Pemindahan ASN ke IKN, Intip Ulasannya

  • 2 months ago
Pemerintah tengah merumuskan insentif anggaran, hingga percepatan kenaikan jabatan bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara atau ASN yang akan pindah ke Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN). Pemberian insentif bagi ASN yang pindah ke IKN, serupa layaknya insentif Dokter yang berkerja di wilayah 3T.


00:00We go to another information, where the government is finalizing budget incentives to speed up the increase of positions for civil and state apparatus or ASNs that will move to the capital city of Nusantara.
00:11Providing incentives for ASNs that move to the IKN is similar to the incentive for doctors who work in the 3T area.
00:19We go to another information, where the government is finalizing budget incentives to speed up the increase of positions for civil and state apparatus or ASNs that will move to the capital city of Nusantara.
00:30Providing incentives for ASNs that move to the IKN is similar to the incentive for doctors who work in the 3T area.
00:37According to the Minister of State Apparatus and Reformation of the Bureaucracy, Abdullah Azwar Anas,
00:42providing incentives for ASNs that move to the IKN is similar to the incentive for doctors who work in the 3T area.
00:50In providing incentives, the government is calculating the cost of living in the IKN, including speeding up the increase of positions for ASNs that meet qualifications.
00:58We have been asked by the President to summarize the incentive for ASNs that move to the IKN.
01:06I haven't been able to announce it yet because the number will be re-exercised with the Minister of Finance.
01:11But the President has already given an overview of how doctors who are placed in the 3T area are given special incentives,
01:19as well as ASNs, both in the form of budget incentives and speed up the increase of positions.
01:27The timing of ASNs that move to the IKN is divided into three stages, namely the short, medium, and long term for the 2030-2034 period.
