• last year
00:00The government has decided to shut down Pakistan's steel mills.
00:05The government has been offered 700 acres of land by the government.
00:104,500 acres of special economic zones will be leased from the steel mills.
00:15The secretary of the government has said that the government will set up steel mills instead of Pakistan's steel mills.
00:20A briefing was given on the steel mills at the meeting of the committee under the leadership of Senator Aunabaz Pibby.
00:27Chief Financial Officer Arif Shaikh said that the permanent employment of political prisoners and employees has led to the shutdown of Pakistan's steel mills.
00:33In 2010, the cost of employing 4,500 employees increased by 2 billion rupees.
00:38The government has announced that the annual cost of steel mills on loans from commercial banks will be 17 billion rupees.
00:44In the past 10 years, steel mills have paid 103 billion rupees in interest on loans.
