• 5 months ago


00:00It's Abba Cat with his ABC, a magic house on CITV.
00:10See the spooks of Bottle Bay, watch Rustman and Cheesy play, having fun on CITV.
00:20Hello folks, it's Tuesday. You know what to do by now. On your marks, get set, go!
00:26Are you ready? Steady, one, two, three!
00:30Gigglish all sorts, what's happening today?
00:36Gigglish all sorts, who's coming out to play?
00:42There's Jiffy and JJ and Bonzo and Box. Is everybody here?
00:46No, there's someone we forgot.
00:48Gigglish all sorts.
00:50Hey, Baldi!
00:52Is someone calling me?
00:54Are you ready? Steady, one, two, three!
00:56Gigglish all sorts!
01:12Must have sought that donkey out this morning.
01:18Very quiet though.
01:20Where's Jiffy?
01:22I haven't seen him since the post came and he rushed upstairs like a frightened rabbit.
01:26That's odd.
01:30Not really. He's had a letter from his Aunt Jemima and believe me, she's enough to frighten anyone.
01:36Listen to this. I'm sure we can find ways of making you look less scruffy so that you'll be able to find yourself a job.
01:46A job?
01:48Meanwhile, I think you should start by having a jolly good bath when you come to my house.
01:52As I think there must be something wrong with yours.
01:54You obviously never use it.
01:56Till Tuesday afternoon then, TTFN.
02:00What's that? TTF? Oh, I know.
02:02Ta-ta for now.
02:04From Aunt Jemima.
02:06A job?
02:08What do I want me one of them for?
02:10I'm far too busy.
02:12Busy reading my comics.
02:14The Annoying Box.
02:16I'm not having a bath.
02:18Nothing is getting me in the bath.
02:20Here or Aunt Jemima's.
02:22No way!
02:30Mind you, Aunt Jemima can be pretty insistent.
02:34I know.
02:38Just give me a face a little wipe.
02:40That should keep her quiet for our visit.
02:42I've got a very busy morning.
02:44I've got a singing lesson in half an hour.
02:46And then later on I'm teaching Dr. Brush's boy, Lou.
02:48Lou Brush.
02:50And I've got, let me see.
02:52Oh yes, I've got Mrs. Burrows coming with her angora rabbit to be looked after this morning.
02:58And then I've got to pick up Sam Thomas' pet alligator from the vets.
03:02A rabbit and an alligator?
03:04I'm sure they'll get on like a house on fire.
03:06I'll keep them separate, silly.
03:08Alligators can get a bit snappy.
03:10Alligators can get a bit snappy.
03:12Even when they're not being very well.
03:14Well, this won't get the baby bathed.
03:16Let's go to it.
03:20You're not looking after one of them, are you, Bonzo?
03:22It's just an expression box.
03:24Oh no, I've forgotten to shave.
03:26Can't be scruffy when I'm working.
03:28Well, don't be long, please.
03:30I have to take a shower before my first pupil arrives.
03:32It's very important to look one's best if you're an artist like me.
03:36Yeah, well, the bathroom's the last place I'd go to make myself feel my best.
03:40What's wrong with a bit of soap and water?
03:42Oh, nothing, if you're human.
03:44But it's different for us boxes.
03:46No, why?
03:48Have you ever tried to pick up a soggy box, JJ?
03:50A box that's been in the bath?
03:52It usually...
03:56...falls to bits.
03:58Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay?
04:07What are you doing, you great lummox?
04:10That's not a towel!
04:12Sorry, Bonzo, I could have sworn there was a door there a few seconds ago.
04:14There was, I mean...
04:16Well, there is.
04:18Oh, just stop it.
04:20Anyway, what are you doing in here?
04:22You never normally come into the bathroom.
04:24This is why.
04:26She has sent for me.
04:28And when she wants to see you, you had better be prepared, as you well know.
04:32Too right, Jiffy.
04:34Too right, Jiffy.
04:36And you've come here to have a shower
04:38instead of having to take one at Aunt Jemima's, then?
04:42Certainly not.
04:44Wash my face, and that's as far as I'm going.
04:46Well, I think you'll be lucky
04:48if a clean face is enough to stop
04:50Aunt Jemima's schemes for you.
04:52You know she can be very thorough.
04:54Yes, but surely...
04:56For instance,
04:58if you were to show me your hands now,
05:00could you be sure that they'd pass
05:02Aunt Jemima's clean-as-a-new-pin test?
05:06Pretty sure, yes.
05:08All right, then. Let's see them.
05:12There you are, Jiffy.
05:14Those fingernails
05:16haven't seen a scrubbing brush in ages.
05:20Are you out of the bathroom yet?
05:22It's getting late.
05:24No, I really don't think
05:26you'll get away with hands like that, you know.
05:28Oh, dear, better let my hands come to that.
05:30My advice to you, Jiffy,
05:32is to bother with the...
05:34Bonzo, get off my gown!
05:36No, Jiffy, Jiffy.
05:38Oh, I bet that's rubbed you up the wrong way.
05:40I'll rub you out, both of you, in a minute.
05:42Look, frankly, I don't know what sort of meeting's
05:44going on in here, and I frankly don't care, but...
05:48What's this washing doing in the bath?
05:50Look, if you'd just allow me to have a shave...
05:52I don't want to have a shave!
05:54No, I can't have a shave!
05:56I'm going to...
05:58Listen to them.
06:00I think that goes to prove my point.
06:02It's a troublesome place,
06:04that bathroom.
06:06If you're a human, I can tell you
06:08of a certain place
06:10where you can go to clean your teeth
06:12or even wash your face.
06:14You can comb your hair and make it neat,
06:16sing in the shower or wash your feet,
06:18but beware if you're a box,
06:20you'll be in for many shots in the bathroom.
06:22A bathroom has a place
06:24in nearly every human home.
06:26Bonzo's up there shaving
06:28with a razor and some foam.
06:30Jiffy's washing clothes in the bathroom too,
06:32but the best in the bath, Jiffy, not the loo.
06:34Ask me if I'd ever go
06:36up those stairs and I'd say no
06:38to the bathroom.
06:40Change of key, please.
06:44But the bathroom's always wet.
06:46There's a lot of water there.
06:48It's a thing a box can't get.
06:50It's a thing a box can't get.
06:52She must always have a care.
06:54As a floppy piece of cardboard,
06:56I would not be any good.
06:58So I warn you, please be careful.
07:00Don't stay longer than you should
07:02in the bathroom,
07:04in the bathroom.
07:08Look, chaps, I don't care what either of you do later,
07:10but I need a shower now.
07:12As you can see, I'm all foamed up
07:14for a nice shave, so if you just
07:16let me finish, then I'll be out.
07:18Hey, guys, Aunt Jemima calls
07:20and I've got to get ready.
07:22JJ, get away from that shower.
07:24I shan't.
07:26You can have one later, JJ.
07:28Never mind later. If either of you can step nearer,
07:30I'm going to turn this thing on.
07:32JJ, don't be a fool. Drop the shower.
07:40That'll be the borough's angora rabbit.
07:42More likely my best pupil.
07:44And look at me. I'm soaked.
07:48All right, all right, I'll go.
07:50At least I know no one's coming round
07:52for me at this time in the morning.
07:54You'll see.
07:56Look at my best pupil.
08:06Good morning, Jiffy.
08:08I expect you're surprised to see me.
08:10Aunt Jemima?
08:12Yeah, you could say that.
08:14Well, I wouldn't be here, only my plumbing's gone completely to pot.
08:16The central heating's off and the hot water's gone cold.
08:18So finally I thought, why don't I come and see Jiffy?
08:20See his bathroom.
08:22Make sure he's using it properly
08:24and possibly use it myself.
08:26Um, well...
08:28Well what?
08:30Oh, have you got a kiss for your Aunt Jemima?
