watch the Romancero webseries episode 5

  • 2 months ago
00:00It's, uh, like a little city. Actually, no, it's more like a small town with lots of children.
00:08More kids wind up there every day.
00:12And all of us have a great time together. We all take care of each other.
00:16Am I right, Lucy?
00:19But don't think you won't have to go to school, okay?
00:22You'll have to learn mathematics and English.
00:25You might miss the walls a little at first, but it's better than nothing.
00:33Cornelia, you're a quiet one, huh?
00:36Did you like the book? Or where that came from?
00:39We get a bunch of new ones every month at the library in town.
00:42Occasionally, we have warm hot chocolate over at my house. With marshmallows.
00:51Do you like hot chocolate?
00:54Hey, where are you going?
01:04Just you wait. There are lots of kids.
01:09Here we go.
01:13Come on. Everyone out. Come on.
01:18Let's go.
01:21Lucy, don't let the little rugrats get distracted.
01:24They've got some clean clothes waiting for them, okay?
01:32How about you? You staying here alone?
01:36Come on, don't be stubborn.
01:39Doesn't matter to me if you want to come or not.
01:42But I bet you want to eat, right?
01:47Where did you learn to speak English?
01:51I know you've been through a lot of hard stuff, I know.
01:55But around here we're all buddies.
01:59And there are lots of kids that are going to want to play with you.
02:08If you don't want to play and you'd rather read, that's fine by me.
02:16Don't be scared. Come out whenever you want.
02:21Come on.
02:24There, this is your new home. Look, you can get yourself a hot meal right over there.
02:29Hey, Luke!
02:42Is this yours?
02:47I really like to read, too.
02:54What is your name?
03:05My name's Zapata.
03:09You just got here, didn't you?
03:13If you need anything at all, that right there's my house.
03:19And that thing, that's my car.
03:30Come on. Are you okay?
03:35Adios, Cornelia.
04:14It was an accident. You saw it, right?
04:20You saw it was an accident?
04:24I don't know what happened.
04:26We're going to the station.
04:28We can't go to the station. Rosario said everyone's going to be there. Everyone.
04:32Come on, Carlos. They're going to kill us.
04:34What's the plan, Tao?
04:36Stay here and watch the road.
04:39I don't know, but we can't go back to the station.
04:44This is fucking crazy.
04:47The same people that were looking for Hordan are coming after us.
04:51Just forget about them. We're going to be fine.
04:59In an hour, we'll go to the corners in Granada.
05:02We'll fill out some paperwork and then we'll go back to the station.
05:06In an hour, we'll go to the corners in Granada.
05:09We'll fill out some paperwork and then we'll go back to the station.
05:13Never mind, actually. We should stay home. I'll take care of it.
05:19We should both probably do that. Go home and unwind and just pretend like it never happened.
05:23Yeah, but it happened, Tao.
05:26But it was an accident, goddammit.
05:29You saw that it was an accident.
05:33I didn't see anything.
05:35Are you serious? How could you not see it?
05:38You must have. I don't know what happened because I reached and drew my pistol.
05:43My fingers were stiff and I was shaking. I don't know what happened.
05:46It just went off or something. I don't know. I swear, I don't know what happened.
05:50And Carmen?
05:56She's all I think about.
06:00Why don't you tell me what's going on already?
06:03What do you mean?
06:04What's going on, Tao?
06:06Don't bring her up to me again.
06:12Carmen! Carmen!
06:52Stop! Stop! Stop! Pull over! Stop! Stop! Stop!
08:29What's up, Buttercup?
08:49You seem to be adapting pretty well, although you're still not talking to anyone.
08:54Maybe you'd like to talk to me.
08:58Uh, yeah, yeah.
09:00I got you something.
09:03Whoops. Whoops.
09:05Over here. Over there. Whoa, whoop.
09:07Over here.
09:10I like seeing you happy. You have a very, very beautiful smile.
09:14All that really matters is that you're safe.
09:17Oh, right.
09:19A gift from one friend to another.
09:21Vampires don't want cookies.
09:24I've never been much of a reader, but I was always a good student.
09:30I have very good memory.
09:33You like it?
09:38You know, you're the cleverest kid in the whole camp.
09:42But, well, I'll let you get on with your chores, huh?
09:47But one day you'll have to tell me where you learned to read English so well.
09:52All right? See you, Buttercup.
10:25Saint Cristobal, do you know us? Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:28Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:30Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:32Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:34Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:36Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:38Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:40Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:42Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:44Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:46Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:48Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:50Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:52Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:54Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:56Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
10:58Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:00Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:02Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:04Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:06Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:08Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:10Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:12Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:14Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:16Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:18Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:20Saint Cristobal, do you know us?
11:39Cornelia don't you ever talk?
11:42They might want to hear you
11:44In English
11:47With that cute little voice of yours
11:52Oh, fuck me.
11:53Hey, hey, what's up?
11:54Well, what's your name?
11:55Well, these are the girls.
11:57Where's everybody?
11:58They're on their way.
11:59This is for you.
12:00Thank you man.
12:01What are we doing here?
12:28I don't know.
12:29I don't know.
12:59Cornelia, you'll see, it's no big deal.
13:10It's just the shock of seeing a little blood.
13:12Am I right? Huh, Lucy?
13:15All we have to do now is get you back to camp so you can rest and you can get some good sleep.
13:23I have some special gummies.
13:25They're going to help you fall asleep.
13:27And not think so much.
13:30And I'm telling you, that son of a bitch is not getting away with this.
13:33I swear to God.
13:38You're behaving very well, Cornelia.
13:43They spoke very highly of you, you know.
13:50All right.
13:53That's it.
14:23Let's go.
14:53Mind if I sit here?
15:03With you?
15:07Or here?
15:10Or here?
15:12What about here?
15:13Here or, or not.
15:15How about here?
15:22Do you like it?
15:24Is it a good book?
15:27You know, I've got a story, too.
15:29A good story?
15:31Well, I mean, I guess it's not exactly a fairy tale.
15:37But maybe you'll like it.
15:43On the hilltop, over there, there's a tree.
15:51You can't see it now.
15:54But it's out there.
16:00It's a very old tree.
16:02And very wise.
16:04It has a very old trunk, sort of like this one here.
16:09The one we're sitting on now.
16:12That one's special.
16:13It can move and travel.
16:16It can move on its own?
16:21Yeah, it can move wherever it wants to.
16:25It's a sacred tree.
16:28It can't speak to us, but it, it goes by many names.
16:33Because it has so many branches.
16:36This camp, for example, these people, it's just a single one of the many branches.
16:42It has many more.
16:45Many people.
16:48All kinds of creatures.
16:51Creatures that are hard to see.
16:56And the tree has roots.
16:58They're strong and deep in the ground.
17:01And they're made of very old things.
17:04And there's a huge trunk.
17:06A trunk that looks like a dancing giant.
17:16And it's a wonderful thing to behold.
17:20One day some men came here from a lumber mill to cut it down.
17:26Because they wanted to take the tree for themselves.
17:31Some men can be very selfish.
17:34But a group of people decided to get together and try to protect the tree.
17:40And they learned how to move it.
17:43The way it moved on its own.
17:46But the men were relentless, so they just kept searching for it.
17:52They kept on searching.
17:54They just kept on searching.
17:57And searching and searching.
18:02But the truth is, it's right there.
18:05Right in front of us.
18:14Well, I really liked your story.
18:19Thank you.
18:22You can come here whenever you want.
18:26To look at the tree on your own.
18:29But you can't tell anyone what I said.
18:32It's a secret.
18:36Why don't you ever eat anything?
18:38I noticed that.
18:41You always just leave your meals.
18:44Do you not like to eat?
18:47Honestly, not really, no.
18:49No, I don't want it.
18:52I'd rather give my food to the dogs.
18:55Because most dogs have forgotten how to hunt.
18:58So if I don't feed them, nobody else will.
19:03What if I wanted to help feed the dogs like you?
19:06Well, you can if you want, but...
19:11You have to save some for yourself.
19:24You need to stay strong, Jeremy.
19:28I know.
19:49No, come on, come on.
19:51Just let me in.
19:52No, no, don't make any more trouble.
19:54You know the mess we have on our hands.
19:56Come on, my son, let me in.
19:58Come in.
20:06Just let me in.
20:26Just let me in.
20:34No, Carmen, Carmen, Carmen, stop.
20:36What the hell is wrong with you?
20:37Carmen, don't do this.
20:38How can you do this to us?
20:39Get off me.
20:40Are you trying to kill me?
20:41Is that what you want?
20:42Carmen, get off.
20:43Come here.
20:44You're trying to kill me.
20:48Get out.
20:51Get off me.
20:56What did you do?
20:57I just want to see my son.
20:58Please let me see him.
21:02I want to see my son.
21:27I want to see him.
21:31I'm sorry, Carmen.
21:39I'm sorry.
21:48Please let me.
21:51We're going to the coroner's in Granada with Josue.
21:55We're going to take Juan down with us.
21:58I just want to see him, okay?
22:01I understand, but I can't.
22:03Just a couple minutes.
22:06I'm sorry, Carmen.
22:08Oh, my God.
22:10Carmen, tell me what you know about that girl.
22:13Who is she?
22:16Who is she?
22:18I don't know.
22:19You see her?
22:20I said I don't know.
22:21Did you ever see the girl?
22:22I don't know nothing, so stop asking already.
22:23I don't know.
22:24I just want to see him.
22:33Fucking shithole.
22:44It was an accident.
22:46I was there.
22:47If you don't trust Teodoro, you can trust me.
22:51Oh, my God.
23:04Did you know?
23:08You know Teo tried to hook up with his sister.
23:10Did you know about that?
23:12Did you know that?
23:20How are you?
23:23Look, Teodoro's never been right in the head.
23:32How's Carmen doing?
23:34What the hell?
23:35What the fuck are you doing?
23:36Get off of me!
23:40What happened with you two?
23:44He won't tell me anything.
23:50You're pretty smart.
23:53Get the hell off me.
23:54You hear what I said?
23:55I said get off, motherfucker!
23:57Why didn't you tell me, asshole?
23:59What are you talking about?
24:00Why didn't you say anything?
24:01Let me go!
24:04You know exactly what happened.
24:08Why didn't you tell me he was your son?
24:23Why didn't you tell me?
24:53Do you want to live?
25:28Don't worry. Come here.
25:31Come here.
25:38Is this a dream, or...
25:45It's okay. Don't worry.
25:48It's okay. Don't worry.
25:50I swear I'm not gonna hurt you.
26:02Do you want to live?
26:12Come on.
26:17Come on.
