• 3 months ago


00:00:47Why speak to me Abby, why are you doing this what do you want from Abby?
00:01:13You want me come and get me
00:04:04Let me get this straight
00:04:07The devil is very much alive and he's living amongst us
00:04:12Well, that depends on your perspective. Oh, that's such a crock. No, I mean, don't you think made the spiritual battle a fight between good?
00:04:21God creation. Don't you think that this is just a boy against us? It's set up by organized religion. I'm not about
00:04:34Well first off Jimmy just call me Jimmy and also I
00:04:40I'm just really curious about this fight between good and evil. It seems very black and white to me
00:04:45Don't what you are I cannot deny that there is good and evil in this world
00:04:51There is light and there is darkness in between
00:04:55There is nothing else
00:04:57It's either or we as a human race continue to ignore this
00:05:13Let's take a quick break and listen to the phenomenal band old man
00:06:38He didn't know if anyone who was coming to visit
00:06:43How do you think this looks
00:06:48Are you admitting it
00:06:52Parks take a look
00:06:54You know what fishing right you catch anything
00:07:07Mr. Harris, my partner's just trying to put together the pieces
00:07:11You say you come back. There's a broken mug. The chair is flipped over and your wife is nowhere to be seen
00:07:17So you go out looking for her yet. You don't call us for a number of hours
00:07:24Now given what you do for a living, what do you think that sounds
00:08:09Hello dad morning, son
00:08:13You got me on that speaker again
00:08:16How many times do I have to tell you they may be listening?
00:08:20What do you want I want to know how you're doing today
00:08:26I feel like company. Do I have a choice? Of course you do
00:08:34Come on your mom made brownies
00:08:39So I don't have a choice
00:08:43As you wish
00:08:45As you wish
00:09:15The propaganda
00:09:34You cannot hold it in your hand
00:09:55Got a package for David Harris
00:10:29Gotta eat
00:10:32Come on in want to whip up something special you want to invite your friend in and feed him to let him starve
00:10:40It's not very nice
00:10:52Just sleep
00:10:57Your mom sends her love and
00:11:03She doing mom. Yeah, your mom's a survivor
00:11:11She's not who I'm worried about
00:11:20Your kids need a father David
00:11:23They're not doing too good
00:11:27This has gone on too long you need to do something
00:11:31What do you think I'm just gonna stand around and watch you throw your life away it's not gonna happen but
00:11:39Tell him I love him you tell him that's your job. That's your sole purpose
00:11:57They're coming for me dad, it's just a matter of time but they're coming
00:12:02They're coming for me dad, it's just a matter of time but they're coming I
00:12:10Know Martin called me this morning. Is that why you're here?
00:12:21Yes, no
00:12:24Okay, mostly yes
00:12:27But I thought maybe we could work on this together get it figured out
00:12:32We know we don't have much time
00:12:35You've been able to make any kind of progress
00:12:38none, I
00:12:40Mean, uh, my mind's not working, right? I
00:12:44Can't think straight. I
00:12:46Mean, I try I try to put the pieces together
00:12:50They don't seem to fit
00:12:55Maybe they're right
00:12:59What are you saying
00:13:01David maybe it's that simple
00:13:07Maybe they were having an affair. Don't you dare what it makes sense, doesn't it?
00:13:13the secret meetings
00:13:16Coming home late at night enough
00:13:19I'm not gonna stand here and watch you go down that road. You know what? It's like when you're working on something that's important
00:13:26Abby was a good woman. Abby was a great wife. Don't you dare?
00:13:33Not even for a moment allow anyone to sully her reputation
00:13:42What am I gonna do
00:13:48Maybe start at the end work your way backwards
00:13:51I've done that
00:13:53I've done that over and over and over again
00:14:08You can't allow your emotions to control your thought process
00:14:14It's like you almost have to stand outside of the circumstance that you're in in order to see a bigger
00:14:22More global picture I
00:14:27Have been that's what I don't think you understand I have
00:14:44How do you like your eggs
00:14:47We're not gonna be able to solve this on an empty stomach
00:14:56Scrambled like my brains
00:15:04But I want to stay with you
00:15:08I know but you can't
00:15:12But you can't
00:15:14Well, you need me I can help you look I know it seems that way but daddy just needs to be alone right now, okay
00:15:28What you're not gonna finish that no, I'm good. Well, you hardly touched it. Come on you need to eat
00:16:05Had a brilliant mind
00:16:08He had this ability to see things from different perspective beyond science
00:16:14There was something special about him
00:16:17He had all these theories on life's creation
00:16:20He told me he wanted to scientifically prove that God was real said it would end all work. Can you believe it?
00:16:27You're gonna go
00:16:31What lock the door on your way out?
00:16:34What David?
00:16:58You hungry
00:17:07Come on let me make you something to eat
00:17:12Why aren't you guys looking for Charlie? Oh we are around the clock
00:17:18Where did you hide the body?
00:17:26You guys don't quit do you and I didn't kill my wife I didn't kill Charlie keep telling yourself that
00:17:35You know your insults they're not gonna work on me that's right, you know the game
00:17:45So, why aren't you looking for him?
00:17:48Mr. Harris David call me David
00:17:53Mr. Harris, I'm not here to be your friend. I'm here in pursuit of the truth. Me too
00:18:03All right
00:18:05I'll talk you listen
00:18:10So we know that Abby and Charlie were working on something groundbreaking for the university
00:18:16We looked into that I know
00:18:20But it must have been so big that the university got scared and they needed to put a lid on it
00:18:27Go on
00:18:28See if we could if we could find out what it was
00:18:32They discovered then we could figure out who killed Abby who really killed her and we could draw Charlie out of hiding
00:18:40Yeah games warned me about you
00:18:43Said you were too smart for your own good
00:18:48We talked to everyone we needed to at the university
00:18:51They said Charlie quit they have his resignation letter so you could toss that theory right out the line
00:18:58Anyone can fabricate a letter
00:19:00You know that you've been cooped up in here way too long. Has it done you any good?
00:19:06It's giving me time
00:19:08Time to think and put the pieces together
00:19:11I'm on to something here and you need to go back to the university and you need to look harder. Mr. Harris
00:19:18You're starting to panic because you realize the truth is about to come out. So all of this I get
00:19:26If Charlie's dead
00:19:28Then where's his body? I don't know you tell me I don't know. I don't believe you
00:19:34Yeah, right, but you've been here a long time that doesn't do someone in your condition any good
00:19:44It's sad I
00:19:47Think a psychologist would call this post-traumatic syndrome
00:19:51You know a lot of the vets coming back from the war have it
00:19:57Don't know. I don't know
00:20:00You know a lot of the vets coming back from the war have it
00:20:05It's killing someone. It's not an easy thing to do
00:20:09Killing two that must be even harder
00:22:49Yeah, you're in for it now, what are you gonna do run
00:22:53You try explaining this one to your superiors
00:24:02Hey, you went out the back door
00:24:24Mr. Harris
00:24:28Get off the fence get down get off the fence
00:24:33David get down. Come on, David. Don't run David
00:25:09He took my gun seriously
00:25:16What the hell happened I
00:25:21Didn't think he had it in him
00:25:24Well, apparently he did. What'd you say?
00:25:30Let me do that, I'm right ahead
00:25:36I'll call it in. Yeah, leave that on
00:25:53Mr. Harris, hi, it's good to see you you too tea water
00:26:01Sorry to hear about your wife
00:26:05Thanks, do you want a menu I'm okay right now you have a phone I can use yeah come with me
00:26:26Five five five five two five five one five one
00:26:58Harris Carter Miguel, how can I direct your call? Yeah, Martin Carter, please
00:27:04Mr. Carter is with some clients right now. Melissa. It's me David. I need to talk to him. Oh my god, David
00:27:12Are you okay? Stay on the line
00:27:38David where the hell are you? I
00:27:41Can't say of course you can tell me where you are. I'll come get you. No, Martin
00:27:51David this isn't how we do things. You know that I saw her Martin. I saw Abby
00:28:02All right
00:28:06All right, buddy
00:28:09Let me help you
00:28:13Well, tell me where you are
00:28:30Henry it's Martin. We have a problem
00:28:38To peace
00:29:03What's he doing ready he's ready anything else
00:29:13Nobody else is with him. I'm tough single play
00:29:18Would you like a refill you sure you don't want a second cup, it's free
00:29:35Mr. Harris
00:29:37Mr. Harris
00:29:39You zoned out there for a second
00:29:41You zoned out there for a second you okay, you sure you don't want something to eat. Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris
00:30:32Chloe come on inside time to eat. Come on in. Let's get washed up, huh?
00:33:28Charge with the murder of his wife Abby
00:33:30She's also been linked to the mysterious disappearance of her alleged lover
00:33:37Police are asking for your help. Okay, that's on me. Thank you. No problem. Have a nice day
00:34:01I'll put that down here
00:34:13You know that this is not good, right I could get him a lot of trouble for having you here I know I
00:34:23Need your help
00:34:26Anything what do you need? I
00:34:34Know this is gonna sound crazy, but I need you to believe me
00:34:40Abby's appeared to me David
00:34:44Seen her with my own eyes. I know she's dead, but I saw her
00:34:51She's trying to tell me something
00:34:58You need to listen to me not only as a doctor but as your friend, okay
00:35:06Please don't do this to yourself, please
00:35:11Turn yourself in let your father and Martin do their job. I can't
00:35:17What are you gonna do? I'm gonna figure it out. How are you going to figure this out?
00:35:22You you have to be realistic I am if she's trying to tell me something I need to trust in that
00:35:32Okay, if that's the case what is she trying to tell you well if I knew I
00:35:47Need you to think back to before happy died
00:35:50Did she say anything to you?
00:35:51Did she give you a hint with regards to anything that her and Charlie were working on? No, nothing. I
00:35:58They were very protective over their work
00:36:02David I wish I could tell you something, but I can't
00:36:09Miss her I do
00:36:14This is not the way to do things
00:36:44Know Abby never did tell me how that week went
00:36:47She didn't go. She said that she was going to the cabin with you and the kids
00:36:50No, I was in New York on a job that week the kids they were with my parents what?
00:36:59You don't think I
00:37:02Need you to do one more thing for me
00:37:10But what about those gray circumstances that happen in the world what about
00:37:19Someone's mother dying of cancer and the repercussions
00:37:26The ripple effect that happens with that if God is all this love and all of this good
00:37:32What about these these bad things that happen because people will certainly argue with you
00:37:37They will say well if God is all good, then why did my mother die of cancer?
00:37:43Wait, what do you have to say to that? Because that's out there. That's that's another tweet that I could read to you. I
00:37:49think that
00:37:53Is in charge of man's destiny
00:37:58And we live in a physical world
00:38:02physical things happen to man and
00:38:05It's not all good
00:38:07people get sick
00:38:09people get cancer
00:38:12People get terrible terrible disease and there are miracles that happen
00:38:21It's not God's fault that these things happen that someone gets sick. All we have is
00:38:29God's grace
00:38:32And God's forgiveness and God's love to help us through
00:38:37the trying times and the suffering that we must endure but it's
00:38:43Not God's fault that these bad things happen
00:38:46It is a physical world
00:38:53It's man's world and we decide what we do
00:38:59So essentially you're saying it's part of the gift of being alive having free will
00:39:04Exactly. We're kind of
00:39:07You know
00:39:08Biting the hand that fed us so to speak
00:39:12In a way yes in a way
00:39:17I'm pregnant
00:40:28Mr. Harris
00:40:59You it's nice of you to join us
00:41:05Then why why do you choose to talk about God as is that your anchor is that your focal point that you think that
00:41:12People will relate to because isn't the core of it. Really what you're talking about is the essence of energy
00:41:18I believe that we have lost
00:41:21something and
00:41:23that I
00:41:24Believe we have lost the essence of our faith
00:41:27I'm afraid we don't have any milk. I hope that's okay, but we have a specialty of my wife's brownies
00:41:34Thank you
00:41:38Those are really good. I know right
00:41:44Okay, so you're not the CIA you're not the FBI and
00:41:49Unless I miss it. There haven't been any alien sightings in the area recently. So
00:41:54Who do you work for
00:41:57Who we've worked for isn't important. No, I think it is
00:42:02from that loss, I believe we have become rudderless and
00:42:07that we have lost our way and
00:42:11that the only way to
00:42:13find our path is to
00:42:16Come back to the father come back to the stars
00:42:26Because in darkness a
00:42:31Speck of light will always burn through a
00:42:37Sheet of darkness and that just is a fact and that is a scientific fact
00:42:47I mean, it's obvious. You're not authoritative types. That's apparent
00:42:52Come in the house. You guys are snooping around that car
00:42:56It smacks of organized crime
00:42:58I do know that I didn't already call the cops and I'm just biding time until they get here
00:43:03I don't think you did that. No, but my partner is trying to say is we believe you're more interested in protecting your son
00:43:10Than causing him more harm
00:43:13Let me ask you something. Mr. Harris, how important is Davis safety to you?
00:43:21Why would you want to hurt my son you've got us all wrong, we don't want to hurt David we want to help him
00:43:31We know David is innocent, but we also know David is the key to helping us recover what belongs to us
00:43:40I don't know where he is
00:43:51Mr. Harris, give me your hands
00:44:30Did you just do to me
00:45:39Take it easy. Dr. Milano
00:46:13Didn't make that mess in there
00:46:39Think they found a UFO around here what the suits car
00:46:48You mind driving
00:46:51Let's do it
00:46:54Hey, thanks for driving I needed a break
00:47:01Get a mind you
00:47:04Love this song
00:47:10What do you come all the way out of here for I need to get away
00:47:17Traveling light, huh?
00:47:21It's kind of a last-minute thing
00:47:24Me too
00:47:28Just gonna rest my eyes
00:47:34It'll all be over soon
00:47:46That's the truth he showed up at the cafe I brought him back here he showered we talked and then he left
00:47:56That's it nothing else
00:48:00Aiding and abetting a fugitive of course don't take lightly to that
00:48:07David do that Wow. I wouldn't think he had it in him
00:48:15Look dr. Milano
00:48:17Despite what my partner said, you're not a person of interest in this case. Okay, we're not here for you
00:48:24Just looking for David. I
00:48:29Gave him my car. He needed my help. So I did what was right
00:48:36Okay, what do you drive an SUV? It's white license plate to two three
00:48:48Thank you
00:48:59He didn't kill Abby you have to know that so why did he run
00:49:03Because he saw her who Abby
00:49:09He told you that yes, he told you he saw his dead wife, that's right
00:49:16So you see you see how unstable he is
00:49:21We need to pick him up before he hurts himself before he hurts anyone else
00:49:26So any detail that you could tell us
00:49:29Could be a value
00:49:31Could be a value
00:49:38Anything Sofia
00:49:57Get some kind of trouble, what do you mean the suits they're following us?
00:50:04Look I don't know what you're into, but I'm not looking for trouble. Neither am I what's with the gun?
00:50:13I would drop you right here. If you don't start talking
00:50:22I'm innocent. Okay
00:50:25My wife is dead they think I did it all I have to do is prove my innocence
00:50:30How are you gonna do that I had a plan to run yeah
00:50:37No, I mean, I don't know
00:50:40Sound confused
00:50:51It wasn't supposed to be part of the plan
00:50:54It wasn't supposed to be part of the plan it's just
00:50:59They left me no other choice, you'll always have a choice
00:51:08No, Abby would say that me I think it's like a dog-eat-dog world. I play the hand I've been down a
00:51:16Wise man once said no one to hold them. No one to fold
00:51:24So what we're gonna do about our friends back there
00:51:29We lose them you can do anything
00:51:40This is as far as I take you well, you're going this way and I'm going that way. I
00:51:50Just thought you were gonna take me all the way there change of plans I have somewhere to be
00:51:58I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
00:52:05I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
00:52:11Hey chin up, you're not alone. Trust me. I know
00:52:33Thanks for the ride anytime
00:53:07Can taste the poison
00:53:11Running through my veins
00:53:15Part of your destruction
00:53:20Toxic in every way
00:53:25With your
00:53:28Suffocate by a
00:53:32Say I won't listen
00:53:35But I've no choice to take you've been
00:53:44And I can hardly
00:54:08Help me first don't stop running
00:54:24That sounds like a great idea, I just don't know when I can do that right now
00:54:35I can feel your heartbeat getting closer
00:54:57He had a brilliant mind
00:54:59He had so many theories on life's creation. I
00:55:02Can guarantee you they were not having an affair David
00:57:58Speak to me Abby. Why are you doing this?
00:58:01What do you want from me
00:58:08Talk to me, please
00:58:28You want me come and get me
00:59:06Pick yourself up son clock is ticking
01:01:44David I'm on your side. Really? Then where have you been for the last few months?
01:01:54Look I didn't kill a
01:02:04Want to make that very clear
01:02:12She was my friend
01:02:22Why should I trust you
01:02:27Because you don't have a choice
01:02:40You know, that's funny
01:02:46Yesterday I had a conversation with this man and he said we all have a choice
01:02:56Because I'm the only one that could clear your name
01:03:07What happened to her
01:03:12What happened to her
01:03:17It's next I
01:03:22Came up here to talk to her about a project that we were working on
01:03:28Things didn't go the way they were supposed to
01:03:34He started arguing
01:03:39Next thing I know I was chasing through the woods
01:03:46She fell
01:03:50I didn't know what to do
01:03:54So I read
01:03:57If it was an accident, why didn't you say something
01:04:03Why hide
01:04:11We were family
01:04:14You wait dinner at our table Chloe is your goddaughter
01:04:28My life's work was at stake what about us?
01:04:37You understand I
01:04:41Don't understand
01:04:46Don't understand I
01:04:54Don't understand my wife is dead. I don't understand. I don't get to see my children
01:05:05There's people chasing me following me and I don't even know who they are
01:05:10So you tell me what I don't understand
01:05:28Five years ago Abby and I started researching
01:05:34The genetic cause of diseases
01:05:40A goal was to find out why certain family members
01:05:49others don't
01:05:57What it what it led us to discover was one common gene I
01:06:05Believe this was proof physical proof
01:06:10Of one divine creator
01:06:18What does this have to do with her dad we didn't see I die
01:06:27Abby felt that it went against everything that she believed in
01:06:32What our colleagues believed in and I felt
01:06:38This was proof that we can give people their lives back
01:06:48But the board decided to go with the status quo
01:06:57Problem is all that work that we had done happy took it and headed away
01:07:07And when I came up here to ask her to give it back to me
01:07:13That's what everything just went sideways
01:07:26Wish it would have never happened
01:07:31And I wish that she was here with us today
01:07:46Do you think she hit it here
01:07:54That's what she told me but I've looked everywhere and I
01:08:06Sophia told me that
01:08:10Abby appears to you sometimes in your dreams
01:08:18Is it true
01:08:22David what?
01:08:26Is it true I
01:08:29Don't want to talk about it
01:08:33Maybe she's reaching out to you
01:08:36Maybe she's trying to tell you something
01:08:42David talk to me. I can't
01:08:49No, I can't I don't want to look I know
01:08:57Your views on the world are different from the way Abby and I saw things
01:09:02When are you gonna let it go? I?
01:09:05Don't know how sure you do
01:09:11Everybody does
01:09:18I don't want to talk to him
01:09:23He's always listening even when you think he isn't he is
01:09:35I pray David talk to him David
01:10:04I'm the only friend you have left
01:11:29Think I know where she hid it
01:11:34Why is this so important to you
01:11:37You think about it
01:11:40You know how the world is
01:11:42Look at how we treat one another
01:11:45We haven't faith is difficult
01:11:49Most people aren't even capable of it. I mean what if we knew
01:11:55What if we knew that God was real
01:12:01You really think he cares
01:12:04Maybe you're doing this for nothing
01:12:08I'm trying to do something good for the world David and that makes you as bad as every religious fanatic. I've ever sat with
01:12:22This isn't about religion David, this is about us
01:12:29People always say that religion is bad
01:12:34Religion isn't bad. It's man that makes religion evil the way they teach it the way they manipulate it
01:12:41The way they benefit from it
01:12:45And if I could prove that God
01:12:50Really exists then I believe I'm giving humanity the answers that it's searching for
01:13:00And I hope that one day
01:13:04It'll end war pain suffering
01:13:12And give people what they really deserve
01:13:59Where the hell are we going?
01:14:10Just up here
01:14:39Right here
01:15:09Lying son of Lucy
01:15:11What about me and my family?
01:15:14Don't worry. I'll take care of you. I promise
01:15:19We don't know what kind of evil these people are David what if they'll stop at nothing, huh
01:15:29Oh drop it
01:15:48It doesn't have to be this way what you discovered is true then let me help you
01:15:57Help me
01:16:00You can't help David
01:16:05I could only help myself
01:16:10Now let's go
01:16:59Charlie stay back. I won't hesitate. This isn't the way we do things. I know how this works
01:17:09Put the gun down
01:17:14Don't trust Charlie think about what you're doing you go down this road. There's no turning back
01:17:22Don't even think about it
01:18:32Okay, yeah
01:18:38What you stop
01:18:51Mr. Harris David, may I call you that? Yeah
01:18:59We are deeply saddened by your loss Abby was a wonderful woman
01:19:04She did great things for the university and her memory will not be lost
01:19:21Want to go call your mom
01:20:10Feel better
01:20:12Fear see radio. Just give it a second and good stuff. Oh, this is real. You believe in this. I don't believe in it
01:20:21And the whole area 51 shit and the the Mafia killed JFK killing me man
01:20:27You're killing me Marilyn Monroe still alive living in our all right. We're changing it. We're changing the channel. All right
01:20:34Hitler it's not going anymore. Okay good wake me up
01:20:39Oh, man, when we get there you just you just can't have one bit of patience, can you son?
01:21:00Whose dad
01:21:13And Ben's not quite ready a little time