• last year


00:04:32Never will die
00:04:34Delta Rho Chi
00:04:36Never will die
00:04:38Delta Rho Chi
00:04:40Slowly pledge
00:04:42Sentinel calls to the hour of the earth
00:04:44Delta Rho Chi
00:04:46Delta Rho Chi
00:04:48Delta Rho Chi
00:04:50Delta Rho Chi
00:04:52Delta Rho Chi
00:04:54Delta Rho Chi
00:04:56Delta Rho Chi
00:04:58Delta Rho Chi
00:05:00Never will die
00:05:02Delta Rho Chi
00:05:04Never will die
00:05:06Delta Rho Chi
00:05:08Never will die
00:05:10Delta Rho Chi
00:05:12Never will die
00:05:14Delta Rho Chi
00:05:16Never will die
00:05:18Delta Rho Chi
00:05:20Never will die
00:05:22Delta Rho Chi
00:05:24Never will die
00:05:26Delta Rho Chi
00:05:28Never will die
00:05:30Delta Rho Chi
00:05:32Never will die
00:05:34Delta Rho Chi
00:05:36Never will die
00:05:38Delta Rho Chi
00:05:40Who knocks?
00:05:42Tis I
00:05:44Great Sentinel, Pledge Trainer of Delta Rho Chi
00:05:52Kneel before me and raise your right hand
00:05:56Pledges Kelly, Beth, Marcia and Allison
00:05:58Do hereby swear that in this last week of your pledge period
00:06:00you will complete your sacred duties to the best of your ability
00:06:02that you will obey your older and wiser active sisters
00:06:04and that you will do anything they ask
00:06:06no matter what the consequences
00:06:08so help you God
00:06:10I swear
00:06:12Then rise, pledges, and let this night be heralded
00:06:14as the official commencement of your hell week
00:06:16I swear
00:06:18Then rise, pledges, and let this night be heralded
00:06:20as the official commencement of your hell week
00:06:22I swear
00:06:24All right
00:06:26Here's the schedule, pledges
00:06:28Work assignments will be posted Monday
00:06:30That gives you three more days of freedom
00:06:32After that, no dates
00:06:34until initiation
00:06:36except for the frat party Friday night
00:06:38A week from Saturday
00:06:40is prank night
00:06:42Any questions?
00:06:44I'm afraid to ask, but uh
00:06:46what's up for prank night?
00:06:48And I'm sure our little Cinderella's
00:06:50would like to know too
00:06:54Especially you, Kelly
00:06:56Did uh
00:06:58Datums buy you that little number?
00:07:00Or did you just pull it off the rack at one of his stores?
00:07:02Come on, Megan
00:07:04What's the prank?
00:07:06I'm getting to it
00:07:08Your father's building, Fairchild's
00:07:10That exclusive emporium for the wealthy
00:07:12You're still in the management
00:07:14trainee program
00:07:16Aren't you?
00:07:18Yeah, somewheres anyway
00:07:20What about it?
00:07:22You know the alarm system
00:07:24If your devoted trainer
00:07:26wanted to get in in the middle of the night
00:07:28you could arrange it, couldn't you?
00:07:30I don't get your point, Megan
00:07:36It's very simple, sisters
00:07:38We send the pledges into Kelly's
00:07:40father's store late Saturday night
00:07:42to steal the night watchman's uniform
00:07:46Come on
00:07:48His uniform
00:07:50Right from his badge
00:07:52right down to his skivvies
00:07:58Leave it to Megan the maniac
00:08:00to dream up some bullshit thing like this
00:08:02Breaking and entering looks good on a resume
00:08:04It could be worse
00:08:06Gwen said last year the pledges
00:08:08had to spend the night in Dean Washburn's bathroom
00:08:10Wait a second
00:08:12I heard this night watchman guy
00:08:14is a real stud
00:08:16hung like a mule or something
00:08:20Marsha, don't knock it till you've tried it
00:08:22Look at all these empty beds
00:08:24Megan's whittling us down
00:08:26to nothing
00:08:28Fifteen girls we started with, now only four
00:08:30There's nothing we can do about it
00:08:32It's the system
00:08:34I mean, we're pledges and we have to do what we're told to do
00:08:36Oh, vomit
00:08:38Maybe if we could find out where Megan's anger
00:08:40came from, we could
00:08:42do something about it
00:08:44Someone said that she gained 20 pounds last semester
00:08:46That would do it
00:08:48No way
00:08:50Megan's problem isn't cellulite
00:08:52It's you, Kelly
00:08:54She's been on your case ever since Andy O'Connell
00:08:56started hounding you like you were a bitch in heat
00:08:58I only went out with him once
00:09:00The guy's a creep
00:09:02Well, creep or not, he's got the scent
00:09:04No stopping a jerk-off like that
00:09:06Lights out, plebs
00:09:08You've got an important week ahead of you
00:09:10Pleasant dreams
00:09:12I've got it
00:09:16Megan is suffering from acute
00:09:18hemorrhoidal discomfort
00:09:20Rendering her a royal
00:09:22pain in the ass
00:09:30Had the dream again
00:09:34Makes three times this week
00:09:36What are you gonna do about it?
00:09:38I don't know
00:09:40But I'm gonna take care of it
00:09:56I'm here to check on Mrs. Danner
00:09:58Have you noticed any change
00:10:00in her behavior lately?
00:10:02No ma'am, nothing peculiar
00:10:04Mrs. Danner
00:10:06I'm told that you've been vomiting
00:10:08in your trash can again
00:10:10If this continues
00:10:12I'll be forced to cut off your day room
00:10:30It's that damn trustee again
00:10:32I keep telling him to stay away from here
00:10:34Get out of there
00:10:36Get out of there
00:10:40Move away
00:11:00Attention please
00:11:04There's a report from the kitchen
00:11:06that some of you are refusing to take your medication
00:11:08This is intolerable
00:11:10and will not be permitted
00:11:12Henceforth anyone refusing
00:11:14to take their morning pill
00:11:16will have their injection personally administered
00:11:18by me
00:11:20I'm sure none of you relishes that thought
00:11:24Stop that
00:11:30I said
00:11:32Stop that
00:11:40Stop that
00:11:42Stop it
00:11:44Stop it
00:11:46Stop it
00:11:48Stop it
00:11:52Stop it
00:11:54I said
00:12:02Stop it
00:12:32Stop it
00:13:02Stop it
00:13:04Stop it
00:13:32Stop it
00:13:34Stop it
00:13:36Stop it
00:13:38Stop it
00:13:40Stop it
00:13:42Stop it
00:13:44Stop it
00:13:46Stop it
00:13:48Stop it
00:13:50Stop it
00:13:52Stop it
00:13:54Stop it
00:13:56Stop it
00:13:58Stop it
00:14:00Stop it
00:14:02Stop it
00:14:04Stop it
00:14:06Stop it
00:14:08Stop it
00:14:28I talked to Dominique
00:14:30They're going to send over a darling birthday cake
00:14:32Do you want to sign the card?
00:14:34Why don't you go ahead and sign for both of us
00:14:36Do you want to know what's in it?
00:14:38I'm sorry, what?
00:14:40Kelly's gift
00:14:42Aren't you a little bit curious about what we got her?
00:14:44I'm sure it'll be fine
00:14:46You know, maybe I was wrong
00:14:48Maybe it's better for Kelly to live away from home
00:14:50I think this sorority experience
00:14:52could be good for her, don't you?
00:14:56Tell you one thing I'm going to put my foot down about though
00:14:58It's these unscheduled weekend junkets
00:15:08Oh yeah, Dr. Howe
00:15:10Yes, I'll hold
00:15:12To sanitarium
00:15:34Well, all right
00:15:36Thank you, doctor
00:15:38Oh, doctor
00:15:40You keep us posted
00:15:44Seven inmates escaped last night
00:15:46Oh my God
00:15:48Was it?
00:15:50Yes, but he said not to worry
00:15:52He said he'd take care of it
00:15:54These people usually turn up in a day or so
00:15:56I don't know how long it's going to take
00:15:58I don't know
00:16:00I don't know
00:16:02Usually turn up in a day or so
00:16:04And we are, what?
00:16:06300 miles away
00:16:14Who died?
00:16:18That's supposed to be a joke
00:16:20Where have you been?
00:16:22Mom, don't start on me again
00:16:24I told you
00:16:26I just needed a night off before Hell Week
00:16:28A little time to myself
00:16:30I wish you wouldn't do that
00:16:32You know how I worry
00:16:34Frances, leave it alone
00:16:36She's all right
00:16:40Perfectly fine
00:16:42I even got a little color
00:16:44Fair childs always do look better with a tan
00:16:46Happy birthday, darling
00:16:50Here's to the birthday, girl
00:16:54Do you think I'm attractive?
00:16:56Of course, you're very pretty
00:16:58Oh, you're not letting Allison's virgin jokes
00:17:00Get to you, are you?
00:17:02No, but she's right
00:17:04I've never had a real boyfriend
00:17:06Well, if that'd be a good deal
00:17:08Why don't you do something about it?
00:17:10I'm sorry, none of my business
00:17:12Let's change the subject
00:17:14What are you doing your psych trim paper on?
00:17:16Well, I thought I'd do it on the psychological effects
00:17:18Of the soap opera
00:17:20That's very topical
00:17:22Yeah, but then, I don't know, I thought about it
00:17:24I realized it was like looking for the meaning of life
00:17:26Well, what are you going to do yours on?
00:17:28Dreams and nightmares
00:17:30I've got to present my idea to my T.A. today
00:17:32Nellie, Marcia
00:17:34Speaking of nightmares
00:17:36Greetings, Miss Fairchild
00:17:38How you doing?
00:17:40Hi, Andy, I've got to go to music class
00:17:44Hey, listen, I heard you still didn't have a date
00:17:46For our come-as-your-favorite-suppressed-desire party
00:17:48Hold on a minute, let me check my schedule here
00:17:50Well, look at that, it's a miracle
00:17:52I'm available
00:17:54Hey, where's Megan?
00:17:56The wicked witch? No way, Jose
00:17:58I'm through with her
00:18:00And I'm late for a meeting
00:18:02I'll see you later, Andy
00:18:04Uh, why dreams and nightmares?
00:18:06It's a fascinating subject
00:18:08Excuse me, but it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact
00:18:10That I'm writing my doctoral thesis
00:18:12On dream analysis, would it?
00:18:14No, I mean, I didn't know
00:18:16You didn't know
00:18:18I have my own reasons, Mr. Adams
00:18:24It's Peter
00:18:30I'm sorry
00:18:32I do get a lot of freshmen coming in here
00:18:34Trying to brown-nose their way through, you know
00:18:36Pick the teacher's favorite subject, that kind of crap
00:18:38Yeah, my reason's much more personal
00:18:40What's more personal than a passing grade?
00:18:44Well, you're probably going to think
00:18:46This is kind of strange
00:18:48But I have this dream
00:18:50It's a recurring nightmare, actually
00:18:52And I've had it ever since I was a little kid
00:18:54And I've been having it a lot
00:18:56Recurring nightmare after adolescence, huh?
00:18:58Yeah, does it make me some kind of freak?
00:19:00No, not at all
00:19:02It's fairly common for the subconscious mind
00:19:04To fictitionalize certain emotional states
00:19:06You learn all about it
00:19:08When you do your paper
00:19:10Come on, I want to show you
00:19:12The dream factory
00:19:14Dream factory?
00:19:16Yeah, I think it'd be a great place
00:19:18For you to start your research
00:19:20You've got amnesia, too?
00:19:24You're a very interesting case
00:19:26How'd you lose your memory?
00:19:28I was nine at the time, we had this treehouse
00:19:30Wait a minute, treehouse?
00:19:32You actually fell out of a treehouse?
00:19:34Yeah, so I'm told
00:19:36I was in a coma for three months
00:19:38And they kept me in this private hospital in Chicago
00:19:40And when I came out of it, I had no memory
00:19:42Of the accident?
00:19:44The accident, everything before
00:19:46My name, address, nothing before age nine
00:19:48Nope, sorry, nothing before the accident
00:19:52This is it
00:19:56My little hideaway
00:19:58Right out of Better Homes and Gardens, don't you think?
00:20:04Finish telling me about your dream
00:20:06Well, the nightmare ends
00:20:08With this stranger coming in
00:20:10Fighting with my father
00:20:12And the strange man ends up catching on fire
00:20:14And burning to death
00:20:16It's the same, the last image
00:20:18Is of his whole body engulfed in flames
00:20:20That's beautiful
00:20:22You've got all the classic symbols there
00:20:24Mom, dad, fire, strange man
00:20:28Have you been to see a professional about this?
00:20:30A psychiatrist or psychologist?
00:20:32No, my parents are really down
00:20:34On that kind of stuff
00:20:36They're not alone
00:20:38Oh, yes, meet Heidi
00:20:40Dedicated research assistant
00:20:42Possesses a delicate feminine aura, as you can see
00:20:44I'm going to Adam's
00:20:46Who's the new co-ed?
00:20:48Heidi, I want you to meet a genuine
00:20:50Recurring nightmare and traumatic amnesiac
00:20:54You're Peter's type, all right
00:20:56Is he going to hook you up?
00:20:58Hook me up?
00:21:00Well, that's what we do here
00:21:02Create monsters
00:21:04We monitor dream patterns, brain waves
00:21:06For those little babies there
00:21:08Polysomnograph and electroencephalograph
00:21:10Those do our interface for the units
00:21:12Using them, we can monitor a dreaming patient's
00:21:14Respiration, muscle contraction
00:21:16Rapid eye movement
00:21:20That's right, then we wake the patient up
00:21:22Ask them what they dreamed and let
00:21:24Freud and Jung take over
00:21:26Want to try it?
00:21:38It doesn't cost anything
00:21:43What do you say?
00:21:48You're scared, aren't you?
00:21:50Well, that's natural, everybody's a little nervous
00:21:52The first time
00:21:54But really there's nothing to be afraid of
00:21:56No, it's not that
00:21:58What is it, then?
00:22:04I'll have to think about it
00:22:12Got yourself a live one, professor
00:23:46What are you doing?
00:23:50Looking at a ghost
00:23:52Isn't that what you see when you look in the mirror?
00:23:54You see a reflection
00:23:58Unless you're drunk
00:24:00Then I suppose you could
00:24:02You could see anything
00:24:06I've been standing here wondering why we've done this thing
00:24:10Why we've created this horrible lie
00:24:14For years I thought it was for Kelly
00:24:18But it was for us, wasn't it?
00:24:20Wasn't it?
00:24:32You stay there
00:24:40You stay there
00:24:46Did you see something?
00:24:48I don't know
00:24:52Come on
00:25:06Jesus, look at this
00:25:10Look at this
00:25:20I'm sorry
00:25:22It's all right
00:25:24I'm used to it
00:25:26One guy almost broke my jaw
00:25:28I want you to lay back down
00:25:30And recount your dream for me
00:25:32As it happened, all right?
00:25:36What about the mirrors?
00:25:38They do something
00:25:40An unconscious fear, perhaps
00:25:42Or maybe even desire, to do in your father
00:25:44The mirrors allow you to observe
00:25:46Without actively participating
00:25:48That would alleviate any lingering guilt feelings you have
00:25:50Of course, it's only a theory
00:25:52So what you're saying is that everything in my dream
00:25:54Is symbolic of how I feel?
00:25:56Or felt
00:25:58It's a classic Freudian dream
00:26:00Too bad the EEG isn't classic
00:26:02What do you mean?
00:26:04Well, Sleeping Beauty, your REM and your heart rate
00:26:06Your brainwaves are snoozing
00:26:08What Heidi is trying to say is
00:26:10Your printout indicated little or no dreaming
00:26:12Probably a malfunction of the machine
00:26:14It was working fine last night
00:26:16Okay, Heidi, spit it out
00:26:18What's your theory?
00:26:20Psychic phenomenon
00:26:22Doubtful, there was REM and muscle contraction
00:26:24That doesn't mean you can discount
00:26:26Hallucinatory waking, memory plants, visions, revelations
00:26:28Things that don't show up on EEG
00:26:30Science fiction, in other words
00:26:32Call it what you want, but it sure would explain a few things
00:26:34I'm late for class, I gotta go
00:26:36Heidi, Heidi
00:26:38Kelly, Kelly, don't worry about her
00:26:40She spent her time floating in the twilight zone
00:26:48I gotta go
00:26:50Can I call you?
00:26:52Sure, I'm always here
00:27:04Mother, father
00:27:12How long will you be gone this time?
00:27:14I'm okay, a couple of days, I think
00:27:16Donaldson said some
00:27:18Houston developers bidding on a new mall
00:27:20One of those suburban monoliths
00:27:22We gotta move now
00:27:24We wanna get in on the ground floor
00:27:26And I may swing by the Waco Islet on my way back
00:27:30Nothing I can't handle
00:27:36I better finish packing
00:27:42Yes, dear
00:27:44I've been having that nightmare again
00:27:46Oh, well
00:27:48It's probably all the excitement
00:27:50Hi, babe
00:27:52No, I'm at home
00:27:54Can't talk long, I'll be over in about an hour
00:27:58You're too much
00:28:00I don't know, dear
00:28:02Sounds to me like he's experimenting with you
00:28:04What did you say this boy's name was again?
00:28:06Peter Adams
00:28:08And he's not a boy
00:28:10He's working towards his doctorate in parapsychology
00:28:12I don't care
00:28:14I don't think you should see him again
00:28:16He'll only confuse you more
00:28:18Honey, haven't we always taken care of you?
00:28:20I mean, didn't your father get you the best doctors
00:28:22To see you through your amnesia?
00:28:24And I still don't remember anything
00:28:26Well, what does it matter?
00:28:28You've grown up normal and healthy
00:28:30Except for the nightmare
00:28:32And they'll go away, too
00:28:34Given the chance and a little time
00:28:36I just think an unqualified graduate student
00:28:38Is only going to make matters worse
00:28:40Now I want you to promise me
00:28:42You won't see him again
00:28:44I can't do that
00:28:46Do you want me to talk to him?
00:28:48No, I don't want you to talk to him
00:28:50I will see who I want
00:28:52Now you listen to me, young lady
00:28:54No, you listen to me
00:28:56I'm going to see who I want
00:28:58When I want
00:29:00Peter Adams is trying to help me
00:29:02And I am going to let him
00:29:18All right, babe, I'll see you in a little while
00:29:20Yeah, I love you, too
00:29:58Anybody out there?
00:30:42Kelly Fairchild!
00:31:04Sometimes I think that man would forget his head
00:31:06If it wasn't attached
00:31:58Baby, baby
00:32:20Baby, baby
00:32:22You're my love, girl
00:32:28You're my star
00:32:58Now I know what you're going to say
00:33:00Fuck you!
00:33:02I hadn't thought of that
00:33:04How the hell did you get in here?
00:33:06Well, go out the same way
00:33:08I'm not going to that party with you
00:33:10I know that
00:33:12I already have a date
00:33:14You're too late, sweetie pie
00:33:16Oh, yeah? What idiot would ever go out with you?
00:33:20My date
00:33:22What are you doing here?
00:33:24Raping and pillaging
00:33:30I'll pick you up in half an hour
00:33:34I understand you went home last night
00:33:36Did you get the keys?
00:33:42That puts us right on schedule
00:33:44See you at the party
00:33:56Baby, baby
00:33:58You're my love, girl
00:34:00You're my star
00:34:04Now I know what you're going to say
00:34:06Fuck you!
00:34:08I hadn't thought of that
00:34:10How the hell did you get in here?
00:34:12Well, go out the same way
00:34:14I'm not going to that party with you
00:34:16I know that
00:34:18I already have a date
00:34:20You're too late
00:34:22I understand you went home last night
00:34:24I do wish you had told me about this
00:34:26Oppressed Desire business, though
00:34:28I would have come as Freud or Jung or somebody
00:34:50I'm so embarrassed
00:34:52Get used to it, kiddo
00:34:54You're with Ralph Bonner
00:34:56Better known to friends and enemies alike as the Boner
00:34:58This could be the most important night of your life
00:35:00God help me
00:35:22Buzz off, nerd
00:35:24You see, professor, I have these abnormal sexual desires
00:35:26It's like if I'm not getting it every night, I'll die
00:35:28You'll die
00:35:30Like nymphomania?
00:35:32Oh, Kelly, I didn't see you standing there
00:35:34I suggest you take two aspirin and go right to bed
00:35:36With whom?
00:35:42I like a woman who's passive in bed
00:35:44Let's me take control
00:35:46None of this aggressive shit
00:35:48Moaning and groaning, I don't buy it
00:35:50If a woman is turned on in bed
00:35:52I know she's insincere
00:35:54What do you think about it, kiddo?
00:35:56I think you're easily
00:35:58One of the most disgusting human beings
00:36:00I've ever met
00:36:02Thank you
00:36:04Later on, I'll show you this new dance I come up with
00:36:06I call it the body bag
00:36:08Ah, the body bag
00:36:12You gotta get pickled
00:36:26I gotta ask you something
00:36:28There's an ugly rumor circulating about you
00:36:30I wouldn't even bring it up, but...
00:36:34I don't know
00:36:36I don't know
00:36:38I don't know
00:36:40I wouldn't even bring it up, but...
00:36:44They say you're a virgin
00:36:46I can't believe this
00:36:48This is a conspiracy
00:36:58Then it's true
00:37:00It's none of your business, Ralph
00:37:02I can help you, I really can
00:37:04Kiss me, give yourself to me
00:37:06Oh, that's it
00:37:08Wait a minute
00:37:10Please, I can help you
00:37:12What did I say?
00:37:22I'm sorry, Peter
00:37:24I just had to get out of there
00:37:26It was fun for a while
00:37:28I don't know
00:37:30I couldn't stop thinking about this other party I went to
00:37:32A long time ago
00:37:34I think I was around 12
00:37:36Yeah, yeah, I was 12
00:37:38Anyway, this, um...
00:37:40This 50-year-old lady
00:37:42Comes up to me and starts
00:37:44Talking and asking me these questions
00:37:48Did I have crushes on guys?
00:37:52Did I have a boyfriend?
00:37:56I didn't
00:37:58I mean, I was too young
00:38:02At the time, I thought it was this dumb conversation
00:38:06Then I realized what she was doing
00:38:08She'd forgotten her youth
00:38:10And for me, she was trying to live it again
00:38:12So ever since then
00:38:14I mean, growing up and everything
00:38:16I've tried to remember every little thing
00:38:18Like tonight
00:38:22I've just been walking around
00:38:24Memorizing everything
00:38:30I don't want to forget it
00:38:32And I know I'll never live this again
00:38:36Weird, huh?
00:38:44Nothing to say but...
00:38:48There are times I know I don't listen enough
00:38:52I've been thinking I haven't been listening enough to you
00:38:56You listen
00:39:00You listen
00:39:02That's why I...
00:39:04That's why I what?
00:39:10That's why I chose you
00:39:56What is your name?
00:39:58Kelly Fairchild
00:40:00Do you trust me, Kelly?
00:40:04Good, then I want you to take me on a little trip with you
00:40:08A trip back in time
00:40:12Back to when you were a little girl
00:40:16When you were nine
00:40:18Do you remember, Kelly?
00:40:32Big house
00:40:34That's right, and the treehouse, Kelly
00:40:38In the backyard of your father's estate
00:40:40Can you see that day?
00:40:42Very, very high
00:40:44In the treehouse
00:40:46And suddenly you're falling
00:40:58Storm, lightning
00:41:00My dolls
00:41:04My dolls
00:41:06What about your dolls?
00:41:10Why did you break your dolls?
00:41:12I didn't
00:41:14I didn't break them
00:41:20Where are you now, Kelly?
00:41:24Mommy's room
00:41:26That man
00:41:28I can't make him stop
00:41:30Make him stop
00:41:36Pardon me
00:41:38Would you know where Peter Adams is?
00:41:40I believe he's a teaching assistant
00:41:42Yes, why don't you try the basement?
00:41:44Thank you
00:41:52Fire, Daddy
00:41:56I can't breathe
00:42:02Stop him
00:42:04Make him stop, Mommy
00:42:06Kelly Fairchild, you will awaken on the count of three
00:42:08You will be rested and relaxed
00:42:16Let go of me, that's my daughter
00:42:18Kelly Fairchild
00:42:20Randall, for Christ's sake
00:42:22Kelly Randall
00:42:24Kelly Randall
00:42:26You will awaken on the count of three
00:42:28One, two, three
00:42:38What are you doing here?
00:42:40Thank God you're all right
00:42:42What are you talking about? Of course I'm all right
00:42:44What happened?
00:42:46You relived the night of the fire
00:42:48The nightmare?
00:42:50Nightmare, fire, I think it's one and the same
00:42:52I think that's about enough from you
00:42:54You go outside and wait for me in the car
00:42:56Mother, you don't understand
00:43:10I'm not sure
00:43:12But I think I can have you thrown in jail for what you've just done
00:43:14I'm quite certain
00:43:16I can have you thrown out of this college tomorrow
00:43:18Kelly agreed to the hypnosis, Mrs. Fairchild
00:43:20I was trying to help her
00:43:22Help her? How?
00:43:24By making her relive that damn nightmare?
00:43:26Kelly's troubles have nothing to do with nightmares
00:43:28I think you know that
00:43:30I don't want you to talk to her again
00:43:32Do you understand me?
00:43:34If I hear you have so much as uttered one word to her
00:43:36I'm going to have you booted out of here
00:43:38Why did she respond to the name Randall?
00:43:40You were right
00:43:42Her nightmare isn't a dream, it's a memory
00:43:44Kelly tried to kill her father
00:43:46Some part of her tried to stab him to death
00:43:48And that's your key
00:43:50Mirrors, split images
00:43:52Subconsciously, Kelly perceives herself as two different people
00:43:54Two personalities
00:43:56Multiple personalities with a splash of schizophrenia
00:43:58That would explain Mommy's little tantrum
00:44:00That would also explain why she's never been to a psychiatric hospital
00:44:02That would explain why she's never been to a psychiatric hospital
00:44:04That would explain why she's never been to a psychiatric hospital
00:44:06That would explain why she's never been to a psychiatric hospital
00:44:08That would also explain why she's never been to a psychiatrist
00:44:12Wouldn't look good for a fair child to have a homicidal daughter
00:44:20Hey, you guys
00:44:22Where's Beth? It's almost time to go
00:44:24You know, she's afraid we could get into real trouble doing this
00:44:26I don't think she's into pranks
00:44:28Kelly, it's your dad's building
00:44:30What do you think?
00:44:32I think we ought to do it
00:44:34I mean, the whole idea of this place is to have a good time
00:44:36Lasting friendships are important
00:44:38But the bottom line is to have fun
00:44:40Now, I don't know about you guys, but I am so ready for it
00:44:42Now, I don't know about you guys, but I am so ready for it
00:44:44Good! Got the keys?
00:44:46You're going to go ahead and turn off the alarm system, right?
00:44:50If anybody gets caught, I want it to be you
00:44:52Remember, we won't be far behind you
00:44:54I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:06I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:08I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:10I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:12I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:14I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:16I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:18I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:20I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:22I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:24I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:26I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:28I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:30I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:32I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:34I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:36I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:38I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:40I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:42I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:44I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:46I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:48I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:50I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:52I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:54I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:56I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:45:58I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:00I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:02I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:04I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:06I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:08I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:10I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:12I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:14I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:16I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:18I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:20I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:22I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:24I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:26I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:28I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:46:30I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:00I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:02I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:04I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:06I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:08I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:10I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:12I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:14I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:16I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:18I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:20I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:22I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:24I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:26I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:28I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:47:58I hope everyone's gone to the bathroom
00:48:28Who's there?
00:49:06The Grace of Delta, Rokai. Be with you.
00:49:12The Grace of Delta, Rokai. Be with you.
00:49:15What about Kelly? Doesn't she get the blessing?
00:49:17She'll live without it.
00:49:21The Grace of Delta, Rokai. Be with you.
00:49:24Alright ladies, in the cars!
00:49:26Get in.
00:49:39This is crazy.
00:49:40We've gone too far, Megan.
00:49:42I didn't come to college for this Girl Scout shit.
00:49:46We're grown women.
00:49:48Look at us.
00:49:49Candles, pre-fubescent songs.
00:49:53We should be doing something constructive.
00:49:55Something positive.
00:49:57Not breaking into a stupid department store.
00:50:00Get in or pack your bags, wise-ass.
00:50:02You're fucking crazy.
00:50:03You know that, Megan?
00:50:04Completely wacko.
00:50:05They ought to lock you up in the zoo with all the other poor slob-ass.
00:50:08You're out.
00:50:11We'll vote on it tomorrow.
00:50:13Don't bother.
00:50:14I quit.
00:50:15Pack my bags tonight.
00:50:16I'll be gone tomorrow.
00:50:18It's all Megan said.
00:50:19We're to wait here until she shows up with the rest of the pledges.
00:50:21Hey, give me a hit on that, will you?
00:50:24You know, I like paper bags around my boobs.
00:50:27No, no, it just adds a certain touch of clash.
00:50:29You know, kind of a je ne sais quoi.
00:50:34Yeah, that's them.
00:50:35Where's your car?
00:50:36I parked across the street.
00:50:37I didn't want anyone else to see it.
00:50:38Where's Beth?
00:50:39I'll tell you about it later.
00:50:42You have one hour to get the uniform.
00:50:43Then come back to the hotel.
00:50:44I'll call you.
00:50:45I'm sorry, I don't have time.
00:50:46I gotta go.
00:50:47I'm sorry.
00:50:48I'm sorry.
00:50:49I'm sorry, I don't have time.
00:50:50I gotta go.
00:50:51I'm sorry.
00:50:52I'm sorry.
00:50:53I'm sorry.
00:50:54I'm sorry.
00:50:55I'm sorry.
00:50:56I'm sorry.
00:50:57I'm sorry.
00:50:58I'm sorry.
00:50:59I'm sorry.
00:51:00I'm sorry.
00:51:01I'm sorry.
00:51:02I'm sorry.
00:51:03Where's your uniform?
00:51:04Then come back here.
00:51:05I'll be waiting.
00:51:33So, where is he?
00:51:45He's on his rounds, like I said.
00:51:47Let's go.
00:51:48Okay, here's the plan.
00:51:58Allison, in about three minutes,
00:52:00you're going to set up a diversion on this floor,
00:52:02a performance.
00:52:03Like what?
00:52:04I'm sure you'll think of something.
00:52:06Meanwhile, Marcia will stay here and head him off,
00:52:09just in case you miss him.
00:52:10Uh, his name is Todd.
00:52:12So, just tell me your friend of mine,
00:52:13he won't do anything.
00:52:14Well, what are you going to do?
00:52:16I'm going up to the guards' lounge.
00:52:18Allison, wherever he is,
00:52:19it is your job to attract his attention.
00:52:22I'll go get the uniform.
00:52:23Well, how can you get the uniform if he's down here?
00:52:26They keep spares in the lounge.
00:52:28Megan will never know the difference.
00:52:30I love it, I love it.
00:52:32Let's go.
00:52:49Come on, come on.
00:52:51Come on, let's go.
00:52:58Okay, now, here's the plan.
00:53:01Be quiet, they can hear you.
00:53:03Now split up into two groups.
00:53:05Andy and me and you two guys.
00:53:07Sounds complicated, but I think we can handle it.
00:53:10And remember, don't let them see you,
00:53:13and no pledge leaves the store
00:53:14until she's had the shit scared out of her.
00:53:17The shit scared out of her.
00:53:18Shit scared out of her.
00:53:19Shit scared out of her.
00:53:20Yeah, the shit scared out of her.
00:53:21Okay, let's go.
00:53:22Come on, come on, let's go.
00:53:31Oh, Toddy.
00:53:36Looky here.
00:53:50Don't worry about this kid,
00:53:51but I need these more than you do.
00:54:06Come on, let's go.
00:54:32Come on, let's go.
00:54:49You guys are crazy if you think
00:54:50I'm gonna stay here all night.
00:55:14Oh, Todd, where are you?
00:55:17Come out, come out.
00:55:19I got something for you I think you'll like.
00:55:22So don't shoot.
00:55:27Come on, don't be bashful.
00:55:42Hey, Marsha.
00:55:43Where have you been?
00:55:44I've been looking everywhere for you.
00:55:46This is a big place.
00:55:47Where's Kelly?
00:55:48How should I know?
00:55:49I haven't seen anything.
00:55:54I thought I saw someone up there.
00:55:57Oh, come on.
00:55:58You're just spooked like I am.
00:56:06Oh, wow, you got the uniform.
00:56:07Yeah, no sweat.
00:56:08What'd you tell the night watchman?
00:56:09What night watchman?
00:56:10You mean you haven't seen him yet?
00:56:12I haven't seen anyone
00:56:13except for when you use the elevators.
00:56:16I've been using escalators.
00:56:22We're supposed to be scaring the pledges.
00:56:24I know, but this is more fun.
00:56:26Besides, we've got all night for that.
00:56:29Okay, okay, but we'll do it my way.
00:56:32Whips and chains?
00:56:40Not until I say so.
00:56:45Uh, the skates stay behind.
00:56:47Aw, come on, Kelly.
00:56:49The only thing we're taking is this uniform.
00:56:51And the wine.
00:56:56Who's there?
00:56:58I said, who's there?
00:57:02Get the shit out of him!
00:57:04All right!
00:57:06Get the shit out of him!
00:57:09Who was it?
00:57:11No mistaking those coneheads.
00:57:14Chad and Ralph.
00:57:16Come on, let's get out of here.
00:57:26I told you we couldn't trust that bitch.
00:57:28She left!
00:57:30No key, no way out.
00:57:32What's now, great leader?
00:57:34Well, the only thing we can do
00:57:35is go back and look for him.
00:57:37Come on, split the split up.
00:57:40Wait for me.
00:57:52Station unit 427.
00:58:02And Adam 340.
00:59:15Uh, game's over, Megan.
00:59:18Time to get down to the business
00:59:19of scaring your pledges.
00:59:21Not me.
00:59:27Lights are out, better go for it.
00:59:31Be cool, Mama.
00:59:36Megan, would you please stop fooling around?
00:59:39It's really unfunny anymore, Megan.
00:59:42It's not too funny at all.
00:59:45Aw, Megan!
00:59:55I got you, Megan.
01:00:02I was only kidding, honey.
01:00:10We can't sit in this building all night.
01:00:12Well, maybe it's the night watchman
01:00:13who's playing all these games.
01:00:15Oh, God, Margie, you are so naive.
01:00:18Megan's the one behind this Shuri shit.
01:00:20Apparently she's not alone.
01:00:22Well, maybe the night watchman has the key, you know?
01:00:25We could...
01:00:26Forget the night watchman.
01:00:27He either cut out early
01:00:28or was never here in the first place.
01:00:31It's an old Chinese custom,
01:00:32he who divides conquers it.
01:00:34Well, where shall I go?
01:00:36Find a good place to hide and wait.
01:00:37They'll show their ugly faces eventually.
01:00:39I count to 20 and take off.
01:00:43One, two, three...
01:01:41What are you...
01:01:44Very funny.
01:01:55Molly, you scared me.
01:01:57Did you hear the crash?
01:01:58Yes, this is bound to happen.
01:02:00We've got to go find those guys.
01:02:05There they go. Come on!
01:02:18They've got to be in one of those.
01:02:20Who is it?
01:02:21I didn't see their faces.
01:02:23Let's go after them.
01:02:25Let's wait for them to come out, okay?
01:02:27Wouldn't it be...
01:02:28You wait.
01:02:29I'll go after them.
01:02:50You scared the shit out of me.
01:02:59You scared the shit out of me.
01:03:03Your faces, Jesus, you should have seen your faces.
01:03:05All right!
01:03:09All right!
01:03:11Did you guys break something?
01:03:12Who, me? No, no.
01:03:15Where's Allison?
01:03:16She almost had me back there.
01:03:17We don't know.
01:03:18Who else is with you guys?
01:03:19Megan and Andy.
01:03:20We split up about an hour ago.
01:03:22Actually, I'm glad you caught us,
01:03:23because I was getting kind of spooked myself
01:03:25running around in this dump.
01:03:26You're getting spooked.
01:03:29Terrific route.
01:03:54You're not going to believe this.
01:03:56Boy, have I got a bundle for you.
01:03:57How do you see all this?
01:03:59Oh, boy, current events.
01:04:00Not so current.
01:04:02It's from the Houston Times, um,
01:04:04ten years, one month, five days ago.
01:04:06I knew it.
01:04:07There really was a fire.
01:04:08But in a man named Randall's house.
01:04:10Like it says in the article,
01:04:11he was burned over 40% of his body.
01:04:13Just the way Kelly dreamed it.
01:04:15It gets better.
01:04:16This Randall, Jason Randall,
01:04:18floor manager,
01:04:19Houston's Fairchild's department store,
01:04:21wife's name...
01:04:24Rumored to be in the house with the Randalls
01:04:25was Dwight Fairchild,
01:04:26chairman of the board,
01:04:27Fairchild department store.
01:04:28Kelly didn't try to kill her father.
01:04:30She tried to kill the man
01:04:31who was sleeping with her mother,
01:04:32Dwight Fairchild.
01:04:33And the stranger in her dreams
01:04:35was actually her real father.
01:04:36Jason Randall.
01:04:37You remember the name that Frances used
01:04:39to get Kelly out of hypnosis?
01:04:40It was Randall.
01:04:41That's how I got on this track.
01:04:43Kelly doesn't even know.
01:04:44Thanks to the amnesia.
01:04:46The wedding announcement.
01:04:50Married in a private ceremony,
01:04:51Frances Randall and Dwight Fairchild.
01:04:53Two months after the fire.
01:04:58Well, I hope that's all.
01:04:59This one's gonna blow you away.
01:05:01That's dated last Monday.
01:05:03I plugged the name Randall
01:05:04in the Times computer.
01:05:05Six inmates escaped late last night
01:05:07from the rural fireside sanitarium.
01:05:09Also reported missing was a nurse,
01:05:11Gladys Higgins,
01:05:12and an inmate groundskeeper,
01:05:15Jason Randall.
01:05:16Now we know what happened
01:05:17to the real father.
01:05:18Ferreted away in a private sanitarium.
01:05:21Here's the next one.
01:05:26Nurse found murdered.
01:05:30Being sought in connection
01:05:31with the killing was Jason Randall,
01:05:33inmate groundskeeper.
01:05:34Inmate groundskeeper
01:05:35at the sanitarium
01:05:36where the victim was employed.
01:05:37Who are you calling?
01:05:40No answer?
01:05:44Yeah, I'd like the number
01:05:45for Dwight Fairchild, please.
01:06:09Oh, come on.
01:06:14Thank you very much.
01:06:17I wish you'd tell me where I was.
01:06:19I'm trying to find Kelly.
01:06:20What would she be doing there?
01:06:22Phone ringing.
01:06:31Hello, is anybody there?
01:06:38This is very strange.
01:06:48Where are you going?
01:06:49Fairchild Estate.
01:06:53No thanks.
01:06:55I'll just sit here
01:06:56and finish grading your papers.
01:07:00To Dwight Fairchild
01:07:02for making all this possible.
01:07:04And to being young,
01:07:06staying young, and dying young.
01:07:11I want to propose a toast.
01:07:15A toast to, um,
01:07:17to being young,
01:07:19staying young,
01:07:21and dying young.
01:07:24I want to propose a toast.
01:07:27A toast to, um,
01:07:34I forgot.
01:07:38I think we're seeing Dr. Jekyll's other side.
01:07:41I heard that.
01:07:42I heard that, Allison.
01:07:44You think you're so much better than me, don't you,
01:07:46just because you sleep around a lot?
01:07:49Well, for all your information,
01:07:53I am not a virgin.
01:07:57Don't, stop it.
01:07:59I want to finish.
01:08:01No one ever lets me finish.
01:08:05I was, um, 12.
01:08:1112 years old.
01:08:15There was this old man,
01:08:20my violin teacher.
01:08:23He, um,
01:08:27he had a, he had a chubby face.
01:08:31And he had glammy hands.
01:08:36And then one day,
01:08:41he, um,
01:08:44he touched me.
01:08:50And then he, um,
01:08:53he took me.
01:09:01Oh, God.
01:09:08I never told anybody this.
01:09:16Not even my mother.
01:09:24Excuse me, folks,
01:09:25but I have just got to go and take a leak.
01:09:28I'll help you find it.
01:09:30I hope you're referring to the bathroom.
01:09:53No jokes?
01:09:57Fresh out.
01:09:59I thought you came here to cheer me up.
01:10:12How do you feel now?
01:10:15Cheered up.
01:10:17A little.
01:10:21Wait here.
01:10:22I'll be right back.
01:10:24Leaving me at the altar?
01:10:27Start without me.
01:10:28My eyeballs are floating.
01:10:40And on the third day, God said,
01:10:45let there be rain.
01:10:56Damn it, Allison,
01:10:57I just peed all over my leg.
01:11:08Your attention, please.
01:11:10Megan and Andy,
01:11:11we know you're out there,
01:11:13and we'd love to leave you here all night.
01:11:15But as you well know,
01:11:17you've got the only key.
01:11:20Look, we already have Chad and Ralph, guys,
01:11:22so the game's over.
01:11:23Meet us at the service entrance.
01:11:26Over and out?
01:11:28Oz has spoken.
01:11:38With this ring, I thee wed.
01:11:43I need a flower.
01:12:00Oh, God!
01:12:01Oh, my God!
01:12:02I saw them!
01:12:03I saw them!
01:12:04They were...
01:12:06What are you talking about?
01:12:07I saw Chad,
01:12:10and I've got him dead!
01:12:14Oh, my God.
01:12:16Where are they?
01:12:17In the bathroom.
01:12:19I've got the bridal.
01:12:20Show me.
01:12:21You've got to take me there.
01:12:23No, I can't.
01:12:24I can't go back there.
01:12:25I can't.
01:12:27Okay, you don't have to, Allison.
01:12:30Go to the security desk
01:12:31and wait for me there.
01:12:33You'll be safe.
01:12:56Oh, my God.
01:13:02I have to find the others.
01:13:39Oh, my God.
01:14:03Mrs. Fairchild, I'm Peter Adams.
01:14:06We met back at the college.
01:14:18Excuse me, is everything all right?
01:14:22Mrs. Fairchild, I'm looking for Kelly.
01:14:29Mrs. Fairchild, I'm looking for Kelly.
01:14:32I thought...
01:14:34I thought she might be here.
01:14:39Mrs. Fairchild.
01:14:42Would you pour me a drink, please?
01:14:52Is your husband here, Mrs. Fairchild?
01:15:00My husband is dead.
01:15:03They found him two blocks from this building.
01:15:26Hi, it's Peter Adams. Is Kelly there?
01:15:28Hi, Peter, it's Beth. No, they're all gone.
01:15:31They're on a pledge prank.
01:15:34Peter, I...
01:15:35Damn it, Beth, it's urgent.
01:15:36They're in the Fairchild building.
01:15:44Keys. Do you have keys to the building, Mrs. Fairchild?
01:15:47I need the keys.
01:15:49Do you have the keys?
01:16:04Okay, now, I want you to help me.
01:16:06I want you to call the police. Have them meet me at the building.
01:16:09Do you understand? Have them meet me there.
01:16:11Kelly could be in danger.
01:16:13That's right. Call the police. Do you understand?
01:16:28What's happening again?
01:16:29Well, tell me.
01:16:31Was I as fantastic as I think I was?
01:16:34Ralph, I don't have a lot to compare you to,
01:16:37but I'd say maybe a seven.
01:16:42You're always joking.
01:16:44That's a way to cover up my insecurities, I guess.
01:16:50Comedians live a very lonely life.
01:16:53I thought you were a business major.
01:16:55Yeah, my father's idea.
01:16:57What about your mother?
01:16:59She insisted I be named Ralph
01:17:01after Ralph Cramden on The Honeymooners.
01:17:04She's a comedian, too.
01:17:05Yeah, a closet one.
01:17:07She used to make up these jokes and send them into magazines,
01:17:10and then she wrote a hundred of them.
01:17:11She never, never got one published.
01:17:14Not one.
01:17:15Well, that's my life story,
01:17:18of which you are now a part.
01:17:23Thanks for making this a special night.
01:17:26You're the one about...
01:17:27No more jokes, Ralph.
01:17:36It's customary at our age.
01:17:43What was that?
01:17:45It's just a bump in the night.
01:17:51Ralph, what is this, another joke?
01:18:00I hear you, Marcia!
01:18:07I'm coming, Marcia!
01:18:14Callie, Ralph, Ralph, Ralph!
01:18:16Ralph, Ralph!
01:18:18He's behind me!
01:18:20He's behind me!
01:18:22Oh, God!
01:18:27Oh, God!
01:18:30Yeah, we have to!
01:18:31No, we have to!
01:18:34No, you don't!
01:18:38Oh, no, Callie!
01:18:57All right.
01:19:00All right, we're between floors.
01:19:04We'll wait.
01:19:05We'll wait here till morning.
01:19:08It's okay.
01:19:10No one's gonna get us here.
01:19:17Marcia, I promise we'll get out of here.
01:19:19I promise.
01:19:22Be real.
01:19:26Be real.
01:19:56Ralph was so...
01:19:58Don't think about it.
01:20:01I just remember his face.
01:20:04I can still see his eyes.
01:20:08Think about something else.
01:20:10Pretend you're outside.
01:20:14In a field.
01:20:18That stretches as far as you can see.
01:20:23And Allison's there.
01:20:28And Chad.
01:20:31And everyone.
01:21:04Marcia, stop it!
01:21:06Stop it!
01:21:22Stop it!
01:23:02Oh my God, what did I do?
01:23:14Jason Radl...
01:23:19Oh god. Oh, it's all right. I know you don't understand. I can explain. Everything's going
01:23:41Oh, God.
01:23:43Oh, it's all right.
01:23:45I know you don't understand.
01:23:47I can explain. Everything's gonna be all right.
01:24:09It's like looking in a mirror.
01:24:12Isn't it, Kelly?
01:24:22Leave me alone!
01:24:26All these years, you've been seeing the sights of the world.
01:24:32And I've been stuck in that place.
01:24:34I got out, though.
01:24:36And I've been watching you.
01:24:46Yes. I've been following you.
01:24:49Watching you.
01:24:51At your sorority.
01:24:53Looking at you through the windows.
01:24:55And now you've gone and killed our poor daddy.
01:24:59Out there.
01:25:01Our daddy!
01:25:04He's been following me just everywhere.
01:25:06Picking up after his little daughter.
01:25:12Hiding the dead.
01:25:15But he'll be blamed for all that.
01:25:18And now I'll become you!
01:25:36Goodnight, sister darling.
01:25:39No, please!
01:26:07What are you doing out here?
01:26:14Hey, Johnson, make sure that the parking lot's cordoned off.
01:26:17Yes, sir. I called in the extra units.
01:26:20Come on, get that car out of here.
01:26:28All right, I'll do it.
01:26:37Come on.
01:26:50It's time to go, Mrs. Fairchild.
01:27:36I love you.
01:27:38I love you too.
01:28:06I love you too.
01:28:36I love you too.
01:29:06I love you.
01:29:07I love you too.
01:29:08I love you too.
01:29:09I love you too.
01:29:10I love you too.
01:29:11I love you too.
01:29:12I love you too.
01:29:13I love you too.
01:29:14I love you too.
01:29:15I love you too.
01:29:16I love you too.
01:29:17I love you too.
01:29:18I love you too.
01:29:19I love you too.
01:29:20I love you too.
01:29:21I love you too.
01:29:22I love you too.
01:29:23I love you too.
01:29:24I love you too.
01:29:25I love you too.
01:29:26I love you too.
01:29:27I love you too.
01:29:28I love you too.
01:29:29I love you too.
01:29:30I love you too.
01:29:31I love you too.
01:29:32I love you too.
01:29:33I love you too.
01:29:34I love you too.
01:29:35I love you.
01:29:36I love you.
01:29:37I love you.
01:29:38I love you.
01:29:39I love you.
01:29:40I love you.
01:29:41I love you.
01:29:42I love you.
01:29:43I love you.
01:29:44I love you.
01:29:45I love you.
01:29:46I love you.
01:29:47I love you.
01:29:48I love you.
01:29:49I love you.
01:29:50I love you.
01:29:51I love you.
01:29:52I love you.
01:29:53I love you.
01:29:54I love you.
01:29:55I love you.
01:29:56I love you.
01:29:57I love you.
01:29:58I love you.
01:29:59I love you.
01:30:00I love you.
01:30:01I love you.
01:30:02I love you.
01:30:03I love you.
