Japanese anime series X 2001 S01E05 Dubbed into English Season one, episode 5

  • 3 months ago
Japanese anime series X 2001 S01E05 Dubbed into English Season one, episode 5


00:00Oh this is absolutely the best there's nothing like cookies and cream from
00:15petite Rondo I had to stand in line for half an hour but it was worth the wait
00:19here oh that's right what a shame it would be wonderful if you could share
00:25this kind of thing with me Anuki you don't have to worry though even if you
00:30don't know what petite Rondo tastes like I love you my Anuki hi there I was just
00:38about to go get some tea you want to join me huh there's this great place I
00:42know their cakes are incredible oh really believe me you'll love this place
00:47guaranteed you want to check it out oh well there's something I'd like to ask
00:53you first yeah can you see him who there's no one there that's all right
01:05thanks anyway I'll see ya hey wait what are you talking about don't make fun of
01:10me where are you going a little trip to the diet building the diet building why
01:17what would you want to go there for nothing much just a meeting to discuss
01:23the end of the world let's go Anuki don't worry about him I would never date
01:30anyone who can't see you now come on let's go
01:35all right go get it boy
01:39I guess there really isn't anyone who can see you after all
02:09he's right here grandma everyone says that I'm mine but I'm not grandma Anuki really does exist right by your side it's just that no one else can see him
02:23but why? Anuki's just as real as other dogs why am I the only one who can see him?
02:29for a very good reason Anuki is very special he was born into this world just
02:34to be your companion and friend for his entire life don't the other kids have friends like him?
02:39no they don't that power belongs to you alone little one but I don't want a power like that I want you to make Anuki so that everyone else can see him like I do
02:50no I can't do that child you see one day you will become one of the stars that
02:58will determine the fate of this world with that power of yours
03:06but maybe the people I'm going to meet at the diet building will be able to see you Anuki
03:11yep that's what grandma said and if that happens you and I won't have to feel lonely anymore
03:18I really hope that someone else will be able to pet you Anuki
03:46what what happened? are you all right darling? are you hurt?
03:50hey what the hell is going on here?
03:52great job way to go Anuki
03:55honey are you sure you're all right?
03:58great dog you got there nice going pal good dog that's a good dog a bit strange maybe but still a good dog
04:15hey is something wrong little lady?
04:25uh did I do something wrong or say something that upset you?
04:30huh? oh I'm so sorry you didn't do anything it's nothing really
04:35well if you say so are you sure you're all right?
04:39yeah well I'll be going now
04:43oh there is someone Anuki someone who can see you
05:09so you still haven't made up your mind huh?
05:11you're still trying to figure out whether or not it's a good thing for Kamui and me to meet the princess
05:17it's all right it'll be just fine and besides the princess should already know that we're on our way to see her right?
05:23I'd expect no less from the dream seeing princess who controls all of Japan's political affairs from the shadows
05:30first there are some things I must tell you physically princess Hinoto is handicapped in many ways
05:36she cannot walk nor has she the ability to see hear or speak please make sure you aren't rude to her in any way
05:43if she can't hear how are we supposed to talk to her?
05:47as you would to anyone just talk to her normally and you will hear her answer within your heart
05:51well everything's okay then no problem
05:56princess Hinoto
05:58please come in
06:04I have been expecting you Kamui and with the visitor from Koya by your side please come closer
06:13whoa you were right I could swear she's talking like normal people do
06:33I want to apologize for my lack of manners earlier
06:36so it was you you were the one who was spying on me
06:41what this isn't the first time you're seeing each other?
06:43no it's not some time ago when I felt it was important to know what Kamui looked like I used the vision spell to find out
06:53however as soon as I saw him I realized that he had sensed the presence of my spell
06:58oh what'd you expect he's Kamui
07:02so you managed to survive huh?
07:05come on now dudes let's all be calm and peaceful here okay?
07:09the star from Koya
07:11I am very grateful that you have brought Kamui here
07:15I have been eagerly awaiting the day that I would finally get to meet you
07:19ah come on now princess you're gonna make me blush if you keep talking like that
07:23listen I think I'm a pretty lucky guy getting to meet the dream seeing princess
07:26you know old stargazer at the Koya monastery didn't speak highly of very many people but he seemed really fond of you
07:32and he was absolutely right I think I kind of like you too
07:37come to think of it princess you look a whole lot younger than your actual age
07:43honestly I mean it well let's not keep the princess waiting you said there were a lot of things you wanted to ask her about
07:49if you've got questions now's the time to ask them
07:53tell me do you know what or who I really am?
08:00then tell me
08:03now give me your hand Kamui
08:07hey don't worry if anything happens and you're in danger I'll protect you with my life that's my destiny
08:13putting myself at risk kind of comes with the territory
08:20I will show you about the earth about the future and Kamui
08:30I will show you about yourself
08:37here in the city of Tokyo are the keys to supporting the survival of earth
08:52in this area there are many barriers created artificially by man
08:57the Yamanote line a thread barrier drawn in the shape of Buddha's hand with the Imperial Palace in its center to protect Tokyo
09:05the skyscrapers in Shinjuku which is a group of giant barrier stones and other foundations that support the unstable ground
09:14there is great power within these barriers which have come to be known as the dragons of heaven
09:20and these are the dragons of earth
09:23the powers that can obliterate these barriers and destroy the world
09:28the ones who lead those powers are called the seven angels
09:33and only the seven seals can stop them and protect the dragons of heaven
09:42the battle between the dragons of heaven the seven seals and the dragons of earth the seven angels
09:49that is the battle for the end of the world
09:52if the dragons of heaven are defeated by the dragons of earth the world will be destroyed
09:59this is the future that I saw
10:03Kamui it is you who can change the future you have just seen who can prevent it from coming to pass
10:17guide the seven seals Kamui be their leader and save us from this terrible future
10:23you should already be aware of your power the one who holds the key to the end of this world
10:30that is why when you were a small child your mother decided it was best for the two of you to leave Tokyo until you were fully grown
10:38and to prevent the catastrophes that would have now befallen you she chose to pass from this world as your shadow sacrifice
10:53I understand how difficult this must be
10:56nevertheless you cannot deny your mother's will nor renounce your destiny
11:01a destiny that is hidden within your name kami for god e for authority
11:07Kamui means he who represents the authority of God the one to whom God has given the power to carry out his will and save this world
11:16it also means he who hunts the authority of God
11:19you mustn't go off on your own with Kamui like that my dear sister Hinoto
11:24and how devious of you not to tell him the crucial facts
11:27and just who might you be?
11:29it's a pleasure to meet you Kamui my name's Kanawe I am Hinoto's younger sister
11:36I'm not a true dream seer but I do have the ability to enter the dreams of others
11:41so whatever my sister is dreaming about I can see as well as she can
11:45you must stay out of my dreams Kanawe you are not welcome here
11:49what crucial facts?
11:50she told you about only one meaning of the name Kamui it has another meaning as well
11:56he who hunts the authority of God meaning one who hunts down those who would use God's power and then destroys the world
12:02so one possibility is that you'll choose to be a dragon of heaven
12:05but there's an equal possibility that you'll choose to be a dragon of earth
12:08what the hell do you mean?
12:10I'm saying that you have two futures Kamui as a dragon of heaven or as a dragon of earth
12:17even my sister whose predictions have never been wrong cannot determine what your future will be
12:23the dream that you saw envisioned only one future the one she wanted you to see
12:28don't you want to see the other one?
12:31the other future you said?
12:33that's right
12:43Kamui what's the matter Kamui?
12:46take it easy pal are you alright?
12:48princess princess
12:56why did you interrupt the conversation I was having with that woman?
13:03was she right? is this all some kind of trick?
13:06it's not that
13:08stop this let go of princess Hinoto
13:11I think you better shut up now
13:15hold on
13:17what I have shown you was not a trick
13:19there are no lies in the dream you have seen it is a true vision of the future
13:23but Kanawe is right there is a second dream which is no less truthful than the first
13:28but why? why are there two futures?
13:30so that you Kamui may choose one
13:33if you choose to be a dragon of earth the world will be destroyed
13:37and if you choose to be a dragon of heaven the world will be saved
13:41what happens will depend on which future you decide will take place
13:44I'll decide the future?
13:56now let me get this straight I'll decide the future?
14:01ridiculous who cares about the future?
14:04I don't and I'm not interested in saving the world
14:07besides why should I trust anything you say?
14:09if you believe that I have enough power to decide the future
14:12why didn't you give me the shinken instead of keeping it from me?
14:15if the divine sword had been in my hands
14:18the master of the Togakushi shrine wouldn't have been in harm's way
14:22I'm right aren't I?
14:24come on answer me
14:26I didn't approve of you before
14:29and now I know that I never will
14:31you can't be the true Kamui
14:33what did you say?
14:35unlike lady Arashi or the visitor from Koya
14:38I am not one of the seven seals
14:40I have only one duty to perform protecting princess Hinoto
14:44however even I can see that anyone as heartless and unfeeling as you
14:48is not fit to be called Kamui
14:50you're rotten to the core
14:52yeah so what?
14:56this time I'll make sure to finish you off once and for all
15:00hey calm down Kamui
15:02stop this
15:03shut up
15:04I detest you all
15:05each and every one of you
15:09what is that thing?
15:17a dog spirit
15:19a dragon of heaven
15:20it looks like another of the seven seals has arrived
15:29excuse me for barging in like this
15:31Yuzuriha Nikoi from Mitsumine Shrine
15:33I'm 14 years old
15:37it's really nice to meet you
15:39my best regards for the future
15:41I'm Yuzuriha Nikoi
15:43this is amazing they can see you
15:45all of these people can actually see you Inuki
15:47everything was going just fine until I got to the diet building
15:50but it's so big and there's so many doors
15:52I didn't know how to find you
15:53but Inuki showed me the way and here I am
15:55hello I'll bet you're miss Hinoto right?
16:02here have some
16:05ah go on
16:06people get cranky when they're hungry you know
16:09why not?
16:10it's really good
16:11don't worry missy it's got nothing to do with you
16:14Kamui's in a lousy mood right now
16:17is this really the Kamui?
16:19oh I see
16:21I'm surprised
16:22I always thought that Kamui would be more
16:25it looks like somebody followed you here missy
16:32someone's creating this it's an illusion
16:38it's a tense situation Inuki
16:40and it happened just after we got here too
16:42it looks like we're going to have a lot to do
16:44just like grandma said
16:46did one of the angels do this?
16:48this is perfect everyone was in such a gloomy mood
16:51unbelievable what's your name?
17:01Arashi Kishu
17:03a sword that grows out of your hand that is so cool
17:06what part of your body is your sword in when you're not using it?
17:09actually I never use it at all
17:11I've decided to stay pure for my missy from Ise
17:13hey what the?
17:16om kakaka bien mai sawaka
17:23that was great you must be a practitioner of nikyu
17:26Sorata Arisugawa from Koya
17:28but just call me Sora it's a whole lot easier
17:45hey you're not too shabby yourself missy
17:53oh yeah you come from the mitsumine shrine right?
17:56the shrine was given its name by the ten dai priests of the shogo inkan
18:00the inugami are the dog spirits of the mitsumine shrine
18:03that explains the dog spirit
18:05that's right I'm surprised you know so much about it
18:15Sakura Azukamori
18:31cherry blossoms?
18:34Sakura Azukamori
18:36then could it be that one of the seven angels is Sakura Azukamori?
18:41huh Kamui
18:43Kamui wait please
18:45there's nothing more to talk about
18:47I admit that I was mistaken in keeping the shinken from you
18:51please forgive me
18:55please become a dragon of heaven and save this world
19:09princess there's nothing you can do
19:12he's just a kid he doesn't know how to handle it
19:14hey it'd be tough on anyone to be told they're responsible for whatever's gonna happen to the world
19:19I mean even I think so and I'm one of the seven seals
19:22I think we all feel that way right?
19:25yes I sure do
19:27yeah we can't help him right now he's too confused about what he's just learned
19:32but don't worry he'll straighten himself out
19:34Kamui still has things he wants to protect
20:15go to Tokyo
20:19your destiny awaits
