
  • 2 months ago
00:011, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
00:09Schools are expected to be cradles where kids go to learn important skills about life and
00:13the world they live in.
00:14And this task itself is not an easy one.
00:17Parents entrust their children to teachers and school administrators, hoping that they
00:21get the right lessons and can be molded correctly.
00:25But if there's one thing we all know, it's that things don't always go the way we want
00:29them to.
00:31And for many, the insane realization that schools can be pretty crazy places on their
00:36own is beginning to hit.
00:42Over the years, we've all seen one report or another about some of the most outlandish
00:46things happening in schools.
00:48And in this video, we'll explore some of those moments.
00:51And trust me, some of them will shock you to your core.
00:58Join us as we have a look at 20 Crazy School Moments Caught On Camera.
01:06Blow The Trumpet If you're still in school or just graduated
01:10recently, there's a high chance you'd be familiar with the concept of the class clown.
01:15Basically, the person who seems to always do the silliest things in class and never
01:20really takes things seriously.
01:22Now I know it's a common perception of class clowns that they're never serious people,
01:27and in a way, it's kind of true, but you have to admit that school without them would have
01:32sucked a whole lot.
01:34Just take a look at this guy.
01:35In a serious class where everyone was seated, he decided to step in and do this.
01:46And you know what made it even worse?
01:48The guy came back in a different teaching session a few hours later and literally did
01:52it again.
01:59This was all good and fun, but I feel like people like this definitely need to get checked.
02:04Who the heck enters a class and just starts causing such a disruption?
02:09Quick Flash Normally, school libraries are supposed to
02:13be places where you go to read and get some knowledge about a concept you've not heard
02:18But for this lady, the library is simply a place to get a little bit kinky.
02:23In this next clip, we see a person who discovered that she was alone in the school library and
02:28decided to give the webcam a little more than it bargained for.
02:32Honestly, I've got to say the boldness of some people is insane.
02:36If you decide to get kinky, why not just do that at home or in the comfort of your own
02:42Just spare a thought for the security personnel who would have had to see that.
02:47Learning Commitment Here's another interesting hope.
02:51Back in school, everyone probably had a favorite teacher.
02:54These were those you loved listening to and who pretty much made learning fun for you.
02:59In most cases, your favorite teacher would be that one person you always had fun with.
03:04Perhaps they cracked a few jokes in class, or maybe they were just generally chill who
03:08always made class sessions interactive.
03:11Then there are the teachers who are so committed to their work that even they get into character.
03:17Like this man, for example.
03:18He was captured explaining an emergency situation to his students, and he got so deep into character
03:24that he literally busted out a James Bond move.
03:34Bieber Fever Have you ever stopped for a moment to think
03:38about where we would be without earphones or AirPods?
03:41I mean, just think about it.
03:43You'd have to listen to everyone's favorite songs, even in public.
03:47The beauty of earphones is that they give us privacy when listening to our favorite
03:52And this is especially important because sometimes you just don't want your people finding out
03:56that you're listening to Justin Bieber's Baby.
03:59But then again, earphones don't always come through.
04:13Now I understand the guy's embarrassed and all, but you just have to ask, is there really
04:17anything against listening to the Biebs?
04:19I mean, if our guy over here is feeling in love, why not let him express that with music?
04:25This guy gets no amount of shaming from me.
04:29Swing and a Miss Personally, one of my favorite classes in
04:33high school was physics.
04:35I liked it mostly because I'm a huge nerd, but also because my physics teacher was super
04:40into experiments.
04:42And trust me, anything the man wanted to explain, he'd design an experiment and show it to us.
04:48And in more ways than one, that definitely made the entire learning more fun for me.
04:52Now I know a lot of teachers love designing experiments to help pass a point across.
04:57But as you can imagine, they don't always get along so well.
05:01In this next clip, we see a simple experiment where a physics teacher was trying to explain
05:05the concept of force to his students.
05:07And to do this, he brought in a block made of cement and an axe and tried to smash it,
05:13while another man laid underneath the block and held it up straight.
05:21That's right, the teacher literally missed his swing and ended up clipping the other
05:25guy right in the money maker.
05:28Fortunately, he would not be injured and the teacher was able to give the swing another
05:36You know, I really don't get why they needed the man to lay down underneath the block.
05:41Why couldn't they have just held the block in place and smashed it easily?
05:45Why put his money maker at risk in the end?
05:49Fire Hazard Speaking of science experiments gone wrong,
05:53you should check out this next clip, which shows the moment that a chemistry teacher
05:57apparently got a bit more than he bargained for after trying to display an experiment
06:02showing chemical reactions between substances.
06:05Now ideally, the reaction here was supposed to create a simple spark and wow the students,
06:10but it looks like the teacher got his calculations wrong.
06:17Now you got your spark, are you happy?
06:21Apparently the guy wasn't done showing off though.
06:23The only problem was that his show-off act kind of backfired in the most spectacular
06:28way possible.
06:34Not to worry though, the fire was not so crazy and the teacher was quickly able to wheel
06:38the entire thing out before it got out of hand.
06:46It looks like you still need a little time to practice though, my friend.
06:51Stability Issues Now, if there's one profession that I would
06:55never consider doing, it would be teaching little preschool children.
06:59These people take children off their parents for a few hours and pretty much have to take
07:02care of them, but the work of a preschool teacher can be really difficult.
07:07If you think about it, a lot of these kids are used to throwing tantrums, and for you
07:11to get them organized you pretty much have to scatter the entire classroom with toys
07:15and other objects that can be dangerous to you.
07:19Just take this lady for example, she was teaching a preschool class and literally lost her balance
07:24because the entire class was just so disorganized.
07:31Unfortunately, she only tripped and fell and didn't sustain any injuries, but you kind
07:35of get what I mean.
07:36If there's anyone who deserves a raise, it is surely the preschool teacher.
07:42Tying the Knot I know there's a general rule amongst workplaces
07:46where co-workers are not really supposed to date each other.
07:50Personally, I get why the rule is in place in most workplaces, although I also kind of
07:55believe that people should be free to date whomever they wish.
07:59How else would we have gotten this cute moment?
08:01At an elementary school in Ohio in 2017, this beautiful moment would be captured when Jason
08:07Seifert, a senior teacher at the school, had popped the question.
08:11Ms. Barker and I are dating, so I had a couple kids come up to me at recess today.
08:17Now you're a little bit more than dating, are you?
08:20Well, Mr. Seifert, what do you have cooking for us?
08:24We are a little bit more than dating, because I am completely in love with her.
08:31Wow, is it getting hot in here?
08:34Because these guys are steaming.
08:36Anyways, after a little bit of fooling around, he finally gets to the real meat of the matter.
08:48And it seems to turn out very cute.
08:50With all the commotion, it would have almost been criminal if she did not say yes, but
08:55congratulations to the lovebirds anyways.
08:59Let The Man Talk For most people, being selected valedictorian
09:04at a high school graduation ceremony is an incredible honor.
09:08It's basically a sign that you've managed to rise to the very top of your class and
09:12you're amongst the best of the best.
09:14And when the time comes to give your speech, you had better have something very cool prepared.
09:19For some people, the chance to make a valedictorian speech also provides an opportunity to shed
09:25light on a few issues that are really plaguing the school.
09:28And Peter Butera is one such person.
09:31Back in June of 2017, Peter would be selected to give the speech at the Wyoming Area High
09:38And instead of grabbing the mic and filling his classmates with hope for the future, he
09:42decided to turn towards the school authorities and really take him to the cleaners.
09:48Despite some of the outstanding people in our school, the lack of a real student government
09:52combined with the authoritative attitude that a few teachers, administrators, and board
09:57members have prevents students from truly developing as leaders.
10:01Of course, the school couldn't have this, and instead of letting him speak and air out
10:05his concerns, they decided to cut off his mic and send him off the stage.
10:10It would be obvious that Butera's comments resonated with everyone else at the school,
10:19and as he walked off the stage, they literally stood up and gave him a standing ovation.
10:23He did eventually get the chance to finish his speech a few weeks later after being invited
10:28to the Jimmy Kimmel show, and there, he didn't have to deal with any pesky teachers trying
10:33to cut off his mic.
10:35Good job, Peter.
10:36Remember to always speak your truth.
10:40The Pursuit of Success If there's one thing that we can all agree
10:44is never cool, it's cheating on a test.
10:46I mean, I get why most people do it, but that desperation doesn't mean that the act itself
10:52is right.
10:53For most people, cheating on a test takes a different form.
10:56For some, it's sneaking a few notes, while for others, it's trying to ask for answers.
11:01But I don't think I've ever seen a move as sleek as this young lady.
11:06What is this?
11:07What do you mean you don't have a phone?
11:08Where's the phone?
11:09Sit down if I see you turn.
11:11What is this?
11:12So first off, she got a pair of AirPods and put them under her wig.
11:16The same wig which, mind you, she literally had a phone stuck under.
11:20That's some CIA-level stuff right there.
11:23Basically, the wig was like a cloak of invisibility.
11:26I mean, what else did she even have there?
11:28A house?
11:29I mean, what the heck?
11:31If I was that teacher, I would be very furious.
11:34Honestly, she could be expelled immediately for that.
11:37Cheating on a test is one thing, but she took it to the absolute limit.
11:42Just Follow Instructions Working as a teacher can be frustrating sometimes.
11:47You try too hard to make sure your students get a concept, but they decide to do the exact
11:51opposite of what you're asking them to do.
11:54Things get much worse when you're teaching a subject like math.
11:57Math has a lot of rules that need to be followed, and if your students decide not to follow
12:01what you say, they can easily get the answers wrong.
12:04The teacher in this next clip got so frustrated while trying to explain a concept to his students
12:09that he let his frustrations out in the funniest way.
12:17Apparently the students were just having fun with the guy and said that they would solve
12:21the equation without using the method he recommended.
12:25This guy got so angry that he almost blew a fuse.
12:29A Noble Journey School is a place where you go to learn, and
12:36in many cases, the lessons you take are more than just things like math, history, and science.
12:42Sometimes you learn lessons about life as well, and this instance definitely counts
12:46as one of those lessons.
12:48Two years ago, Noble Haskell, a high school cross-country athletic star at Smoky Hill
12:53High School in Aurora, Colorado, was well on his way to dominating his sport.
12:58But all of that changed when he went on a summer trip with a few of his friends, and
13:02after suffering a terrible accident, he was left paralyzed from his neck down.
13:07It looked as though he would never be able to use his limbs again.
13:10But just two years later, Noble was back on his feet, and not only that, he managed to
13:15walk on his own to receive his graduate diploma.
13:18Noble's journey was one of perseverance and hope, in just the same way that they would
13:22cheer him on before his accident.
13:25You could hear the crowd giving him all the support and love he needed, as he took what
13:28could have easily been the most important walk of his life.
13:32While you might think that in and of itself is pretty impressive, Noble said on graduation
13:37day that he wasn't done.
13:39He explained that he still wanted to take some of the lessons he learned and use them
13:43until he was able to run again on his own.
13:46And I, for one, am fully behind the guy.
13:49A Step Too Far
13:51This is one situation that I think is well up for debate.
13:55Back in 2021, this story went incredibly viral.
13:59At John W. North High School in Southern California, a woman apparently got into big trouble after
14:04a clip of her went viral online where she was doing a Native American dance in front
14:09of her students.
14:14One of the students had actually recorded the incident and posted it online as a joke,
14:19but people caught up with it and the situation became less funny very quickly.
14:24Protestors would gather in front of the school only a few days later, claiming that the woman
14:29had been racially insensitive to Native Americans and that the dance she was doing was unacceptable.
14:35While at the same time, there were a lot of people who actually came to her defense, claiming
14:39that she was just doing her best to make the class more engaging and get through to her
14:45She was eventually put on administrative leave, which is a nice way of saying the school fired
14:51But what do you actually think about this one?
14:52I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.
14:57No Snoozing
14:58Look, we've all fallen victim to the call of nature in public once or twice, and when
15:03it comes to school, it's pretty easy to fall asleep.
15:06If you think about it, you've been going through class after class, and when you get a few
15:10moments to yourself, you then decide to just nod off quickly to recharge your batteries.
15:16Here's the thing though, if you do that while you're in the middle of class, and your classmates
15:19choose to take advantage, you may end up as an unwitting member of a viral moment on social
15:25Take this poor kid for example.
15:27He decided to go to sleep in the middle of class, and his mates played a funny joke on
15:32Sure, it might not have been anything physically harmful, but come on, have a little sympathy
15:37for the guy.
15:38The poor guy just wanted to have some shut eye, and you guys literally turned him into
15:42a meme, which is not cool at all.
15:45Although on the other hand, you have to admit, it was also pretty funny.
15:50Drop It Low
15:51This is one trend you may not be aware of if you're a Gen Z-er, but over the years there's
15:56been real hype around twerking, a trend that involves shaking your derriere to a beat.
16:01While women have generally been the ones to take charge of the twerking trend, the guys
16:06are also making some interesting waves.
16:08Apparently, the twerk phenomenon is pretty gender agnostic, and if you're a guy who's
16:13got the back for it, you can twerk as well.
16:16Take this guy for example, who decided to give the entire crowd a twerking tease as
16:22he walked to receive his diploma after graduating high school.
16:25Honestly, I don't think I have any words here.
16:29Everything was done perfectly, from the walk, to the trip, to the recovery, and eventual
16:35Good job, I'm sure your mother must be so proud of you.
16:39Dress Like A Student Day
16:42If you attended a school where the teachers were pretty cool, trust me, you were one of
16:45the lucky ones of your generation.
16:48I know that schools are supposed to be places of learning and seriousness, but I think it's
16:52important to have some fun every once in a while.
16:54Earlier this year, a clip would go viral showing what appeared to be a fun exercise by teachers
17:00who came to school dressed as the students.
17:03Now apparently the school celebrates an annual dress like a student day, and these were the
17:08entries for that particular year.
17:10You know, I'm actually not at all upset at this one.
17:13If anything, the exercise captures the divide between different generations.
17:18We young people may think of our teachers as being uncool for how they dress, but I'm
17:23pretty sure they also look at some of today's fashions and ask themselves what the heck
17:27they're even looking at.
17:29All in all, it was pretty cool to see.
17:33No Shooting Day These days, there's one major issue plaguing
17:37schools across the country, and that is shootings.
17:41It's almost like everywhere you look, there's a school shooting somewhere, and for many
17:45parents the trend can be truly disturbing.
17:47However, some school shooting attempts have also brought out the heroes in teachers.
17:53One such man would be Kenan Lowe, a high school football coach who got national praise after
17:58footage showed him disarming a student who had walked into a school hall with a loaded
18:04According to reports, the kid had walked into the school on that day with clear intentions
18:08of wreaking havoc, and in fact, the meetup wasn't even supposed to happen.
18:13The coach was on a different wing of the school entirely, and he only came to that building
18:17because he was told to go get a student.
18:20Little did he know that he'd have to stop a shooting attempt.
18:23Nobody knows how he managed to calm the student down, but the coach was able to disarm him
18:27and hold him until security got there.
18:30It was a truly touching moment, and one that's sure to live on in the minds of everyone involved
18:34for quite a long time.
18:36If not for the timely intervention of the coach, things may have ended up very badly
18:41at that school.
18:43Taking Notes These days, advancements in technology have
18:47made it pretty easy for all of us to take notes while in class.
18:51Instead of having to listen to everything a professor says, you just get out your laptop
18:54or even a recording device and take notes where you can go over them in your spare time.
19:00But what happens when your professor bans laptops in class?
19:04Well, if you're like this guy, you immediately take initiative and work around the problem.
19:09And you know what?
19:10I dig what the guy was trying to do.
19:12After all, the professor had banned laptops, but he didn't say anything about typewriters.
19:17So why not just get a typewriter instead?
19:20It's technically not a laptop in the end.
19:23Also, I'm not really sure why laptops were banned in class, but I'm pretty sure the typewriter
19:27must have caused even more of a nuisance than any laptop could have done.
19:31Guess that professor must have been feeling pretty silly at that moment.
19:35Phone Smash Every once in a while, we see people throw
19:39some pretty insane tantrums when they go into classrooms.
19:43You may think that this is only limited to students, but teachers do just as well.
19:47Take this situation for example.
19:54Apparently the teacher had gotten so frustrated with his job and the fact that his students
19:58were using their phones that he just decided to smash this one.
20:02You may think it was a bit excessive, but I beg to differ.
20:06She knew that she wasn't supposed to be using her phone in class, so why do it?
20:10Was there some sort of emergency she had to attend to?
20:13Perhaps next time, you don't want your teacher smashing your phone, so just don't use it
20:18in class.
20:20Daddy's Girl For the men and women who serve in the military,
20:25one of the biggest challenges is being away from their families for so long.
20:29But every now and again, we see a military man come back home and give his family a sweet
20:34In 2015, this video went viral on the internet, showing the moment when Petty Officer First
20:40Class James Brown surprised his little daughter after being away from her for 8 months.
20:46Officer Brown's daughter had been at a competition in school, but he managed to give her the
20:50cutest of surprises.
21:00And if you look at the emotion on her face as she hugs her daddy, it is quite heartwarming.
21:05It's bringing a tear to my eyes as we speak.
21:09Now there's no doubt that schools these days have drastically changed from what they used
21:12to be.
21:13And after seeing some of these clips, you kind of have to argue whether or not change
21:17has been for better or for worse.
21:19Anyways, which of these clips did you find most interesting?
21:23As usual, you can share your thoughts in the comment section down below.
21:26Be sure you subscribe so you never miss a good video.
21:29Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.
