complicated feelings but you didn't warn any
00:13:11of them no 13 to 1 maybe you were hedging your bets see who emerges from the ash heap
00:13:19i didn't know his plan i chopped my mind off to him daniel my prevailing thought was
00:13:26if i'm not with him i'm nothing him i'm nothing okay so what was the plan the plan
00:13:38i was going to die and i was going to take as many of them with me as i could
00:13:47when a vampire commits himself to coffin all the senses collapse into submission
00:13:55and the dark boundaries of the world begin to stretch out in all directions
00:14:00in all directions and in this state in the lair where they slept i could have been a marching band
00:14:10or a jet engine taking off a tarmac until paris spun back round to the sun the advantage was mine
00:15:06six by fire two by blade one by a combination of the two
00:15:12no legs one arm still clutching onto his clarinet
00:15:19nine in all and with no sign of armand or the start that meant four had escaped
00:15:28two out the front two through the sewers
00:15:32but i had planned for contingencies it had to be the london coven they have always been jealous
00:15:39of us it's because we started speaking english it's because we took over from armand and they
00:15:44smelled weakness you idiot or maybe it was eclairs she never got over you stealing santiago
00:15:50you try drinking from gustav afghan it was london afghan is an act of passion
00:16:02so let's let's down
00:16:11hello francis
00:16:12stop you
00:16:20did i wake you i try to be quiet coming and going but all those iron joists cracking
00:16:28load-bearing beams falling down on you well is your companion with you didn't you hear
00:16:34we broke up oh i rather doubt that hard to hold hands after he killed my sister and my fledgling
00:16:41don't let him take credit for the workman role he played louis it was me that planned their deaths
00:16:50it was me that gave claudia that hot exit from the garden come to me did armand tell you what
00:16:57we did with our ashes after he pulled you from the wall come to me francis we used her as eye
00:17:02shadows for the next month's performances we put them in the pepper shaker for the popcorn we sold
00:17:08in the aisles and some nights look up to me francis i put a pinch of them in my fist before
00:17:13i close my coffin at night i would spit him and i'd use her hot wet asses to pleasure myself
00:17:22come to me francis it's santiago to you you firebug bugger nah that's hispania's name you took
00:17:30took it to forget who you were francis took it to compensate for what god denied you francis
00:17:37that joke in between your legs and that farm girl lenora who couldn't keep quiet about it she
00:17:43only thought it was small because my testicles are so enormous then maybe it was the lip applause
00:17:48francis got when francis finally got on stage in london for a week as an understudy for osric
00:17:56wasn't the nature of the transformation that made you change your name the desperate begging
00:18:02the urine racing down your leg as francis desperately tried to take back his wish to be a
00:18:07vampire i can see your maker's face now embarrassment washing over it as you ask cannot be called
00:18:25you make his voice as he walked away i don't care what you call yourself
00:19:05say that shit about claudia to my face
00:19:16pre-dinner martini a touch more vermouth and the newspaper you asked for this morning mr mulloy
00:19:22santiago's failure to protect his coven how quickly he ran to save his own flesh
00:19:29filled him with unworthiness and it made him an uncomplicated seduction
00:19:34he brought a cloak to a knife fight and all my rage and madness exited my body
00:19:42and nothing replaced it
00:20:13when'd you start lying to me
00:20:24the night of madeleine's transformation
00:20:28a while back then we parted at sacre coeur i went back to make sure the coven would keep curfew
00:20:34that you do what you were going to do in safety they were all on stage waiting for me
00:20:42told me they had done a rewrite tossed the script at my feet and i saw the title
00:20:51and i thought
00:20:55it's my coven of 200 years or him
00:21:02and at the time i could not count on your love lasting as long you rehearsed it with lestat
00:21:08they rehearsed it with him i stayed in my coffin when i was there
00:21:16when you spend nights over here
00:21:20i lied to you over and over then one stick and all that time telling me
00:21:29make a different plan with me
00:21:32i will spend my life making it up to you
00:21:51you'll never make it up to me
00:21:55i know
00:21:59is lestat still in paris
00:22:03you'll never be able to kill that wasn't my question
00:22:08yes he's still here
00:22:12wake me when it's night again
00:22:24ask for a chop the lights going out of your blue eyes
00:22:32like all the summer days are gone
00:22:58was it a good day's rest
00:23:03does it take a lot out of you
00:23:06destroying everything in your wake
00:23:13well almost everything
00:23:16you look small
00:23:23he's come home
00:23:26this was magnus's letter
00:23:36some distance between the happy couple
00:23:41details left to work out after the homicide of frolic
00:23:44that's where he kept you
00:23:46chained to the wall
00:23:48no this was for the disappointments the ones before me
00:23:56he had a knack for design nordic blondes on walls dirty blondes in piles
00:24:01right about where the gremlin stands now i don't care
00:24:10i came here to have a think
00:24:14on my origins
00:24:17why i do what i do
00:24:22why burned your daughter alive
00:24:26why you rehearsed a play that will burn your daughter alive
00:24:30why you crossed an ocean to rehearse a play that would burn your daughter alive
00:24:38the great laws what fucking law did you ever follow stop
00:24:46i've come to kill you
00:24:54i have the blood of magnus in me
00:24:57magnus burns
00:25:02i have the blood of akasha
00:25:07he doesn't know who that is
00:25:10but the fact in and of itself makes your immediate desire an impossibility
00:25:16i'd have to be willing
00:25:20and i'm not in the mood
00:25:24my blood is your blood
00:25:27and it
00:25:39here's your death lestat
00:26:09he and i are going to spend the rest of our lives together wherever your miserable life
00:26:14takes you whoever you find to endure time with whatever pale proxy of me i'll be with him
00:26:24i've always wanted you to know that
00:26:39enjoy you
00:26:46let's see how long it holds
00:26:55an odd phrase what do you think he meant by that louis it's fairly obvious he didn't think we would
00:27:03make it 77 years almost to the day we left him there walked paris one last time completely silent
00:27:16stopped for a moment at the plaza la conco the luxor obelis i stood staring up at it
00:27:22as cars and carriages circled us i said telepathically was it telepathically
00:27:31i don't remember i said let's go see egypt then sailed port to port settled in new york a good
00:27:38while san francisco and we did here there everywhere and dubai
00:27:48and that's the end of it there's nothing else
00:28:04end of session
00:28:29he loved you
00:28:36i can say that now
00:28:39he loved you a great deal it must have been terrible for him to see himself that night
00:28:44mind if i ask a few follow-up questions it's just some things i've been
00:28:55jotting down along the way yeah of course yeah it's it's just small stuff like um
00:29:03like you and the tractor salesman in the bar in new orleans before you killed him you said
00:29:10that lestat telepathically told you that you were scaring the salesman
00:29:15but a maker can't do that anymore after transformation right uh yeah i don't know
00:29:22maybe he whispered it to me yeah i figured as much uh you said that four escaped the theater
00:29:33celeste estelle santiago and sam right the the vampire sam barkley we never quite figured out
00:29:42how he did it did you ever get to him no time heals daniel i believe he's a dj now a dj he
00:29:51wears a decorative helmet on his head when he performs does he yeah it's funny because sam's
00:29:57in two places at once at one point in your story he's guarding armand in the theater box but you
00:30:02also have him helping to bury you below stage he was with me in the box yeah he was with armand
00:30:09in the box oh maybe he did a quick vamp back and forth i just got it wrong rashid should we begin
00:30:17dinner preparations yes sir i do hope you'll join us i'd be honored okay um let me just look at my
00:30:25list one more time here um another another new orleans thing i mean i'm sorry i'm jumping all
00:30:32over the place here but the night that lestat brings all those soldiers home and you tell
00:30:38him to throw them out how many soldiers did he mind fuck out of the townhouse that night
00:30:42i don't know 10 15 more like 30 huh
00:30:48huh oh well it seems to me i mean back to the trial again it seems to me
00:31:00that there was more than one person in the theater that night who could have saved you
00:31:05dang it i know i know it it's my job i'm built this way i know it's a stretch but it's in your
00:31:12nature mr mulloy couldn't get out the door without lobbing one more bomb where you said it yourself
00:31:18just now he loved louis list that would have tried to save him as much as you did and he
00:31:22certainly would have made it known that he had shall we take these follow-ups and specious
00:31:26theories to the dining room i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what you're
00:31:29talking about we have something special prepared for you daniel uh santiago should
00:31:37hand the diary into the audience have them feel the evidence in their hands this is too early for
00:31:46lestat to acknowledge louis keep the tension have him look at louis later the moment he describes
00:31:54keep the tension have him look at louis later the moment he describes meeting him in new
00:31:59orleans these are just some notes along the margins here uh we need an animation
00:32:07here it's not clear how extreme the hoarding was where did you get that
00:32:11read it for yourself
00:32:58that's when the black angel came
00:33:03but he came back he did with her
00:33:11now you rise from your chair and walk towards claudia
00:33:26and how do you suppose that you will keep her quiet in this moment
00:33:34more of your cheap theater the judges will fog her mind
00:33:42so you have no idea of claudia's strength
00:33:55he didn't witness the play he directed the play
00:34:01what say you for the vampire louis de pointe du lac guilty or not guilty
00:34:46banishment banishment
00:34:58where does the bullshit start armand amadeo arun you were supposed to die with claudia
00:35:08he didn't save you lestat did
00:35:11huh he just took credit for it when the opportunity presented itself and you wasted
00:35:21everyone who could have told you differently 77 years based on a seismic lie it's a forgery
00:35:27it's from the talamasca sam was their guy in paris he gave it to them they gave it to me here
00:35:54louis louis louis
00:35:58mr santiago still here you look like you put me into to work in the wet room after you wanted me
00:36:02to sleep don't one night 70 years ago you were over this lily the pain of it you left you don't
00:36:07let it burn and insignificant delivered by the insignificant you were forgiving me for what
00:36:14what I paid in the death
00:36:34is she
00:36:45i'm guessing rashid left after he brought me the newspaper
00:37:04you're not to touch him do you understand
00:37:07do you understand
00:37:14you harm him in any way i will kill you do you understand
00:37:24i'm leaving now when i return you need to be caught
00:37:30you should gather your things from your room i'll arrange a car and a plane to take you home
00:37:42i'll see there's 10 million dollars wired into your account
00:37:51thank you
00:38:15i was hoping the canes will wait until july i had two on the flow from the
00:38:19audition at the essence festival but that's all shut it up now two on the flow must have cost you
00:38:27wasn't cheap me and my bae was on the bad side then i see they got a new edition headline in the
00:38:33festival she had a thing for ralph when she was young you believe that ralph pretty mother
00:38:38then i think well each one on the flow is gonna open back the door she'll be back she'll be back
00:38:45for ralph so ask me this how come you coming in when everybody else getting out
00:38:55this old debt said to be at least a three could be a phone
00:39:03first time in new orleans
00:39:06no did my luggage arrive yes sir two bags in an oversized crate early in the morning
00:39:14it's all waiting for you in your suite thank you
00:39:16thank you very generous mr duloc thank you sir your card your key we're happy to have you as long
00:39:27as you'll have us but we are boarding up the hotel for the hurricane so we're asking our
00:39:32guests to fill out this liability waiver no problem now everybody if you want to turn your
00:39:42attention to the ride at them big green color gates this is 11 32 road street home of the most
00:39:49infamous party ever thrown in new orleans this is where two dozen members of high society
00:39:54they walked in them doors right there ain't nobody ever seen them again take a picture if you need to
00:40:00the year it's 1940 the man that owned this town home and that year's king garage who went by the
00:40:07name sebastian melmoth now now history's gonna have him go down a little something different a
00:40:12monsieur lysander lyoncourt he was a so-called frenchman a so-called seller of industrial
00:40:19machinery but now tell me tell the crime dog why would a man a known hoarder and an infamous
00:40:26recluse be named king arash in the first place sebastian knew a fellow by the name of tom
00:40:34anderson he was a former louisiana state representative and a full-time bourbon street
00:40:39gangster mr melmoth he wasn't alone in 11 32 also in residence was a local creole hustler
00:40:47and his little child bride they were running a voodoo court in the back rooms above the courtyard
00:40:54yes they were now it's mardi gras 1940 mr melmoth and tom anderson they brought back the who's who
00:41:03or who that the next morning couldn't nobody find hair to hair piece in none of them what did they
00:41:08find blood in between the floorboards of three different rooms bits and indeterminate pieces of
00:41:14bone inside the factory-sized incinerator why did tom anderson mr melmoth the hustler and the child
00:41:23these particular citizens to this house of lies
00:41:57saw a crane smashed into a low rise big chunks of shit trash cans mailboxes blowing around
00:42:12wild out there shut up
00:42:14shut up i mean we should be out of town is where we should be shut up crazy old man plane
00:42:23who's you hello who's he louis yes louis she's
00:42:33get out get out well i mean there's a mad hurricane outside i keep fucking telling dog
00:42:42shit god damn it
00:43:04fire gift in your honor where is some fledgling all the millennials are
00:43:17he is an excellent rat catcher
00:43:33would you like one hello let's start hello louis
00:43:44passing through no i came to see you
00:43:51and what does your companion think of that i'm companion enough for myself now
00:43:57hmm good for you
00:44:03i'm sorry i don't have much time i'm in the middle of rehearsing
00:44:07rehearsing i'm going on tour bargarage she seems
00:44:17she seems to have retired and i thought
00:44:20that you're better than me to carry on the great work
00:44:25i just need about 50 more years of practice theory pause
00:44:51did you save my life in paris
00:45:01i gave you to our mom
00:45:05you tell me if that was certain why didn't you say
00:45:11it was me who saved you not him i don't like to point out my virtues
00:45:16besides i knew you'd figure it out
00:45:22and look you have i was right i'll help me
00:45:28i'll help me
00:45:43been enduring here not enduring
00:45:50here in new orleans hold on it's my home i am she she is me
00:46:10i didn't know it was a gift
00:46:11i wore it like a curse i was selfish
00:46:24i tried to make nights awful but
00:46:31i wanted you to suffer because i was suffering
00:46:42shall we list all the ways we have wronged each other
00:46:45and why it will never be right between monstrous i came to thank you
00:46:52for the gift you offer me
00:46:55the gift i denied
00:46:58for the nights in front of me where i might learn to live honest
00:47:08thank you
00:47:22september 8th
00:47:32september 8 1973 it was 1107 here
00:47:38it would have been 907 in san francisco
00:47:44our mom called me
00:47:50were you there
00:48:01did you hurt yourself
00:48:04i was lost
00:48:06and i was in a dark way here
00:48:12i was thinking about
00:48:22i can't i can't get her out of my mind
00:48:31you have the same problem
00:48:35i can't
00:48:40i can't
00:48:46it's not on you
00:48:49you hear me
00:48:53i carried her home i made you turn up
00:48:57i could have saved her from the fire until a half century later she could
00:49:10she looked at me at the end
00:49:15like a child
00:49:19looking to her father
00:49:21but i was new
00:50:14and we are back five four three two
00:50:20welcome back atlanta and welcome to my next guest the two-time pulitzer prize winning
00:50:24investigative journalist and author of the current best-selling fictional memoir interview
00:50:29with the vampire daniel malloy thanks leonard it's a memoir it's not fiction it is one of the
00:50:36main topics of debate regarding your book is it true or is it a joke well i've sold five million
00:50:43books in four months yes you can't see the forest for the trees they killed printing it hey atlanta
00:50:49check out the book fair this weekend it is going to be quite something the washington post the
00:50:53bezos bugle that's a good one it called your book a sophomoric footnote in an otherwise stellar
00:51:00career conceptually weird middle finger to the publishing industry that turned its back on him
00:51:06a decade ago i don't read reviews is it true you shop this book to every major publisher in the
00:51:12country in the uk what is this it's a legitimate question no it's not i mean you haven't even told
00:51:19your viewers what the book is about oh good boy the book purports to be an interview with an actual
00:51:24vampire oh i know what it's about it's about you leonard trying to go viral with your dinky little
00:51:30provincial news desk yeah i did i did interview an actual vampire oh here's the camera i interviewed
00:51:37an actual vampire actually two vampires a species that's lived among us for centuries and it's
00:51:43supported by a mountain of historical documentation you took a noble career didn't even read it put it
00:51:48in the shred didn't read the book you were one of our finest and now you're a bigfoot hunter
00:51:54chasing jesus's bloodline sold millions of these books more than johnny grisham or prince harry and
00:52:01the prisoner of santa barbara it's a great read and you're a hack what a delight
00:52:08thanks so much for being here daniel malloy can't wait to read the book
00:52:46it's me listen your royalty checks keep bouncing back to me man i need a forwarding address why
00:52:54not send them to your editors at the tala moscow the shit they made me take out no editors next
00:53:00book i promise there won't be a next book there shouldn't have been a first book you want the 10
00:53:06million back just say it man send me an address you know where i live i really wouldn't be staying
00:53:13put if i were you i'm guessing you haven't heard from my maker no fucking asshole i'm sorry you
00:53:22were burdened out of spite i shouldn't have left you alone with him make it up to me we'll do a
00:53:28follow-up book what do you want daniel i'm worried about you i'm fine i keep hearing the other vamps
00:53:39talking about you they're really fucking pissed off about our book you want to write another with me
00:53:44sequels audiobooks sex toys you become a cold killer you still haven't read it have you
00:53:53it's the top of my stack you said that last month it's getting early here daniel get out of dubai
00:54:00louis hey where'd you get those headphones
00:54:15we'll all get a jump
00:54:23give me burn it
00:54:41skyscraper the skyscraper the grow quiet now who is that all of you
00:54:53shh this is the vampire louis dulac i live in the penthouse apartment at the al-sharaf towers
00:55:01in dubai united arab emirates the security staff here is robust but mortal my front door is always
00:55:10unlocked as are the windows to my balcony which were designed with a protective film coating
00:55:16for those of us sun challenged so for all you cowards out there talking shit
00:55:25talking about taking a run at me
00:55:29hear this now and hear it plain
00:55:32i own the night
00:55:57and that's the end of it there's nothing else that's the end of our season
00:56:02it would appear that all is lost and these significant characters who hopefully have
00:56:10entertained and fascinated us for all of the season come to their end claudia is dead i was
00:56:17dead louis feels deeply responsible for her feels responsible for the good things that happen and
00:56:23the bad things that happen my rage had risen followed closely behind by my madness
00:56:35however you manage do not find yourself at the theater tomorrow night at curfew burning the
00:56:39theater down physically was really difficult because keep in mind we were lighting fires
00:56:45in an old wooden building and we had firemen and everybody standing by every time a match was lit
00:56:53there were three people there we knew that there was going to be a fire so the other thing that we
00:56:58did is we put a layer of cement board underneath all of our flooring we put cement boards behind
00:57:06walls so that even if our finishes were wood there was something underneath that
00:57:10that was going to help with fire prevention in the existing structure
00:57:17haven't got what they deserve every one of them burn it down let him burn he did what i might do
00:57:24that's his sister his daughter his companion and they were very vengeful so occasionally an eye for
00:57:31an eye nine in all that meant four had escaped in shooting that scene is such an iconic part of the
00:57:40book but it's also like a very iconic part of the film i think we've done something different
00:57:52hello francis
00:57:56louis just left the theater now he's on his way to get santiago who's the ring leader come to me
00:58:04it's santiago to you
00:58:10i think his main plan really with santiago is to just like wind him up as to to bait him
00:58:19lure him to louis and then chop his head off i am about to film my death
00:58:28it's like a big spoiler no it isn't not if you read the books
00:58:31it's a combination of stump men me and a fake head which fortunately i work with the makeup
00:58:37designer tammy lane on a different show and there's a full cast of my head so um they have
00:58:43one it's like he's made of rubber so he's pretty solid he's really hard to destroy just like ben
00:58:50daniels i was really glad i didn't have to do it again it's so awful if you're claustrophobic you
00:58:55are encased in gel and plaster with just tiny holes through your nostrils for 15 minutes
00:59:00that's just that's what i sent him that was our conversation about this scene
00:59:06it's that picture he just texted it to me
00:59:23given what a wonderful character ben created with santiago it was fitting to give him a
00:59:31sort of real cinematic death say that shit about claudia to my face
00:59:36so ask for a job the lights going out of your blue eyes the louis and lestat relationship
00:59:46at episode eight is lovely conclusion to the full two seasons of their relationship
00:59:54at the beginning in magnus's lair louis doesn't know how much lestat did to save
01:00:00louis life he does he's not aware of that at that point why he crossed an ocean
01:00:04to rehearse a play that would burn your daughter alive louis really just does the thing that he
01:00:10thinks will most destroy lestat which is leave him here's your death lestat and leave him for
01:00:17someone else you know lestat's deep deep insecurity is the thing that louis just pours salt on in that
01:00:25moment louis doesn't have all the information just to clarify lestat really thinks that louis
01:00:32knows that he saved him so he's quite surprised when he turns up with armand and louis blaming
01:00:37him for claudia's death which is you know fair enough because lestat was a part of it but they
01:00:43all were part of it he and i are going to spend the rest of our lives together there's a very
01:00:47interesting dynamic between lestat and armand with lestat looking at armand and armand thinking oh
01:00:51my god enjoy him you could just ruin everything for me right now and he doesn't let's see how
01:00:56long it holds everything he's been playing up until this point the facade of the stoic wise
01:01:03responsible 514 year old vampire who sticks to his principles has been shown to be a complete lie
01:01:12back to the trial again it seems to me that there was more than one person in the theater that night
01:01:17who could have saved you lestat would have saved claudia if he had the energy i believe that to my
01:01:23core it's just that he had to save louis you were supposed to die with claudia he didn't save you
01:01:34lestat did
01:01:47what we discover in the course of the 15 episodes of these two guys is that they
01:01:56have such profound love for each other but they are really capable of hurting each other in
01:02:01unspeakable ways hello lestat hello louis and i think that that's where they get in the final
01:02:07embrace in new orleans i don't want to speak for them because we don't hear what they say
01:02:12as an audience member i see them forgiving each other for what they've done i carried her home
01:02:20i made you turn her she looked at me at the end like a child
01:02:28looking to her father it was a beautiful ending for this whole chaotic
01:02:36revenge louis that we see in those last couple of episodes
01:02:39yeah it's a beautiful scene and yeah there's things said at the end
01:02:46that nobody will ever know other than me and sam
01:02:54that is one of the main topics of debate regarding your book is it true or is it a joke
01:03:01in this scene we understand that maloy is a vampire and uh i'm very excited about that as
01:03:08a fan the reveal really happens in a beat it happens in taking off sunglasses i'm guessing
01:03:16you haven't heard from my maker eric bogosian both was surprised and not at all when he realized that
01:03:23his character maloy was to become a vampire i'm sorry you were burdened out of spite you get a
01:03:27sense in that like final interaction with them in this season that daniel has become kind of like
01:03:33an annoying little brother to louis you still haven't read it have you it's the top of my stack
01:03:39you said that last month it's getting early here daniel get out of dubai louis louis inviting of
01:03:45all the vampires to come and get him this is the vampire louis du lac it's his signing off so for
01:03:50all you cowards out there talking i think that talking about taking a run at me he needs that
01:03:56friction hear this now
