• 3 months ago


00:00:00Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:00:18The universe begins to look more and more like a great thought than a great machine.
00:00:48Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:01:18Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:01:48Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:02:18Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:02:48Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:02:53Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:02:58Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:03Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:08Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:13Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:18Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:23Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:28Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:33Why should any phenomenon be assumed impossible?
00:03:38Let's get it down!
00:03:40No! No!
00:03:54Oh, no.
00:03:56Oh, no.
00:04:02I'll be out soon.
00:04:04I don't get it. Just when he seems to be getting so much better you...
00:04:08Why does he do it?
00:04:10I wish I knew.
00:04:12I guess tomorrow I'll have him in intensive behavior management
00:04:14while we're busting a gun and trying to break out of here.
00:04:17I don't know. Maybe I brought him along too quickly.
00:04:20I mean, it's too bad that we got to put him in there with those others.
00:04:25Oh, yeah. Too bad.
00:04:29I'm sorry.
00:04:31I'm sorry.
00:04:33I'm sorry.
00:04:39I, uh...
00:04:41You know, I talked to all the doctors and I tried to stop this, but...
00:04:45I figure that, uh, if everything goes well,
00:04:49you should be back in my unit very soon.
00:04:57I know that you can be helped.
00:04:59I'm going to keep trying.
00:05:01I didn't kill anyone.
00:05:03And if I didn't kill anyone, then I'm not insane.
00:05:06And I'm not going to confess to something I didn't do.
00:05:17If you need anything, you get word to me.
00:05:22I'm sorry about what happened the other night.
00:05:25And I know that you'd help me if you could.
00:05:28If you can.
00:05:44They don't look crazy to me.
00:05:47I don't like them.
00:05:49I don't like them.
00:05:51I don't like them.
00:05:53I don't want to die in here.
00:05:55I'm a lawyer.
00:05:57I can get you out of here.
00:05:59My lawyer got me 15 and 20.
00:06:02I would have killed the guy if I didn't.
00:06:04They said I was crazy.
00:06:06They said I was crazy.
00:06:08I'm not crazy.
00:06:10I'm not crazy.
00:06:12I'm not crazy.
00:06:14I'm not crazy.
00:06:16I'm not crazy.
00:06:18I'm not crazy.
00:06:20I'm not crazy.
00:06:22I'm not crazy.
00:06:24I'm not crazy.
00:06:26I'm not crazy.
00:06:28I'm not crazy.
00:06:30I'm not crazy.
00:06:32I'm not crazy.
00:06:34I'm not crazy.
00:06:36I'm not crazy.
00:06:38I'm not crazy.
00:06:41I'm waiting for a train.
00:06:44Save a seat for me.
00:06:49I watch from here every day.
00:06:52The one is due soon.
00:06:55That's the nice thing about trains.
00:06:58They're always going somewhere.
00:07:00I killed my own daughter.
00:07:05She had become a whore.
00:07:08She had become a whore.
00:07:10They say maybe I'm crazy.
00:07:13But they do not understand an act of honor.
00:07:16I didn't kill anyone.
00:07:19My mother was sick for a long time.
00:07:22I stayed with her and I took care of her.
00:07:24This doctor was treating her.
00:07:26Determined that she had a tumor.
00:07:29The operation was expensive.
00:07:32I couldn't afford to pay him.
00:07:34We had no insurance.
00:07:35There was a house, an old house.
00:07:37My mother wouldn't sell it, no matter what.
00:07:45The doctor refused to operate.
00:07:52I argued with him.
00:07:56I lost my head.
00:07:57People in the office saw me cursing.
00:08:00I ran away.
00:08:02When I came back, I was going to beg him... reconsider.
00:08:12She was on the floor.
00:08:17I guess...
00:08:20...when I reached for the scalpel, I got some of his blood on me.
00:08:25I ran to the police and I told them everything.
00:08:28I guess they knew the poor guy because they took everything I said and they twisted it.
00:08:33They charged me with murder.
00:08:36My lawyer sold me out.
00:08:38The trial was a joke.
00:08:42It was a different case.
00:08:45I believe you.
00:08:57They said they'd have a nurse look after my mother.
00:09:01But they didn't.
00:09:04And she died.
00:09:06Four days.
00:09:08That nurse hadn't been to see her in all that time.
00:09:12They didn't tell me about it until six months after it happened.
00:09:16They didn't tell me.
00:09:17Because they were afraid the shock would be too much for me.
00:09:28Your train is late.
00:09:30Maybe I can help you.
00:09:35The day before I die...
00:09:38...I shall kill the pimp that made my daughter into a whore.
00:09:42The day after I die...
00:09:44...I shall help you find justice for yourself.
00:12:04Where have you been?
00:12:06I went to look for a priest.
00:12:08I found my man last night.
00:12:10I carved my name in his chest...
00:12:13...and slit his throat.
00:12:15What did the priest say?
00:12:17He denied me my last rites.
00:12:56The state attorney called this morning.
00:12:58They opened a letter Amelio had left.
00:13:00He wanted you to have his stuff.
00:13:02Thank you very much.
00:13:06...doesn't have any next of kin, you know.
00:13:09No, I didn't know that.
00:13:13It's funny.
00:13:14I got a letter for him just this morning.
00:13:17No return address, no note.
00:13:19Just a newspaper clipping.
00:13:22Hey, wait a minute.
00:13:26Walter Johnson Black...
00:13:29...was found dead in his downtown apartment this afternoon.
00:13:34Investigators say that the gruesome murder...
00:13:36...has all the earmarks of a ritual killer.
00:13:41The victim's throat was cut and his chest severely slashed.
00:13:45Johnson had a long police record going back...
00:13:48Hey, what are you...
00:13:49Nothing. Pardon me.
00:13:52How do you like that?
00:13:54Somebody send in something like that to somebody in a place like this.
00:13:59All right.
00:14:29You okay, Arnold?
00:14:49Yeah, I'm all right. Just a little headache.
00:14:51You want something?
00:14:53No, I'll be all right. I'll be all right.
00:14:55Okay, try to get a little sleep.
00:14:58Yeah, yeah.
00:15:45Man down!
00:16:01Arnold Masters, male, Caucasian, age 33.
00:16:05Seventy-four and a quarter inches, 179 pounds.
00:16:09Time of death, approximately 12.52 a.m.
00:16:12Cause of death to be determined.
00:16:15Preliminary examination, prognosis shock.
00:16:29Now, let's take a look at his heart.
00:16:33I'm about to make an incision above the fourth rib...
00:16:36...diagonally towards the lower abdomen.
00:16:39It will bear the area of the heart.
00:16:46That's the goddamnedest thing I ever heard.
00:16:48You perform an autopsy on a patient that was still alive?
00:16:51Dr. Comminger, the man was medically dead when he was brought into the room.
00:16:54If the papers get hold of this, we're gonna look like a bunch of Frankensteins.
00:16:57Dr. Comminger, may I point out...
00:16:59Oh, George, just shut up. You haven't killed anybody yet.
00:17:03Now, get out of my office and try to keep your mouth shut.
00:17:10Now, what about the patient? What kind of shape is he in?
00:17:13Well, as near as I can tell, he was in a deep state of shock...
00:17:16...over the death of another patient, which might explain...
00:17:18Never mind that. What kind of shape is he in today, right now?
00:17:22He seems controlled, rational.
00:17:25No outward stress.
00:17:30Send Mr. Masters in here.
00:17:32Yes, doctor.
00:17:34Patients jumping over walls.
00:17:36Autopsies performed on patients while they're still alive.
00:17:40Do you have any idea what would have happened...
00:17:42...if we'd killed Masters before that paper came out?
00:17:45I'm sure Mr. Masters would have been justifiably upset.
00:17:49Well, Mr. Masters.
00:17:52How are we feeling today?
00:17:55You certainly gave us quite a scare.
00:18:00Have a chair.
00:18:04Actually, I sent for you to come up here...
00:18:07...because I have some very good news for you.
00:18:11The official word just came through.
00:18:14The official word just came through.
00:18:17A man came forward last night...
00:18:19...and confessed to the crime...
00:18:21...for which you were committed to this institution.
00:18:26You are hereby released from this institution... all charges against you have been dismissed.
00:18:40I really don't know how a thing like this...
00:18:43...ever could have happened.
00:18:45After all, it's not the first time... innocent man has been unjustly accused.
00:18:49We certainly hope that you'll take this in the proper spirit...
00:18:52...and go on and live a successful and happy life.
00:18:56Please don't hesitate to ask us to do anything in our power... help you in your efforts at rehabilitation...
00:19:02...from something that must have been a terrible ordeal for you.
00:20:13I love you.
00:20:43I love you.
00:21:13I love you.
00:21:48I really don't...
00:21:51...and have been...
00:21:53...for some reasons...
00:21:56...could and now I find myself...
00:21:59...I'm feeling.
00:22:02Please write.
00:22:05I will always love you.
00:24:14Come on, darling.
00:24:16Nobody's going to bite you.
00:24:19Except me.
00:24:26Why don't you start the fire...
00:24:28...while I get us something to drink.
00:24:44How are you doing, darling?
00:25:01Do you come here often?
00:25:03If you're asking do I bring women here often, the answer is no.
00:25:07No, I wasn't asking that.
00:25:11Well, of course you were...
00:25:13...and I expect you to.
00:25:15That's why I'm such a good doctor...
00:25:17...and you're such a good patient.
00:25:20It's because we understand each other.
00:25:24Try some of this.
00:25:26Nature's tranquilizer.
00:25:30Let me give you a little free psychiatric advice.
00:25:36You're cheating on your husband.
00:25:40For the first time.
00:25:48It's only natural that you... a little tense... the beginning.
00:26:00I'm not through.
00:26:09You see, my dear... you are...
00:26:12...with your analyst... whom you've transferred all your...
00:26:18...incestuous feelings you suppressed for your late father.
00:26:32Stand up.
00:26:39Stand up.
00:26:57Someone who's sensual and beautiful as you...
00:27:00...shouldn't be wasted.
00:27:03I love you.
00:27:06I love you more than anyone.
00:27:22I love you more than anyone.
00:27:26Did you hear that?
00:27:27No, nothing.
00:27:30I love you more than anyone.
00:27:34What is it?
00:27:36Be quiet.
00:27:37I love you, my darling.
00:27:39Hear what?
00:27:43Come on, darling.
00:27:45No one's gonna bite you...
00:27:47...except me.
00:27:49What is it, Paul?
00:27:52I love you, my darling.
00:27:54What's the matter with you?
00:27:56You think you can make a fool out of me?
00:27:58Who is that out there?
00:27:59Paul, what is it?
00:28:01You didn't hear anything, I suppose.
00:28:03No, nothing.
00:28:05Paul, are you all right?
00:28:12All right, who is it?
00:28:13Here I am.
00:28:14Who's out there?
00:28:15Here I am, darling.
00:28:17Follow me.
00:28:19Follow me.
00:28:21Here I am.
00:28:23Over here.
00:28:24Over here.
00:28:26No one's gonna bite you...
00:28:28...except me.
00:28:33All right, who is it?
00:28:34Who's out there?
00:28:40No one's gonna bite you, my darling.
00:28:48Come on, darling.
00:28:49Don't be afraid.
00:28:52Come on, darling.
00:28:54Don't be afraid.
00:28:57Arnold Masters, although abnormally attached to his mother...
00:29:01...and by nature recluse...
00:29:03...and antisocial in his behavior... in most instances a person who...
00:29:13You did not see anyone.
00:29:15Is that right, Mrs. Turner?
00:29:17Could you answer the question, please?
00:29:21And where were you at this time?
00:29:24I was on the floor.
00:29:26What were you doing on the floor?
00:29:28I was, um...
00:29:30He was kissing me.
00:29:32Is that when he began to act strangely?
00:29:35What do you mean, strangely?
00:29:37Look forward, please.
00:29:41Well, he was lying on the floor with a naked woman.
00:29:45You were naked, weren't you?
00:29:48Could you answer the question, please?
00:29:52Yes, what?
00:29:53Yes, I was naked.
00:29:55So you didn't hear anything?
00:29:59How can you explain that?
00:30:02I can't.
00:30:07You don't believe me.
00:30:09I'd like to believe you, Mrs. Turner, but a man is dead.
00:30:12You were the last one to see him.
00:30:14Well, I didn't do anything.
00:30:15Somebody sure as hell did.
00:30:17And you were obviously on intimate terms with Dr. Taylor.
00:30:19Can I go?
00:30:21What was your husband doing in the office?
00:30:23I told you everything.
00:30:25I want to go home.
00:30:30Did you take Mrs. Turner home?
00:30:35I don't get it.
00:30:36He fired that shotgun at somebody,
00:30:38but there's no trace of blood or no footprints other than his.
00:30:41And I know damn well she didn't do it
00:30:43because he's not big enough to break his neck the way we found him.
00:30:46You sure about it, old man?
00:30:48I checked him out.
00:30:49He's been in Chicago the past six months on a business deal.
00:30:52He spends a lot of time away from home.
00:31:57Now, Mr. Schaefer, are you having those bad thoughts again?
00:32:05It's just that these uniforms always shrink.
00:32:10I don't know how uncomfortable they are.
00:32:16Now, Mr. Schaefer, don't get any ideas.
00:32:19It's just that this uniform is strangling me.
00:32:26You're lucky to have me, Mr. Schaefer.
00:32:29To massage your legs, to clean up the mess you make in your bed.
00:32:33I'm on my feet all day and I don't have anyone to take care of me.
00:32:36I have to do it all by myself.
00:32:40Most men don't have massage women, you know.
00:32:43I bet you do, though.
00:32:45I'll bet you are the most gentle man in the world.
00:32:51And I can usually tell.
00:32:53Well, let's see.
00:32:54Now, you're not due for another enema till nine o'clock,
00:32:56so I think I'll relax and take a shower.
00:33:11I'll be back in a few minutes.
00:33:14Why don't you take a little nap?
00:33:44I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:14I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:44Oh, my God!
00:35:14Oh, my God!
00:35:36Yeah, just a second.
00:35:39Shower door jammed and so are the faucet handles.
00:35:42When is the last time you heard of anybody scalding to death in a shower?
00:35:45It's a new one, all right.
00:35:46Two freak deaths in less than 12 hours.
00:35:48Yeah, busy day.
00:35:49Listen, I talked to the manager and I checked out the water heater.
00:35:52Everything's working all right.
00:35:53The coroner said she had first-degree burns.
00:35:55That water had to be scalding.
00:35:56Oh, no, not out of that water heater. I guarantee it.
00:35:59Then I don't get it. I just don't get it.
00:36:01Well, look at it the other way.
00:36:02Nobody else could have done it to her. It's impossible.
00:36:04Yeah, it looked like an accident, all right.
00:36:06Looks like. Both doors locked from the inside.
00:36:09The manager had to break the front door in when the water was running out into the hall this morning.
00:36:13The old man she's taking care of is a terminal cancer case strapped to his bed.
00:36:17He sure as hell couldn't have done anything.
00:36:19What about him? Did he see or hear anything?
00:36:21No, no.
00:36:22This morning when they found him, he was in a coma.
00:36:24He only had a few days to live anyway.
00:36:26Well, I don't know how she got burned so bad, but it had to be an accident.
00:36:29What else could it be?
00:36:30Marv, go back to that cabin where Dr. Taylor was killed and walk through it again for me.
00:36:34Maybe we overlooked something somewhere.
00:36:36Look, if you got some sleep at night, instead of jumping in and out of different beds, you'd have some energy for police work.
00:36:52Car 23, car 23.
00:36:54Moving out the highway up toward the big rock.
00:36:56Car 23 received.
00:36:57Marv, what's happening? We had a date for lunch today.
00:37:00Yeah, well, the old man's got a hair, baby.
00:37:02He wants me to check out that accident at the cabin ground yesterday.
00:37:05Christ, he's foul play.
00:37:06Christ, he's foul play in everything.
00:37:08Blowing the whole damn day running around out there in the woods.
00:37:11You're a bastard. You probably have some other woman stashed out there somewhere.
00:37:14Oh, I wish I did. Check you later.
00:37:16Show us! Move your ass!
00:37:18I want a report back here by this evening.
00:37:20Talk to anyone that might have seen them.
00:37:21And stop using police equipment to straighten out your sex life!
00:37:24Right, chief.
00:37:26Son of a bitch is everywhere.
00:37:35Son of a bitch!
00:38:06You stupid son of a bitch, you'll be sorry when you catch me.
00:38:18Maybe I better slow down and show that guy where to get off.
00:38:22Help! Help! Help!
00:38:24Help me! Help!
00:38:26I can't control it! I can't control it!
00:38:29Help! Help! Help!
00:38:32Help me! Help!
00:38:33Help! I can't control it.
00:38:38I got it.
00:38:40Son of a bitch!
00:38:41Help me! Help me!
00:38:43Help me! Help!
00:38:45No! I can't get down!
00:38:49Hang on!
00:39:12What? What?
00:39:27God, help me!
00:39:42No! God, help me!
00:39:55Oh, no!
00:40:20And you did have your siren going.
00:40:23Yes, sir, but he just kept on going faster.
00:40:27Now, you say here that when you pulled up alongside of him to flag him, he was behaving strangely.
00:40:35Yes, sir.
00:40:37What does that mean, behaving strangely?
00:40:41Well, sir, I don't know how to describe it exactly.
00:40:44Well, you sure as hell better find a way to describe it exactly.
00:40:47Because that man who was acting strangely was not only a policeman, but he was a friend of mine.
00:40:52And now he's dead.
00:40:53And I'm God damn well sure that I'm going to find out how it happened.
00:40:56Do you understand me, Sergeant?
00:40:58Yes, sir. I am sorry, sir.
00:41:02I'm sorry, too.
00:41:04I, uh, I shouldn't take this out on you.
00:41:09All right. Go ahead, continue it.
00:41:12Well, sir, when I finally got up alongside of him, he turned to me and he was yelling.
00:41:19Now, I couldn't hear what he was saying, but, well, sir, it looked to me like he was yelling for help.
00:41:28Is that when he sideswiped you?
00:41:30Yes, sir.
00:41:32It all happened pretty fast.
00:41:35But, sir, to me it didn't look like, well, it didn't look like his hands were on the wheel of the car.
00:41:42Now, I could be wrong, I know. You better...
00:41:44No, no, no. You could also be right.
00:41:48Okay, Sergeant. That's enough.
00:41:51Yes, sir.
00:41:55Was it all over the car?
00:41:57As we can tell, there's no sign of any mechanical failure.
00:42:01Family's sent to funeral for next Wednesday.
00:42:04What's that? His personnel file?
00:42:06Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:42:14What are you looking for?
00:42:15A connection.
00:42:16Between those three?
00:42:18That's right.
00:42:19You, uh, think there's some kind of conspiracy?
00:42:22Dave, I don't know. I'm just looking.
00:42:24Listen, you're upset. So am I.
00:42:27Dave, I got three dead bodies on my hands and not one goddamn reason.
00:42:32I gotta find one.
00:42:34You want some coffee?
00:42:37Yeah, thanks.
00:42:48Hey, wait a minute.
00:42:50I never realized that Sewash was the arresting officer in the Masters case.
00:42:54You weren't around for that when you were in the FBI in the big city.
00:42:59But he never mentioned that case to me.
00:43:03Now, Masters just got released yesterday morning.
00:43:06Well, he wasn't too proud of the case.
00:43:08But anybody could have made the same mistake, even you or me.
00:43:11Wait a minute. Dr. Taylor.
00:43:12Dr. Taylor.
00:43:14Dr. Taylor.
00:43:16Dr. Taylor.
00:43:18Dr. Taylor.
00:43:19He was a court-appointed psychiatrist in the very same case.
00:43:22Is that the connection you're looking for?
00:43:24Go check out Martha Bernson's nursing registry.
00:43:26See if she had any connection with this Masters.
00:43:29What if she did?
00:43:30How could Masters have anything to do with any of this?
00:43:32I don't know, Dave.
00:43:34But I'm sure as hell gonna find out.
00:44:34Excuse me.
00:44:35Who are you?
00:44:37I didn't mean to startle you.
00:44:40Are you Arnold Masters?
00:44:41I am.
00:44:42And this is my home.
00:44:44And who may I ask are you?
00:44:45I'm a police officer.
00:44:48Lieutenant Morgan.
00:44:51For a moment I thought you might have been a prowler.
00:44:54What do you want?
00:44:55I'd like to talk to you.
00:44:58Come in, please.
00:45:07I'm sorry about the condition of the house.
00:45:08It got a little run down while I was away.
00:45:35Oh, may I offer you a drink?
00:45:40I have milk, pomegranate juice and lemonade.
00:45:53There you are.
00:45:55You're welcome.
00:45:59I realize you've been away.
00:46:02I just got back yesterday.
00:46:05I was wondering, have you had time to read any newspapers?
00:46:09Yes, I have.
00:46:11By chance, have you read about the Taylor killer?
00:46:15Yes, I did read about that.
00:46:18Terrible, wasn't it?
00:46:20What about Martha Bernson's death?
00:46:24Or the woman who died in the shower?
00:46:28Your mother's nurse.
00:46:30And Dr. Taylor, he testified at your trial.
00:46:33Just what are you getting at?
00:46:35Your arresting officer.
00:46:37He was killed this morning.
00:46:38Yes, I heard that on the radio.
00:46:40I see what you're getting at.
00:46:42All those people were somehow connected with me, weren't they?
00:46:48That's quite a coincidence, isn't it?
00:46:52Lieutenant, I understand it's your responsibility to investigate every detail, no matter how remote.
00:47:00But I understand that these were accidental deaths.
00:47:04It looks that way.
00:47:05It looks that way.
00:47:07Because there's no other logical explanation, is there?
00:47:12Not yet.
00:47:15Are you implying that I had anything to do with this?
00:47:18You said that, not me.
00:47:21Because the police wouldn't want to unjustly accuse me of a crime.
00:47:27Oh, you mean like Sergeant Sewash did?
00:47:31Perhaps the good sergeant died of a guilty conscience.
00:47:33He should have known better than to drive that fast.
00:47:36Well, Arnold, thanks for the milk.
00:47:42I'll be seeing you.
00:47:47Oh, incidentally.
00:47:50The news report stated that the sergeant was killed in a car crash.
00:47:54But it didn't say anything about speeding.
00:47:57I'm a great believer in justice.
00:47:58Perhaps justice found its way to these three.
00:48:01I wonder.
00:48:03I wonder if justice will find its way to any others.
00:48:08Well, we'll just have to wait and find out, won't we?
00:48:12Dave, make up a list of judge, jury, prosecutor, witnesses.
00:48:15Everybody connected with the Arnold Masters trial.
00:48:17Do you want to do something?
00:48:18No, just make up the list, will you?
00:48:23Yeah, I want Masters on a 24-hour surveillance.
00:48:26Now, I got an order for a phone tap.
00:48:28But I also want a mobile unit standing by.
00:48:30I don't want this guy out of our sight for one minute.
00:48:34I'm very impressed, Lieutenant.
00:48:36Impressed with what?
00:48:37With the way you're going after Arnold Masters full speed ahead.
00:48:41We're not going after Masters, Miss Scott.
00:48:43Dr. Scott.
00:48:46We're not going after him.
00:48:47We're simply watching him.
00:48:49We're watching him.
00:48:50We're not going after him.
00:48:51We're simply watching him.
00:48:53You don't think the way you're doing it
00:48:54comes under the category of harassment?
00:48:57I told you that when I spoke to him last night,
00:48:59he all but said that he had something to do with this
00:49:01and that he wasn't finished.
00:49:02Forgive me, Lieutenant,
00:49:03but your interpretation of Arnold's remarks
00:49:05may reflect more what you'd like to believe
00:49:07than what Arnold actually meant.
00:49:09Doctor, I didn't bring you down here to analyze me.
00:49:15We'll be right there.
00:49:17Masters just left his house.
00:49:18Quit telling, Masters.
00:49:19Would you like to come along?
00:49:21I had other plans for the weekend,
00:49:23but since I'm here, I'd be fascinated
00:49:24to see how small town law and order operates.
00:49:27I'm sorry.
00:49:28I'm sorry.
00:49:29I'm sorry.
00:49:30I'm sorry.
00:49:31I'm sorry.
00:49:32I'm sorry.
00:49:33I'm sorry.
00:49:34I'm sorry.
00:49:35I'm sorry.
00:49:36I'm sorry.
00:49:37I'm sorry.
00:49:38I'm sorry.
00:49:39I'm sorry.
00:49:40I'm sorry.
00:49:41I'm sorry.
00:49:42I'm sorry.
00:49:43I'm sorry.
00:49:44I'm sorry.
00:49:45I'm sorry.
00:49:46I'm sorry.
00:49:47I'm sorry.
00:49:48I'm sorry.
00:49:49I'm sorry.
00:49:50I'm sorry.
00:49:51I'm sorry.
00:49:52I'm sorry.
00:49:53I'm sorry.
00:49:54I'm sorry.
00:49:55I'm sorry.
00:50:06Just what did you bring me down here for, Lieutenant?
00:50:09First you can tell me.
00:50:10When he was your patient,
00:50:12did he have a threat and revenge?
00:50:15He maintained that he was innocent, which he was,
00:50:16but I never heard any threats.
00:50:17Okay, then.
00:50:19I'd like you to talk to him,
00:50:20see if you notice any changes.
00:50:22Anything out of his normal behavior pattern.
00:50:25Well, what did he say?
00:50:43He bought three lamb chops for his cat, commented on how high the price of meat was going, said
00:50:48thank you very much, and left.
00:50:51Highly significant.
00:50:52What do you mean?
00:50:53That he noticed the price of meat has gone up.
00:50:55Very funny.
00:50:56Let's follow him back to the stakeout house.
00:51:00Lieutenant Morgan, I am very tired.
00:51:02I drove over 300 miles since early this morning, and I was looking forward to a little rest
00:51:06this weekend.
00:51:09What do you see?
00:51:23A man feeding a pussycat.
00:51:28This morning he sat in that chair for three hours and didn't make a move.
00:51:32Maybe he was tired.
00:51:33What's the matter?
00:51:40I think he...
00:51:41Well, I'm not sure, but I think he's asleep.
00:51:44Well, let's wake him up so you can talk to him.
00:51:49Anything to help you with your obsession, Lieutenant?
00:51:51You know what my real obsession was?
00:51:52You might not be so obliged.
00:51:53With my luck, it'd be necrophilia.
00:51:54He's not answering.
00:51:56Check the tap on his phone.
00:51:57It's ringing.
00:51:58And he's not moving.
00:51:59He's not moving.
00:52:00He's not moving.
00:52:01He's not moving.
00:52:02He's not moving.
00:52:03He's not moving.
00:52:04He's not moving.
00:52:05He's not moving.
00:52:06He's not moving.
00:52:07He's not moving.
00:52:08He's not moving.
00:52:09He's not moving.
00:52:10He's not moving.
00:52:11He's not moving.
00:52:12He's not moving.
00:52:13He's not moving.
00:52:14He's not moving.
00:52:15He's not moving.
00:52:16He's not moving.
00:52:17He's not moving.
00:52:18He's not moving.
00:52:19And he's not moving.
00:52:24What do you want me to do?
00:52:25Let it ring.
00:52:34Wrap it up, Ed.
00:52:35We got him cold.
00:52:37The land deal doesn't have to be ratified by the state if we apply sections 2654A, article
00:52:4243 of the tax code structure, 1937.
00:52:45It's never been changed and challenged only once.
00:52:48Dover versus Martindale and Dover lost, meaning what's good for him is good for us.
00:52:53That should make your client happy and give him a few shekels to cut up between us.
00:52:57Okay, I like the idea.
00:52:59Oh, hey, by the way, it wouldn't do any harm if we can get the contractors to cut us in
00:53:03for 12% of all future dealings in that area.
00:53:07He should go for that, too.
00:53:13Christ, I've got to call my broker this afternoon.
00:53:17Sanders here.
00:53:18Get me CF.
00:53:20CF, Sanders speaking.
00:53:22I'll be there at the doubles match in 15 minutes.
00:53:26We should be able to beat these guys.
00:53:28No, but not too badly.
00:53:30I want to lock up the equity funding proxy sales at the same time.
00:53:36Stopping off at my building to check things out.
00:53:39If I'm not there every minute, they screw everything up.
00:54:11Shirley, make a note.
00:54:13Tell the goddamn contractor that I ordered early Roman lettering.
00:54:17What did I get?
00:54:18Beverly Hills Imperium.
00:54:20He'll say I changed my mind, but if he'll re-read the specifications,
00:54:23he'll find out that I can really stick it to him.
00:54:26But he doesn't know from contracts.
00:54:28He doesn't know from buildings.
00:54:32Feed this back to me on Monday.
00:54:34Shirley, tell Max to 86 the beige carpeting and swing over into royal blue,
00:54:40which should go nicely with the prints of the keen paintings
00:54:43that the kid at UCLA is hustling up for me.
00:54:46Shirley, make a note to call Phil
00:54:50and see if I can make an under-the-table deal with Sam
00:54:52for those Louis XIV telephones out of the Rothenburg foreclosure.
00:54:57Shirley, I got it! I got it!
00:55:00Call the plumber first thing in the morning.
00:55:03The reception will have an imitation trevy fountain
00:55:07cascading behind two of the most beautiful receptionists you've ever seen.
00:55:11Next to you, huh?
00:55:19Ah, I love it all.
00:55:23Every stick, every brick, all of it mine.
00:55:29Deep in shade.
00:55:31It's mine, every stick, every brick, all this is mine.
00:56:00Eddie Henshaw!
00:56:16He's waking up.
00:56:22Hello, Arnold.
00:56:24Who is this?
00:56:25Dr. Scott.
00:56:28Oh, hello.
00:56:29I'm in town just for the day. I wondered if I could come by and see you.
00:56:33Oh, certainly, certainly. Do you have my address?
00:56:37Um, 15 minutes, all right?
00:56:39Uh, yes, yes, yes, sure.
00:56:46What's the matter?
00:56:48I feel a little like a police informer.
00:56:51Look at it this way. If he's done nothing wrong, then you'll be helping him.
00:56:55I suppose so.
00:56:57Oh, keep him by the window so we can see both of you.
00:57:00If there's a problem, we'll be there fast.
00:57:02That's hardly necessary. He isn't dangerous.
00:57:05Keep him by the window anyway.
00:57:11Hello, Arnold.
00:57:16Oh, oh, won't you come in, please?
00:57:20Would you like to sit down?
00:57:28Oh, may I, uh, may I get you something?
00:57:30Oh, uh, no. No, thank you. I...
00:57:33I just, uh, wanted to see how you were getting along.
00:57:37Oh, fine, fine. I'm adjusting, trying to get a job, you know.
00:57:43How about the nightmares?
00:57:45Oh, they're all gone.
00:57:50Um, could I see that, please?
00:57:54That was Emilio's, wasn't it?
00:57:56It's mine now.
00:57:58What does that mean to you? Why do you wear it?
00:58:01I like it.
00:58:03Why do you like it?
00:58:05I think I'll... I think I'll make some tea.
00:58:08I make very good tea.
00:58:10Oh, I don't want any.
00:58:13Thank you.
00:58:14I want you to be open with me, the way you used to be.
00:58:24Are you in some kind of trouble?
00:58:30Dr. Scott.
00:58:31What is it?
00:58:32You'd better come with me.
00:58:35What is it?
00:58:36I don't know.
00:58:37I don't know.
00:58:38I don't know.
00:58:39I don't know.
00:58:40I don't know.
00:58:41You'd better come with me.
00:58:44Are you working with the police?
00:58:46Of course not. I came here to see you.
00:58:49I assume this is a real emergency, Lieutenant.
00:58:51It is.
00:58:53Look, Arnold, I came here to see you because...
00:58:55You don't owe me any explanation.
00:58:58You'd better go with the Lieutenant.
00:58:59He has a real emergency.
00:59:02Don't you, Lieutenant?
00:59:05That's right.
00:59:12That son of a bitch knows.
00:59:13What are you talking about?
00:59:14He knows. You see the smile he just gave me?
00:59:16He knows.
00:59:17He knows what?
00:59:34A crane, unattended, mysteriously drops a cornerstone on Harvey B. Sanders.
00:59:42If that crane was locked up and nobody was there, how could it have killed him?
00:59:46That's what's driving me crazy.
00:59:48If you'll pardon the expression.
00:59:50I know what you mean.
00:59:51Getting interested, Doc?
00:59:53Yep, I guess I am.
00:59:56And it's Laura, Lieutenant.
00:59:59Then it's Jeff, Doc.
01:00:04My place?
01:00:15You're not a bad cook.
01:00:17Or cop.
01:00:19Purely self-defense.
01:00:21And self-taught.
01:00:25Your wife didn't educate you?
01:00:28I didn't say anything about being married.
01:00:30Well, you didn't have to. I...
01:00:33I looked around your bedroom and I saw her picture.
01:00:36With a little boy.
01:00:38Doc, that's invasion of privacy.
01:00:42Where are they now?
01:00:44She remarried.
01:00:47She, uh...
01:00:49She always wanted to be in the same place, you know, have everything organized.
01:00:54I went away to become an FBI man.
01:00:57I thought it would be exciting.
01:01:00It wasn't.
01:01:02So, when I had enough of that, I came back here to be with her.
01:01:06I was just a little too late.
01:01:08She already found somebody else.
01:01:13Doc, I'm beginning to sound like a patient.
01:01:16I was just curious about you.
01:01:19And I was doing all the talking.
01:01:23Well, now it's my turn to be curious about you.
01:01:27Oh, I come from a small town in Arkansas.
01:01:30You probably never even heard of it.
01:01:38The only trouble was that everybody always watched everybody else.
01:01:43Nobody ever did anything very interesting.
01:01:48Well, what brings you out here?
01:01:50I mean, to that hospital?
01:01:52I took my residency there.
01:01:54And, uh...
01:01:56Well, I went into private practice for a while, but...
01:02:00I suppose what really interests me the most is...
01:02:03helping people who are...
01:02:06on the outer fringes.
01:02:09So, I went back to the hospital.
01:02:12Everybody's always got his eye on you there, T.
01:02:22I'm sure tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
01:02:26So, rather than waste a whole lot of time fencing around,
01:02:30why don't we just go to bed?
01:02:34I'll meet you there...
01:02:36as soon as you're finished.
01:02:42I'm finished!
01:03:03I'm finished!
01:03:25I didn't come here to hurt you.
01:03:29I wanted to see you.
01:03:32Be friend.
01:03:33Come out here so I can see you.
01:03:35I can see you.
01:03:36That's enough.
01:03:38Should I be afraid of you?
01:03:40Not you.
01:03:41Did you kill those people?
01:03:46All the time I was in the hospital...
01:03:50I thought about you.
01:03:52About how beautiful you are.
01:03:54I've been watching you all evening.
01:03:56How could you do that?
01:03:59I watched you make love to him.
01:04:03I wish it had been me.
01:04:09What's the matter?
01:04:13I want to go to where you're watching Arnold's house.
01:04:16And I want to go right now.
01:04:19He hasn't moved out of that chair all night.
01:04:22Was he asleep earlier?
01:04:26Up until about 15 minutes ago.
01:04:30What the hell is this all about?
01:04:31Look, I'm telling you that I saw him.
01:04:33I saw him as clearly as I see you right now.
01:04:35That's impossible.
01:04:36I am a trained psychiatrist.
01:04:37I spent four years in medical school, four years in internship...
01:04:40I don't care what you...
01:04:41I have worked at the state mental hospital for the last seven years of my life.
01:04:44I've been psychoanalyzed by the best doctors in the whole world.
01:04:47I am not insane.
01:04:49I was not sleepwalking.
01:04:50And I know an hallucination when I see one.
01:04:52And I am telling you that I saw Arnold Masters in your apartment 35 minutes ago.
01:04:57Where are you going?
01:04:58I am going to see an old professor friend of mine.
01:05:00He's at Redlands University.
01:05:02If I leave here right now, I can be there by 9 o'clock.
01:05:04Well, if I drive you there, we can be there by 8.30.
01:05:09All right.
01:05:15Now, what you're seeing is energy.
01:05:22Every object has an energy force, an aura around it.
01:05:29Now, this was suspected for many centuries.
01:05:31As a matter of fact, many artists claim to have seen this aura...
01:05:35and painted it as a halo around their figures.
01:05:38But it wasn't until 1939, when the Russian couple Semyon and Valentina Kurlyan...
01:05:44succeeded in actually photographing this...
01:05:47that we had any scientific evidence of its existence.
01:05:52Now, this aura is not static.
01:05:58It varies, which is very interesting.
01:06:00And we in this university at this time are experimenting...
01:06:03with certain types of mental and physical disorders...
01:06:07to see if we can find any practical application of this principle.
01:06:18Do you recognize this slide?
01:06:23It happens to be the one we took just a half hour ago of each of your hands.
01:06:28If I may say so, by the amount of energy visible on that film...
01:06:35yours is a relationship definitely worth cultivating.
01:06:44If we learn nothing more, we will at least have a lucrative mate matching...
01:06:50or marriage counseling business here.
01:06:55Well, now, doctor, this is all very interesting.
01:06:58But how does any of this relate to anomastis?
01:07:05I can't say precisely, but many of us in parapsychology believe...
01:07:11that the energy force in any human can be controlled.
01:07:17And it's conceivable that this energy can be projected, propelled.
01:07:24What we call an out-of-body experience.
01:07:27Then you're telling me that that could explain how anomastis killed people...
01:07:32while he, or rather as you say, his body was miles away?
01:07:37It could explain it, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.
01:07:41I'm merely suggesting certain avenues that you might be wise to explore.
01:07:46You know, in our enlightened days we know of only four types of energy.
01:07:52Gravitational, electromagnetic, and the weak and strong nuclear forces.
01:07:57But the existence of nuclear forces was not even suspected before this century.
01:08:04I'm not prepared to say with any degree of certainty...
01:08:07that we have found every force in nature, are you?
01:08:10There must be at least one more force operating on a physical level...
01:08:14which would tend to support psychic phenomena. There must be.
01:08:18Could you spell it out, doctor, in layman terms, just how he killed them?
01:08:25If he did. If he did.
01:08:29It's possible that Mr. Masters...
01:08:34has so learned to control the art of releasing energy from his living body...
01:08:41and that this energy, or spirit if you will, is malevolent, mean, angry.
01:08:48And this spirit goes out to murder those whom he thinks have done him harm.
01:08:56That's what I thought you meant.
01:08:58Well, it's not that incredible, lieutenant.
01:09:01I venture to say that even you have at one time or other...
01:09:04experienced some psychic phenomena.
01:09:06Well, if I have, I sure don't remember it.
01:09:08Well, all right, let's see.
01:09:10Have you ever thought of a dear friend you hadn't seen in years...
01:09:16and suddenly there's a phone call?
01:09:19Or did you ever experience doing or saying something in a certain place once before...
01:09:23in precisely the same way?
01:09:27Have you ever had a stab of anguish for a dear loved one...
01:09:31and the very next day, a fateful telegram?
01:09:36Doctor, I'm sorry to be so slow getting into this, but...
01:09:41this is so far off, a small town cop.
01:09:44So are those poor deaths.
01:09:46You're not alone.
01:09:48There are many extremely intelligent people who are simply unwilling to accept this.
01:09:53I have been teaching and studying psychic phenomena for 35 years.
01:09:58I have been teaching and studying psychic phenomena for 35 years.
01:10:01I have been teaching and studying psychic phenomena for 35 years.
01:10:05But I can understand your reluctance.
01:10:09Still, if I could observe Mr. Masters firsthand...
01:10:13perhaps I could tell you more.
01:10:19Okay, let's go.
01:10:23He may be in a trance.
01:10:27I'm sorry, I really can't tell from so far away.
01:10:32Then let's... let's go get a closer look.
01:10:44Lieutenant, I know the law is your department, but don't we need a search warrant or something?
01:10:49Look, Doc, we came by here to see him.
01:10:51When there was no reply, we became concerned.
01:10:53We found the door open and we came in.
01:10:55That's just the way it happened.
01:11:25No pulse.
01:11:27No breathing.
01:11:36No heartbeat.
01:11:38No corneal reflex.
01:11:41No... nothing.
01:11:43He was in the same state when they found him in his cell at the hospital...
01:11:47when they pronounced him dead.
01:11:49In a strict sense, he is medically dead.
01:12:17Doctor, did you notice the amulet around his neck?
01:12:20Yes. I wonder what it might represent.
01:12:22He got it from another patient.
01:12:24The man left it for him after he killed himself.
01:12:27All right, what do we do now?
01:12:30Wait for him to return.
01:12:32Wait? Isn't there something you can do to pull him out of this?
01:12:37You might notify all the potential victims if you wish.
01:12:40I already have.
01:12:42That'll do any good.
01:12:44I doubt it.
01:12:53Prices, prices, prices.
01:12:56Enough, enough.
01:12:58The government tells me how to run my business.
01:13:00You tell me how to run my business.
01:13:02What's a man to do?
01:13:04I'll tell you what to do. Try living on welfare.
01:13:06With food stamps to feed your children.
01:13:08Well, don't blame me. I didn't vote for him.
01:13:10Oh, yes, you did. You just don't want to admit it right now.
01:13:13Well, what's the difference?
01:13:15We're all a bunch of thieves.
01:13:17Will you put some meat in his pockets? That's what I'm paying you for.
01:13:19Carbohydrate is good for the kids.
01:13:22I'm going to report you to the food and welfare people.
01:13:24Do me a favor. Take your business somewhere else.
01:13:26I will report you to the NAACP.
01:13:29Report, report.
01:13:31One of these days I'm going to give it up and go to Florida.
01:13:34In the meantime, will you take your hands off the scale?
01:13:37How much do I owe you?
01:13:43Jesus lived on bread and water for 40 days and 40 nights.
01:13:46It was not Jesus, it was Moses.
01:13:49Food stamps.
01:13:51A man can't face bills with food stamps.
01:13:53You'll take them damn food stamps or I'll report you.
01:13:56Report, report.
01:13:58That's what we're supposed to do.
01:14:00We're supposed to pay him our food with that.
01:14:03You know better than me, sweetie.
01:14:06That's my responsibility.
01:14:08I don't care to hear that.
01:14:10A man can't make a profit.
01:14:12I'm not going to worry about that. I'm so sick of it.
01:14:14I'm not going to worry about that. I'm so sorry.
01:14:16And don't you come back in here.
01:14:18I'll come back in here if I want to come back in here.
01:14:22And give my regards to the kid.
01:14:44Come on.
01:15:40He's coming back.
01:15:42He's almost back to normal.
01:15:45What are you doing here?
01:15:48I'm Dr. Gubner.
01:15:50We came to make sure that you're all right.
01:15:53We were very worried about you, Arnold.
01:15:55That's very thoughtful of you.
01:15:57Were you very worried?
01:15:59Not a bit.
01:16:01Why not?
01:16:03Because the doctor here tells me that you have some sort of a psychic way of getting out of your body and committing murders.
01:16:08That's a very interesting theory you have there, doctor.
01:16:11But you'd best keep it to yourself, or else these good people just might have you committed.
01:16:17And you can stop pretending.
01:16:19Because I know you're doing it, somehow.
01:16:21Well, what do you think you can do about it?
01:16:23Well, I can put you back in that hospital.
01:16:25Well, maybe I'll put you where you belong.
01:16:27Do you really think you can challenge me?
01:16:30Because I'm not afraid of freaks like you.
01:16:32You're all hung up on Mom, aren't you, Arnold?
01:16:35That's your big problem.
01:16:37You can't provoke me, lieutenant.
01:16:38And I'm not stupid enough to give you an excuse to shoot me.
01:16:41But we'll meet again sometime.
01:16:43When you're alone.
01:16:44All alone, except for me.
01:16:46Mr. Masters, I'm not a detective.
01:16:48I'm a parapsychologist.
01:16:50You are not capable of dealing with what's happening to you.
01:16:53Perhaps Dr. Scott and I could help you.
01:16:56Arnold, let us help you, please.
01:16:58Get out.
01:17:09Oh, lieutenant.
01:17:12I think you'll find some real bargains tonight at Lemonoski's butcher shop.
01:17:16I understand he has some choice cuts available.
01:17:43Stay! Stay!
01:17:46Come on.
01:18:04Hey, Lemonoski!
01:18:33Dr. Horace, pathology.
01:18:42Oh, my God. My God.
01:18:46Well, doctors.
01:18:48What do we do now?
01:18:50Wait for him to kill somebody else?
01:18:53We could try having him committed.
01:18:55And we might be able to work with him, but that would take weeks, months.
01:18:59I hate to disagree, doctor, but it'll take more than weeks and months.
01:19:02More likely years.
01:19:04And even then, lieutenant, there's no guarantee that we will know more than we know now.
01:19:08But I've got five dead people on my hands right now.
01:19:11And I don't know when the hell this thing is going to end.
01:19:13The end will be a major breakthrough for science and mankind if we succeed.
01:19:18What about the next poor guy who gets his throat cut?
01:19:20Or maybe hacked up in some butcher shop?
01:19:22He's not going to give a damn about your theories.
01:19:24I'm sorry I can't be tied down to your set of values.
01:19:27You're a police lieutenant and I'm a practical scientist.
01:19:34Wait a minute.
01:19:35Didn't you tell me
01:19:37that when the energy force leaves his body,
01:19:40he is clinically and medically dead?
01:19:43Clinically, medically, yes.
01:19:45Thank you very much, doctor.
01:19:47I won't be needing your services any longer.
01:19:54What are you thinking, Dr. Scott?
01:19:56I'm thinking the lieutenant is planning to kill our master.
01:19:59That's exactly what I'm thinking.
01:20:01We can't let him do that.
01:20:03How can we stop him?
01:20:05We have to persuade the masses to come under our protection.
01:20:07We tried that once.
01:20:09And we must try again.
01:20:36He's dead.
01:20:38There's no doubt about it.
01:20:43Everything seems to be in order.
01:21:06What are you doing here?
01:21:08I think the question might be, what are you doing here?
01:21:10This is none of your business.
01:21:12I don't want you to get involved.
01:21:14Lieutenant, do you realize what you're doing?
01:21:16Yes, I'm acting as judge, jury and executor.
01:21:19I'm going to kill you.
01:21:21You're going to kill me?
01:21:23Yes, I'm going to kill you.
01:21:25You're going to kill me?
01:21:27Yes, I'm going to kill you.
01:21:29You're going to kill me?
01:21:31Yes, I'm going to kill you.
01:21:33You're going to kill me?
01:21:35That's the question.
01:21:37I don't want you to get involved.
01:21:41Because it would make me feel better.
01:21:47The medallion.
01:21:49He wasn't wearing the medallion.
01:21:52Doctor, what are you doing?
01:21:54He'll still be alive!
01:22:35Dr. Grubner!
01:23:06Dr. Grubner!
01:23:11Dr. Grubner!
01:23:14Search the other side. Don't overlook anything that might have meaning.
01:24:05Dr. Scott, come quickly! I found something!
01:24:35He shouldn't have come into our room.
01:24:43I tried to keep it so nicely.
01:24:48My mother never hurt anyone. All I ever tried to do was help her.
01:24:54But they wouldn't let me. And now it's late. So very, very late.
01:25:00But they wouldn't let me. And now it's late. So very, very late.
01:25:06What can I do now?
01:25:09Of course, Arnold. Everybody knew that you loved her.
01:25:15Everything I love dies.
01:25:29Dr. Grubner!
01:25:59Dr. Grubner!
01:27:29Dr. Grubner!
01:27:59Dr. Grubner!
