1939 schließt Deutschland die Grenzen, es werden Jahre der Gräueltaten und des Terrorregimes folgen. Um dem zu entgehen, versuchen 85 amerikanische Missionare, die sich für ihre kirchliche Arbeit so lange es ging in Deutschland aufgehalten haben, verzweifelt das Land zu verlassen. Escape from Germany schildert die dramatischen Ereignisse ihrer Flucht.
00:00Elder, we're in trouble.
00:03We have elders in most of these towns in between here and Holland.
00:09That's a lot of country.
00:11I need you to do this.
00:13Find them.
00:15Tell our missionaries to get out.
00:17Does President have any idea how difficult this is going to be?
00:20I have not finished my mission, so I will not go.
00:24How could this happen?
00:26The Dutch have closed their borders.
00:28I just heard the Gestapo, they're closing this border too.
00:32I sent our elders the wrong way.
00:35What am I supposed to do?
00:37Kevin is very interested in the outcome of all of this.
00:43Mission presidents don't steal trains.
00:47This one does.
00:50There are still missionaries unaccounted for.
00:58To be continued ...