Lawmakers Investigate Local Media Outlet Under New Reforms

  • 2 months ago
Lawmakers from the opposition Kuomintang and Taiwan People's Party have set up a committee to investigate local media outlet MNews using controversial, new amendments that expand legislative oversight.
00:00Here at the legislature lawmakers from opposition parties the KMT and TPP are moving forward and using their
00:07Controversial new powers which are legal at this point to investigate private entities in Taiwan
00:13This follows months of heated debate and protests just last week the presidential office
00:18DPP lawmakers and other officials have asked the nation's top court to decide whether these laws are
00:25Constitutional or not now here for the first act KMT and TPP lawmakers are taking aim at a local media company
00:32M news also known as mirror TV
00:35They're known generally to lean more in favor with the ruling DPP an investigation
00:40We'll be looking into the outlets license and how it was granted
00:45They've already set up a committee which will have the power to summon people in to testify now
00:50DPP lawmakers have continued to warn that no one is safe from legislative scrutiny
00:56They say that today it could be M news and tomorrow. It could be semiconductor giant TSMC
01:01Now as for whether these laws will stay it's ultimately up to the court and it's unclear when they will issue their
01:09Interpretation now, this is the last hope for those who oppose these reforms
01:13But as for the KMT and TPP lawmakers
01:16It looks like they're making use of these powers as soon as possible
01:21Joseph Wu and Joyce then in Taipei for Taiwan plus
