Dĩ Ái Vi Doanh Tập 20 Thuyết minh

  • 2 months ago
00:00溫柔太零碎 收不回
00:31I wish I didn't drive today.
00:33Yu-yu could have taken me home.
00:35We could have stayed with him longer.
00:41Next time, I'm sure I won't drive when I see him again.
00:46I can't believe we have to work on the weekend.
00:50But with you by my side,
00:52it's like a date no matter where we are.
00:55Are you cold?
00:56Do you want to sit in the car?
00:58No, I don't want to.
00:59You can't hug me like this in the car.
01:02Your arms are the warmest place for me.
01:11Today, I want to tell you something.
01:15How long have you been waiting for me today?
01:18Tell me.
01:20Why did you come here all of a sudden?
01:22It's a personal matter.
01:25Why do you ask so many questions?
01:29Can't I know?
01:32I thought as a girlfriend,
01:34I could know your every move and thought.
01:37Isn't that a privilege when you become a girlfriend?
01:40Of course, I can know.
01:52My mom is calling.
01:54It's cold outside.
01:56I'll go inside and listen.
02:02Oh, what took you so long to pick up?
02:05How are you today?
02:07Today is a great day.
02:24I know some girls at your age
02:27are obsessed with some famous idols online.
02:30Some even think they are husband and wife.
02:33It's a waste of money and effort.
02:36In the end, they are just a shadow.
02:38They don't care about the boys around them.
02:40And they miss out on many potential relationships.
02:43Isn't that a shame?
02:45Yu-yu is a good boy.
02:47You should spend time trying to get to know her.
02:50Did you hear what I said?
02:52I didn't say he's not good.
02:54Why are you so angry?
02:56I'm not angry.
02:57I'm just talking to you.
02:59So you won't lose your mind.
03:03Mom, I won't talk anymore.
03:05I'm going to take a shower.
03:08I just talked to Mrs. Chen.
03:10She also supports you two.
03:12You have to attend the exhibition this weekend.
03:15Got it?
03:17I'll think about it.
03:18I'm going to remove my makeup.
03:35I put on too much makeup today.
04:05I'm sorry.
04:18Professor Yu, I've booked a ticket to the exhibition.
04:25Thank you.
04:26How much is it?
04:27I'll transfer the money to you.
04:30Even the dot is polite.
04:36Uncle, I'm home.
04:46Are you happy today?
04:50What are you happy about?
04:52Tell me.
04:55Don't shout.
05:00Uncle, you have lipstick on your lips.
05:03You have lipstick on your lips.
05:16It's late.
05:17Go to bed.
05:18Or do you want to have a pair of bear eyes?
05:25I teased you today, but you still teased me.
05:30What's wrong with you?
05:33Go to bed.
05:45Good morning, Tia Nguyet.
05:58Good morning, Tia Nguyet.
06:00Yesterday was really fun.
06:02Why is everyone's mood so good?
06:14Hello, this is the towel you need.
06:30Thank you.
06:49Good morning.
06:57What's wrong with you?
07:00I don't want to talk about it.
07:01My house was flooded last night.
07:03I couldn't sleep all night.
07:05Can you fix it?
07:07After the check-up, it needs to be renovated.
07:11I don't know where to live now.
07:13I have to find a new job.
07:16I posted a post on my friends' group yesterday.
07:18Didn't you see it?
07:20Last night...
07:21I didn't see it.
07:26Are you kidding me?
07:31Suddenly today, I want to tell a story.
07:33But my eyes are about to dry.
07:35It's not right.
07:38What do you mean?
07:39Not only the eyes,
07:40but also the lipstick.
07:50Hello, assistant.
08:00The average age of the team in this group is too young.
08:03In terms of scale, it's pretty good.
08:05Yu Yu, I think this report needs to be changed a bit.
08:08Otherwise, those guys can say we don't care.
08:11What do you think, Mr. Yan?
08:16Look at her.
08:18Is she smiling?
08:21It's a little scary.
08:24She seems to be in a pretty good mood today.
08:31Why are you looking at me?
08:32Have you finished the report?
08:34Is there anything to add?
08:37Just leave a little bit.
08:38Don't you want to share a little bit?
08:40What makes you in a good mood like that?
08:43Of course, it's a good thing.
08:45The group is young, active,
08:47and full of ambition in terms of technology.
08:50The management team has a clear division of labor.
08:52I put a lot of hope in them.
08:53Besides, from this report,
08:55the assessment of the group seems to be very reasonable.
08:57If we invest now,
08:58it's like we're getting a big bonus.
09:00Shouldn't we be happy about this?
09:03That's the only reason.
09:04How is that possible?
09:07Do you believe her?
09:20Have you had lunch yet?
09:26I'm eating very well here.
09:33My girlfriend doesn't seem to eat very well.
09:38Can my boyfriend help me with that?
09:43I don't have a boyfriend.
09:45I don't have a girlfriend.
09:47I don't have a boyfriend.
09:49I don't have a boyfriend.
09:59Shuyi, I'm a little busy tonight.
10:01I'll make it up to you by the end of the week.
10:05Shuyi, I'm a little busy tonight.
10:07I'll make it up to you by the end of the week.
10:13Okay, I'll wait.
10:21are you texting Professor Yu?
10:25What are you talking about?
10:26No, I'm not texting him.
10:32I have to tell you this.
10:34I only admire Yu Yu as a friend and nothing more.
10:44I also have something important to tell you.
10:47Go ahead.
10:48I think the advice you gave me last time was inaccurate.
10:52You and Professor Yu are the same.
10:54The same?
10:56Have you ever heard of the saying,
10:58opposite attraction?
11:00Your personalities are too similar.
11:02You can't complement each other,
11:04so you two don't match.
11:05So which man do you think suits you?
11:10What old man?
11:13Do you really think so?
11:15Of course.
11:16If you and he complement each other
11:18in terms of age and career,
11:20you two will be a perfect match.
11:26According to your logic,
11:28you and Yu Yu also match well.
11:31That's right.
11:33Shuyi, I think so too.
11:38Do you want some?
11:39No, thank you.
11:46Thank you.
11:55I have an appointment with someone else.
11:58Can we have dinner together?
12:00I need to talk to you.
12:02It's far away.
12:05We'll go first.
12:08We'll get in the car first.
12:34This is for you.
12:38Thank you.
12:47Ms. Hong,
12:48my classmate is a local here.
12:50She happens to have a place to rent,
12:52very close to your office.
12:54I saw your post on Instagram,
12:56and I thought I should ask you.
12:58Really, you've helped me a lot.
13:00And please don't call me Ms. Hong anymore.
13:02It's too formal.
13:03I told you.
13:04Just call me Ms. Nam.
13:05Ms. Nam.
13:06Ms. Nam.
13:08Or if you don't like it,
13:09just call me Ms. Hong.
13:10Ms. Hong.
13:11Ms. Hong.
13:12Ms. Hong.
13:13Ms. Hong.
13:14Ms. Hong.
13:15Ms. Hong.
13:16Ms. Hong.
13:17Ms. Hong.
13:19Is this a new residential area?
13:21Is the rent expensive?
13:22I asked her before I came here,
13:23and the rent is the same as before.
13:25If you like that place,
13:26I can talk to my friend
13:27to reduce the rent for you.
13:34What do you think about this place?
13:35Do you like it?
13:36I like it a lot.
13:37It's just that the rent...
13:39The rent can be negotiated.
13:41You don't know.
13:42Tran Thinh has been bothering me all day.
13:44So I think I have to help her a little.
14:02Thank you for today.
14:05You're welcome.
14:11If there's nothing else,
14:13I'll go home now.
14:22Tran Thinh.
14:27Ms. Hong.
14:29Please take my friend's words into consideration.
14:32She always likes to tease me
14:33when we were still in college.
14:37Does that mean
14:38you don't care about me?
14:41No, I don't mean that.
14:43I mean...
14:48You're a grown-up man.
14:50Do you care about me or not?
14:52I care about you a little.
14:54What do you mean?
14:57I mean, I think you're great.
14:59I just want to see if there's any chance.
15:02A chance to do what?
15:03A chance to date?
15:08I'm just thinking about it.
15:09If you don't care,
15:10then you should really think about it.
15:12As you know,
15:13I'm 5 years older than you.
15:15But I'm 30 this July.
15:17My mom has urged me to get married
15:19and she's pretty determined.
15:20So I really don't have time
15:22to joke around like a younger man.
15:25I understand.
15:34if you want to follow me,
15:36you have to be serious
15:38and consider getting married in the future.
15:42Don't waste your time
15:43and don't waste my time.
15:46Do you understand?
15:48Of course.
15:49I promise you.
15:55do you have any plans later?
15:59Then let's have dinner together.
16:14Have you had dinner yet?
16:23You look pretty busy in your free time.
16:26I'm eating.
16:27Now it's my turn to ask you.
16:28Have you had dinner yet?
16:33Not yet.
16:42Mr. Tong,
16:43here's your food.
16:52Have you had dinner yet?
17:04Why haven't you had dinner yet?
17:06I'm waiting to have dinner with you.
17:08Have a look.
17:09Do you like it?
17:31thank you.
17:33You're welcome.
17:36If you really want to thank me,
17:38finish your food.
17:40You know what?
17:41Forget it.
17:42Don't eat too much.
17:44I'll hang up.
17:45Have dinner.
17:47Don't sit down and work right after dinner.
17:49Stand up and walk around for a while.
17:51Do you understand?
18:07What do you want to talk to me about?
18:10I'm asking myself.
18:12Do you have time to go horse riding this week?
18:15I don't have time this week.
18:17If you don't have time this week,
18:19what about next week?
18:20I have a schedule for next week.
18:25What about next week?
18:29I have a schedule for next week.
18:32What about next week?
18:34What about next week?
18:41What do you want to talk to me about?
18:48I've been thinking.
18:51Maybe we can do more things together,
18:54like dinner, horse riding,
18:57watching movies and talking like this.
19:04What do you think?
19:14And then?
19:23Kuan Jie,
19:24do you know you have a lot of people
19:26who can eat dinner, horse riding and watch movies with you?
19:30Have you ever thought
19:32what kind of relationship we should have
19:34when we do these things together?
19:59I'm done eating.
20:02Thank you for dinner.
20:04I should go home.
20:08You don't have to take me home.
20:10I can call a taxi myself.
20:21If you have time,
20:24you should think about
20:26what you really want.
20:52I'm home.
20:53Go to bed early.
20:54Good night.
21:00Uncle, you're home.
21:08What are you doing?
21:12I'm doing homework.
21:17Your boss taught you well.
21:19Finish your homework and go to bed early.
21:25My boss taught me well?
21:28What did my boss teach you?
21:38Shu Yi, someone is looking for you.
21:40I told him to wait in the meeting room.
21:44Is it the guy from earlier?
21:46Who is it?
21:58It's him.
22:15I'm Yi Yang.
22:18Mr. Yi, hello.
22:20I'm Shu Yi.
22:21What can I do for you?
22:23Ms. Shu,
22:24I want to ask you a similar interview.
22:30Please confirm this appointment today.
22:32Then we will arrange the time
22:34when you send me the draft of the interview,
22:36I will prepare more for it.
22:40By the way,
22:41I have a request.
22:43I want my interview to be posted
22:45on the first issue of the 9th volume,
22:47Financial Economy.
22:49Mr. Yi,
22:50please take a look at this.
22:51I'm afraid that my schedule is only free
22:53for about a week.
22:55I can wait.
22:59May I ask what you do
23:01and where are you now, Mr. Yi?
23:03Very good.
23:04You have paid more attention to understanding me.
23:07How about this?
23:08Let me help you understand me better.
23:10I will hold a live press conference
23:12this Friday at 3 p.m.
23:14I want to invite you to attend.
23:16Mr. Yi,
23:17you have seen my schedule.
23:19I still hope you can arrange the time to attend.
23:22It will help you quickly
23:24understand the topics of your future interview.
23:29Please exchange your WeChat ID.
23:31I will send you the address later.
23:41What does he want from you?
23:44He said that he is Duong.
23:46It seems that he wants me to interview him.
23:48It sounds like a delusion.
23:50He may be a trickster.
23:52Be careful.
23:53That's right.
23:55You should tell Duong
23:56not to let him in the next time.
23:59But when we are alone,
24:01he doesn't do anything scary.
24:03What if he is a psycho
24:05because he hides his true nature?
24:08You didn't share your personal information with him.
24:11You didn't share your personal information with him.
24:22Thuy, I'm going to class.
24:41Has he graduated from university yet?
24:55There are so many people with the same name.
24:58But I don't think he is one of them.
25:02No news at all.
25:04I don't see any news.
25:06No news at all.
25:08I don't see any news.
25:12Maybe he is really...
25:16Hey, student.
25:17The room is still empty.
25:18You can sit here.
25:21Thank you.
25:22You're welcome.
25:23Professor Vu's class is always crowded.
25:25I see that you come to school regularly.
25:27So I want to find a place for you.
25:30By the way,
25:31I am a student majoring in Finance 2020.
25:34My name is Tien Vu Trinh.
25:35Nice to meet you.
25:38I see that you come to this class every week.
25:40But I haven't seen you in the main class.
25:44Who are you?
25:45I am not a student majoring in Finance.
25:47I am a student majoring in Finance.
25:49I especially come to Professor Vu's class
25:52to learn more.
25:54I see.
25:56So you are a journalist.
26:06Hello, everyone.
26:07Hello, Professor.
26:13Let's start the class.
26:14Today, we are going to discuss about Market Risk Measuring.
26:17Please open your textbook.
26:19We will focus on what is Market Risk Measuring.
26:22Then we will talk about Market Risk Measuring.
26:25Vu Trinh, where is Professor Vu?
26:30He is not here.
26:31He is here.
26:32So in the whole process of calculating V2,
26:34the simplest way to evaluate the local is the simplest way.
26:43Of course,
26:44in addition to the local evaluation method,
26:46historical imitation is also a very important technique.
26:52Thank you very much today.
26:55You have thanked me many times.
26:57Because you are from outside the field,
26:59so you probably don't know.
27:00How about this?
27:02Next time, I will send you a seat.
27:05Thank you very much.
27:06If I have a chance,
27:07let me invite you for a meal.
27:15Where is he going?
27:17Why is he going so fast?
27:30Thuy, are you working overtime today?
27:34I will stay a little longer.
27:40Nam Nam,
27:42you are so meticulous today.
27:45Tell me clearly.
27:46What's wrong with you?
27:51I'm going to sign a rental contract.
27:53Rental contract?
27:54I found a place.
27:55That's right.
27:56My friend introduced it to me.
28:00I have to go now.
28:01See you tomorrow.
28:03See you tomorrow.
28:23Are you working overtime today?
28:27Good luck.
28:28I have to work overtime too.
28:31We support each other from afar,
28:33and finish each other's work quickly.
28:35Next weekend,
28:36when I finish my work,
28:37I will come to see you.
28:38Be excited.
28:41See you next weekend.
29:14I'm so hungry.
29:15What should I order?
29:24Is this Ms. Trinh's number?
29:26Your food is here.
29:30Ms. Trinh, this is your food.
29:33It's still warm and not thrown out.
29:38I guess your boyfriend is the one who ordered.
29:40He's so thoughtful.
29:41He talked to me on the phone for more than 10 minutes
29:43just to guide me where to buy a thermos bottle
29:45and which restaurant to order noodles from.
29:47I have to look around like a thief.
29:49It's not easy at all.
29:50Please enjoy your meal while it's still hot.
29:52Thank you for asking him to give me a good rating.
29:54Thank you.
30:11No scallions inside.
30:13He's so thoughtful.
30:19Ms. Yen,
30:20thank you for ordering food for me.
30:22I really appreciate it.
30:24But I still prefer to eat with you.
30:50Thank you.
31:06I hope you will come and see me at 3 p.m.
31:1118 Duong Van Hung.
31:1418 Duong Van Hung?
31:20Duong Van Hung.
31:21Isn't it near the Science and Technology Park?
31:24Duong Van Hung.
31:26You're not going to go there, are you?
31:28It's quite far away.
31:41Hello, Ms. Trinh.
31:42Hello, Mr. Duong.
31:43You're here.
31:44The press conference hasn't started yet.
31:46Let me show you around.
31:47Thank you.
31:50Let's go.
31:57So this is our company.
31:59We've just been established this month, so it's still quite new.
32:02So you just started your own business?
32:04I used to.
32:05It's about time.
32:07You will soon receive the answer to all your questions, Ms. Trinh.
32:11You're going to give a live talk here?
32:13That's right.
32:16I have my own video channel abroad.
32:19I usually give a live talk there to share my research and life.
32:24The format of the opening in China is too long,
32:26so I want to try to change it to a live talk format for this premiere.
32:29This way, there will be more people who can follow.
32:31I also plan to continue to share about life in China.
32:34I hope you will like it.
32:36Thank you.
32:37Thank you.
32:38I also plan to continue to share about life through live talks in the future.
32:44Are you really inviting only me?
32:47Of course.
32:50Please have a seat.
33:01Hello everyone.
33:02My name is Yich Yung, also known as Jackson Yich.
33:04I am very happy to share the process of opening my company with you through this live talk.
33:08Jackson Yich.
33:09This name sounds so familiar.
33:21Genius for chips.
33:23From the age of 14, he has been interested in semiconductors.
33:27After graduating from college, he continued to get a doctorate.
33:29During his college years, he started to do business with some classmates
33:32and earned the first prize in a research project.
33:35I have always been passionate about challenges.
33:38Facing challenges and being challenged is always a joy in my life
33:42and also a motivation for me to move forward.
33:44I am very lucky to have many friends in front of me on this challenging journey.
33:48The challenge this time for us is
33:52Joining me in this challenge is my partner, Bruce.
33:55Next, I would like to congratulate my partner, Bruce.
34:03Thank you.
34:17Don't look at me, look at the phone.
34:21This guy, J.Y. is a very good friend of mine.
34:24We are confident that we will lead HMAS's technical team
34:27to further develop high-performance chips
34:30and take the whole industry to a new level.
34:35What is Bruce going to do?
34:37And who is this J.Y.?
34:38Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
34:43Don't tell me you already know.
34:46I don't know.
34:54Thuy Yen, look at this.
34:55What are you going to do next?
34:57Let me talk to Bruce.
35:01Let's go to Laos.
35:02Meet with Truong Khang.
35:08Bruce has left Laos
35:09and joined a chip company called HMAS.
35:12I know.
35:14If he leaves, not only Laos,
35:16other people will not leave you alone.
35:19I want to meet you in the meeting in 30 minutes.
35:30Thank you.
35:39Thank you, everyone.
35:47This is Mr. Trinh,
35:48a journalist for the financial economy magazine.
35:51She is my special guest today.
35:55Nice to meet you, Ms. Trinh.
36:01I have to answer the phone. Sorry.
36:04Hello, Bruce.
36:07I think we need to talk.
36:09I'm sorry. I've made up my mind.
36:11I hope you will accept.
36:14Duong Sang and Thuy Yen have shown kindness to you
36:17and Lai An really needs you.
36:19You have improved a lot.
36:22Actually, Thuy Yen is very excellent
36:24and Lai An is very professional.
36:26But I've known J.Y. for many years.
36:28We have the same dream.
36:30And she is a genius in this field.
36:32Working with her gives me more opportunities.
36:36I hope you will understand.
36:38I'm really sorry.
36:46Thank you for coming to see Hac Ma's debut.
36:49Congratulations, Ms. Yich.
36:51So I'll wait for you to book an interview.
36:55Maybe I need more time to think
36:57and I'll text you later.
37:02You can call me Yich Duong.
37:04If there's nothing else, I'll go first.
37:06Do you need me to take you home?
37:08No, I can call a taxi.
37:25Have you seen Hac Ma's breakthrough?
37:27How is Lai An's situation?
37:35Thuy Yen.
37:36How is everything going?
37:54I'm fine.
38:16Sir, please take me to Minh Duong Van Sang.
38:25Minh Duong Van Sang
38:35Ms. Trinh, why are you here?
38:37Ngai Tran, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier.
38:39But can you take me to see Mr. President?
38:41I need to see him now.
38:42Didn't you make an appointment with him?
38:44He just left 10 minutes ago.
38:54I'm sorry.
38:55I have to go now.
38:56I'll call you later.
39:24Uncle, I'm staying at my old house to do research.
39:35Thuy Yen, let me come to see you.
39:43I'm fine.
39:44Don't worry about me.
39:54Thuy Yen.
40:05Why are you here?
40:08I just miss you.
40:23Did you drink?
40:27Why didn't you invite me to drink with you?
40:30I'm a little tired now.
40:32I couldn't forget the last time I tried to drink with you.
40:35I can't anymore.
40:39So, what are you drinking now?
40:41I want to drink too.
40:42Give me a glass.
40:43I'll drink with you.