• 3 months ago


00:05:31If you want one, you should just take one.
00:05:41I don't smoke.
00:05:42You should never deny yourself something if you really want it.
00:05:46If you have the opportunity, just take it.
00:05:48My partner said he doesn't smoke.
00:05:52Could you just tell us what happened?
00:05:54That's when all hell broke loose.
00:05:57Thank the Lord you showed up.
00:06:15The gang entered and then what?
00:06:24You'd have to be a little bit more descriptive than that, love.
00:06:26You know, try and elaborate.
00:06:33They came in the door when George was dealing with that madman in the raincoat.
00:06:37George Hardy was the security guard who was shot in the robbery.
00:06:40Yeah, that's right.
00:06:43Go on.
00:06:46Well, George...
00:06:48He didn't see them coming in through the door.
00:06:50They took him by surprise.
00:06:53They took everybody by surprise.
00:06:56Come on.
00:07:02I'm waiting in my car outside
00:07:04when, bang, I hear gunfire and screams.
00:07:08Er, how many shots did you hear?
00:07:10I don't know. It's not something you count when it's happening, is it?
00:07:13But, um...
00:07:14More than what?
00:07:15More than two?
00:07:17Er, probably.
00:07:18It's important to remember, you see.
00:07:20I'm waiting for a friend.
00:07:22And then the next thing I know, it's happy hour in Beirut,
00:07:24so, you know, I wasn't counting.
00:07:26Where exactly was your friend?
00:07:54And that's when they came in?
00:07:59At what point were they aware you had a gun?
00:08:04I don't know. I think it was, er...
00:08:07just after the security guard.
00:08:37After they saw his gun out.
00:08:40Who was it aimed at?
00:08:43Me, of course.
00:08:47Excuse me.
00:08:58Excuse me.
00:09:17Hello. Tyburn Security.
00:09:22Mrs Jones.
00:09:25Well, I see the gems aren't the only beautiful things in here.
00:09:30I need you to open the safe.
00:09:32Hi. I'm from Gallows Precious Gems.
00:09:35Of course.
00:09:36Two, three, seven, gold.
00:09:41Yeah, I just wanted to let you know
00:09:43we've had a power failure here on some of the systems.
00:09:47No, there's no problem. It's all very quiet here.
00:09:50Rules of the game.
00:09:52Stay quiet, stay still, you live.
00:09:55Fuck around and you're dead.
00:09:58The police?
00:09:59No, I think they've got better things to do.
00:10:03Absolutely, do call back.
00:10:04The phone lines seem unaffected.
00:10:07Certainly. It's Mr Rowe. I'm the manager here.
00:10:10You have the number.
00:10:12Thank you.
00:10:19Yes, this is Mr Rowe.
00:10:22That's correct, yes, you might need to send an engineer.
00:10:25No, no, no, I don't think it'll be necessary.
00:10:28Thank you so much.
00:10:47What the fuck are you looking at?
00:10:52Slide that over to me.
00:10:54Nice and gently, nice and gently.
00:11:00Good boy.
00:11:17Thank you.
00:11:29Thank you for your time and patience, ladies and gentlemen.
00:11:33Just to let you know
00:11:35if any of you try to follow us
00:11:38we've left a canister of poisonous gas by the door.
00:11:43Now should our lookout
00:11:44spot any of you following us
00:11:47she will release the gas.
00:12:13Dad! Dad!
00:12:15Get back!
00:12:16Get back!
00:12:40What can I say, Billy Boy?
00:12:42Another brilliantly executed plan.
00:12:44Brilliantly prepared plan.
00:12:46Yeah, that all.
00:12:59So, is there a girl in the gang?
00:13:02Several witnesses claim one of the gang mentioned one.
00:13:06She will let it off, as in poisonous gas.
00:13:09Which it wasn't, thankfully.
00:13:12The key doesn't belong to anyone at the gem house.
00:13:14How long till we find the lock it fits?
00:13:16Well, I was told, and I quote,
00:13:18forever and a day.
00:13:21We've got to follow these leads,
00:13:23but I get the feeling these guys are giving us the run around.
00:13:26They're smart.
00:13:27Not necessarily all of them.
00:13:29There could be only one brain behind the planning here.
00:13:39When there's only one planner, things will fall apart.
00:13:42Let's work on that. Now, where next?
00:13:44And when?
00:13:52Anything we should know about?
00:13:55Just that it's coming together nicely.
00:13:58It's going to be a big haul, this one.
00:14:00And my last.
00:14:03History tells us that eventually every gang will get sloppy
00:14:07and get caught,
00:14:09fall out and get caught,
00:14:12or retire and sometimes get caught.
00:14:16Which shall it be?
00:14:18Well, I've had a good career.
00:14:20I feel I'm slipping a bit.
00:14:22It's a young man's game, isn't it, eh?
00:14:26Why do you always say this?
00:14:28Every time?
00:14:30Every time?
00:14:31It's bad luck to say that.
00:14:33No, no, no, no, no.
00:14:34It's bad luck to walk under a ladder,
00:14:36to smash a mirror or to kick a black cat.
00:14:38I've never heard anyone saying that I'm quitting.
00:14:40It's bad luck.
00:14:41Look, just don't say it, all right?
00:14:43You're bound to get caught sometime.
00:14:44As long as you keep planning well, Billy,
00:14:46the police aren't ever going to get near us.
00:14:49Just don't say it. Don't jinx it.
00:14:51Is it really bad luck to kick a black cat?
00:14:54You ever kicked one?
00:14:57Well, don't worry about it, then.
00:14:59Anyway, I wouldn't want to quit, eh?
00:15:02Best gig in the world.
00:15:13You think we'll get them before they retire?
00:15:16We'd better hope so.
00:15:17I don't like walking away from open cases.
00:15:19Yeah, well, let's hope our luck changes then.
00:15:21Well, their run of luck ends.
00:15:24Guys, call me on the next one.
00:15:26Call me on the next one.
00:15:31What are you spending euros on then, Silva?
00:15:36Girls, girls, girls.
00:15:38How about you, Butch?
00:15:40Well, my mum's roof started leaking again,
00:15:43so I'll probably put some aside for that.
00:15:46You make sure you get yourself a proper builder, all right?
00:15:49Don't get robbed blind by some of the cowboys out there.
00:15:52I'll give you my cousin's number.
00:15:55You know, he's a fucking hat-maker.
00:15:57Thought he might keep the rain off your mam's head.
00:16:00A milliner.
00:16:04A milliner.
00:16:06That's what they call a hat-maker.
00:16:10Is your cousin a hat-maker or a fucking builder, man?
00:16:17So when are we planning the next one, then?
00:17:09The manager will be here shortly.
00:17:21Somebody wanted to see me.
00:17:23Oh, sorry, sir, he just left.
00:17:25Right, weirdo.
00:17:51Why did you want to do it?
00:17:53Are you married?
00:17:59You are?
00:18:03So you're the curmudgeon.
00:18:05Unmarried, solitary.
00:18:09Going with his handshakes, against the rules.
00:18:12And I know you're the family man.
00:18:15Never putting a foot wrong.
00:18:17Doing everything by the book.
00:18:19And beaten to the result by the cocky young whippersnapper here.
00:18:23Whoa, don't judge a book by its cover, mate.
00:18:25Oh, I forgot.
00:18:27You also use cliches.
00:18:32Did you ever cheat on her?
00:18:34Will, please.
00:18:39No, I can't. I can't do it anymore.
00:18:42Helen, please, why not?
00:18:44Because I'm not happy.
00:18:46Because he's not going anywhere.
00:18:48Give it a chance, love.
00:18:50I have.
00:18:52I'm sorry it's over.
00:18:58Say hi to your wife for me.
00:19:05Another robbery, boss.
00:19:07Looks like it's the cowboys again.
00:19:09Don't worry.
00:19:11We'll get them before you retire.
00:19:15Give me a moment.
00:19:17I need to speak to someone.
00:19:23Of all the stupid ideas, why did you try and rob a bank?
00:19:27Did she ever cheat on you?
00:19:31Well, you probably wouldn't know anyway.
00:19:34William, what the fuck are you on about?
00:19:37Fuck, you said it. Fuck!
00:19:40My wife cheated on me.
00:19:42She did it right in front of me with my boss.
00:19:44My fucking boss!
00:19:47And there was nothing I could do about it.
00:19:51Probably sat on my bed laughing about me now.
00:19:55Like they always have.
00:19:57Look, I'm sorry to hear that, William,
00:19:59but we cannot condone your behaviour.
00:20:02When someone you love cheats on you, it destroys you.
00:20:07Your whole body is confused, one big knotted mess.
00:20:11He doesn't need to know this.
00:20:15You want to know why I tried to rob the bank?
00:20:26I wanted to rob the bank to get some money.
00:20:30I wanted to pay her off, get her out of my life.
00:20:33I wanted to get out of my job.
00:20:35I wanted to get away from everything
00:20:37that reminded me of the two of them.
00:20:44I wanted to do something in my life
00:20:47that people would sit up and take notice of.
00:20:52I wanted to prove I wasn't a failure.
00:21:00Ironic, isn't it?
00:21:02What is?
00:21:04The day I choose to rob this bank,
00:21:07someone else is robbing it,
00:21:09and I get caught.
00:21:14I hope they die laughing in my bed.
00:21:20Tell us about your plan.
00:21:24My plan? Surely you just didn't run in there with a gun.
00:21:27You must have thought this through.
00:21:29I've done my homework.
00:21:31I knew when the bank held the most cash.
00:21:36You were after the cash?
00:21:38Not cash.
00:21:41So what's to take, then?
00:21:43We've got enough cash to bankroll this.
00:21:45And with the profit, we'll be able to have a nice holiday for a while.
00:21:48Holiday? This is ugly fucking work, isn't it?
00:21:51The more relaxed you guys get, the better chance we've got of getting caught.
00:21:54Don't be such a bloody drama queen, Billy, and get on with the plan.
00:21:57All I'm saying is...
00:21:58We're not fucking idiots, Billy.
00:22:00We know, you get lazy, you get caught.
00:22:02But right now, we're professionals.
00:22:04The day the adrenaline goes is the day we all walk away.
00:22:06No, the day the adrenaline goes is the day we fuck up.
00:22:09What are we going after? Why not cash?
00:22:12There's more lower currency notes being put into circulation,
00:22:15which equals more bags to carry up,
00:22:17which equals more trips to the car,
00:22:19which equals more time,
00:22:21which equals a better chance of us getting caught.
00:22:23That's because I'm totally fucking lost, isn't it?
00:22:25Hang on. What are we taking?
00:22:27The Maydanino.
00:22:30Does that come with rice?
00:22:36Does that come with rice?
00:22:38It's a big fucking emerald.
00:22:43Well, it's worth tens of millions,
00:22:45but we're being used as a holding area before it gets picked up.
00:22:48Which day?
00:22:54There's not much time frame there.
00:22:56That's enough. It's a bit risky, though.
00:22:59Well, I know it's a risk, but they've got dummy drops all over town,
00:23:02and because we're low security, they shouldn't suspect a thing.
00:23:08No, no, they're coming in in a normal delivery.
00:23:11I think it's...
00:23:13I think it's box 237.
00:23:18Because it's no bigger than the size of your fist.
00:23:22That shouldn't be too hard to carry out.
00:23:25Getting out's going to be the easy bit.
00:23:29Now it's jinxing things.
00:23:31It's getting to the back of the bank that's going to be the hard bit.
00:23:34Never had a problem before.
00:23:36Times are a-changing.
00:23:38On the cusp of a new era.
00:23:40Yep. Motion detectors, time locks, early warning systems.
00:23:44Hang on. You're saying it's going to be harder.
00:23:47So what? We're good, aren't we?
00:23:49Harder or impossible.
00:23:51In a year or so, there's going to be no point going into a bank with a gun.
00:23:55See, the bad news is, the bank that Billy's talking about
00:23:59has just had a major new security refit.
00:24:01Yes, yes. I mean, George is just there for show, really.
00:24:04I mean, God knows what he'd do in a real robbery.
00:24:09Hang on. Just give me one second, will you?
00:24:22Sorry about that. What was I saying?
00:24:25Security. Here's the problem.
00:24:28Along with these normal systems,
00:24:30we've got an immediate response trigger installed on the police.
00:24:35Look, I can't tell you how it works.
00:24:38Because I don't know how it works.
00:24:40It's an early warning system.
00:24:42If anything out of the ordinary happens, the police are alert straight away.
00:24:46Even if a lightbulb blows.
00:24:48It's a bit excessive, isn't it?
00:24:50No one likes being robbed anymore.
00:24:52So I'm guessing the moment the cameras or the alarms are cut,
00:24:55the police are on the way?
00:24:57That's right.
00:24:59What's the minimum response time?
00:25:01Well, where we are, I think it's about ten minutes,
00:25:04which I think is terrible.
00:25:06It's great for us. There's still not long to find him.
00:25:09Oh, Billy. How much we talking here?
00:25:12It's the main downing up.
00:25:16We can retire on each of our own islands.
00:25:24The maiden in awe.
00:25:26Never heard of it. What is it?
00:25:28Come on, Herb. The large emerald you tried to steal.
00:25:31I keep telling you.
00:25:33I'll stop the bloke from robbing the place, that's all.
00:25:38What's his story, anyway?
00:25:46I can't wait for the weekend.
00:25:54William? William!
00:25:59What is it?
00:26:01I said I can't wait for the weekend.
00:26:10I just thought...
00:26:12You disturbed me to tell me that.
00:26:15I'm sorry, Raj, but information like that is not exactly golden, is it?
00:26:21None of us can wait until the weekend.
00:26:24None of us enjoy it here.
00:26:26We would all prefer to be at home than at work.
00:26:31Somebody think they're late last night?
00:26:33What's that?
00:26:36Nothing. Sorry, I forgot.
00:26:42Whether I get late or not has got nothing to do with you or anyone else here.
00:26:47Apart from the boss.
00:26:50I'm sorry, William, but I just think you're mad to let it carry on under your nose like that.
00:26:57How do you know?
00:26:59Come on.
00:27:02I asked you, how do you know?
00:27:06Everybody knows.
00:27:12What are you going to do about it?
00:27:14What do you mean?
00:27:16I assume you're not happy about the situation.
00:27:19Would you like your wife to fuck the boss while you can't do anything about it?
00:27:23You want to fuck my wife?
00:27:25I don't even want to fuck my wife.
00:27:27Then again, I didn't choose her.
00:27:30Why can't you do anything about it?
00:27:32He's my boss.
00:27:36Look, I'm not your age. I can't find another job this late in my career.
00:27:42I've been promised area manager within the next three months.
00:27:47Everybody's been promised that job.
00:27:50Don't tell me you didn't know.
00:27:54Even you?
00:27:56Yeah, even me, the token Indian in the office.
00:27:59That's how we know it's bullshit.
00:28:06Bullshit, my friend.
00:28:11What's wrong?
00:28:13My wife's here.
00:28:28Are you just going to sit there?
00:28:30Why, what would you do?
00:28:32I'd divorce her and I'd throw him out the fucking window.
00:28:35I'm in the process of the four, but...
00:28:37And? How's it going?
00:28:39They only have a go one way.
00:28:41She's after the house.
00:28:43Yeah, but she's leaving you.
00:28:45Yeah, well, the house is in her name.
00:28:50She bought it.
00:28:55I can buy my own fucking house.
00:28:57Can't I?
00:29:03What are you going to do?
00:29:09You are joking.
00:29:11Did someone put you up to this?
00:29:17You're serious.
00:29:19Sorry, I thought that when you...
00:29:21I want to speak to your superior.
00:29:23It's no need for that, sir. I genuinely thought you were...
00:29:26Get me your manager.
00:29:28I do apologise, sir.
00:29:30Let's look at the figures again.
00:29:32I want to speak to your manager!
00:29:34Of course, sir.
00:29:37Just wait here a moment, please.
00:29:53Just a bit. He wants to see Jacob.
00:29:55All right, well, I'll go get him for you.
00:29:59Seven, eight, nine...
00:30:02That's ten.
00:30:04Who is it?
00:30:06It's Samantha, sir.
00:30:08Come in.
00:30:14There's a problem with a customer.
00:30:16He's demanding to see the manager.
00:30:24I can carry on without you, sir.
00:30:26Are you sure I can trust you?
00:30:28Yes, sir.
00:30:34Thank you.
00:31:01Jesus, you scared me.
00:31:03Is it there?
00:31:05I'm not sure yet.
00:31:13Somebody wanted to see me.
00:31:15Oh, sorry, sir. He just left.
00:31:17My weirdo.
00:31:19My dad always said if you're given an opportunity, you should take it.
00:31:26If you're not paid to stand around and chat,
00:31:28back to your tools, Samantha.
00:31:34So, who's the mastermind?
00:31:38The what?
00:31:40The brains behind the operation.
00:31:43It sure ain't you.
00:31:46Are you saying I'm stupid?
00:31:48Do I look stupid to you?
00:31:51Oh, so this time it was you who planned the bank job?
00:31:54No, not this time, no.
00:31:56So you admit that you've killed your dad?
00:32:00No, not this time, no.
00:32:02So you admit that you've planned jobs before?
00:32:06No. I haven't done any bank jobs before.
00:32:08What are you on about?
00:32:10It's just your friends are all known bank robbers.
00:32:14My friends? What friends?
00:32:16Oh, you got no friends.
00:32:20OK, what friends of mine are bank robbers?
00:32:26I don't know anyone called Billy.
00:32:34What kind of name is that?
00:32:39Don't know anyone called Butch.
00:32:42Sounds like a queer.
00:32:45Well, that queer says you're the planner.
00:32:50Nah, not me.
00:32:52So, you're the planner.
00:32:56What? No.
00:32:59You do know what a planner is, right?
00:33:04Well, then how do you know you're not one, then?
00:33:08You were seen leaving the bank on Monday.
00:33:13Camera footage.
00:33:15Wasn't me.
00:33:17You were wearing these.
00:33:20Where'd you get out?
00:33:22Well, they were behind the tills, so if you wouldn't mind,
00:33:25perhaps you can explain how they got there.
00:33:41How did we get behind the tills?
00:33:44I have no idea.
00:33:47I have no idea.
00:33:50We've got a theory.
00:33:58So, what are you doing tonight?
00:34:00Me? Yeah.
00:34:02I'm taking my girl out for the spot of dinner,
00:34:05and then after that, back to hers for the spot of...
00:34:10Is this the same girl still? Yeah.
00:34:14Must be a record for you.
00:34:19What is it you do for a living again?
00:34:22Taxi driver.
00:34:24Yeah, what does she do?
00:34:26I don't know.
00:34:28Don't you think that's a bit of a problem?
00:34:30I think she works in the office.
00:34:32You think?
00:34:34Do you hear that?
00:34:36It's that sort of slackness that's going to get us all busted.
00:34:39Oh, give him a break, Billy.
00:34:41What do you talk about, then, if it's not work?
00:34:44Not a lot of talking gets done, if you know what I mean.
00:34:48This chick is dynamite.
00:34:50What are you doing with her?
00:34:52Gee, thanks a lot, big fella.
00:34:54No, I mean... Oh, shit, no.
00:34:56I mean, how did you meet her?
00:34:58Well, it's a funny thing, cos...
00:35:00Enough of this, we've got to get on with it.
00:35:02Right, as long as everything goes to plan,
00:35:04you follow me in after 60 seconds.
00:35:06I'll go round the back.
00:35:08At two minutes, I'll tap into the external phone lines
00:35:11and cook the alarm.
00:35:19What do you mean, what? Have you forgotten the plan?
00:35:22How can I forget the plan? It's my plan.
00:35:27Hang on, what's all this about?
00:35:29Why do we always have to go through this?
00:35:31Everyone knows the plan, right?
00:35:33Let's get on with it, then.
00:35:36We're going to miss our window?
00:35:38Yeah, we'll discuss this later.
00:36:06This better not fuck up.
00:36:08You better not fuck up.
00:36:12You'll meet your dinner date.
00:36:22Which is why we didn't get to have our break together.
00:36:25So if you organise the rota next time, we can do it.
00:36:27We can have a tea break at the same time.
00:36:29Right, I'll do that first thing in the morning,
00:36:31and then we'll get in.
00:36:33I'm going to go.
00:36:35See you tomorrow.
00:37:03You two girls, put your hands on the counter.
00:37:05Don't ask. He's on his own.
00:37:34We can still do this.
00:37:37Silver's cutting it along now, isn't he?
00:37:39He's not a problem.
00:37:45Billy, this is our only chance.
00:37:47I know.
00:38:06Sir, please put the gun down.
00:38:08You're not in charge here.
00:38:11Hey, get down, I said.
00:38:14I said get down or I will shoot.
00:38:16Sir, I don't...
00:38:28Oh, God, are you all right?
00:38:30I doubt it.
00:38:34Oh, God.
00:38:41Is it loaded?
00:38:44Your gun, is it loaded?
00:38:48Are you the police?
00:38:52It's a fucking fake.
00:38:56This is it.
00:39:03Now, I realise you're all having quite a day.
00:39:06Try not to make it your last, eh?
00:39:10Now, we don't normally use guns,
00:39:12but that doesn't mean to say we don't know how to.
00:39:23You going to open the fucking door?
00:39:26The sooner you let us in, the sooner we go.
00:39:29And the sooner this lot can get some medical attention.
00:39:36Make sure it's the door, not the alarm.
00:40:00Oh, God.
00:40:14Right, all of you,
00:40:16do as we say, no-one else gets hurt.
00:40:18You, come with me.
00:40:21You too, Angie.
00:40:24See if you're going to be in the main safe or...
00:40:27Yeah, or in the manager's personal safe.
00:40:30What do you want?
00:40:32Well, what do you fucking think?
00:40:53Oh, God.
00:41:25Well, what?
00:41:27It wasn't in the safe, so it has to be in his.
00:41:53Come on.
00:42:24Come on.
00:42:34Jesus Christ.
00:42:37You've got nothing on me.
00:42:39This ain't the movies, Earp, so stop talking in clichés.
00:42:43This ain't the movies, it's a cliché.
00:42:46Why don't you tell us what happened?
00:42:48Good cop, bad cop, that's a cliché.
00:42:51He says we're not both bad cops.
00:42:53Well, I won't argue with you there.
00:42:59You can't smoke in here.
00:43:01Oh, please, Mr Copper, I promise to talk if you let me have a cigarette.
00:43:09This is such bullshit.
00:43:12You two don't like clichés, here's another, evidence.
00:43:16You need it to prove something.
00:43:18Well, we've got you at the scene.
00:43:20With masks and weapons.
00:43:22They're not mine.
00:43:27Is that your defence?
00:43:29Well, go on, in charge me.
00:43:31I didn't take anything, I haven't done anything.
00:43:34I think it's we share that.
00:43:37And you got there fucking quick as well.
00:43:40How did you do that?
00:43:41The alarms went off.
00:43:43We'd only been in there five minutes.
00:43:46How long do we normally take?
00:43:48Ten, if you're lucky.
00:43:51Now, how do you know that?
00:43:57Your friend said that you've robbed banks before.
00:44:01What friend?
00:44:02How many have you got?
00:44:05Who's framing me?
00:44:08You are.
00:44:11You know, he's too young to be wasting his life like this.
00:44:14No, I used to be used to jail.
00:44:17Fuck you, yeah?
00:44:19Why am I going to jail?
00:44:21Because you robbed a bank today.
00:44:24No, I didn't.
00:44:26I tried to stop the bloke from robbing the place.
00:44:29I got nothing.
00:44:31Neither are you.
00:44:34Don't count on it.
00:44:38So he took you out the back?
00:44:42Into the safe and then he tied me up.
00:44:46Why did he take you?
00:44:50What do you mean?
00:44:51No offence, honey, but you're just a cashier.
00:44:54Why didn't he take a supervisor?
00:44:56What are you getting at?
00:44:58That'll be all for now. Thank you.
00:45:08What are you doing here?
00:45:09I've been asked to give information.
00:45:11What are you doing here?
00:45:12There was a robbery at the bank.
00:45:15Two, actually.
00:45:16Come on, pal.
00:45:28What's wrong? What did they ask you?
00:45:33Just about what we were doing.
00:45:39You told them what I was doing?
00:45:42The thing is, we know you're lying.
00:45:46About what? Everything.
00:45:48We've been told you were doing a lot more than just waiting for a friend.
00:45:59What has she said?
00:46:02We'll get back to what she said in a minute.
00:46:06We want to talk about the security camera footage first.
00:46:12What footage?
00:46:13The footage of you opening a panel at the back of the bank.
00:46:17The panel that houses the exchange?
00:46:19The exchange box with the cut wires.
00:46:21And the cut wires which lead to the alarm system.
00:46:30You're lying.
00:46:34There was no footage, was there?
00:46:37No, there's no security footage.
00:46:40What puzzles me is, though,
00:46:42you said you were waiting at the front,
00:46:45but you don't deny being at the back of the bank cutting wires.
00:46:48And you seem so sure there's no camera footage.
00:46:51How could you possibly know that?
00:47:04What is it?
00:47:06My boyfriend's in there.
00:47:11Your boyfriend?
00:47:15He's in there now, talking to them.
00:47:20Talking to them about what?
00:47:22Us. Me, I guess.
00:47:41I used the last teabag. Sorry.
00:47:49Did you get the promotion?
00:47:54I was being sarcastic, Sam.
00:47:56I've been passed over as well, you know.
00:47:58Yeah, well, congratulations.
00:47:59There's no point getting angry.
00:48:01You know about the glass ceiling in this place by now.
00:48:04Angie, I...
00:48:05Look at the facts.
00:48:08Look at the facts.
00:48:11How long have you worked here, Sam?
00:48:14Too long.
00:48:15You know how to work the tills,
00:48:17the floor,
00:48:19the back room.
00:48:24Yeah, I know everything that there is to know.
00:48:29You're not going to get that job unless you have a sex change.
00:48:32You just have to take a look at everyone else above you.
00:48:35They're all men.
00:48:36Yeah, but it's not fair.
00:48:37No, it's not fair, honey.
00:48:38So if you want to get a career, join another bank.
00:48:55Better mood today?
00:48:57Yeah, slightly.
00:49:04How's the book?
00:49:13What's it about?
00:49:15Oh, um...
00:49:18It's about this sun master thief
00:49:21who only steals from really massive mansions,
00:49:25and one day he goes into a mansion
00:49:28and he sees loads of pictures of the woman who lives there
00:49:31and he falls madly in love with her.
00:49:34Well, what happens next?
00:49:36Well, they get it together,
00:49:38but he's having a lot of trouble hiding what he does for a living.
00:49:41Yeah, well...
00:49:43All secrets are hard to keep.
00:49:54I ended up with this.
00:49:57Ended up with a job search.
00:49:59Oh, God, no, there's nothing out there.
00:50:01I guess I'm just going to have to stay here for the time being.
00:50:05Even though the money is so crap.
00:50:07The money's not crap, it's the amount you get paid that's the problem.
00:50:11Yeah, well, there's nothing I can do about that, is there?
00:50:14Well, it's worth tens of millions,
00:50:16but we're being used as a holding area before it gets picked up.
00:50:25Yeah, I know it's a risk, but they've got dummy jobs all over town
00:50:28and because we've no security, no-one should suspect a thing.
00:50:31No, no, no, they've, um...
00:50:33They're coming in in a normal delivery. I think it's...
00:50:36Yeah, I think it's box 237.
00:50:41Well, because it's no bigger than the size of your fist.
00:50:45Yes. I mean, George is just there for show, really.
00:50:48I mean, God knows what he'd do in the real world, right?
00:50:51Hang on, just give me one second, will you?
00:51:13How do we steal a big hemlocked?
00:51:18Do I have your interest?
00:51:20Not what the bank does.
00:51:25Only if we can get away with it.
00:51:28Why do you want to do this?
00:51:32The money.
00:51:34To get back at them and...
00:51:39..because we can get away with it.
00:51:45Are we going to get away with it?
00:51:47Don't know. You don't know? What do you mean, you don't know?
00:51:50Samantha, I don't know!
00:51:52Well, you had all the answers before.
00:51:54No, I didn't.
00:51:56Yeah, you did.
00:51:58And you were the one... It was your idea to steal the emerald.
00:52:01And it was your idea to cut the camera and the alarms
00:52:03and make it look as if someone had broken in.
00:52:09I knew it could be done, but you knew how it could be done.
00:52:13Listen, it's my name on the fucking envelope,
00:52:15so why don't you just relax?
00:52:22Come on.
00:52:52Yeah, sure.
00:53:00Have you got the envelope? Yes.
00:53:02Is it big enough? Yes.
00:53:04Have you got the stamps? Samantha, will you just calm down?
00:53:06Sorry, I'm just really excited and nervous and...
00:53:09Listen, you've planned this brilliantly and it's in progress.
00:53:13We can do it, OK?
00:53:20Have you seen Samantha? No.
00:54:16So when do we tell him that the alarms are down?
00:54:19We're not going to tell him anything. Will you just relax?
00:54:22Sorry, I've just...
00:54:24I've got a horrible feeling that something's going to go wrong.
00:54:27What could possibly go wrong?
00:54:35I said put your hands on the counter
00:54:37or I'm going to start shooting people!
00:54:57What the fuck is your boyfriend doing here?
00:54:59How should I know?
00:55:01Well, what, is he a cop?
00:55:03No. What, a criminal then?
00:55:08SHE PANTS
00:55:10You set me up, didn't you?
00:55:17Yes, sir, I'm coming.
00:55:23You... You used me, yeah?
00:55:26You used me to cut the alarms because everybody knows
00:55:29you don't know how to work the security systems.
00:55:31They're never going to suspect you.
00:55:33Samantha, calm down. Calm down.
00:55:35Calm down. We're in this together.
00:55:39It's sat there in the postbag addressed to me.
00:55:44Promise? Yeah.
00:55:47So they aren't your sunglasses.
00:55:52Come in.
00:56:00Well, go get it.
00:56:06You're not going to believe this, boss.
00:56:22I wonder if there's anything in here for you.
00:56:29is there?
00:56:31Now, Samantha's told us about your involvement.
00:56:33It was her fucking idea that I...
00:56:35Yeah, we know all about that.
00:56:37Just tell us how the Cowboys were involved.
00:56:41The Cowboys.
00:56:43The Cowboys.
00:56:45The Cowboys.
00:56:47The Cowboys.
00:56:51The Cowboys.
00:56:54Your boyfriend's a little gang.
00:56:58It's going to be a very long night if you persist in one-word questions.
00:57:01You mean the taxi drivers?
00:57:03Taxi drivers?
00:57:05What? Was that another gang?
00:57:07Is Silver involved with more than one crew?
00:57:09I don't know what you're talking about.
00:57:11Your boyfriend is a getaway driver for a bunch of criminals.
00:57:16You really didn't know?
00:57:18Where is it?
00:57:20Is it not there?
00:57:24Where is it?
00:57:26I don't know!
00:57:28You're back to lying again.
00:57:30Have you any idea how much that emerald is worth?
00:57:35When's that?
00:57:37Tuesday? That's a bit risky, isn't it?
00:57:40Dummy drops is a good idea,
00:57:42but it's going to be a little bit obvious if a bank is taking in special deliveries.
00:57:46Normal packages?
00:57:48How's it going to fit into that?
00:57:52Don't get much for your millions these days, do you?
00:57:55What about your security guards?
00:57:57He'll probably shoot himself in the foot.
00:58:00What extra measures have you taken?
00:58:03Yeah, sure.
00:58:05Thomas, get me one of those, would you?
00:58:07Get it yourself.
00:58:09I'm on the phone.
00:58:11I'm on the phone to the bank.
00:58:13Well, when they've given you your millions,
00:58:15you can pay me to make us both a cup of coffee, can't you?
00:58:18Or you could respect my rank.
00:58:23Thank you.
00:58:25Sorry about that. What was I saying?
00:58:27Hi, yeah, security.
00:58:29Oh, yeah, yeah, we've got normal systems.
00:58:31We've installed an immediate response trigger to the police, so...
00:58:34Really? How does that work?
00:58:36Look, I can't tell you how it works.
00:58:38Why not?
00:58:40Because I don't know how it works.
00:58:42Tell me about it. I can't even set my new VCR.
00:58:45Listen, back to the bank, what's the response time
00:58:47when the alarm's been triggered?
00:58:49Ten minutes? Well, that's pretty good going for us.
00:58:53Yeah, well, I'll see what I can do.
00:58:55I'm in court Monday, but I'll send someone round.
00:58:59Don't panic. You'll be as reliable as me.
00:59:03Yeah. I'll be there Tuesday.
00:59:41BELL RINGS
00:59:46Everyone on the floor! I have a gun!
00:59:54Down! Get down on the floor! Down!
00:59:58Not you. Stay up.
01:00:00Up, you, up.
01:00:02No, no, no, no, no.
01:00:04Bank staff, stay up. Hands on the counter.
01:00:06Customers, down on the floor!
01:00:10What about me?
01:00:22Put the gun down or I'll shoot.
01:00:24That's what I was going to say.
01:00:27This is a real gun.
01:00:29So is this.
01:00:36Sir, you're scaring these people.
01:00:39Why? No-one's pointing a gun at them.
01:00:42I'll put it down if you put yours away, sir.
01:00:45No-one's ever called me sir until now,
01:00:48and it's because I've got a gun.
01:00:56You two girls, put your hands on the counter.
01:01:01I said put your hands on the counter
01:01:03or I'm going to start shooting people.
01:01:08Sir, please put the gun down.
01:01:11You're not in charge here.
01:01:15Don't ask. He's on his own.
01:01:18We can still do this.
01:01:20Silver's cutting the alarm now. He's not a problem.
01:01:23Billy, this is our only chance.
01:01:26No, but...
01:01:28Hey, get down, I said.
01:01:30I said get down or I'll shoot.
01:01:32Sir, don't shut up.
01:01:48Oh, God, are you all right?
01:01:50Well, I doubt it.
01:01:58What are we going to do?
01:02:03Is it loaded?
01:02:07Your gun, is it loaded?
01:02:11Are you the police?
01:02:13Hey, hey, take your fucking hand out of that case.
01:02:27Oh, it's a fake.
01:02:29It's a fucking fake.
01:02:31It's a fucking fake.
01:02:33This isn't...
01:02:46Now, I realise you're all having quite a day.
01:02:49Try not to make it your last, eh?
01:02:56Now, we don't normally use guns.
01:02:58That doesn't mean to say we don't know how to.
01:03:09You can open the fucking door.
01:03:12The sooner you let us in, the sooner we go
01:03:14and the sooner this lot can get some medical attention.
01:03:21Make sure it's the door, not the alarm.
01:03:29Right, all of you.
01:03:31We'll do as we say. No-one else gets hurt.
01:03:33You, come with me.
01:03:36You too, Angie.
01:03:48What do you want?
01:03:50Well, what do you fucking think?
01:03:52What do you want?
01:03:54What do you want?
01:03:56What do you fucking think?
01:04:04I know where the safe is.
01:04:07So where's the key?
01:04:18Thank you.
01:04:26Thank you.
01:04:48You stupid, stupid...
01:04:52I'm a police officer. Can you open this door, please?
01:04:57Right, so we've agreed the emerald isn't in either safe.
01:05:01Yeah, well, it must be in sight, then.
01:05:03Well, obviously the information you got was wrong,
01:05:05so we need to get out of here.
01:05:07No! We've come this far.
01:05:09Don't push it, Billy.
01:05:11Look, we search all the other rooms, all right?
01:06:14It's OK. I'm a police officer. What's your name?
01:06:17Angie. Angie Lawson.
01:06:19OK, Angie. Do you know where...?
01:06:21I've gone into the manager's office.
01:06:23Wait here.
01:06:26Someone else has cut the alarm.
01:06:34Are you saying the police could be out there now?
01:06:50Fucking hell, they are, aren't they?
01:06:53We've got to hide something.
01:07:08What happened to me?
01:07:12Where are they?
01:07:14Haven't you called them yet?
01:07:16Hang on, hang on, hang on. We're in the manager's office.
01:07:19And we can still get out of this.
01:07:21What fucking happened to me?!
01:07:25You! Carly!
01:07:27What fucking happened to me?!
01:07:31Sheena Easton!
01:07:33Did you fucking see?!
01:07:35Did you fucking see?!
01:07:39What happened?!
01:07:41What fucking... Don't look at my face!
01:07:43Don't look at my fucking face!
01:07:51Call the police and stay here.
01:08:20What the bloody hell is going on here?
01:08:22It's been quite a day.
01:08:25What's happened to your dad?
01:08:27What the bloody hell is going on here?
01:08:29It's been quite a day.
01:08:32What's happened to your dad?
01:08:57What the bloody hell is going on here?
01:09:24Jesus Christ.
01:09:28Police officer.
01:09:29Whoa, lads.
01:09:30It's Flying Squad.
01:09:33Arrest these guys.
01:09:36And that one.
01:09:37What? I'm near, boss.
01:09:40Long story.
01:09:45We're okay.
01:09:51We're charging you with attempted robbery, possession of firearms.
01:09:54And after we get a warrant to search your premises, I'm sure more charges will follow.
01:10:04We know you're the getaway driver.
01:10:09You can't prove it.
01:10:10Not yet.
01:10:12Be careful, though.
01:10:22Since the emerald can't be found,
01:10:24the evidence isn't solid enough that you actually sent it to yourself,
01:10:27so we can only charge you with conspiracy.
01:10:30But if it turns up, you'll go down for a lot longer.
01:10:34I'm sorry to do this, William,
01:10:36but we have to charge you with attempted robbery and possession of a firearm.
01:10:45Interview terminated at 9.32.
01:10:55Can you give us a minute?
01:11:13I'm sorry.
01:11:15I'm sorry.
01:11:17Hey, Will.
01:11:20Everything's going to be okay.
01:11:22I'm going to jail.
01:11:26You'll be out before you know it. I'll see to that.
01:11:30Yeah, but then what future have I got?
01:11:33If I can't look after my big brother, what sort of a man am I, eh?
01:11:40Everything's going to be okay. I'll make sure of that.
01:11:43I've got nothing.
01:11:46You will have.
01:11:49Trust me.
01:11:51I love you.
01:12:10Have you ever heard anything as crazy as what we heard tonight?
01:12:17I mean, how the fuck do these things happen?
01:12:22No, there's got to be more to it than that.
01:12:27Everything happens for a reason.
01:12:37If you were given an opportunity, would you take it?
01:12:43What opportunity?
01:12:44If you had a chance to make your life better, would you do it?
01:12:49To a certain extent, yeah.
01:12:53Where do you draw the line?
01:12:56I wouldn't break the law, if that's what you mean.
01:13:03Oh, sorry, I was just waiting for you to burst out laughing.
01:13:08So you wouldn't cross the line? I mean, nobody's going to get hurt.
01:13:11You wouldn't cross it?
01:13:12Well, I'm a police officer. Why would I?
01:13:15Everybody has his or her price.
01:13:18So you're saying you would?
01:13:30Take it easy, man. Just wanted to see if you'd have a drink on duty.
01:13:34Fuck me, boss. You have a go in there.
01:13:46To a job well done.
01:13:49Yeah, but not complete.
01:13:51We've gone as far as we can.
01:13:55But what about the Emerald?
01:13:57It's out there, somewhere.
01:14:01Riles me.
01:14:06I had this thought.
01:14:08Maybe Angie and Silver are working together.
01:14:11Maybe. We'll keep an eye on him, see if he's going to pick up her mail.
01:14:16It's out there.
01:14:18And nobody knows where.
01:14:30Oh, I'm sure someone does.
01:14:32Oh, I'm sure someone does.
01:15:02I'm breaking all the rules.
01:15:06You know they didn't rule.
01:15:09They took it for a fool.
01:15:13So I pretend to smile.
01:15:16Cause that's what brothers do.
01:15:21Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:15:26Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:15:30Or am I just insane?
01:15:34Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:15:37I won't let that disdain.
01:15:41I do my best to make it all right.
01:15:45And keep it all intact.
01:15:49The moves I make are powerful.
01:15:52The moves I make are powerful, you see.
01:15:56I got my brothers back.
01:16:01Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:16:08Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:16:16Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:16:22Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:16:30It'll be all right.
01:16:32As long as we stay tight.
01:16:34It'll be all right.
01:16:38It'll be all right.
01:16:40As long as we stay tight.
01:16:42It'll be all right.
01:16:45It'll be all right.
01:16:47As long as we stay tight.
01:16:49It'll be all right.
01:16:53Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:17:00Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:17:08Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:17:12Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:17:16Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:17:20Am I not my brother's keeper?
01:17:50As long as we stay tight.
01:17:57As long as we stay tight.
01:18:04As long as we stay tight.
01:18:08As long as we stay tight.
01:18:12As long as we stay tight.
01:18:16As long as we stay tight.
01:18:20As long as we stay tight.