Tales of Demons and Gods S 8 Ep 21 Multi Sub

  • 2 months ago
Tales of Demons and Gods S 8 Ep 21 Multi Sub
00:00来来,这边 Come, this way.
00:18聂离先生 Mr. Neil.
00:20固兰姐姐气色越来越好了 Sister Gulan is getting better.
00:23还要多谢先生所赐 Thank you for your kindness.
00:26看来顾辈是想上演一场好戏啊 It seems that Gu Bei wants to put on a good show.
00:30今天是顾仕最新一届学员的比试 Today is the latest competition of Gu's Academy.
00:33这里有很多我们顾仕的族人 There are a lot of Gu's people here.
00:35几位顾仕长老也在其中 A few Gu's elders are also among them.
00:39我们过去吧 Let's go over there.
00:42走 Let's go.
00:44固兰,顾辈,你们也来参加这次盛会啊 Gulan, Gu Bei, you are also here for the ceremony.
00:48我们来逛逛 Let's take a look around.
00:50这不是今晚天气好吗 Isn't the weather good tonight?
00:53是固兰啊 It's Gulan.
00:55你的身体如何了 How's your health?
00:57托大长老的福最近感觉好多了 Thanks to you, I feel much better recently.
01:02真是天不由我顾仕啊 God bless Gu's Academy.
01:05固兰可是百年难得一见的天才 Gulan is a rare genius.
01:09如今却经脉阻塞形同废人 But now his meridians are blocked.
01:13今天好热闹啊 It's so lively today.
01:15听说咱们家族的后辈都在这里比试 I heard that the descendants of our family are all competing here.
01:18要不顾辈堂弟也上去试试 Why don't you go up and have a try?
01:21正好顾宽的修为和你一样也是地名巅峰 Gu Kuan's cultivation is just as top-notch as yours.
01:26我就派他和你玩游玩如何 Why don't I send him to play with you?
01:29顾宽 这样是不是不太好啊 Gu Kuan? Isn't it inappropriate?
01:34反正只是切磋 顾辈堂弟不必担心 It's just a competition. You don't have to worry about it.
01:37我会让顾宽注意分寸的 I'll let Gu Kuan pay attention to it.
01:41行吧 Okay.
01:43那个二十多个老婆的纨绔子弟要上去跟人比试啊 That 20-year-old playboy is going to compete with others.
01:47他的修为在地命境都是垫底的 His cultivation is at the bottom of the world.
01:50简直就是废物一个 He's a piece of trash.
01:52顾宽 给我往死里打 Gu Kuan, beat him to death.
01:55是 Yes.
01:57竟然要和这个废物对打 He's going to fight this trash.
02:10脚步虚浮 顾辈的身子估计早就被女人掏空了 His legs are weak. I think his body has already been emptied by a woman.
02:14这还怎么打啊 How can he fight?
02:16这小子 吸引又来了 This kid is attractive again.
02:18这么能装 也不怕被雷劈啊 He's so good at pretending that he's not afraid of being struck by lightning.
02:23顾辈是跟你学的吧 Did you learn it from him?
02:25那可不 物以类聚 Of course.
02:29你也没少和我们混在一起啊 You've been with us a lot, haven't you?
02:31像你这种垃圾根本没有资格待在我们故事受死吧 A trash like you has no right to stay in our story.
02:36受死吧 Go to hell.
02:49如果这是真正的战斗 你已经死了 If this is a real fight, you're already dead.
02:55顾辈这个贱役 二名请求的都未必是他对手 This lowly man may not be his opponent.
03:00可恶 他修炼的重心竟然是贱役 原来一直在扮猪吃老虎 Damn it. His focus on cultivation is actually a lowly man. It turns out that he's been eating a tiger for half of his life.
03:05顾辈 你怎么能这么说他 He's a lowly man.
03:07顾辈 你怎么能这么说他 He's a lowly man.
03:09顾辈 你怎么能这么说他 He's a lowly man.
03:11顾辈 你怎么能这么说他 He's a lowly man.
03:12可恶 他修炼的重心竟然是贱役 原来一直在扮猪吃老虎 Damn it. His focus on cultivation is actually a lowly man. It turns out that he's been eating a tiger for half of his life.
03:18顾辈的实力怎么会提升得如此之快 这贱役 莫非就是从灭离的那个剑刺中流出来的 Why is his power increasing so fast? Is this lowly man coming out of the mirror of Nirvana?
03:27顾兵 你是三名境界 你上去跟顾辈较量一下看看 Gu Bing, you are a third-ranked man. Go up and fight with him.
03:32听到没 快上 好好的 别再给我丢人了 Do you hear me? Go ahead. Don't embarrass me.
03:36是 Yes.
03:43三名境界 如今我终于不用再隐藏实力 让我好好战一场吧 I'm a third-ranked man. Now I don't have to hide my strength anymore. Let me have a good fight.
03:54他的气息 竟然是一命巅峰 顾辈的气息还在增长 His breath is like a hurricane. Is his breath still increasing?
04:04龙骨一虎 Dragon Bone Tiger
04:13啊 击招 Oh, that's a good move.
04:21三名境界 你被顾辈一招打败了 Three-ranked man, you were defeated by Gu Bei's one move.
04:25神机成长系的龙血妖灵 A dragon-blood demon with a miraculous growth system.
04:28不行 再这么下去 顾辈绝对会被家族列为继承人 No, if this goes on, Gu Bei will definitely be listed as the heir to the family.
04:33姐姐败飞了还不甘心 弟弟也想试一试嘛 I'm not satisfied with my sister's defeat. My brother also wants to give it a try.
04:38不能再下毒了 同样的招式不能用两次 I can't use the same move twice.
04:42所有顾氏弟子都听好 我们要紧急召开长老会议 顾辈将成为我们顾氏的继承人之一 至于是第几顺位 我们稍后宣布 All the disciples of the Gu family, listen up. We need to hold a meeting urgently. Gu Bei will be one of the heirs of the Gu family. As for the rank, we'll announce it later.
04:55恭喜顾辈堂弟确立继承人之位 Congratulations, Gu Bei. You are now the heir.
