Nikita: Alpha Kings 3-time rejected mate - Part 4

  • 2 months ago
Nikita: Alpha Kings 3-time rejected mate - Part 4
00:00Are you and Vincent really together again?
00:04Yeah, we're planning the wedding here in a few months.
00:07Do you really have the nerve to remain at his side after what you did?
00:10I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't cheat on him. He let go of me.
00:30You can't just launch into cold water like that! Don't you know she's sick?
00:57I didn't mean to push her. I just wanted her to let go of my arm.
01:00We saw you!
01:02I really didn't push her on purpose. I didn't expect her to fall in. I'm so sorry.
01:09I know you didn't mean to. But you can't be so careless.
01:16The patient's awake.
01:30I'd like to talk to you alone.
01:33Ethan and Nikita aren't outsiders. If you have something to say, you can say it here.
01:37Please, just let me talk to you alone.
01:52Vincent, I love you.
01:55Catherine, I'm sorry.
01:56I know. I know you're planning to get married soon.
01:59But I'm begging you to please be by my side in these last months of my life.
02:04What do you mean the last few months of your life?
02:06The doctor said that I don't have long to live.
02:10The shock of falling in the pool triggered my old illness.
02:19You know, today I was planning on apologizing to Nikita for misunderstanding her earlier.
02:24I had no idea that she was so angry that she would just push me right into that pool.
02:29And I don't even blame her. It's my fault.
02:32Don't, don't, don't blame yourself.
02:35Yes, Nikita was wrong for pushing you in, but I apologized for her.
02:39And I will get you the best doctors that I can.
02:41What's the point? It's only a few more months of life.
02:45And nothing can really fix me to get what I really want.
02:52Catherine, feelings cannot be forced.
02:55Just, just stay with me. Three months.
03:00And then, when I'm dead, you can go have your Nikita.
03:08Enough, King Vincent.
03:21Please fulfill my daughter's last wishes before she dies.
03:27Do it as an atonement for that woman who pushed her in the water and caused all this.
03:36For my sake, for that time I saved your father's life, please say yes to her.
04:03Our wedding may have to be postponed.
04:06When you pushed Catherine in the pool, she had a relapse.
04:11An old problem came back.
04:14She asked me to just stay with her.
04:17Just for, just for three months. That's how long she expects to live.
04:21For that nonsense.
04:31This is just another one of your foolish games.
04:34Setting up an innocent girl just to get your way.
04:39People called me the creep.
04:40Enough. You can go.
04:43Aren't you afraid I'll tell Vincent everything?
04:45Yeah, if you want him to kill me, then go ahead. Tell Vincent everything.
04:54Three months. And then we will get married.
04:57No. No. This whole situation is just, just so weird.
05:05I really didn't push her.
05:07We all saw it.
05:08Why don't you believe me again?
05:09She's dying because of you.
05:12She's dying.
05:14Her father's a loyal bait to my family.
05:19I, I can't.
05:25You stay with her for three months.
05:28We don't have to get married.
05:30I can't.
05:40What are you gonna do?
05:42I'm gonna go back to the new moon pack.
05:44You're not gonna really leave the two of them alone for three whole months, are you?
05:49Nikita, I remember you as a woman of courage, daring to face any difficulty.
05:56You don't let others bully you.
05:59Don't give up. I'll support you.
06:06You're right. You're right. You're right.
06:14Go get your band.
06:18I'm here to make up for what Nikita did.
06:23And to pay back your dad for saving my father's life.
06:28I don't need you to make up for my mistakes. I can do that myself.
06:33I'm here to take care of you.
06:35I don't want you to take care of me. I want to be alone with Vincent.
06:39Why are you so angry about that?
06:42You should be happy. You have someone else to help you.
06:45Vincent, go get her some fruit, please.
06:48Yeah, on it. You're right. Okay.
06:55You know whether I pushed you or not.
07:16Who knows? Maybe you'll be cured.
07:20I just hope that you'll stop pursuing my mate when that happens.
07:25It's been days.
07:44She isn't better. Why isn't she?
07:56Alpha Caleb? Luna Agatha?
08:02Could you put me in touch with the doctor that I'm in pack?
08:09Doctor, please run me through the check-up.
08:22Oh, my God. She's healthy. I have to tell Vincent.
09:06Beta Mateo, aren't you afraid of Vincent finding out about this?
09:11He won't know. My people will delete the hospital surveillance.
09:17If you do this to me, Vincent will end you.
09:20Oh, you're cute.
09:22I saved his father's life.
09:25His dad's dying wish was that he would take care of me and my family.
09:40What happened, my Alpha King?
09:42Mateo, omelet.
09:45Touch my mate one more time.
09:49No matter what my father said, I will drag you, breathing, into a coffin.
09:55Put you six feet under and let nature take its course.
10:19How dare you? What is this about? Defying his authority?
10:23You're smarter than I thought. But you and Vincent are just so young.
10:35We'll leave by helicopter.
10:55Jackie, listen to me. Give me the Alpha of the new moon pack now.
11:13It was you. It's been you this entire time.
11:17From Ethan's photos to your fall in the pool. It was you.
11:22Don't forget Brayden's death. That was me too.
11:26Credit where credit is due.
11:29I guess there's no point in hiding anything from you anymore, is there?
11:36God, the smell of blood down here reeks.
11:39How many people have you killed down here over the years?
11:42I don't know. But tell me.
11:48Can you smell your parents down here?
12:04They took Nikita from the hospital by helicopter to Goddess Knows. And I need to find her.
12:09Beta Mateo, you said? Was it full-on treason?
12:13Yes. Beta Mateo is no longer my Beta.
12:17He is now a traitor. He should be killed by anyone that sees him.
12:21What do we do now?
12:23We found evidence that Mateo's been raising an army of killers.
12:27As well as involving himself in several murders over the years.
12:30The men who tried to assassinate Nikita earlier? There it is.
12:35Where would he keep these killers?
12:37That's probably where they took Nikita.
12:41No place will make him feel more in control.
12:45Whatever that is, we need to find.
12:53Ethan, I can feel her pain.
12:55We have to get her back.
12:58Vincent, there's something I need to tell you about Catherine.
13:03I'm sorry.
13:14My dad told me everything. He's the one who really killed your parents back then.
13:21Your parents were a lot more useful dead.
13:25Kind of like you.
13:30Vincent will kill you all! Let me go!
13:42With you here, I doubt it.
13:47He's very strong. Very strong indeed.
13:52But I will raise an undead army with your blood.
13:57So that's what this is about? You won't get away with this! I won't let you!
14:01What can you do? You don't even have a wolf.
14:05A rope is all it takes to hold you.
14:10Don't worry. I won't take too much blood and leave you as dead as your mother.
14:18You took credit for curing the old Alpha King by using my mother's blood?
14:22Well, how clever. You figured it out.
14:27Did the old Alpha King know that curing him costed my parents' lives?
14:32He knew that.
14:33What? You don't believe me?
14:36Whatever you think. It doesn't matter.
14:39Vincent's father was indirectly responsible for your parents' deaths.
14:48Oh, goddess, why did you bind me to the son of my enemy?
14:54Why does Vincent love you?
14:57You know, if he hadn't insisted on being with you, we wouldn't have had to rebel.
15:03I would already be the Luna to the Alpha King.
15:05You don't deserve to be Luna!
15:08Your selfish, sadistic Vincent would never trust you with his people!
15:21You know what?
15:25I knew your dad was in that hospital room, and I let him hurt me.
15:32Do you think Vincent would ever believe me if I told him Mateo killed my parents?
15:39No. Surely he'll believe me now.
15:44You bitch!
15:50Hey! Don't kill her. She's trying to get on your nerves. She seeks death.
15:56Kill me! Even if I die, I still won't let you get your way.
16:00I won't let you die, but I am going to make living a lot worse.
16:06You may recover, but your life will be nothing but raw pain.
16:17Guess who's calling?
16:22Let's make a deal.
16:25I'll pick up this video call. If you tell Vincent that you never loved him, I won't torture you.
16:32Otherwise, we'll start from the top. But this time, with new toys.
16:38You really won't hurt me if I tell him?
16:43Okay. Just don't lie to me.
16:47Okay. And if you lie to me, I'll make you wish I had cut your tongue out.
16:58Catherine! Catherine! Catherine!
17:02Catherine! Catherine! Catherine! Catherine! Don't hurt Nikita! Let me see her!
17:08Catherine, please! You can have anything you want!
17:10Do you think I can still be your Luna after all of this?
17:15You know what? Don't answer that. Nikita has something she wants to say to you.
17:20Oh, man.
17:24They're going to raise an undead army with my blood! Dr. Caleb and Agatha!
17:30You bitch! How dare you fool me! How dare you underestimate our love!
17:35Time to bear the consequences.
17:58You wolf-less bitch. If you don't want to suffer, you're going to have to beg me.
18:05I won't.
18:07Kill me if you dare.
18:14Kill me.
18:48Finally, finally.
18:50It's you. Really, finally, it's you.
18:56Alpha blood is strong, but sometimes the mind link that accompanies it takes years and pain to fully form.
19:05Alpha blood?
19:07It's in your veins, dear girl. Along with all the power that entails.
19:11Where once you lagged behind the rest of the pack, you can now race forward, ahead of the rest.
19:17Your true power is finally at your command.
19:23Yes. And I know exactly how I'm going to use it.
19:29It's time for revenge.
19:37It's the truth. Though at first she was trying to find out about her parents' deaths, she felt deeply in love with you.