The Apex Predators Fighting To Feed Their 21 Lion Family - Pride In Battle - Full Documentary

  • 3 months ago
The Apex Predators Fighting To Feed Their 21 Lion Family - Pride In Battle - Full Documentary


00:01Lion territories in the Okavango Delta are brutal environments.
00:12In the Kakanaka area, two powerful males exert their rule over a rapidly expanding pride.
00:20With many mouths to feed, these lions specialize in killing Africa's most dangerous prey.
00:30But their feast turns to famine.
00:33Drought pushes their food source out of the area, leading to a ferocious confrontation with a neighboring pride.
00:45On the brink of starvation, they are forced to find an alternative.
00:50A dangerous strategy that will test their skills in every way.
01:00This is the story of a pride in battle.
01:03At the beginning of summer, two lion brothers take ownership of one of the most sought-after pieces of land.
01:33In the heart of Botswana's Okavango Delta, Kakanaka is a lush area of islands and floodplains.
01:45Its abundance of water and food make it a summer paradise.
01:52Previously, the resident pride had been unsettled by a long-running battle for dominance between competing males.
02:00As a result, the six lionesses have not given birth for over a year.
02:07But when the two powerful brothers took over the Kakanaka pride, things changed.
02:14The result of this new stability is a rapid expansion in numbers.
02:20In December, the first two females have five cubs.
02:33Three months later, another three of the lionesses give birth to a further eight cubs.
02:40In such a short period of time, the pride increases by a total of 13 cubs.
02:51Each female keeps her own litter isolated from the pride for the first two months.
03:00Born at the height of summer, these cubs, the future of the pride, are off to a good start.
03:10But this unusual bounty of healthy young will cause problems in the long term.
03:17At three months old, they start to eat meat, and all of a sudden, the adults have an extra 13 mouths to feed.
03:27Their mothers have to provide a meal every three or four days.
03:34Welcomed into the pride, the cubs thread their way into the social fabric.
03:42Their life skills are sharpened by their fathers, and the games they play with each other.
03:49The pride has become a place where the cubs can play with each other.
03:56The pride has become a place where the cubs can play with each other.
04:03Their life skills are sharpened by their fathers, and the games they play with each other.
04:16The Kakanika brothers are extremely patient and tolerant fathers.
04:24But it's the lionesses that form the core of the pride.
04:31They're bound by a collective purpose, to hunt.
04:37In summer, they target Cape Buffalo, abundant in this part of the Okavango.
05:08With plenty of green grass, the buffalo move in huge groups.
05:15Each herd is at least 400 strong, the perfect balance of numbers where the births outweigh the killings by the lions.
05:29They are one of the most sought after, and yet most dangerous prey to hunt.
05:36Desirable, because the meat of a one-ton buffalo can feed the entire pride for a week.
05:43Dangerous, because they are aggressive, and their formidable horns inflict fatal wounds.
05:53And if the herd stampedes, the lions can't outrun them.
06:00But the six Kakanika lionesses are experienced buffalo hunters.
06:07They know the rules of engagement.
06:17They single out a buffalo, one they can separate from the herd.
06:30This time, they choose a mother, concentrating their power on bringing her down.
06:41They ignore her newborn calf.
06:48But it provides a perfect prey item on which the six-month-old cubs can practice their hunting skills.
07:00Every chance they get to kill brings them closer to independence.
07:07By the age of two years, they'll be expected to pull down much bigger buffalo than this.
07:30The younger three-month-old cubs are led to the kill by their mother.
07:44At this age, they find the mountain of meat both tasty and entertaining.
07:52Adults and cubs gorge themselves at every meal, feeding side by side.
07:59Kakanika pride is unusual in this respect.
08:04Lions normally eat according to hierarchy. Males first, cubs last.
08:10Perhaps the abundance of food allows the pride males to relax the rules.
08:20Although at times, a little discipline is needed.
08:30During summer, while the buffalos graze in the Kakanika territory, the pride is guaranteed regular meals.
08:45But as winter sets in, the rains stop and the lion's fortune starts to change.
09:00Breeding herds of elephants herald this shift in season.
09:09They arrive from the surrounding Kalahari Desert and spread into the forests and floodplains of the wet Okavango.
09:19Their presence here indicates that the waterholes in the surrounding desert have dried up and the vegetation is shriveling in the heat.
09:26For them, the main attraction in Kakanika is the permanent water.
09:36These large animals need to drink between 100 and 200 litres of water a day.
09:44Remarkably, they can drink this in five minutes by filling their trunks and squirting the water down their throats.
09:55For the elephants, a lack of water is the killer, not starvation.
10:01The cubs are oblivious of the hardship to come.
10:07For them, every day is a play day.
10:38With so many siblings and cousins, they keep themselves entertained, while the adults try to rest.
10:47A cub can usually demand attention and milk from any of the lactating mothers.
11:06But with so many sharp-teethed little mouths looking for milk,
11:12the mothers show irritation towards cubs that are not their own.
11:32Going into winter, the cubs grow along with their demand for food.
11:39The pressure increases for the lionesses to provide more meat.
11:49And even the pride males, accustomed to waiting on the sidelines, will need to help.
12:01Hunting requires a team effort.
12:05Each lioness knows her role in a well-thought-out plan.
12:13But this strategy has forced the pride to depend on buffalo alone, despite the other choices around them.
12:23Hunting giraffes would demand a completely different method of attack.
12:29These four-and-a-half meter tall animals are more alert than buffalo and would spot the lions from far away.
12:37The hunters would have little chance to strike.
12:43Although giraffes do not have the horns of a buffalo, they possess a kick that can kill a lion instantly.
12:51So while the buffaloes are in the Kakanaka territory, the lions concentrate on hunting them.
13:07But the season has changed.
13:11As the buffalo exhaust each field of grass, they move on, forced to progress to the next.
13:21Every day they move a little further from the heart of the Kakanaka territory.
13:37The male lions follow the herd, constantly watching.
13:43The females and cubs are close by.
13:47But nowhere to be seen.
13:51On their slow march, the buffalo never notice more than one or two lions.
13:57They have no clue of the looming threat.
14:18For several days, the predators follow, sizing up their options, searching for any weak link in the herd.
14:32Eventually, they get an opportunity to attack.
14:37One of the males and a lioness chase random victims to fragment the herd.
14:43Unwittingly, the cubs get in the way, adding to the confusion, at risk of being trampled.
14:54The second male and remaining females attack the intended target.
15:01Using all his strength, the male tries to suffocate the buffalo.
15:05But its straining muscles form a steel barrier around its throat.
15:11The lionesses do their part, trying to immobilize it by piercing its spine.
15:21The lionesses are not afraid.
15:25Once the buffalo is down, the hunt should be over.
15:31But the herd returns in an attempt to rescue their comrade.
15:41They confront the pride with their formidable armor.
15:48They lick the fallen animal, encouraging it to stand.
15:54And form a barrier between the injured buffalo and the predators.
16:03Then, one buffalo challenges the pride.
16:09And behind, their fallen animal.
16:14And behind, their fallen fellow tries to rise.
16:23Another buffalo goes on the offensive.
16:26Behind, the injured one stands and disappears with the herd.
16:32The buffalo win this battle.
16:43The herd rushes away, putting as much distance as possible between them and their attackers.
16:58Days of shadowing the herd have come to nothing.
17:02Though hungry and tired from the failed attack, the lions cannot rest.
17:09They must close in on the herd as soon as possible to hunt again.
17:15There is no time to take the driest route.
17:30The cubs cross reluctantly. They have to keep up with the adults.
17:35But every day that goes past without food weakens them even more.
17:40The smallest ones may not be able to keep the pace.
17:46And times are about to get tougher.
17:50The buffalo are approaching the boundary of the lions' 50 square kilometer territory.
18:05It is now the middle of winter.
18:08This is the peak of the dry season.
18:11And the buffalo's quest for better grass is about to lure them away.
18:25As the cold grip of winter draws the lion food source almost beyond their grasp,
18:30the pride constantly looks for a chance to strike.
18:38But as the buffalo rest, the lions regroup.
18:43Despite their hunger and the harsh climate, the cubs seem untroubled.
18:51The lionesses assert their presence.
18:56A group roar warns surrounding prides of the power that they hold on this turf.
19:13The five mothers take time to bond with their own cubs.
19:19The reason for the pause in their pursuit of the buffalo lies hidden beneath a bush.
19:28The sixth lioness has given birth to two more cubs.
19:34This addition brings the numbers of youngsters to an overwhelming 15.
19:40Fifteen demanding, hungry mouths that need to be nurtured and fed
19:45during a time when Cacanica is at its most desperate.
19:50And the lion's main source of food is slipping away.
19:59Meanwhile, more and more elephants arrive,
20:03forced here by the drying of the edges of the Okavango.
20:10They are not fussy eaters, so they can feed on anything that the buffalo leave behind.
20:25They dig to uproot bulbs and roots.
20:39During these desperate times, the two species cross paths.
20:46One comes for water, while the other leaves in search of sweeter grass.
21:00The buffaloes move through fields of dust.
21:04The grasses here will not grow again till the next season's rains.
21:35This is the border of the Cacanica territory.
21:43An invisible line the lions cannot cross because another pride rules the other side.
22:05But there's nothing to stop the buffaloes from crossing.
22:13Desperation drives the Cacanica pride to follow,
22:18trespassing in enemy territory.
22:22They don't get far before the other pride spots them.
22:28The Cacanica female sizes up the situation.
22:35One of the Cacanica brothers prepares for a confrontation.
22:42Now the buffalo are forgotten.
22:48The Cacanicas must make a stand, even though they're on foreign ground.
22:55The rival pride is at a disadvantage.
22:59Their dominant male is not with them, so they turn back.
23:04The Cacanica male gives chase.
23:08The resident pride must make a run for it.
23:20Without their father, the Cacanica male has no chance.
23:28The youngsters of the other pride cannot stand up to him.
23:33The larger male asserts his dominance.
23:42Even though the resident pride retreats from the intruders, they're still the winners.
23:49Crucially, their territory now holds the buffalo herd.
23:55The Cacanicas amble back to their own turf.
24:00Despite all the posturing, the pride can't follow the buffalo.
24:05Moving their cubs into enemy territory would be too dangerous.
24:19The buffalo have left Cacanica for the rest of the season.
24:31For the next four months, the lions will share this land with breeding herds of elephants.
24:38The pride keeps moving.
24:41Now they're looking for anything they can chase down and eat.
24:52For the moment, they ignore the elephants because they're too large and difficult to hunt.
25:07The elephants linger in the barren landscape, bound to the water that is their only lifeline.
25:25As the herd moves, mothers guard the youngest calves, small enough to be attacked by predators.
25:33The adults protect their babies closely for four years.
25:38Then they're on their own.
25:46Tasting independence for the first time, juveniles risk wandering off and getting lost.
25:57The hungry lions return to the sixth lioness.
26:00The hungry lions return to the sixth lioness and her newborn cubs.
26:06Up to now, they've been too small to follow the pride on their long journeys in search of food.
26:15Now two months old, the lioness brings the tiny additions to meet their father.
26:23But he's grumpy.
26:26So small, and weighing only four kilograms each, they will compromise the movements of the pride.
26:35Their little steps will not be able to keep up.
26:39Eventually, some of them will pay the ultimate price.
26:44Already, some of the older cubs show signs of weakness.
26:55They can't rest for long.
26:58The lionesses take the lead.
27:02The pride must keep moving in search of food.
27:13It takes a toll on the smallest and weakest members.
27:26The starving lions start to look at the elephants with interest.
27:33With nothing else to eat, perhaps it's time to reconsider.
27:43Too tired and weak to keep up with their mothers, the cubs remain together, waiting.
27:49They are on the brink of starvation.
27:53More than half of them have already died.
28:01Only the fittest will have a fighting chance.
28:04But without food, they too are in imminent danger.
28:12Their mothers are waiting.
28:15Their mothers' return brings no relief, just some affection.
28:24The cubs try to drink, but the starving lionesses' milk has dried up.
28:44They move from mother to mother to try to suckle, but their desperate tugs only irritate the lionesses.
29:05At this point, even the strongest cubs only have a few days left to live.
29:15Weak, hungry and thirsty, they lie defeated.
29:26But the lionesses never give up.
29:29They scan the horizon hungrily, looking for something edible.
29:36All they see are elephants travelling in tight groups.
29:40And the ones small enough to kill are too well guarded.
29:56The lionesses can't wait any longer and start following the herd, hoping for an opportunity.
30:03Perhaps a youngster will get injured or drop behind.
30:06For the young elephants, this is no time to be alone.
30:11Eventually, this last-ditch change in strategy pays off for the lions.
30:18During this desperate time, nature gives the pride a lucky break.
30:23But at the same time, it deals its cruelest hand.
30:28The lionesses drive the two-tonne animal to the ground and hold it down.
30:33They are the only ones left.
30:36The lionesses can't wait any longer and start following the herd, hoping for an opportunity.
30:41Perhaps a youngster will get injured or drop behind.
30:45For the young elephants, this is no time to be alone.
30:49During this desperate time, nature gives the pride a lucky break.
30:53The lionesses drive the two-tonne animal to the ground and hold it down.
31:09The lionesses are expert buffalo killers, but they've never tried to kill an elephant.
31:18Their teeth can't penetrate the thick skin.
31:23And the neck is too wide to strangle.
31:29So they attack the soft, invulnerable spots.
31:36Without a muzzle to suffocate, they try to crush the trunk.
31:42Unable to kill the elephant, they start to eat it alive.
31:54This first real taste of meat, after almost a month of starvation, revives their stamina.
32:00And they fight for their right to every mouthful.
32:23Twice the size of a buffalo, the young elephant keeps the pride well-fed.
32:29And introduces them to a new and bountiful source of food.
32:36Over the next weeks, the lions work on their elephant-killing techniques.
32:42But when the elephants retaliate and stampede, the lions have no choice but to run for their lives.
32:53The lions refine their strategy with every hunt.
32:57And killing elephants starts to become routine.
33:01But their success does not go unnoticed.
33:08The buffalo have abandoned the entire area.
33:11And the neighbouring pride is no longer in their hands.
33:16The lionesses are forced to flee.
33:20The lionesses are forced to flee.
33:24The lionesses are forced to flee.
33:26The buffalo have abandoned the entire area.
33:29And the neighbouring pride, now desperate for food, risk a confrontation.
33:41The kakanikas, with their food and territory to protect, won't tolerate it.
33:51Chasing the intruders isn't enough.
33:57The kakanikas, with their food and territory to protect, won't tolerate it.
34:10Cornered by the big male, the young trespasser doesn't look him in the eye.
34:15A direct stare would mean a challenge.
34:18And certain death.
34:21Too young to stand his ground against the powerful older male, the intruding lion submits.
34:29The victor struts around, basking in the glory that victory brings.
34:36The young male is lucky to have escaped with his life.
34:42But he's branded forever, his genitals mutilated in an ultimate act of dominance.
34:51The other kakanika male concentrates on the trespassing female.
34:58Brutally enforcing his genetic rights.
35:02Under the washed out skies of an excruciatingly hot, dry October,
35:07wave after wave of tired elephants move through the lion's territory.
35:15Winter has only just begun.
35:18The kakanikas, with their food and territory to protect, won't tolerate it.
35:23The kakanikas, with their food and territory to protect, won't tolerate it.
35:28Winter has also taken its toll on the herds.
35:39Although kakanika provides an endless supply of water,
35:43the dry vegetation offers little nutritional value.
35:50Mothers and calves are weak,
35:53and older youngsters stray away from the herd.
35:57And get lost.
36:08The lionesses continue to exploit every opportunity to kill.
36:16What started as a desperate season for the lions, turns into a time of gluttony.
36:23In one month, they kill five elephants,
36:25which will see them safely through to the approaching summer.
36:35It starts off as a flicker.
36:41The smell of rain is on the wind.
36:44As soon as the drops hit the ground, kakanika comes alive, and the animals return.
36:56The breeding herds of elephants travel back to their summer feeding grounds in the outlying Kalahari.
37:12Almost magically, the harsh season past seems forgotten in the new spray of green.
37:26In their battle for survival during the most desperate season in decades,
37:31only seven of the 15 cubs survived.
37:34But the spread of fresh, sweet grass tempts the buffalo herds back into kakanika.
37:43The lions eagerly watch their favourite, the lioness,
37:47as she attempts to escape.
37:50But the lioness is caught in a trap.
37:53The lioness is caught in a trap.
37:56The lioness is caught in a trap.
37:59The lioness is caught in a trap.
38:01The lions eagerly watch their favourite prey arrive.
38:06A tonne of meat with a softer hide to pierce, and a short snout easy to smother.
38:21The familiar game of cat and mouse resumes.
38:25The biggest buffalo walks aggressively towards the lions, hoping to frighten them away.
38:31But the lions are familiar with this game.
38:41During the next six months, the one-year-old cubs learn to hunt by trial and error.
38:47They soon realise that it is not as easy as it looks.
38:54The lioness is caught in a trap.
38:57The lioness is caught in a trap.
38:59The lioness is caught in a trap.
39:22Surviving the harshest season has made the cubs overconfident.
39:30They blunder into the buffalo herd.
39:35Their inexperience puts their lives in jeopardy.
39:39Buffalo attack as a group, and can easily stampede over the lions using their horns as lethal weapons.
39:52The pride retreats.
39:54Leaving a cub behind.
40:02He takes refuge on a fallen tree, but it's not high enough.
40:11He's left in the line of fire.
40:19Bravely, he hangs on for his life.
40:24Lions hunt together, but if one gets in trouble, it's on its own.
40:37Eventually, the buffaloes lose interest, and the pride returns to the traumatised cub.
40:43Now that the herds are back, the cubs will learn valuable lessons.
40:49And eventually, they'll become skilled hunters.
41:02The pride approach the buffalo with renewed confidence.
41:05They know the drill.
41:09As usual, the lionesses take the lead.
41:35They attack from the rear to avoid the dangerous horns.
42:06They try to pierce the spinal cord.
42:17By putting their entire weight on the back, they attempt to pull the buffalo to the ground.
42:26The cubs copy their mothers.
42:36During the summer months, the constant supply of meat builds up the youngsters' strength.
42:43In six months, they will be self-sufficient killers.
42:55With all the food on their doorstep, the lions don't have to move far to hunt.
43:00So they spend most of their days resting.
43:14Curiosity awakens the cubs when a pangolin wanders into the pride.
43:22The curled-up ball of scales provides some amusement for the bored young.
43:31But the pangolin's hard armour protects it from claws and teeth.
43:41With its vulnerable parts tucked away, the pangolin waits until the lions are gone.
43:48By the end of the rainy season, the cubs walk confidently with the adults.
43:53The pride now has 14 hunters.
44:00The young males' manes have started to grow.
44:07The young males' manes have started to grow.
44:11The young males' manes have started to grow.
44:24They follow their father's every move.
44:28Learning when to strike, when to wait, when to hide and when to go out in the open.
44:35They're approaching adulthood and they're ready to test their strength.
44:52They stride up front with the two kakaniko brothers and attack side by side.
44:58The heavy male straddles the buffalo's back and the female tries to trip it to the ground.
45:05When the buffalo retaliate, the cubs stand their ground with the adults.
45:12Relentlessly, the entire pride attacks to weaken their prey.
45:18The buffalo's leg breaks.
45:34The herd abandons him.
45:42Again, the lions attack from behind to avoid the horns.
45:56One of the males starts to smother the buffalo.
46:01The cubs help their mothers from the rear.
46:05Even with a broken leg, the buffalo won't go down.
46:14His comrades return, but he cannot walk.
46:27A drunken lion, the cubs are left to their own devices.
46:34Adrenaline surges through him.
46:37He uses his only weapons to inflict pain on his attackers.
46:50Heroically, he tries to stand again, but his efforts are in vain.
47:05The lionesses and cubs keep him down.
47:27Their objective, to get the buffalo on his back.
47:34So that the male can finish the struggle.
47:55The epic battle finally ends.
47:58The lions have won.
48:05In this ever-changing landscape of prosperity and hardship,
48:10the Kikanika pride has found stability again.
48:17With the two strong brothers in command,
48:20and a healthy number of youngsters to ensure the pride's strength,
48:24they have come full circle.
48:27From desperation comes ingenuity,
48:30switching prey to survive the harshest winter they've ever had to endure.
48:37But life in the Okavango will always be unpredictable,
48:41and their future will never be certain.
48:51Soon, their fathers will expel the male youngsters,
48:55and they'll have to face these challenges on their own.
49:01The struggle of the dry season is over.
49:05But the struggle for survival never ends.
49:09The Kikanika lions will always be a pride in battle.
49:30To be continued...
