Handy Manny S02E26 Franks Barber Shop Rustys Second Wind

  • 3 months ago


00:00Frank's Barbershop
00:07No tools coach Johnson's team won the soccer championship
00:15We should play game right now
00:31I know it's around here somewhere
00:34Flicker favor de dar me un poquito de luz. Give me a little light, please
01:09Sorry money, no siento, it's okay. But next time let's play soccer outside
01:20Hola handyman is repair shop. You'll break it
01:24This is Manny. Hi Manny. This is Frank. I'm the new barber in town
01:29Oh, hi Frank. Welcome to she rug hills. What can we do for you?
01:33Well, I heard you were the guy to call when things need fixing and when I got to work this morning
01:38I found my barber pole on the ground. It looks like it just fell off the building
01:42I guess wasn't attached to the wall very well and a barber needs his barber pole
01:47That's how new customers will know. This is a barbershop and I could sure use some customers. Don't you worry Frank?
01:55We'll be right over
01:57Okay tools we're going to meet El Barbero Nuevo the new barber and help him fix his barber pole
02:07Let's go tools we've got work to do
02:41The shop is closed. I wonder what mr. Lopar is
02:46Hello Manny, oh, hola, mr. Lopar. How are you today? Great day for motoring just parking my car
02:54Are you sure you can fit it looks like a very small spot
03:05We low parts are at our best when faced with a parking challenge
03:10Do you want us to try and guide you in? No, thank you Manny fluffy and I'll be just fine
03:17Okay, well have a good day
03:48This barber pole should be easy to fix
03:51But we're going to need some wood putty from Kelly's to fill in these holes, let's introduce ourselves to Frank before we go
04:02Welcome. Welcome to Frank's barbershop. We trim we shave we style will make you look your very best
04:10Can you make Turner look his best? Oh
04:14You must be Manny I thought you were a customer thanks for coming so quickly
04:19My problem, uh, no problem. These are my tools Felipe Pat Turner rusty flicker squeeze stretch and dusty
04:30We took a look at the barber pole and it shouldn't be a problem to fix
04:34We just have to stop at Kelly's hardware store to get some supplies
04:38Great, but please hurry without my barber pole. People won't know I'm here. We'll go as fast as we can Frank
04:45We'll have the barber pole up and spinning again in no time
04:54Wonder why
04:55Frank's barbershop is brand new. He probably gives a great haircut, but nobody knows about him
05:00Don't worry tools once we get that barber pole back up and people see he's in when Barbedo a good barber
05:07I'm sure you have lots of customers
05:16Like Ellie, hi, Manny. Hi tools. Oh
05:20Hi, Elliot. Hey dudes
05:24Are you helping out today Elliot? Yep, but this is going to be my last day at the store for a while
05:29Oh, how come Elliot got a new job?
05:33That's great. Elliot. What are you gonna be doing? I'm going to be helping out mayor Rosa at City Hall
05:39City Hall
05:41Whoa, you must be really important
05:49Not really
05:50Mayor Rosa just thought I could come up with some special projects for the parks and beaches
05:56She thought I'd be good for the job since I'm a lifeguard and a skateboarder. Well, that's great. Elliot. When do you start Monday?
06:09Dressed up
06:11Kelly am I going to have to get dressed up for my new job?
06:15Well, the mayor's office is an important place. You do want to look your best. Oh, you're right
06:22I didn't think of that. What should I do?
06:25Stick with me kid. I will teach you everything. I know
06:30boy for starters
06:32You need a haircut a haircut. That's a great idea
06:37But where am I gonna get a haircut? Well, we have the perfect place
06:43Frank who's Frank Frank is in Barbera Nuevo the new barber in town
06:49In fact, the reason we're here is to get some supplies to fix his barber pole. Oh
06:54What do you need just some wood putty? Oh, no problem. I have some right here
07:00Is he any good? I'm sure he's good Elliot. You should give him a try
07:06Forget it. I don't let just anyone cut this hair. It doesn't look like you let anyone at all cut that hair
07:17Maybe you could try just this once if you don't like it. Your hair will always grow back
07:23Okay, great. Let's show you the way
07:27Bye Kelly. Thanks when I swear day. Good luck
07:35Are you sure about this? I don't think Frank will have a barbershop if you didn't know how to cut hair
07:40But what if it doesn't look good? What if I don't look like me?
07:44Come on, I'm sure Frank will do a great job
07:50Welcome welcome to Frank's barbershop. We trim we shave we style
07:56It's you again Manny, I don't suppose you need a haircut not today Frank, but I did bring you a new customer
08:04Frank this is Elliot. He's starting a new job on Monday and wants to look his best
08:09Welcome Elliot
08:17Don't worry Elliot by the time I'm finished with you you'll look like a new person
08:23In a good way. You're gonna look great
08:34There don't look turn around he's not ready yet
08:46Stand up tall tuck in your shirt
08:51shoulders back
08:53now smile
08:56Smile like you mean it
09:00Okay a little less
09:04Perfect now look at it
09:10It's me guys
09:20Very very handsome. Wow, that's like a magic haircut. I
09:26Don't think it's magic but it is a good haircut
09:30I'm going to the skate park to show my friends and we shouldn't hang that barber pole so everyone else can find out about Frank
09:41Okay tools let's get this barber pole back up
10:10Fixed it everyone said you can fix anything and they were right. Well, hopefully we'll make people find you more easily
10:20Hopefully there it is. See the barber pole. That's Frank's barbershop
10:26Hey Frank, these are my friends. They all liked my haircut so much. They want to get haircuts, too
10:32They do of course they do
10:37Welcome welcome to Frank's barbershop. We trim we shave he'll make you look your very best
10:45Felipe's right. Come on in
10:49Thank You Manny, thank you tools and thank you Elliot. Thank you for giving me a chance
10:55Sure, Frank, we're happy. We could help make sure you come by for a haircut Manny
11:00It's looking a little long on the sides there. I will Frank I will
11:06All I'm a your Rosa
11:10Hola man, hello tools. I came by to welcome the new Barbaro to she'd rock is hello
11:17I am mayor Rosa. It is a pleasure to meet you. It's me mayor Rosa
11:25You look so so neat and clean it looks like you're ready for work on Monday. Yes, ma'am
11:34I'm gonna go check on my friends. Bye Manny. Bye tools. See you Monday mayor Rosa
11:45Okay, who's next
11:49Sound like a new Barbaro is fitting in just fine. I'm going to go in and say hello
11:55Adios money by tools
12:01Well tools another job. Well done. It looks like Frank's business is going to be a big success
12:53We interrupt this program for a special announcement from the sheetrock radio weather center a
12:59Severe thunderstorm could be headed for sheetrock Hills later today
13:03Sheetrock radio will have a complete forecast at the top of the hour
13:07That's out serious
13:10It's just a thunderstorm
13:12Nothing to be worried about just a thunder storm
13:17Tell me when it's over
13:25Hola handyman is repairs up you break it
13:29This is Manny hola Manny, this is Senor Lopez. Hola, Senor Lopez. It's nice to hear from you
13:36Is there another science fair at the school today? No Manny. What can we do for you?
13:40I've been working at the radio station as a weatherman. Oh, we were just listening to the radio and heard about the storm
13:47see, it looks like a severe weather event may be headed towards sheetrock Hills a severe weather event a
13:55That's right Turner, but I'm not sure if the storm is coming this way because my weather vane is stuck
14:00I can't tell which way the wind is blowing
14:05And no super coop it don't worry Senor Lopez it might just need a little grease to help it move better
14:11We'll come right over and take a look. Oh
14:14Gracias Manny and please hurry. I'm supposed to give my weather report in an hour. Many people are counting on me
14:21We'll be right there
14:24Let's go tools we've got work to do
15:11Hi Manny hello tools or a Mr. Lopar
15:16The weather may say there might be a storm coming. It may not be a good idea to put up balloons today
15:23storm a
15:28Now we Lopar to have a natural ability to figure out what the weather will be
15:37And the old Lopar weather sense tells me there isn't going to be any storm today
15:43Okay, mr. Lopar, I hope you're right good luck with the balloons. I said I go so long
15:55Fluffy I say it's gonna be an absolutely beautiful day
16:21Hola Manny, hi tools. What can I get for you today?
16:25We're on our way to fix a stock weather vane at the radio station. I thought we might need some grease to fix it
16:30I have some cans of grease around here somewhere. It might take me a little time to find one though
16:36I'm in the middle of reorganizing the store and a lot of things are out of place right now
16:42Hmm. Well, we're kind of in a hurry. Maybe if we help you look we'll find it faster. That would be great
16:49Thanks guys
17:02You know rusty I used to be afraid of thunder
17:07Really, you mean I'm not the only one of course not but when I got a little older
17:13I realized that a loud noise is usually nothing to be afraid of
17:20See what I mean a loud sound can make you jump up and pay attention
17:25But it doesn't always mean something bad will happen. Oh
17:31Look I think I found the grease
17:43It's getting closer, it's alright rusty this shouldn't take long and we're safe right now
17:56See dusty these instruments help me to measure things like the wind and the moisture in the air
18:02There's nothing more important than taking good measurements, that's true stretch, which is why I need your help
18:10Even with all this fancy equipment. I still need my trusty weather vane to tell me which way the wind is blowing
18:18It's supposed to spin freely, but it's stuck. Hmm. Let me take a look
18:28Senior Lopez, how does the weather vane work?
18:31Well when it is working properly the arrow will point in the direction the wind is coming from
18:39This computer gets all of the information from the different instruments and displays it for me
18:46You can actually tell what all those numbers mean
18:50See Turner. I'm a meteorologist
18:53a medium but what a
18:56Meteorologist a scientist who studies the weather and each instrument tells you something different
19:03See, let me show you the thermometer shows us the temperature
19:08The hygrometer tells us how much water is in the air so we can tell if it's going to rain and this one tells time
19:15Right. No Pat the barometer looks like a clock, but it doesn't tell time
19:21It tells us about changes in the air that can cause una tormenta a storm and the
19:27Anemometer tells us how fast the wind is blowing
19:35That's a sign that a storm may be on its way
19:42And that's another sign of una tormenta
19:45So a storm is coming perhaps I won't be able to tell unless I know which way the wind is blowing
19:51That's how I'll know if the storm is moving toward us
19:58Well, it looks like the metal post is bent and rusted
20:02That's why the arrow is stuck. Can you fix it Manny?
20:05No problema Turner and Philippe can take the arrow off and then squeeze and rusty can straighten the post
20:12We'll add a little grease to help it swing freely and it should be as good as new I'm ready Manny
20:19Now without me or not
20:33What do you mean he's gone
20:35He was in the toolbox
20:39Well, he's got to be somewhere spread out and look for him
20:52Spare a minuto wait a minute. Let's think this through
20:56Rusty was scared of a trueno the Thunder. So he's probably hiding but there's no place to hide up here
21:04You're right, let's check the truck
21:19Hi guys
21:22Well, it's safer in here, but we need your help. We can't fix the weathervane without you
21:28The wind is blowing there are dark clouds. That means a storm is coming senior Lopez said so
21:36Those are signs that Luna tormenta may be coming rusty. Yeah, but I'll just wait here until we know for sure
21:45Maybe mr. Lopak was right. Maybe the storm won't even come here
21:49I could tell for sure if my weathervane were working the sooner we fix it rusty the sooner we can get back to the shop
21:55Where we'll be safe if the storm hits oh
22:01All right, gracias rusty
22:08And I only have a few minutes before I have to give my weather report let's go tools
22:42Great job everyone. Gracias. Now I can tell that the wind is coming from the northwest. Does that mean?
22:51See the storm is headed this way
23:00Don't be afraid rusty as long as you know what to do when a storm comes you should be fine
23:06What should you do when a storm comes?
23:09I'm guessing not hide in a toolbox
23:12If you're outside when a storm hits be sure not to go near water like a pond or stream
23:19See and never take shelter under a tree also don't stand in an open field or in any high places
23:29Right stretch if you can go indoors when a storm comes where you should be completely safe
23:46Appears now that a strong thunderstorm is moving through sheetrock Hill. Everyone is advised to stay indoors until the storm passes
24:24You see rusty you are completely safe from a thunderstorm as long as you are indoors you're right Manny now I know
24:35It's a beautiful day
