Solo Levelling Season 01 Episode 1+2 Part 1/8 full Hindi by Fun & Entertainment and it's team

  • 2 months ago
00:00Captain, we should attack them.
00:13There's no point. You know that the weapons we have are not capable of harming them.
00:20If anyone can handle this problem, it's the Hunters.
00:31We have to stop them here.
00:33If we can't stop them, the tunnel will collapse.
01:01There's no point. We low-ranking people can't do this.
01:09What's this? I'm innocent?
01:23Healing magic?
01:26Wow! My wounds are healing.
01:31Look behind you!
01:32You move! Sit down!
01:36Be careful!
01:37This way!
01:50These are low-ranking Hunters.
01:52Thank God, the Hunters are here.
01:54You look like you're in a hurry.
01:56I'm sorry, but I want to help as many people as I can.
01:59Besides, I knew that you two would come to save me.
02:11Looking at him, I don't think he's the boss.
02:14I think he's the leader of this group.
02:17Beungu, help the wounded.
02:20Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
02:22Beungu, get ready.
02:24I'm ready.
02:53That was fun, wasn't it?
02:59Looks like you guys don't like it either.
03:01This is going to be fun.
03:15Looks like we're running out of time.
03:18Looks like we're running out of time.
03:25Now, we have to get to work.
03:28Commander Choi, we're ready.
03:45Let's go.
03:46Let's go.
03:47Let's go.
03:48Let's go.
03:49Let's go.
03:50Let's go.
03:53Ten years ago,
03:54many gates that connected our world to another dimension
03:58were suddenly visible.
04:00On the other side of every gate,
04:02there were strange and poor creatures
04:04who were called the Magical Demons.
04:06They had no effect on ordinary weapons.
04:09And those who were able to make themselves capable of fighting these demons
04:13were called Hunters.
04:15Depending on which magical power is present in their body,
04:19they were divided into different ranks.
04:22Like S, A, B, C, D, or E rank.
04:26However, once these powers awaken,
04:29no matter how hard you try,
04:32you can't get more power than this.
04:45Let's go.
04:59Good luck for today's raid, Kim.
05:01Thank you.
05:04Kim Sang Shik!
05:05It's been so long!
05:08What are you doing here?
05:10I thought you stopped hunting.
05:13Yes, but I'm going to be a father again.
05:16That's great.
05:17If the war goes well,
05:18you'll get a lot of money.
05:21I'm a little scared.
05:22It's been so long.
05:23I don't know if I still have that feeling.
05:25Although, I wasn't that special before.
05:28Isn't that Sang?
05:30How are you, Sang?
05:32It's so cold.
05:33I'm glad to see you.
05:35I'm glad to work with all of you again.
05:38Hey, Sang!
05:39We're here.
05:40You ate something before coming here, didn't you?
05:43I ate a lot.
05:45What's going on?
05:46Is this a big gun?
05:48Why are you asking me that?
05:50Forget the gun.
05:51It's not even a knife.
05:52Do you know?
05:53After you left,
05:54this boy came here.
05:56And we call him the weakest hunter in the world.
06:00Isn't he the most powerful?
06:02An ordinary E-Rank fight
06:04sent him to the hospital.
06:06And since then,
06:07he's the weakest hunter here.
06:08The weakest?
06:09Is he that weak?
06:11Of course.
06:12Think about it.
06:13He must be the weakest hunter here.
06:15I see.
06:16Now I get it.
06:17Speak softly.
06:18If you speak loudly,
06:19he'll hear you.
06:21What's the point?
06:22He heard me.
06:25whatever they said
06:26is the truth.
06:29Did you get hurt again?
06:32So, we're working together again?
06:35Don't change the subject.
06:36Tell me.
06:37What happened to your face?
06:38The same thing
06:39that always happens to me.
06:42When will you learn
06:43to take care of yourself?
06:45Jinbu, I heard
06:46you were hospitalized.
06:48It was an E-Rank cave,
06:49so I was the only one who got hurt.
06:51Wasn't there a healer?
06:53They were all high-rank hunters,
06:55so no one thought of
06:56taking the healer along.
06:58What are you saying?
06:59Do those selfish people
07:00only think about themselves?
07:02It's okay.
07:03I'm the weak one.
07:04It's my fault.
07:05You know everything about me, Juhi.
07:08I'm used to it.
07:11Looks like everyone's leaving.
07:13Let's go.
07:15My dear friends,
07:17I'm the leader of this raid.
07:19My name is Choo Song.
07:21And this is my good fortune.
07:23That's more like it.
07:25Mr. Song is more capable
07:26than the people here.
07:28It's an honor to have him with us.
07:30It's a pleasure to meet you,
07:31Mr. Song.
07:34Are you all ready?
07:36Let's go.
07:39Let's go.
07:43Listen, Song.
07:45Stay behind us
07:46or we'll have to go to the hospital again.
07:50Don't worry.
07:51Everything's going to be fine.
07:56I only have a knife
07:57that has magic in it.
07:59But for now,
08:00this is all I could afford.
08:01At least,
08:03it's better than going empty-handed.
08:07I'm going to do something today.
08:18So, how was your meeting,
08:19Chairman Goh?
08:21I hope everything went well.
08:24He's been troubled
08:25by the destruction
08:26of his old junkyard.
08:29But he still wants to collect
08:30everything he finds
08:31in the junkyard.
08:35this demand is justified for him
08:36and for us hunters.
08:38And why not?
08:39We hunters live our lives
08:40by selling the things
08:41we find in the junkyard.
08:48And those things
08:49are collected
08:50from the lost gems.
08:52These Essence Stones
08:53are very precious.
09:01I did it.
09:02I killed him.
09:21Get back, Juhi!
09:27I'm going to find
09:28the next magical monster.
09:30Juhi, you stay with Sang.
09:35Don't worry.
09:36You'll be fine.
09:37I'll take care of you, Jinbu.
09:56Essence Stones
09:57can only be obtained
09:58from high-ranking demons.
09:59They can be used
10:00to make powerful weapons
10:01and many other things
10:02that can fight
10:03against the demons.
10:07Mana Crystals
10:08can only be collected
10:09from the junkyard.
10:11And they are less powerful.
10:13But the government
10:14seems to be
10:15after something else.
10:17They are like
10:18a new power source.
10:20They are safer than
10:21the atmosphere,
10:22more efficient
10:23than water,
10:25and the heat of the earth.
10:26And they don't pollute
10:27the environment
10:28and the air.
10:29They are a source
10:30of clean energy.
10:32The government
10:33is trying to find
10:34a way to generate
10:35electricity using them.
10:37A new source of fuel
10:38that only the hunters
10:39can find.
10:41That's why the responsibility
10:42on the shoulders
10:43of the hunters
10:44is so big.
10:52We defeated
10:53the king of this cave!
10:55Mr. Sang, you are amazing!
10:56We did it!
10:59Listen, Jinbu.
11:00Tell me the truth.
11:01You didn't become a hunter
11:02because of your stubbornness, right?
11:04Because if this continues,
11:05the day will come
11:06when you will suffer
11:07a great loss.
11:08Because the wound
11:09is not only on one place
11:10but on your entire body.
11:13I don't need to say sorry.
11:14Just tell me
11:15whether you understood
11:16what I said or not.
11:23did you collect
11:24all the loot?
11:25Yes, I did
11:26as much as I could.
11:28By the way,
11:29I don't see a lot of
11:30Shaktimaan here.
11:31If this continues,
11:32we won't be able
11:33to make a lot of money.
11:34I think the mission
11:35is complete.
11:37And I don't have
11:38anything else
11:39other than this
11:40E-Rank Sarmadi.
11:42There is no value
11:43in it in their eyes.
11:48Come here and see
11:49what you have found.
11:50This is a cave.
11:51It looks like a tunnel.
11:52Yes, whatever it is.
11:53But it is very long.
11:55An ancient taifun.
11:57I heard rumours about it
11:59We killed the king
12:00of the cave.
12:01But it doesn't look
12:02like it is going to close.
12:04Even I find it strange.
12:06So, that means...
12:07That means
12:08we can find
12:09more loot inside.
12:11Everyone, listen to me carefully.
12:13In such a situation,
12:14we are expected
12:15to wait
12:16for the orders
12:17of the Hunter's Association.
12:19But listen to me, Mr. Song.
12:21Don't you think
12:22new people will come
12:23and take away
12:24all the loot?
12:25It is just a part
12:26of the D-Rank competition.
12:27What is the need for it?
12:29Look, he is going
12:30to be a father again
12:31and we haven't found
12:32many Mana Crystals yet.
12:34they are made
12:35to break the rules.
12:36Or not.
12:37I understand what you are saying
12:39The truth is
12:40that it is dangerous
12:41for all of us.
12:42So, why don't we
12:43decide by voting?
12:44I am not ready.
12:45I am ready.
12:46I am not ready.
12:47Neither am I.
12:48Let's go and see.
12:49You are right.
12:51I am not ready.
12:52But I am ready.
12:53Neither am I.
12:54Please forgive me.
12:55But I don't want
12:56to go inside.
12:57So, the thing is
12:58six people have said yes
12:59and the rest have said no.
13:01Now, only you are left, Jinwoo.
13:02What are you thinking?
13:07For me,
13:08managing the D-Rank competition
13:09is not out of danger.
13:12But why?
13:13I don't know anything
13:14about my dad.
13:15So, I am the only one
13:16left to take care
13:17of the family's responsibilities.
13:18I need money
13:19for my mother's treatment
13:20and for my sister's education.
13:23No matter what happens,
13:24I will have to do this.
13:26I am ready.
13:35Now, put your hand
13:36forward and place it
13:37on the black stone.
13:45Now, which one of you
13:46has the next number?
13:50Are you from C-Rank?
13:51It is a pleasure
13:52to meet you.
13:54Here is our contract.
13:55And yes,
13:56all our conditions
13:57are written in it.
13:58Once you read it,
13:59you will know everything.
14:02You are right.
14:03A B-Rank
14:04and two C-Rank hunters
14:05are happy to come
14:06with us.
14:08And the situation here
14:09is also under our control.
14:12Age or gender
14:13doesn't matter to anyone.
14:14If they can help us,
14:15then give them an offer.
14:17And anyway,
14:18we are not looking for
14:19a person
14:20who is equal
14:21to them.
14:25Catch him!
14:26Get out of the way!
14:32You fool!
14:33Do you want to die?
14:57This purse is mine.
14:59Thank you so much!
15:00Thank you so much!
15:03You are amazing!
15:05How do I thank you?
15:07Excuse me,
15:08I have to go.
15:21How long has it been
15:22since we entered this cave?
15:24Around 40 minutes.
15:26The door of the cave
15:27doesn't close
15:28for an hour after Raja's death.
15:29So we have 20 minutes left.
15:32please forgive me.
15:33For what?
15:35Because I said yes
15:36to my vote.
15:37And now we are going
15:38in search of those things.
15:39You don't have to worry
15:40about me.
15:41I can take care of myself.
15:42Are you angry
15:43with me?
15:45I know,
15:46but still you are asking
15:47if I am angry.
15:48Do you think
15:49I shouldn't be?
15:50Do you know
15:51if you were hurt
15:52even a little,
15:53you would have died.
15:54Do you know
15:55how hard I tried
15:56to heal your hands
15:57and legs?
15:58But what do you care?
16:00I hope you didn't get hurt
16:01in your head.
16:02Because I think
16:03you did.
16:04Please forgive me.
16:05It's true
16:06that being with a B-rank
16:07healer like Juhi
16:08has saved my life
16:09many times.
16:11Do you even understand
16:12what I mean?
16:16Thank God,
16:17your brain is working
16:18in some way
16:19or what would have happened?
16:21Tell me,
16:22didn't you like the idea
16:23of taking me out
16:24to eat?
16:25No, no.
16:26It's not like that.
16:27Look here.
16:28I found Raja's room.
16:32You rarely see
16:33such doors
16:34in these caves.
16:35By the way,
16:36they are quite scary.
16:39I am going inside.
16:40I am not going
16:41to return empty-handed.
16:42Me neither.
16:44The team always
16:45moves forward together.
16:46You said the same thing,
16:48Don't you?
16:50you are right.
16:56my new friends.
16:57My name is
16:58Go Ganhee,
16:59the chairman of
17:00the Hunters Association.
17:01Some of you
17:02would like to become
17:04and some of you
17:05would not like
17:06to take this path.
17:08These gates
17:09appeared about 10 years ago
17:10but there is still
17:11a lot we don't know
17:12about them.
17:13Becoming hunters
17:14is putting your life
17:15at risk.
17:16Those who have
17:17become hunters
17:18don't take
17:19these raids lightly.
17:20So you should
17:21never be careless.
17:22If you want
17:23to stay alive,
17:25that it is important
17:26to be scared.
17:36there is light here.
17:37What an amazing
17:39I have never seen
17:40such a place before.
17:48What are
17:49these statues here?
17:50They look very old.
17:52Some of them
17:53even have instruments.
18:00This one is
18:01much bigger
18:02than the others.
18:03It is really
18:04very big.
18:05Who could this be?
18:06This place
18:07is very scary.
18:08I have to admit
18:09that there are
18:10no demons here.
18:11You are right.
18:12I haven't seen
18:13any here.
18:15What is this?
18:16What is this?
18:17A magical jar?
18:18Mr. Song,
18:19look here.
18:20There is something
18:21written here.
18:22Is it written
18:23in an ancient script?
18:24Let me read it.
18:25The important
18:26rules of the
18:27Karnan Temple.
18:28The first rule is
18:29to respect the deity.
18:30The second rule is
18:31to praise him.
18:32And the third rule is
18:33to prove your
18:34devotion to him.
18:37That big statue
18:38that you see
18:39his eyes are
18:41It feels like
18:42he is looking at us.
18:46This is not possible.
18:47You are mistaken.
18:49He won't survive.
18:56this door is closed.
18:58But why?
18:59Does this mean
19:00we are all trapped here?
19:03I was worried about this.
19:05But you didn't listen to me.
19:06Now face the consequences.
19:08We shouldn't have come here.
19:10I am leaving.
19:11If you want
19:12to keep this treasure,
19:13keep it.
19:14But I won't stay here anymore.
19:15I am leaving.
19:17Move away from there.
19:37What is this?
19:38The statues are moving.
19:40Now what?
19:41Do we have to fight them too?
19:44The person who died just now
19:46was a D-Rank Hunter.
19:48He was better than me
19:49and my E-Rank.
19:52But he died
19:54in a moment.
19:55What is happening?
19:57This place should have been
19:59It shouldn't have been
20:00like this.
20:01If the statues are moving,
20:03it means...
20:18I have faced death
20:20many times before.
20:23In my first raid,
20:24I got separated
20:25from my friends
20:26and got trapped.
20:27The D-Rank attacked me
20:28and after that
20:29I spent many weeks
20:30in the hospital.
20:31Before that,
20:32I was about to die
20:33in a bubble.
20:34It doesn't matter
20:35how low my rank is.
20:37I always found myself
20:38in the jaws of death.
20:40Most Hunters
20:41used to buy weapons
20:42with the money they earned
20:43by selling the statues
20:44so that they could
20:45defeat the D-Rank
20:46and win the biggest prize.
20:49But I only had money
20:50to buy this knife.
20:52If it breaks,
20:53I will have to fight
20:54without a weapon.
20:57My shoes were
20:58in the same condition.
21:00And that's why
21:01I used to make fun of myself
21:02every day.
21:06And I worked
21:07in a job that was
21:08more dangerous
21:09and risky
21:10than the prize.
21:11Despite that,
21:12to stay alive,
21:13I kept my eyes open
21:14and always
21:15searched for opportunities.
21:17And maybe that's why
21:18I was able to tell.
21:20Everyone sit down!
21:37What happened?
21:38How did this happen?
21:39What's going on?
21:40How would I know?
21:41Are you all okay?
21:42Yes, I'm fine.
21:43Are you okay?
21:46What's going on?
21:47What's going on?
21:49What's going on
21:50right now?
21:52How is this possible?
21:55We're trapped.
21:56We're going to die.
21:57We're all
21:59going to die.
22:03We're all going to die.
22:13What is this?
22:16We have to get out of here.
22:19You can't kill us.
22:20What do you want?
22:21What do we do?
22:22Isn't there a way out?
22:23How would I know?
22:24We're already dead.
22:25Don't move.
22:26If you move,
22:27he'll attack again.
22:33Juhi, get up!
22:34Juhi, get up!
22:36We barely survived.
22:38If you hadn't told us,
22:39we would've all been killed.
22:41You screamed, didn't you?
22:43Because you
22:44already knew about this.
22:47I just thought
22:48I should tell you.
22:50Mr. Song,
22:51your hand...
22:53I've seen people worse than this.
22:55Can you stop this bloodshed?
23:00I should've asked Juhi,
23:03she doesn't know how to handle pressure.
23:05That's why,
23:06even though she's B-rank,
23:07she's included in easy missions.
23:10I've been through
23:11B-rank tests
23:12two or three times.
23:15Sometimes A-rank,
23:16and sometimes
23:20Do you remember the rules
23:21of the Garden and Temple?
23:22The ones on the board.
23:24First, respect the deity.
23:26Second, praise him.
23:28prove your devotion.
23:30And whoever doesn't follow these rules
23:32will not survive.
23:34Mr. Song,
23:35is this the deity
23:36we're talking about?
23:41Ten years ago,
23:42such tunnels,
23:43which we call gates,
23:45They connected our world
23:46to another dimension.
23:48And supernatural events
23:49began to happen.
23:54Some people,
23:55to fight the demons,
23:56made themselves capable.
23:57We call them hunters.
23:59Their job is to defeat
24:00the demons
24:01in these tunnels.
24:02And they come out of the gates
24:03and enter this world.
24:05The power of these hunters
24:06never ends
24:07once they awaken.
24:10But sometimes,
24:11they find demons
24:12on the other side of the gates
24:14who can change
24:15the meaning of fear.
24:17No one can help you
24:18in fighting them.
24:23Did you see that?
24:24Are you talking about that video?
24:27Where were you?
24:28You're very late today.
24:30It's nothing.
24:34Tell me something, Gina.
24:35Your brother is a hunter, right?
24:36Yes, of course.
24:38To be honest,
24:39he's an E-rank hunter.
24:40You know,
24:41he keeps getting hurt.
24:42He got bandages
24:43made a few days ago.
24:45By the way,
24:46why are you asking all this?
24:48Just like that.
24:50I'm sure I could've
24:51done better back then.
24:54We can't fight this.
24:56We have to find a solution
24:57to this together.
24:59But this job...
25:00I'm not going to die here!
25:01After so many difficulties,
25:02I finally got a contract
25:03with a big company.
25:05I can't let this opportunity
25:06slip away from me!
25:08What are you doing?
25:09Don't move from there!
25:10I can do this.
25:11I have complete faith
25:12in my ability.
25:13He won't even be able
25:14to touch me.
25:29That means
25:30if he wants,
25:31he can kill us all at once.
25:33Very easily.
25:34Just like a walking insect.
25:38I don't understand
25:39why he's not killing us
25:40as soon as he sees us.
25:41I don't know.
25:42Even though he has
25:43so much power,
25:44he's very different
25:45from all those insects
25:46that attack as soon as they see him.
25:51Mr. Song,
25:52what was the first rule?
25:53Tell me.
25:54The first rule?
25:55The first rule was
25:57to respect the deity.
25:59The deity?
26:02That means
26:03this place has its own rules.
26:05What are you going to do?
26:06What if I'm right?
26:09Don't do this.
26:13Looks like
26:14you still have
26:15the desire to live.
26:35bow your heads
26:36towards the statue.
26:37Bow our heads?
26:38Are you out of your mind?
26:40What do you think
26:41we should do, Jinwoo?
26:42Let's do this.
26:43As long as we keep our heads down,
26:45he won't attack us.
26:47Bow your heads
26:48just like the rules say.
26:54Are you sure
26:55this is what we have to do?
26:57For now, yes.
26:59Then, let's try this.
27:01Can we save him
27:02just by bowing our heads?
27:11This is so scary.
27:13Is he laughing?
27:18He's not doing anything.
27:21Don't stand there, you idiot.
27:32he's not attacking us.
27:36But is this really over?
27:38Are we really safe?
27:39That's the spirit.
27:40We're safe.
27:41Can we go home?
27:44Not yet.
27:52I thought this was over.
27:56what are you staring at?
27:57Did you have a plan?
27:59I don't have a plan.
28:02But Jinwoo,
28:03we shouldn't forget
28:04the rules here.
28:05The second rule is
28:06to praise the gods.
28:07We need to know how to do that.
28:08Praise them?
28:09But how?
28:12Let me try.
28:13I've read about
28:14all the cultures
28:15in the world.
28:16The way to remember the gods
28:17is the same for everyone.
28:22Oh, gods.
28:23Our great rulers
28:24who bring order to the world.
28:26Did it work?
28:28I think it might work.
28:30We pray
28:31that you show us
28:32the way to truth.
28:34What's this?
28:36We pray
28:37that you show us
28:38the way to truth.
28:40This doesn't apply
28:41to this god.
28:43We respect you.
28:46Oh, gods.
28:47Send our great rulers
28:48to the world.
28:49Send them!
29:05Stay together.
29:06It's dangerous.
29:07Spread out.
29:14I can't die like this.
29:16My family
29:17must be waiting for me.
29:19At least
29:20I'm safe here.
29:22Hey, look behind you.
29:37Praise the gods.
29:38Praise the gods.
29:40How can I praise this thing?
29:43It's a demon.
29:46But I
29:47can't leave Juhi alone.
29:51have to do something.
29:56Let me go.
29:57I'll never come back.
30:03Yes, instruments.
30:07Listen, everyone.
30:08Go to the gods
30:09who have instruments.
30:17This instrument
30:18is playing.
30:20Go to the gods
30:21who have instruments.
30:22They won't attack you.
30:31What's happening?
30:34Please, play something.
30:35Hurry up.
30:38We're two,
30:39so it's not playing.
30:41you have to stay here.
30:42Jeetu, wait.
