Book Review: America Under Attack, By Gerald Flurry

  • last month
I'm not very political, but I thin you should get this free book and be informed. The devil is dead set on destroying our once blessed country. He has even inspired and even possibly possessed a man working behind the scenes to bring down the USA. Go to the to obtain your copy.
00:00Hey Shabbat Shalom brothers and sisters welcome back to another show today I
00:04want to do a book review and this is an interesting book I don't usually get
00:08into politics here in the USA but sometimes you have to when the forces of
00:13evil are coming after our children and you know what I'm talking about there
00:17you know there's a demonic forces that are trying to destroy the blessed
00:22country of the United States so this book is called America under attack by
00:28Gerald Flurry and believe it or not I got this book for free it just popped up
00:34and and let's see the books got who if I could find the find the pages it's got
00:43rough it's got roughly 219 pages in the back of it it's got a list of the main
00:53characters in the book as far as politicians like Barack Obama Joe Biden
00:58Donald Trump other other people you might not have heard of but no sense
01:05here like Afghanistan but it has a couple Old Testament New Testament
01:13characters or you know era the at least the era but this book exposes an
01:20insidious plot to undermine Donald Trump doing anything from character
01:29assassinations all that stuff and I don't actually agree with in this book
01:35I actually don't agree with his the author's theology on it but it's a well
01:42documented book it's really documented investigated thoroughly and and he does
01:49have a little has a little biblical twist on it but what he reports is
01:55basically accurate I remember seeing a lot of these stories stories in but then
01:58the leftist media shut it down you'd hear a little bit of story and then it
02:05disappear but right here the author mr. Flurry makes a lot of sense about what's
02:11going on to make sure Donald Trump's not back in the White House and I got this
02:18from like I said I got it for free this book came you could find it for free on
02:24the Philadelphia short excuse me the Philadelphia Church of God website I
02:31think it's the trumpet org it could be there too that's the same but the
02:36trumpets here magazine but it's free and I encourage you if you get the book give
02:42an offering you know five dollars something just give an offer but like I
02:45said it's it's a real good book pages it's beautiful hard it's a hardcover
02:50book too it's hard it's hard and and talks about in the back it talks about
03:01that certain virus that we ain't allowed to talk about if you know what I mean
03:07he's got some things about here about the Wuhan lab in China investigations
03:13there that's it that's towards the end of the book of course but yeah the the
03:18thing we're not allowed to talk about of course or else would be censored
03:22anyways yeah I just wanted to share this with you America under attack by Gerald
03:28Flurry and we need to wise up we need to write wise up really because the devil
03:35and his angels they're really mad they're really mad they're gonna
03:39undermine us they're gonna try to they're gonna use these demon
03:44influenced or demon-possessed people to ruin our country and we're the bread
03:49basket of the world we basically support the world well at least a middle class
03:54in the United States does the rich don't pay taxes the poor don't even have money
03:58to pay taxes but that's all I want to say about this book but I encourage you
04:04to go on that website check it out get it let me know in the comments if you
04:10read this or you're gonna get it and or what your thoughts are after you read it
04:14I'll be you know I'd love to hear from you guys but as always thank you again
04:19and till we meet again brothers and sisters peace out and Shalom