BMW XM v Lambo Urus v AMG G63 v Audi SQ8: DRAG RACE

  • 2 months ago
It’s time for an epic SUV drag race!

We’ve got our hands on the BMW XM, the apparent ‘pinnacle’ of the BMW M range, and it’s lining up against some of its closest competitors!

So let’s see how the four cars compare. Starting with the XM, it’s powered by a 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 coupled with an electric motor. Combined they produce 653hp and 800Nm, and this power is sent to all four wheels via an 8-speed automatic gearbox. The thing is, it’s absolutely colossal, weighing in at 2,785kg!! It will also dent your wallet, costing around £150,000!

Alongside it, we have the Urus. It packs a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 and produces 666hp and 850Nm. An 8-speed automatic gearbox sends this power to all four wheels, and it weighs in at 2,150kg. If you’re looking to pick one up, it’ll cost around £209,000.

Then we come to the Audi SQ8, which is also powered by a 4-litre twin-turbo V8. It has the least power here, coming in at 507hp and 770Nm, and an 8-speed auto gearbox sends this power to all four wheels. It tips the scales at 2,240kg, and it’s the cheapest car here, costing around £99,000.

Then finally we have the G-Wagon. It’s housing a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 under the bonnet, and it produces 585hp and 850Nm. It’s the only car here with a 9-speed automatic gearbox, and this sends the power to all four wheels. It weighs in at a huge 2550kg, and from new it costs around £178,000.

So on paper it looks like the Urus will walk it, but could the all-new XM spring a surprise? There’s only one way to find out… LET’S RACE!
00:00What will win in a drag race between the new BMW XM, a Lamborghini Urus Performante, an Audi SQ8
00:09Maybe the RSQ8
00:11Or a Mercedes-AMG G63
00:13Well we're going to find out by racing them over the standing quarter mile
00:16I'm Matt Watson, you're watching Car Wow
00:22So let me tell you about this BMW XM
00:24So this car is actually the pinnacle of BMW's M range, believe it or not
00:29Still it is powered by a 4.4 litre twin turbo V8 that's actually supplemented by an electric motor
00:34So combined you have 653 horsepower and 800 newton metres of torque
00:41Drives all four wheels via an 8-speed automatic gearbox with launch control
00:45There is a bit of a problem with this car
00:47So because it's a hybrid there's added complexity and that means it's quite expensive
00:52It starts from £150,000
00:54Also because of the electrical gubbins on board it's quite heavy
00:58Weighs in at 2.8 tonnes
01:00So that could affect the performance
01:02Anyway, let's find out about that Lamborghini
01:04Hey Yanni, how are you? I see you're in an Urus that isn't yours
01:08Hi Matt, I am and actually this is a really nice Urus, I can't lie
01:12Lovely colour, lovely split wheels, yeah lovely
01:14So give us the stats on it, you should know it, same as your car right?
01:17Yeah same as my car, 4 litre V8, twin turbo, 8-speed, 666 brake horsepower
01:24250 weight, 850 torque and it's an Urus Performante
01:31I mean your car has more power, more torque, less weight, it should win
01:35But we know that Uruses sometimes don't perform do they Yanni?
01:42What a bog down but it launched
01:44They don't, I'm hoping it doesn't bog down and I get away
01:47And it's raining so it should work in my favour
01:50So let's go to the next car which is the Audi SQ8
01:54And stop Audi fanboys just bombarding us with why haven't you got the RSQ8
01:58Why haven't we got the RSQ8?
02:00Because the XM isn't the label red model so we haven't got the RSQ8
02:06But we have the Urus Performante which is the range topper
02:11I don't understand the rationale here
02:13So you can't buy an Urus anymore that doesn't have less than 666 horsepower
02:18So that's the reason for that and the reason for the SQ8 is yeah
02:23It's the second rung one basically so same as that XM
02:27Ok, right, so give us the stats on the SQ8
02:32I think he's made a good case for it
02:33Morning Matthew, so everything underdog, this is the SQ8
02:36Hi Yanni, sorry Yanni, hello buddy
02:39SQ8, 4 litre turbocharged V8, 507 horsepower, a lot less than Yanni's
02:44770 Nm of torque, a lot less, it's AWD, 8 speed automatic, 2.2 tonnes
02:49And this is a very, very cheap underdog price of £98,925
02:55I'm not feeling convinced by the presence of that SQ8 in this race
02:59But maybe, maybe it's going to be closer than we think
03:02So final car then, G63
03:04Hi Matt, yeah, it's Rory in the G63
03:07So I've got a twin turbo 4 litre V8, I've got 585 horsepower, 850 Nm of torque
03:13A 9 speed auto box, AWD, I'm probably the heaviest here at 2550kg
03:19These cost, I think they start from about £170,000
03:22But this one with options is kind of like the thick end of £200,000
03:25So yeah, not cheap
03:26Mate, you ain't the heaviest, I mean this is a day when that G63 isn't the heaviest
03:31Because this thing that I'm sat in is 2.8 tonnes, 2.8
03:35Wow, ok, I take it back
03:37So this really should be an easy win for me, shouldn't it
03:39And just for people watching, no, the SQ8 and the RSQ8 is not a Lamborghini Urus
03:45Just so we get that clear
03:47They're definitely not Lamborghini Uruses because they don't say Lamborghini on them
03:50But underneath the skin, I think you'll find lots of Audi badges on that car
03:53I didn't hear any of that
03:56Actually, do you know what we're going to do now?
03:58We're going to do a quick montage of some Audi badges we can find on that Urus
04:10Now, before we race, if you like these kind of videos and you haven't done so already
04:14Make sure you subscribe to this channel, ok?
04:16That way you won't miss our next upload
04:18Now, before we actually get on, we're going to do our customary car-wise sound check
04:21So I'm going to rev up
04:27Sounds alright on the inside
04:29But I know that sound
04:31Is fake
04:32And we've got a soft limiter
04:34It's fake
04:35And we've got a soft limiter
04:41You can hear all the engine, but I can actually hear a little burble from the back
04:45Go on, rev yours up
04:51Yeah, yeah, yeah
04:541-0 to me
04:56Yeah, yeah, yeah
04:57And let's have a listen to the SQ8
05:04Yeah, give up
05:05And let's have a listen to the G
05:10I can hear the rumble of the G
05:11So I'm going to go with this order
05:13Urus first, then G-Wagon, then this BMW and that SQ8
05:17Yeah, why is it here, Rory? Why?
05:19Can you just explain it to me again?
05:21Based on what we've had before, quarter mile times
05:24The SQ8 should do quite well here
05:26Hopefully you'll see in the race why it's here
05:29Stop doing my car down, it's a BMW
05:31It's going to be faster than that Audi, I'm telling you
05:33Let's get on with it
05:34Well, this track's quite snug, isn't it?
05:36All the cars next to each other
05:38You'll be safe enough in that Audi, Yanni, don't worry, you'll be okay
05:41Yeah, Audis have good safety systems
05:43Thankfully they've been developed by Audi
05:45F*** you, Sam
05:46F*** you, Matt
05:47Rory, you're a good man, don't say nothing
05:49Can we race?
05:513, 2, 1
05:56Oh, struggle for traction
06:00Oh, wow
06:02Come on!
06:11Oh, here we go, here we go
06:20Oh my god, Rory was right
06:32It's close between me and that Audi
06:40You are not beating me, Matthew
06:47First off, I will say
06:50Rory, I think you know your business, don't you?
06:54It's not my first time putting together a drag race
06:57It's not my first time putting together a drag race
06:59and looking at geeky facts and figures, yeah
07:02So I was pleased to see that Audi do so well
07:04I've got to say, my launch was not great
07:07and this spun up its wheels
07:08And for once, it appears that a Lamborghini Urus
07:12got off the line as good as it should do
07:14Mate, it done really well, no bog
07:17Tiny, tiny little bit of spin
07:19But yeah, that was a lovely launch
07:21And as ever, Sam, you were on the money
07:23while I was not
07:25I have the moral victory there, I think, I'll take that
07:28Well, you beat this car, but you didn't beat the Urus
07:30That was like about four car lengths ahead of everyone else
07:32OK, let's just do one more
07:34We're going to do best two out of three
07:35because I really want to try and beat that Audi
07:38Why does Yanni's car look like
07:39it's had a piss out of its exhaust pipes?
07:42Who's going to give Matt a physics lesson
07:43or should you just leave it till later?
07:45I think it's chemistry, mate
07:47I think you'll find it's thermal dynamics
07:49No, it's definitely chemistry
07:52Three, two, one
07:57That's better
08:00Oh, the Lambo's had a shocker
08:04Come on, beat that Audi
08:11Oh, the Lambo's coming
08:14Luckily, I've got the power, but
08:16I don't know what happened there
08:22Come on!
08:33Yanni, is your Urus doing what an Urus does?
08:36No, not at all
08:37I was just giving you a lot of chance
08:38So your car didn't bog then?
08:42Yeah, badly
08:44Really badly
08:45Really, really badly
08:47Worse than ever
08:48Sam, I think
08:49I think it was pretty close between the two of us
08:52but I might have just nicked it on the line
08:54I would normally protest you jumping
08:58but for my own personal reasons
09:00I'm not going to protest you jumping
09:02I don't think anyone jumped
09:04Shall we just check with the stewards?
09:06There were no jumps, all good
09:08Well in that case, Matthew, well done, sir
09:10So this is it, right
09:11The Urus still won that one
09:12Let's just do best
09:13Would it be two out of three?
09:14I don't know
09:15One more race to decide between the Audi and this
09:24Oh, I think he's going to have me
09:26Come on!
09:29What the f***
09:35No way!
09:41I mean
09:50Don't lose, do not lose
09:54That Audi, I've kept my job
10:05No, no way!
10:17I mean, that was
10:18That was an alright launch from me
10:21That thing shot off
10:22I mean, I'm just going to double check
10:24because he was so far ahead that
10:26Did Sam jump?
10:28All good, no jumps
10:30I just want to double check something
10:32Was I slow off the line?
10:36No, you weren't slow off the line
10:38You and the SQ8 left at the same time
10:40It was just faster
10:42I've got to say
10:43That is utterly crazy how that hooked up
10:47Wow, Rory
10:49I absolutely
10:51Wait there
10:52Bear with me
10:53You're about to get a hug and a kiss, mate
10:55Get yourself ready
10:56Pucker up, mate
11:01Rory's knowledge
11:02I just bow down to you
11:06Sorry, who was driving?
11:09Well done to you
11:10It's all about sourcing the car
11:12I mean
11:13Thank you very much
11:14There we go
11:15How much better did this hook up then?
11:17So apparently we left pretty much at the same time
11:19Yeah, we did
11:20But that just
11:21It just went
11:22That was the quickest time I did in that
11:23What was that launch like?
11:24I don't know what's going on
11:25So the first one was on the money, amazing
11:27The next two, just nothing
11:29That's what happened to the RS
11:30No, but listen
11:31I'm used to the bog down
11:33It was not like a slight delay
11:35It was full-blown nothing
11:37And then picked up
11:38At one stage I thought
11:39Oh my God, am I going to lose?
11:40It was bad
11:42Like I've never experienced it that bad
11:44Oh, there we go
11:46Audi fanboys be like
11:51Also Audi fanboys will be like
11:52Well, if you bought the RS Q8
11:54It would have won overall
11:56So then what exactly happened?
11:58Well, the Lamborghini won
12:00It completed the standing quarter mile
12:02In 11.8 seconds
12:04The Audi was second
12:05With a time of 12.3 seconds
12:07The BMW took 12.5 seconds
12:09And the Mercedes was last
12:11It completed the standing quarter mile
12:13In 12.9 seconds
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13:25On with the video
13:26Right, now we're going to have a rolling race
13:27From 50 miles an hour
13:28The cars are in the least sporty settings
13:31So comfort, comfort, comfort
13:33Automatic mode for the gearbox
13:34We're going to roll along from 50 miles an hour
13:36First to the half mile wins
13:37Let's go guys
13:393, 2, 1, go
13:41That horn is just buggered off
13:47I can't lie
13:48It feels so nice
13:49When you're in a Lambo
13:50And it's just blitzing everything
13:53Absolute age to kick down
13:57Oh hello
14:08Oh look
14:09There's 100 horsepower
14:21The reason Sam got away better
14:23Not taking anything away from his reactions
14:25Brilliant, Sam's reactions
14:28The bigger difference was down to that car's
14:30All wheel drive system
14:31Just hooked up better
14:32This kind of went spun
14:33It's wheels a little bit
14:35But launching
14:36The Audi Quattro system just hooks and goes
14:38And that just got him ahead in the drag race
14:40I mean, were you in like the least sporty setting
14:42In that Urus
14:43And it's actually buggered off
14:44Yeah, I was just saying
14:45It just feels really nice
14:47For an Urus to just
14:48Or a Lambo
14:49Just beat everything really, really easy
14:51And Sam
14:52That was interesting there
14:54It hooked up a bit better than you
14:55Maybe the hybrid system
14:56The infill from that electric motor
14:57Just helped out a bit
14:59And it pulled ahead
15:00And stayed ahead
15:03You just had the legs on me
15:04What I find funny about that Lambo
15:06Is it's only got like 160 more than this
15:08But it looked like 500 more
15:09Didn't it?
15:10The way it shot off
15:11It was almost as though
15:12Yanni was cheating
15:13I'm not saying he was cheating
15:14But it was almost as if he was
15:16I have a rear camera
15:18That's showing
15:19That it shows it's in Strada
15:20So no cheating
15:21I don't need to cheat
15:22Can you imagine what's going to happen now
15:23When I'm in Corsa
15:24Oh my
15:25Or Rally
15:26Rory how are you doing
15:27In the big G?
15:28Yeah I'm having a lovely day
15:30Gearbox took about 20 minutes
15:31To kick down
15:32And then it was like
15:33Getting 2.6 tonnes
15:34To move along
15:35Without any electrical assistance
15:36But it sounds good
15:37And it looks good
15:38And if truth be told
15:39It's my favourite
15:40Out of the bunch here
15:41Still looks great
15:42Doesn't it?
15:44Anyway Yanni
15:45Let's do what you just said
15:46Let's go
15:47Full on sporty mode
15:48And manual mode for the gearboxes
15:49Same thing again
15:50What do you mean
15:51The G wagon's the best looking here
15:52And Sam's nodding his head
15:53Like a little dog
15:54Like the Churchill dog
15:55No mate
15:56This is by far
15:57The best looking car here
15:58And yours looks like a tank
15:59Or something
16:00With those front grills
16:01I'm not going to defend the XM
16:02But the G wagon
16:03Is the coolest of the lot
16:04It's the one that I would have
16:05Yeah in my defence
16:06The Lambo is definitely
16:07Prettier than the G wagon
16:08I just think
16:09The G wagon's very cool
16:10That's all
16:11Yeah agreed
16:18Oh what?
16:20That was interesting
16:21What Matt
16:26We had you in corsa mode Yanni
16:27And you thought
16:28You were going to
16:29Absolutely decimate
16:30But it wasn't such a
16:32As the Lambo
16:34It was
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