Glorious Revenge of Ye Feng Ep 73 Multi Sub

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Glorious Revenge of Ye Feng Ep 73 Multi Sub
00:30Is it the wind and rain that drift the world?
00:40The pride of freedom must compromise
00:48Is it the pain that brings the misunderstanding?
00:52If there is no stubbornness, then there must be patience
01:00With injury, with light, face the battle
01:03Not afraid of war, I use my sword to cut through the storm
01:06There is strength to break through the curse of loneliness
01:09There is strength to break through the curse of loneliness
01:12Raise your head, my fist, go crazy
01:15I hold my sword in anger, only for dreams
01:18Rise from the rain and look up
01:25Waiting for the light to come
01:29Looking forward to the hero's return
01:32Missing the first guest, but I can't change the color of my past
01:37Waiting for the light to come
01:41Riding the wind like the sea
01:44Break through the rules, go through the starry sky
01:47You are my heart, you are my color
02:17I've been fighting for several times, and I'm about to break through
02:25This is a chance that no one can ask for
02:30But at this time, I don't know if I believe it or not
02:37It's my turn
02:43It seems that you don't know martial arts, even the sky wants to destroy you
02:47Ye Feng, Ye Feng, look at the move
02:54Three-faced Skill, come on
03:25用我的招来对付我!Use my spear to deal with me!
03:33你们干什么?!What are you doing?!
03:36见义勇!Hmph! You're useless!
03:43竟然放了我!How dare you let me go!
03:46血脉之光!Blood-vein light!
03:56被天雷劈了还这么嚣张,不愧是武圣子!You're still so arrogant after being struck by the thunder. You're indeed the son of a warrior.
04:00叶峰,你居然利用我挡了雷剑!Yifeng, how dare you use me to block the thunder!
04:05天道枷锁!Heavenly blade shackle!
04:10这雷可厉害了!This thunder is awesome!
04:16借用天雷之力,你倒是提醒了我,这天雷也能为我所用,全身无效!By using the power of thunder, you reminded me that this thunder can also be used by me, and it's completely useless!
04:25雷击!Thunder strike!
04:29这一击,让魂飞魄散!This strike will make my soul fly away!
04:35咻,咒术结合天雷,威力倍增,这小子还不算太笨,看来这最后一道天雷有点难缠啊!Hmph, the spell combination of thunder and power increase, this guy is not too stupid. It seems that the last thunder is a bit difficult to deal with.
04:46要的就是威力倍增,既然武圣子这样帮我,那我就不客气了!What I want is power increase. Since my son helped me like this, I won't be polite.
04:55天道加速,给我破!Break the speed of the Heavenly Law!
05:17战亡已成!The war is over!
05:18这,这是,用剑的手,破了天道加速啊!This is, breaking the speed of the Heavenly Law with the sword alone!
05:35这么大魔戒,破大伤身啊,武圣子,无灵之计,还我呢!Such a big magic weapon, it will hurt me a lot, my son. Give it back to me if you have no magic.
05:43还我呢!Give it back to me if you have no magic.
05:47既然上不去,没门,那就打得你揪出来!If you can't go up, then I'll beat you up!
06:01拿了!Take it!
06:08野兄弟,这是我流云阁的仇人,交给我!Brother Ye, this is the enemy of Liuyun Pavilion, give it to me!
06:13看剑!Watch the sword!
06:26果然是你,墨桥!It's you, Mo Qiao!
06:29又被你发现了,不过,其他人可就没这个本事了。You found me again, but no one else can do it.
06:39这俩修为高的虽然棘手,但他们的灵力所剩不多,费点力也就拿下了。These two are highly cultivated, but they don't have much spiritual power left.
06:47要不是你变成金老头骗我们,我们能被你抓吗?臭田狱,果然又是你搞的鬼!If you hadn't turned into a golden old man and lied to us, could we have been caught by you? Stinky Tianyu, it's you again!
06:55玄姑娘,只能说我们还是有缘呢。Miss Xuan, I can only say that we are still fated.
07:02不得不说,这一幕,真是似曾相识啊。I have to say, this scene is really familiar.
07:08叶峰,交出百诗之中,我就放了他们。Yanfeng, give me the Book of Hundred Poems, and I'll let them go.
07:12那这次,两位五圣子,想要保证...This time, the two Five Saints want to...
07:25扶下。Hold her.
07:30现在简单了。一换三,把人交出来。It's simple now. One for three, hand her over.
07:38你不会以为我真的在乎她吧?You don't think I really care about her, do you?
08:08我们先途经五五七七零零铁炕。Let's first go through the Five Five Seven Zero Zero Iron Pan.
08:12省省那点伎俩。你们想摆脱九天道功,我也和他们有仇。Let's save those tricks. If you want to get rid of the Nine Heavens, I have a grudge against them, too.
08:18我们没有必要两败俱伤。换人。We don't have to be defeated twice. Let's swap.
08:26不,一定要拿到百诗之中。No, we must get the Book of Hundred Poems.
08:35兄妹?怪不得。Brother? No wonder.
08:39这东西居然值得你连命都不要吗?You don't even want your life for this?
08:43值得。It's worth it.
08:45叶峰,你要干嘛?Yan Feng, what are you doing?
08:48爸,拿着。Dad, take it.
08:51给我了?你真的把它给我了?You gave it to me? You really gave it to me?
08:56叶峰?Yan Feng?
08:58放人,别逼我改主意。Let her go. Don't force me to change my mind.
09:09叶峰,小心五公主。Yan Feng, watch out for the Fifth Princess.
09:12走。Let's go.
09:21小师傅,你真的要放他们走吗?Master, are you really going to let them go?
09:25让他们走吧。百诗之中可没这么容易被带走。Let them go. The Book of Hundred Poems won't be taken away so easily.
09:31此阵,无论生死不利,绝无因果。This battle, no matter life or death, there is only cause and effect.
09:36正该如此。That's the way it should be.
09:38大黄斩!Big Yellow Slash!
10:09满玉清风化殿妆,远离纷扰,缘在此与良人。In the middle of the romantic night, I am willing to part with you.
10:21繁华落尽,相伴寄予余生,愿人间从此无离分。May our love last for the rest of our lives.
10:32望日清再重现,是非恩怨抛下一切终成空。The past and the present reappear, is it a grudge to throw away all that has become empty?
10:44燕国长候与水月相拥,你浪迹天涯我跟踪。I will follow you as you wander the world.
10:56往后余生你陪同,写了宾家诉情,但愿这一生,接手走过这千般风景,共赴这一世约定。I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.
11:08接手走过这千般风景,共赴这一世约定。I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.