• 3 months ago
An in depth look into this book.


00:00hey shalom brothers and sisters welcome back I thank you again today I want to
00:04talk about some writings called the didache the didache didache actually
00:10means teaching teaching from the twelve apostles allegedly and I got had this
00:17book for several years and you know they say the first portion of it was taken
00:25from the cumerin fragments and I guess others say it has a little bit of a
00:31Jewish flavor to it of course and I want to read some of the some of the
00:37writings to you and counter them with scripture of course you know because
00:43scripture is you know as you know scripture is the final say and
00:47everything you know so when you come up with these you know these ancient
00:53writings you got to be cautious and be aware of them so that said and done I
01:00want to go to page page 20 right here jump over to page 20 in this book and I
01:12said it's subtitles concerning apostles and prophets here is how you are to
01:19handle apostles and prophets in a manner consistent with the tenets of the gospel
01:23welcome every apostle who comes to you as if he were the Lord but he is not to
01:30stay for more than one day unless there is some need for him to do so if this is
01:35the case then he can stay another day if he remains for three days he is a false
01:41prophet really is that what scripture actually says now let's go and take a
01:46look into the scriptures real quick I'm gonna go to the book of Acts book of
01:53Acts chapter 17 chapter 17 and was it verse 2 and it's about Paul and Paul as
02:06his manner was went in unto them and three Sabbath days reasoned with them
02:13out of the scriptures he was in the synagogue for three Sabbath days so
02:20three Sabbath days and he got seven days in a week that's like 21 days he was
02:26there for right around 21 days you know give or take a few days here there but
02:31it says plainly he wasn't considered a false prophet these people were so
02:36astounded by what he was saying they invited him to come back for more Sabbaths
02:42they wanted to listen to him hear him out again and that's what he did
02:48anyways we'll go to uh we'll go to page 14 in this booklet too and by the way
02:55this booklet here was translated by I think it's a father R. Joseph Owleys I
03:03guess oh W. L. E. S. Owleys so we'll go to 14 here okay it's about baptism now
03:18baptize in running water but if you have no running water then baptize and in
03:23some other water baptize in cold water but if you do not have cold water then
03:28use warm water if you do not have a place with water then pour water on the
03:34head three times in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit now let's
03:43see what scripture has to say about that and by the way Matthew 3 read Matthew
03:493 about baptism and everything like that I'm gonna go to the book of John see
03:57what John has to say about this now I'm gonna go to John chapter 3 verse 23 3
04:14verses verse 23 and John also this is John this is John the Baptist don't I
04:25don't want you getting confused with you know John who wrote the book or John
04:30the Baptist and after and John also was baptizing in the Enoch near the salam
04:38salam because there was much water there and they came and were baptized there
04:44was much water there you know so that's what it was a huge crowd they had to
04:49have plenty of water you know and it doesn't say anything about sprinkling
04:52water doesn't say anything like that you know baptism means you know you
04:58immerse somebody you bury them in the water you dunk them that's what baptism
05:04means Baptist and if you go to book of Acts 8 chapter 8 38 talks about how
05:10Philip baptized the eunuch who was reading a scripture the scroll of Isaiah
05:17and Philip went there talked about the Messiah of course now we'll go to uh I'm
05:23gonna go to chapter 10 here there we'll go to page 10 excuse me page 10 here
05:30oops when it says confess all your transgressions in church do not enter
05:39into prayer when your conscience is filled with evil thoughts and desires
05:43all that is the way of life now we'll go to go to the book of Romans see what
05:59wrote you know Romans Romans gonna answer that Romans and it'll be 10
06:07chapter we go to chapter 10 and please follow me on the easy note if you have a
06:13Bible or you know you check up about it you know later on look this stuff up
06:19chapter 10 Romans 10 9 to 10 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
06:29master Yeshua and shall believe in thine heart that Yahweh hath raised him from
06:36the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto
06:41righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
06:46doesn't say you have to do it in church or anything like that in fact back then
06:51you know the church wasn't really actually existed back then I mean well
06:55it did but they did it in synagogues you know the early the early Jewish
07:02Messianic they they were in synagogues even though you know of course in Acts
07:07you know you had birth of the assembly you know what you'd call the church but
07:11they still going into synagogues and they slowly through time we're getting
07:16kicked out because of their viewpoints on Yeshua Messiah I'm gonna jump over to
07:21James now see what James has to say
07:27now go to James 5 5 of the 16 516 and it says here confess your faults one to
07:44another and pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent
07:49prayer of a righteous man availeth much you know confess to one another it
07:56doesn't actually mean necessarily in a church you know it could be somewhere
08:01else I mean it could be in a house or whatever and and when it comes to comes
08:08to praying of course you know Yeshua Yeshua when he was tempted he was he was
08:14tempted always he had all this evil thoughts and everything coming upon him
08:20and he prayed he prayed you know he prayed prayed for strength he prayed for
08:26wisdom and everything he didn't he didn't he didn't pray to forgive sins
08:29because he never sinned but you know the temptation the temptation was there and
08:35he overcame it because of the faith and you know that's he did that and and that
08:44just tells you about the prayer part of this you know and we'll get to the
08:49prayer thing here in a second you can look up you can look up Colossians 1
08:57verse 9 and first Thessalonians chapter 5 17 you know about the prayer but I'm
09:04gonna go to Luke 18 1 jump back to 18 1 to Luke Luke 18 1 18 1 and he spoke a
09:23parable unto them to this end that men might always to pray and not faint
09:30always to pray three times every three times right if you know but you know you
09:35should pray as much as you can you know you pray first you know you think you
09:40think Yahweh and Yeshua you thank them for blessings thank him for whatever and
09:45then get down to the nitty-gritty get down to you know what's bothering you
09:48you know you know you need spiritual strength enlightenment whatever you know
09:54anyways and I try also go to Mark chapter 9 verse 29 and 1st Timothy
10:04chapter 2 verse 8 I'm gonna go to back to this booklet with page 25 page 25
10:15says I can get to it I'll read the whole thing to you a point for yourselves
10:26bishops and deacons who are worthy of the Lord there to be meek they are not
10:30to be greedy they are to be truthful and proven because they are also carrying
10:35out the ministry of the prophets and teachers for all of you do not despise
10:39them because they are to be honored among you along with the prophets and
10:44teachers now subtitle here correction the correction correct one another
10:49without anger but do so peacefully as you have described in the gospel no one
10:55is to speak to anyone who wrongs his neighbor and not even let him hear a
10:59sound from you until he changes the way he understands the world and acts
11:05accordingly pray give to the needy and do good deeds just as it is described
11:11you in the gospel of the Lord now no one is a speak to anybody who wrongs his
11:19neighbor you know now I'm gonna go to one scripture here second Corinthians
11:29second Corinthians and it's going to be chapter 2 chapter 2 and it's gonna be
11:465 to 11 but if any have caused grief he hath not grieved me but in part that I
11:55may not overcharge you all sufficient so such a man is this punishment which was
12:02inflicted of many so that counterwise you ought rather to forgive him and
12:09comfort him less perhaps such a one should be shallowed swallowed up with
12:15over much sorrow wherefore I beseech you that you should would confirm your love
12:20him for to this end also did I write that I might know the proof of you
12:27rather you be obedient and all things to whom you forgive anything I will forgive
12:36also for for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave
12:43I in the person of Messiah last Satan should get an advantage of us we are
12:51not ignorant of his devices we're not ignorant of Satan's devices we gotta be
12:55on the guard all the time but point is you know you have to you know if a
13:01brother wrongs you you know best thing to do is try to reconcile it talk to him
13:06reconcile it and you know you gotta forgive him no matter what if he sees a
13:11light or not and yeah I mean if he can't see if he's got a real bad
13:15attitude or something you know you just don't you know I guess you just don't
13:19talk to him that's probably the best course of action but you know that's
13:23what the that's what scripture here says now I'm gonna go to one more and that's
13:29going to be page 21 it says here do not test or judge any prophet who speaks in
13:42the spirit because every sin will be forgiven but this sin will not be
13:46forgiven not everyone who speaks in the spirit is a prophet he is only a prophet
13:53if he conducts himself in the ways of the Lord so it is by this conduct that a
13:57false prophet and true prophet will be revealed but yeah do not test do not
14:02test or judge any prophets he speaks in the spirit how do you know he's speaking
14:08in the spirit you know and we're gonna go to a second John here see what second
14:15John has to say about this go to second John chapter chapter 4 4 you know see
14:33that would be a be first John first John chapter 4 and 1 through 6 we let
14:42believe not every spirit but try the spirits rather they are of Elohim because
14:48many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby know you the spirit of
14:53Elohim every spirit that confesses the that Yeshua Messiah has come in the
14:59flesh is of Elohim and every spirit that confesses not confess not that Yeshua
15:05Messiah has come in the flesh is not of Elohim and that is that spirit of
15:11anti-messiah whereof you have heard that it should come and even now already it
15:18is in the world you are of Elohim little child children and have overcome them
15:27because greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world they are of
15:34the world therefore speak ye speak they of the world and the world hear them so
15:42you have to test the spirits it's right here you know a prophet comes there's
15:47only one way you're gonna find out you know you gotta test spirits he's gonna
15:51you know one's gonna come by and say I'm the Messiah you know I finally came or
15:56you know Messiah never really did come in the flesh you know you have to you
16:01have to test the spirits and that's basically all that's all about you know
16:05so I just wanted to talk about this book of this dedicate and I'm not you know I'm
16:12just I don't know if you know some of you probably heard about if I even read
16:16it let me know in the comments what you think about this book you know I felt
16:22like me personally I found some indiscrepancies about it but uh you know
16:27it could have been a translation problem to you know the certain
16:31translators could have injected their own dogmas in there too to fit their
16:36needs we don't know about that but anyways just let me know what you think
16:43in the comments I'd love to hear from you please give me a big like and hit
16:48that notification bell you know I could use some more subscribers and that's all
16:54I've got to say right now so again thank you very much for stopping by and
17:00and peace out and Shalom
